Results for 'Harry Kristanto'

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  1.  14
    Pendidikan bagi Manusia sebagai Pengada Yang Nestapa.Harry Kristanto - 2022 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 18 (2):164-191.
    In almost every aspect of life, human being always tries to seek happiness. At the same time, we tend to avoid situations which may lead to unhappiness. In fact, there are two undeniable phenomena that negate this tendency, namely, first, happiness has become a commodity that is packaged, advertised, and marketed. Second, despair and other forms of crisis often understood as the antithesis of happiness are actually the existential experiences of every human being. This obsession towards happiness has also infiltrated (...)
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  2. (3 other versions)Freedom of the will and the concept of a person.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (1):5-20.
    It is my view that one essential difference between persons and other creatures is to be found in the structure of a person's will. Besides wanting and choosing and being moved to do this or that, men may also want to have certain desires and motives. They are capable of wanting to be different, in their preferences and purposes, from what they are. Many animals appear to have the capacity for what I shall call "first-order desires" or "desires of the (...)
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  3. Family Values: The Ethics of Parent-Child Relationships.Harry Brighouse & Adam Swift - 2014 - Princeton University Press.
    The family is hotly contested ideological terrain. Some defend the traditional two-parent heterosexual family while others welcome its demise. Opinions vary about how much control parents should have over their children's upbringing. Family Values provides a major new theoretical account of the morality and politics of the family, telling us why the family is valuable, who has the right to parent, and what rights parents should—and should not—have over their children. Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift argue that parent-child relationships (...)
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  4. The Philosophy of Anonymous: Ontological Politics without Identity.Harry Halpin - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 176:19.
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    The genesis of twentieth century philosophy.Harry Prosch - 1964 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday.
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    Antinomism in Twentieth-Century Russian Philosophy: The Case of Pavel Florensky.Harry James Moore - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (1):53-76.
    This study examines the notion of antinomy, or unavoidable contradiction, in the work of Pavel Florensky. Many Russian philosophers of the Silver Age shared a common conviction which is yet to receive sufficient attention in critical literature, either in Russia or abroad. This is namely a philosophical and theological dependence on unavoidable contradiction, paradox, or antinomy. The history of antinomy and its Russian reception is introduced here before a new framework for understanding Russian antinomism is defended. This is namely the (...)
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  7. How to Resolve Comte’s Challenge: The Answer of Cognitive Neuroscience and the Neo-Aristotelian Alternative.Harry Smit - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (3):1201-1217.
    Comte argued against the Cartesian conception of the mind that the thinker cannot simultaneously think or perceive and observe itself so doing. Based on insights from cognitive neuroscience, Dehaene has recently given a contemporary answer to Comte’s challenge. He has extended some ideas of Helmholtz on unconscious inferences and argued that we can resolve Comte’s problem by reformulating it in terms of the brain. Since the brain consists of different parts having different functions, it is possible that some parts are (...)
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  8. Dos ṿelṭ-bild: loyṭ der ṭeorye fun relaṭiṿkayṭ: Alberṭ Eynshṭayns gedanḳen folḳsṭimlekh oysgeṭayṭshṭ.Harry Schmidt - 1923 - Ṿarshe: Ḳulṭur-lige.
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  9. Reply to Eleonore Stump.Harry Frankfurt - 2002 - In Sarah Buss & Lee Overton (eds.), Contours of Agency: Essays on Themes From Harry Frankfurt. MIT Press, Bradford Books. pp. 61--63.
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  10. Personality Structure and Human Interaction: The Developing Synthesis of Psychodynamic Theory.Harry Guntrip - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (53):54-63.
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    Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics.Harry S. Silverstein - 1994 - Noûs 28 (1):122-127.
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  12. Descartes on the creation of the eternal truths.Harry Frankfurt - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (1):36-57.
  13. Affordances and the body: An intentional analysis of Gibson's ecological approach to visual perception.Harry Heft - 1989 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (1):1–30.
    In his ecological approach to perception, James Gibson introduced the concept of affordance to refer to the perceived meaning of environmental objects and events. this paper examines the relational and causal character of affordances, as well as the grounds for extending affordances beyond environmental features with transcultural meaning to include those features with culturally-specific meaning. such an extension is seen as warranted once affordances are grounded in an intentional analysis of perception. toward this end, aspects of merleau-ponty's treatment of perception (...)
