Results for 'Harun Ur Rashid'

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  1.  45
    Nurse managers' experience with ethical issues in six government hospitals in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study.Maizura Musa, Md Harun-Or-Rashid & Junichi Sakamoto - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):23.
    Background Nurse managers have the burden of experiencing frequent ethical issues related to both their managerial and nursing care duties, according to previous international studies. However, no such study was published in Malaysia. The purpose of this study was to explore nurse managers' experience with ethical issues in six government hospitals in Malaysia including learning about the way they dealt with the issues. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in August-September, 2010 involving 417 of total 603 nurse managers in the (...)
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    Nurse managers' experience with ethical issues in six government hospitals in Malaysia: A cross-sectional study.Maizura Binti Musa, Md Harun-Or-Rashid & Junichi Sakamoto - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):23.
    Background: Nurse managers have the burden of experiencing frequent ethical issues related to both their managerial and nursing care duties, according to previous international studies. However, no such study was published in Malaysia. The purpose of this study was to explore nurse managers' experience with ethical issues in six government hospitals in Malaysia including learning about the way they dealt with the issues. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in August-September, 2010 involving 417 (69.2%) of total 603 nurse managers in (...)
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    Hārūn al-Rashīd e al-Muqtadir. Come distinguere un buon califfo da un cattivo califfo.Letizia Osti - 2009 - Doctor Virtualis 9:1-18.
    In questo articolo ci si occupa di come il regno e la vita di due califfi abbasidi siano ritratti e valutati dalle fonti narrative arabe medievali. Hārūn al-Rashīd e al-Muqtadir divennero, pochi decenni dopo la loro morte, il paradigma del buono e del cattivo califfo rispettivamente; tuttavia, i loro lunghi califfatia le loro biografie personali presentano diversi elementi comuni. Un'analisi di temi simili presenti nelle rappresentazioni dei due sovrani illustrano mezzi e strategie narrativi impiegati dalle fonti, nel tentativo di stabilire (...)
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    Reinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Hārūn al-Rashīd and the Narrative of the ʿAbbāsid CaliphateReinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Harun al-Rashid and the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate.Paul M. Cobb & Tayeb El-Hibri - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):109.
  5.  30
    Islamic Imperial Law: Harun-Al-Rashid's Codification Project.Benjamin Jokisch - 2007 - De Gruyter.
    Despite the historical and contemporary significance of the Sharia, it has not yet been possible to solve the puzzle of its origins. Whereas previous research has postulated a greater or lesser degree of endogenous Islamic development, the present study reaches a different conclusion, namely that at the end of the 8th century Muslim state lawyers in Baghdad codified an Islamic "Imperial Law", oriented strongly towards Roman-Byzantine law. It is part of an Islamic-Byzantine context, and can only be explained against this (...)
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    Al-̣tabarī: Volume 2, the Son and Grandsons of Al-Maṇsūr: The Reigns of Al-Mahdī, Al-Hādī and Hārūn Al-Rashīd: The Early ‛Abbāsī Empire.John Alden Williams (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 1989 second volume of Professor Williams' translation of al-Tabarī's account of the early 'Abbāsī empire focuses on the reigns of the son - al-Mahdī - and grandsons - al-Hadi and Hārūn al-Rashīd - of Caliph al-Mansūr, the subject of the first volume. This was the 'Golden Prime' of the empire, before the civil war between the sons of al-Rashīd and the movement of the capital away from Baghdad. Also considered is the story of the Persian aristocratic family, the Barmakis, (...)
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  7. La prise d'Héraclée et les relations entre Hārūn ar-Rashīd et l'emereur Nicéphore ler.Marius Canard - 1962 - Byzantion 32:345-79.
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    Al-Khalīfa Al-Marḍī: The Accession of Hārūn Al-RashīdAl-Khalifa Al-Mardi: The Accession of Harun Al-Rashid.Michael Bonner - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (1):79.
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    ʿAbbāsid-Carolingian Diplomacy in Early Medieval Arabic Apocalypse.Samuel Ottewill-Soulsby - 2019 - Millennium 16 (1):213-232.