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  14. Equality, priority, and positional goods.Harry Brighouse & Adam Swift - 2006 - Ethics 116 (3):471-497.
  15.  33
    The Consent Theory of Political Obligation.Harry Beran - 1987 - Routledge.
    First published in 1987. The theory that political obligation and authority are derived from the consent of citizens is commonly accepted in the history of Western political thought. It is expressed in the famous assertion of the American Declaration of Independence that governments derive 'their just powers from the consent of the governed' and in the constitutions of some Western powers. This book provides the first systematic and comprehensive restatement and defence of consent theory since the 19th Century. It distinguishes (...)
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    Logic: Analyzing and Appraising Arguments.Harry J. Gensler - 1989 - Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall.
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    Beyond right and wrong.Harry K. Girvetz - 1973 - New York,: Free Press.
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    Minha experiência de análise com Fairbairn e Winnicott: Quão completo é o resultado atingido por uma terapia psicanalítica?Harry Guntrip - 2006 - Human Nature 8 (2):383-411.
  19. A Platonic Response to J.S. Mill.Chelsea C. Harry - 2011 - Parmenideum Journal 3 (1):24-36.
  20. Quartering the millennium.Harry Harootunian - 2002 - Radical Philosophy 116:21-29.
  21. Meaning.Michael Polanyi & Harry Prosch - 1975 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (2):123-125.
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  22. (1 other version)Civic education and liberal legitimacy.Harry Brighouse - 1998 - Ethics 108 (4):719-745.
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    Tomba’s Unforgotten Histories.Harry D. Harootunian - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (4):98-107.
    The aim of Massimiliano Tomba’s Insurgent Universality is to return to Marxism’s original historical vocation by freeing it from the hegemony of the exchange system and the encompassing agency of value. At the heart of this project appears the recognition that time, space and thus history have been captured by capitalism and transformed into categories of its own to organise people and social relationships for capital’s programme of accumulation. In this way, capital has been able to hijack history and invert (...)
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    An Empirical Foundation for a Self Psychology of Dreaming.Harry Fiss - 1986 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 7 (2-3).
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  25. The evil of death.Harry S. Silverstein - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (7):401-424.
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  26. Necessity and desire.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1984 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (1):1-13.
  27. Moral issues today.Harry K. Girvetz (ed.) - 1963 - Belmont, Calif.,: Wadsworth Pub. Co..
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  28. Stages in the Empirical Programme of Relativism.Harry M. Collins - 1981 - Social Studies of Science 11:3-10.
  29. Bible, Archaeology, and Faith.Harry Thomas Frank - 1971
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  30. Die schwächste aller Leidenschaften.Harry Frankfurt - 2005 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 3.
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  31. inadvertence And Responsibility.Harry Frankfurt - 2008 - Studies in Social Justice:1-15.
    Against the view of certain philosophers, such as Thomas Nagel, I defend the common sense belief that people are not morally responsible for what they do or bring about inadvertently. I consider what response we might reasonably expect from a person who inadvertently does or brings about some event or condition that is manifestly undesirable or bad; and I suggest that we might reasonably expect such a person not to feel guilty but, rather, to feel embarrassed by his or her (...)
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  32. A Philosophy of the Real and Possible.Harry Todd Costello - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (118):261-261.
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    Educational Goods Reconsidered: A Response.Harry Brighouse, Helen F. Ladd, Susanna Loeb & Adam Swift - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (5):1382-1394.
    We gratefully reply to our five commentators, responding to their criticisms and comments under the following headings: parochialism and curriculum; rationality and truth; production and distribution; perfectionism, decision-making and disagreement; adultism and parents' interests; non-consequential educational goods; and self-education.
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  34. Contingency and modal logic.Harry Deutsch - 1990 - Philosophical Studies 60 (1-2):89 - 102.
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    Problems with Piaget and pallia.Harry J. Jerison - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):284-287.
  36. Disagreement, AI alignment, and bargaining.Harry R. Lloyd - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-31.
    New AI technologies have the potential to cause unintended harms in diverse domains including warfare, judicial sentencing, biomedicine and governance. One strategy for realising the benefits of AI whilst avoiding its potential dangers is to ensure that new AIs are properly ‘aligned’ with some form of ‘alignment target.’ One danger of this strategy is that – dependent on the alignment target chosen – our AIs might optimise for objectives that reflect the values only of a certain subset of society, and (...)
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    Historical reflection on Taijin-kyōfushō during COVID-19: a global phenomenon of social anxiety?Harry Yi-Jui Wu & Shisei Tei - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-5.
    Although fear and anxiety have gradually become a shared experience in the time of COVID-19, few studies have examined its content from historical, cultural, and phenomenological perspectives concerning the self-awareness and alterity. We discuss the development of the ubiquitous nature of Taijin-kyōfushō (TKS), a subtype of social anxiety disorder (SAD) originated and considered culturally-bound in the 1930s Japan involving fear of offending or displeasing other people. Considering the historical processes of disease classification, advances in cognitive neurosciences, and the need to (...)
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  38. The logic of omnipotence.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1964 - Philosophical Review 73 (2):262-263.
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    Paraconsistent analytic implication.Harry Deutsch - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (1):1 - 11.
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    Ethical consistency principles.Harry J. Gensler - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (139):156-170.
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    Investors in need of social, ethical, and environmental information.Harry Hummels & Diederik Timmer - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (1):73-84.
    In this contribution we will briefly discuss the shareholders' need for social, ethical and environmental information and the efforts of corporations to address this need. Looking at three cases, we will raise some doubt with regard to the adequacy of corporate SEE reporting to meet the needs of shareholders. We will discuss the following three cases: BP's investments in Azerbaijan, Nike's management of its labour conditions, of child labour and security issues, and Monsanto's production of genetically modified seeds.
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  42. Notes on logic.Harry T. Costello & Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (9):230-245.
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    They Give You The Keys And Say ‘drive It!’ Managers, Referred Expertise, And Other Expertises.Harry Collins & Gary Sanders - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (4):621-641.
    On the face of it, the directors of new large scientific projects have an impossible task. They have to make technical decisions about sciences in which they have never made a research contribution—sciences in which they have no contributory expertise. Furthermore, these decisions must be accepted and respected by the scientists who are making research contributions. The problem is discussed in two interviews conducted with two directors of large scientific projects. The paradox is resolved for the managers by their use (...)
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    Virtual diversity : Resolving the tension between the wider culture and the institution of science.Harry Collins, Robert Evans & Luis Reyes-Galindo - unknown
    There are widespread calls for increased demographic diversity in science, often linked to the epistemic claim that including more perspectives will improve the quality of the knowledge produced. By distinguishing between demographic and epistemic diversity, we show that this is only true some of the time. There are cases where increasing demographic diversity will not bring about the necessary epistemic diversity and cases where failing to exclude some voices reduces the quality of the scientific debate. We seek to resolve these (...)
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  45. Fiction and fabrication.Harry Deutsch - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 47 (2):201 - 211.
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    The completeness of S.Harry Deutsch - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (2):137 - 147.
    The subsystem S of Parry's AI [10] (obtained by omitting modus ponens for the material conditional) is axiomatized and shown to be strongly complete for a class of three valued Kripke style models. It is proved that S is weakly complete for the class of consistent models, and therefore that Ackermann's rule is admissible in S. It also happens that S is decidable and contains the Lewis system S4 on translation — though these results are not presented here. S is (...)
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  47. (2 other versions)Introduction to Logic.Harry J. Gensler - 2001 - London and New York: Routledge.
    Harry Gensler engages the reader with the basics of logic through practical examples and important arguments in the history of philosophy and from contemporary philosophy.
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    Education, Justice, Ideal Theory, and Non-ideal Theory.Harry Brighouse - 2014 - Philosophy of Education 70:15-20.
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  49. An alleged asymmetry between actions and omissions.Harry Frankfurt - 1994 - Ethics 104 (3):620-623.
  50. Stakeholder Risk as Experienced by Non-Shareholder Stakeholders: An Ethical Analysis and Risk Magnitude Model.Whitney Davis & Harry J. Van Buren Iii - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:431-436.
    In this paper, we explore the interests of non-shareholder stakeholders in the context of a shareholder risk model. We first differentiate shareholders and nonshareholders with regard to the nature of their risks, their awareness of risks, their abilities to avoid risk, and their abilities to ensure compensation for risk. We then develop a model of measuring the risks facing stakeholders that addresses human risk magnitude and environmental risk magnitude. We conclude with implications for theory and practice.
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