    Study of the diplomacy between the Carolingians and the ʿAbbāsids has been hampered by the absence of any sources from the Caliphate commenting on their relationship. This paper identifies two variants of the Arabic Tiburtine Sibyl, apocalyptic prophecies composed by Syriac Christians in the early ninth century, that provide contemporary Arabic references to contact between Charlemagne and Hārūn al-Rashīd. In doing so, they shed new light on this diplomatic activity by indicating that it was considerably more important for the Caliph (...)
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    Muslim Discourse on Rebellion.John Kelsay - 2013 - Ethics and International Affairs 27 (4):379-391.
    We can begin with a story. In his account of the reign of Harun al-Rashid, al-Tabari spends considerable time on the matter of Yahya ibn Abdallah. Scion of the family of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, Yahya was the leader of a group active in Daylam, a region in present-day Iran. Al-Rashid and other Abbasid leaders laid claim to the territory, but at the time (the 790s) they did not have effective control over it. Ever-sensitive to the challenge (...)
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    Dynamic connectivity states estimated from resting fMRI Identify differences among Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and healthy control subjects.Barnaly Rashid, Eswar Damaraju, Godfrey D. Pearlson & Vince D. Calhoun - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  12.  43
    Angles et grandeur: d'Euclide à Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī.Rushdī Rāshid - 2015 - ISSN.
    From Antiquity until recently, philosophers and mathematicians have continually discussed the concept of angle and its relation to archimedean and non-archimedean theories of measurement. For the first time, this book traces the history of these discussions in Greek and Arabic, from Euclid to Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī, after whom the discussion was not resumed until Newton and Euler. The volume presents first editions of over twenty texts, either in Arabic or Greek and translated into Arabic, of the greatest mathematicians and philosophers (...)
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  13.  57
    Adam Smith's acknowledgments: Neo-plagiarism and the wealth of nations.Salim Rashid - 1990 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 9 (2):1-24.
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  14.  18
    Mehmet Kılıçarslan. Müşkilu'l-Kur''n -I- Lafız ve İ‘r'b Kaynaklı İşk'l.Harun Bozkurt - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):361-369.
    Mehmet Kılıçarslan, Müşkilu'l-Kur’ân -I- Lafız ve İ´râb Kaynaklı İşkâl isimli kitabında Kur’ân’ın dilsel yapısından kaynaklı ortaya çıkan anlama dair soruların köklerine inmekte ve çözümlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca bu sorular çerçevesinde meâllerin durumuna dair değerlendirmelerde de bulunmaktadır. Kılıçarslan’ın temel hedefi, tefsir araştırmacılarına ve genel tefsir okuruna Kur’ân’ı anlama konusunda karşılaşabilecekleri muhtemel sorunlara karşı dikkat etmeleri gereken hususları göstermektir. Yazar bunu gerçekleştirirken Kur’ân’ın Arapça olması, dilin imkânlarını kullanması ve belirli bir bağlamda inmesine vurgu yapmakta, yaşanan sorunların da büyük oranda bu hususların gözden (...)
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    2024: A “nucleoid space” odyssey featuring H‐NS.Fatema-Zahra M. Rashid & Remus T. Dame - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (11):2400098.
    The three‐dimensional architecture of the bacterial chromosome is intertwined with genome processes such as transcription and replication. Conspicuously so, that the structure of the chromosome permits accurate prediction of active genome processes. Although appreciation of this interplay has developed rapidly in the past two decades, our understanding of this subject is still in its infancy, with research primarily focusing on how the process of transcription regulates and is regulated by chromosome structure. Here, we summarize the latest developments in the field (...)
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  16.  27
    Dugald Stewart, "Baconian" Methodology, and Political Economy.Salim Rashid - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (2):245.
  17.  82
    Investigating Tree Family Machine Learning Techniques for a Predictive System to Unveil Software Defects.Rashid Naseem, Bilal Khan, Arshad Ahmad, Ahmad Almogren, Saima Jabeen, Bashir Hayat & Muhammad Arif Shah - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-21.
    Software defects prediction at the initial period of the software development life cycle remains a critical and important assignment. Defect prediction and correctness leads to the assurance of the quality of software systems and has remained integral to study in the previous years. The quick forecast of imperfect or defective modules in software development can serve the development squad to use the existing assets competently and effectively to provide remarkable software products in a given short timeline. Hitherto, several researchers have (...)
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  18.  22
    Role of Social Commerce Constructs and Social Presence as Moderator on Consumers' Buying Intentions During COVID-19.Rao Muhammad Rashid, Abdul Hameed Pitafi, Muhammad Asif Qureshi & Anshuman Sharma - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social interactions through social commerce platforms empower consumers to share their personal experiences with others, but its role becomes more significant for societal protection during COVID-19. Numerous scholars have studied e-commerce extensively, but there is a lack of studies to identify social commerce characteristics to attract potential consumers during COVID-19. This study aims to examine the role of social commerce constructs by integrating social presence as a moderator in the model to explain consumers online shopping intentions in a Pakistani context, (...)
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  19. Marti, Urs (2013). Democracy in the age of global markets. In: Foisneau, Luc; Hiebaum, Christian; Merle, Jean-Christophe; Velasco, Juan Carlos. Spheres of Global Justice.Urs Marti, Luc Foisneau, Christian Hiebaum, Jean-Christophe Merle & Juan Carlos Velasco (eds.) - 2013
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    Kalām Studies in the Indian Subcontinent (A Bibliographical Study).Harun IŞIK - 2019 - Kader 17 (1):94-123.
    Though, the tradition of Muslim religious-scientific work in the Indian Subcontinent can be traced back to 12th century, especially Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindī, Shaykh Abd al-Haqq Muhaddith Dihlawī, Shaykh Abdur Rahim and Shah Waliullah are the most important figures of 18th century and later. Examined carefully the works on aqaid and ‘ilm al-kalām written by these scholars of Sunni tradition, in the light of the method adopted by them, it is seen that they are either regarded as traditionalist, modernist or rationalist. (...)
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  21.  19
    Specific features of using the principle of falsification in economic science.Rashid Ramazanovich Dagaev - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):108-111.
    The article is an introduction to the use of the principle of falsification in economic science. It is shown what difficulties the named criterion of demarcation encounters when trying to introduce it into humanitarian knowledge. The specificity of economic knowledge itself, which makes it difficult to use the principle of falsification, is explicated.
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    Türk Dünyasında Dini Ve Politik Bir Fenomen Olarak TanrıcılıkTengriyanstvo.Harun GÜNGÖR - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):63-63.
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  23. Mutiara al-Qur'a# n.Salman Harun - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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  24. Individualism in Marx.H. Rashid - 2005 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 32 (4).
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  25.  13
    Ibrāhīm Ibn Sinān. Logique Et Géométrie au Xe Siècle.Rushdī Rāshid & Hélène Bellosta - 2000 - Brill.
    Ibrāhīm Ibn Sinān was one of the most famous scientists of the tenth century. His specialities were geometry, logic and philosophy of mathematics. In this volume, the works of this scientist are thoroughly researched, and three new hypotheses presented.
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  26. Savaşlar karşisinda ı< an'r= ın “ebedi̇ bariş” düşüncesi̇.Harun Tepe - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ (eds.), Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 11--320.
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    Islam and karma.Hârun Yahya - 2003 - London: Ta-Ha Publishers. Edited by Abdassamad Clarke.
    Islamic cosmology; Hindu cosmology; Karma.
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  28.  49
    Was ist eine Kulturtechnik?Harun Maye - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 1 (1):121-136.
    Cultural technologies are practices which are commited to the framing of cultures and collectives and conveyed by means of the media and educational institutes. This concept is not limited to the so-called elementary cultural technologies (Reading, writing, arithmetic) but also technology of the body, representational processes and other creative technologies. In contrast to a pedagogic understanding of cultural technology, media-scientific cultural technology research is not concerned with the mediation of high culture, education or art, but fundamentally with the analyses of (...)
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  29.  44
    Meaning in Culture.Dan Rashid & F. Allan Hanson - 1976 - Philosophical Quarterly 26 (105):384.
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  30.  2
    Sens et existence: en hommage à Paul Ricœur : recueil.Paul Ricœur & Gary Brent Madison (eds.) - 1975 - Paris: Seuil.
    Madison, G. B. Avant-propos.--Gadamer, H.-G. La mort comme question.--Lévinas, E. L'être et l'autre.--Dufrenne, M. L'esthétique de Paul Valéry.--Eliade, M. Orphée et l'orphisme.--Décarie, V. Vertu totale, vertu parfaite et kalokagathie dans l'Éthique à Eudème.--Strasser, S. Réflexions sur la proposition phénoménologique.--Peursen, C. van. L'existence fait-elle sens?--Edie, J. E. La pertinence actuelle de la conception husserlienne de l'idéalité du langage.--Taylor, C. Force et sens, les deux dimensions irréductibles d'une science de l'homme.--Henry, M. Phénoménologie de la conscience, phénoménologie de la vie.--Philibert, M. Marx, la (...)
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    Über das Dokumentarische.Harun Farocki - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 6 (1):11-19.
    The remarks »On the Documentary« that are published here are not supposed to explain conceptually what exactly the documentary is and by which means it can be distinguished from the fictive, but what the film itself counts to be documentary and how the documentary is produced by film. An essential difference between fictional and documentary film is the difference between an anticipating and a pursuing camera.
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    Paul Ricœur, les métamorphoses de la raison herméneutique: actes du colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle, 1er-11 août 1988.Paul Ricœur & Jean Greisch - 1991
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    Epistemological Dilemmas of Contemporary Ethics.Harun Tepe - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 1:25-30.
    Contemporary ethics has often faced questions concerning its epistemological foundations. Thus epistemological problems of ethics have become a main interest in ethics, and ethics has begun to be considered mainly as meta-ethics or analytical ethics, mainly dealing with the foundation of ethical propositions or norms. However questions raised about the foundation of ethics have mostly ended in dilemmas. Today, moral dilemmas or epistemological dilemmas of ethics pose a challenge to contemporary ethics in the form of questions like "Is ethics normative?", (...)
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    Riccati Equations as a Scale-Relativistic Gateway to Quantum Mechanics.Saeed Naif Turki Al-Rashid, Mohammed A. Z. Habeeb & Tugdual S. LeBohec - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (3):191-203.
    Applying the resolution–scale relativity principle to develop a mechanics of non-differentiable dynamical paths, we find that, in one dimension, stationary motion corresponds to an Itô process driven by the solutions of a Riccati equation. We verify that the corresponding Fokker–Planck equation is solved for a probability density corresponding to the squared modulus of the solution of the Schrödinger equation for the same problem. Inspired by the treatment of the one-dimensional case, we identify a generalization to time dependent problems in any (...)
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    Director independence and performance of listed companies: evidence from Malaysia.Rashid Ameer, Anuar Nawawi & Fairuz Ramli - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (4):280-300.
    This paper investigates the relationship between director independence and firm performance, as well as ownership of firms and firm performance in Malaysia. We find that independent outside directors and foreign directors have a significant positive effect on firm performance after controlling for the influence of other corporate governance variables such as firm ownership and board sizes. The study demonstrates that when a critical mass of outside directors' independence is achieved, this has a significant economic impact on the firm performance. The (...)
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  36.  25
    Die Bilder sollen gegen sich selbst aussagen.Harun Farocki - 2007 - In Ludger Schwarte (ed.), Auszug aus dem Lager. Transcript Verlag. pp. 295-311.
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    Mantığa başlangıç risâleleri.Harun Kuşlu - 2017 - Çankaya, Ankara: Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi. Edited by Hüseyin Sarıoğlu & Fārābī.
  38. Ushul Fiqh I, Jakarta.Nasroen Harun - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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    Kommentar.Harun Maye - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (1):91-100.
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    The Future of Action Video Games in Psychological Research and Application.Harun Karimpur & Kai Hamburger - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Population of Palestine: Population History and Statistics of the Late Ottoman Period and the Mandate.Rashid Khalidi & Justin McCarthy - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):106.
  42.  1
    Islam rasional: gagasan dan pemikiran.Harun Nasution - 1995 - Bandung: Mizan.
    Rationalism in Islam; collected articles.
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  43.  33
    Underdetermination, Multiplicity, and Mathematical Logic.Salim Rashid - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (2).
    Whether a collection of scientific data can be explained only by a unique theory or whether such data can be equally explained by multiple theories is one of the more contested issues in the history and philosophy of science. This paper argues that the case for multiple explanations is strengthened by the widespread failure of models in mathematical logic to be unique, i.e., categorical. Science is taken to require replicable and explicit public knowledge; this necessitates an unambiguous language for its (...)
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  44.  24
    When the future meets the past: Can safety and cyber security coexist in modern critical infrastructures?Awais Rashid, Sveta Milyaeva & Ola Michalec - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Big data technologies are entering the world of ageing computer systems running critical infrastructures. These innovations promise to afford rapid Internet connectivity, remote operations or predictive maintenance. As legacy critical infrastructures were traditionally disconnected from the Internet, the prospect of their modernisation necessitates an inquiry into cyber security and how it intersects with traditional engineering requirements like safety, reliability or resilience. Looking at how the adoption of big data technologies in critical infrastructures shapes understandings of risk management, we focus on (...)
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    Yasin Suresinde Bahsi Geçen Resul Kavramının Rivayetler Bağlamında Analizi.Harun Savut - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 5):461-461.
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    Shīʿism Reflections in the Poetry of Ibn Hāniʾ al-Andalusī.Harun Özel & Faruk Çi̇ftçi̇ - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1381-1406.
    Intense debates about who will lead the Muslims after the death of the Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) occurred among the Aṣḥāb (companions of the Prophet Muhammad). A group of Aṣḥāb claimed that the caliphate was the right of Ḥaḍrat ʿAlī and his descendants. This movement, which emerged as political advocacy supporting Ḥaḍrat ʿAlī (d. 40/661) and his children, took on a sectarian identity called Shīʿa by time, was divided into groups, and then spread to different places in the Islamic World. One (...)
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    Husserl: an analysis of his phenomenology.Paul Ricœur (ed.) - 1967 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: Husserl (1859-1938) -- An introduction to Husserl's ideas I -- Husserl's ideas II: analyses and problems -- A study of Husserl's Cartesian meditations, I-IV -- Husserl's Fifth Cartesian meditation -- Husserl and the sense of history -- Kant and Husserl -- Existential phenomenology -- Methods and tasks of a phenomenology of the will.
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  48. The influence of psychosocial adjustment factors on team embeddedness at the workplace.Rashid Shar Baloch - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (3):312-328.
    The high prevalence of aggression, anxiety and stress symptoms among team members in the organisation, while acquisition of task is alarming causation of adjustment disorder influences on team embeddedness, is the subject of this study. The ontogenesis of psychosocial adjustment disorder in any employees is not palingenetic, this is exact reproduction of psychosocial factors (PSF) which develops at workplace The most important strategy for productivity improvement is based on the fact that human productivity, both positive and negative, is determined by (...)
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    Wisconsin's Rustic Roads: A Road Less Travelled.Bob Rashid, Ben Logan, George Vukelich, Jean Feraca, Norbert Blei & Bill Stokes - 1995 - Home Brew Press.
    Part guide and part spiritual journey, this visually stunning book celebrates America's statewide system of historic back country roads. It takes armchair travelers on a richly illustrated journey thorough the most beautiful landscapes of one of the nation's most geographically diverse states, and serves as a guide for those who decide to embark on an actual trip over these charming lanes. The project began when photographer Bob Rashid undertook a two year odyssey to preserve the remarkable sights along the (...)
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    Training STEM Ph.D. Students to Deal with Moral Dilemmas.Rafi Rashid - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1861-1872.
    Research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields has become much more complex in the twenty-first century. As a result, the students of our Graduate School, who are all Ph.D. candidates, need to be trained in essential skills and processes that are crucial for success in academia and beyond. Some research problems are inherently complex in that they raise deep moral dilemmas, such as antimicrobial resistance, sustainability, dual-use research of concern, and human cloning. Dealing with moral dilemmas is one of (...)
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