Results for 'Harry Delugach'

947 found
  1. A Principles-based Model of Ethical Considerations in Military Decision Making.Gregory Reed, Mikel Petty, Nicholaos Jones, Anthony Morris, John Ballenger & Harry Delugach - 2016 - Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 13 (2):195-211.
    When comparing alternative courses of action, modern military decision makers often must consider both the military effectiveness and the ethical consequences of the available alternatives. The basis, design, calibration, and performance of a principles-based computational model of ethical considerations in military decision making are reported in this article. The relative ethical violation (REV) model comparatively evaluates alternative military actions based upon the degree to which they violate contextually relevant ethical principles. It is based on a set of specific ethical principles (...)
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    Functional analyses in biology.Harry G. Frankfurt & Brian Poole - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (1):69-72.
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  3. Personality Structure and Human Interaction: The Developing Synthesis of Psychodynamic Theory.Harry Guntrip - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (53):54-63.
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  4. Family Values: The Ethics of Parent-Child Relationships.Harry Brighouse & Adam Swift - 2014 - Princeton University Press.
    The family is hotly contested ideological terrain. Some defend the traditional two-parent heterosexual family while others welcome its demise. Opinions vary about how much control parents should have over their children's upbringing. Family Values provides a major new theoretical account of the morality and politics of the family, telling us why the family is valuable, who has the right to parent, and what rights parents should—and should not—have over their children. Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift argue that parent-child relationships (...)
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  5. Moral issues today.Harry K. Girvetz (ed.) - 1963 - Belmont, Calif.,: Wadsworth Pub. Co..
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  6. The Philosophy of Anonymous: Ontological Politics without Identity.Harry Halpin - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 176:19.
  7. Descartes on the creation of the eternal truths.Harry Frankfurt - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (1):36-57.
  8. Disagreement, AI alignment, and bargaining.Harry R. Lloyd - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-31.
    New AI technologies have the potential to cause unintended harms in diverse domains including warfare, judicial sentencing, biomedicine and governance. One strategy for realising the benefits of AI whilst avoiding its potential dangers is to ensure that new AIs are properly ‘aligned’ with some form of ‘alignment target.’ One danger of this strategy is that – dependent on the alignment target chosen – our AIs might optimise for objectives that reflect the values only of a certain subset of society, and (...)
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  9. The future of fascism.Harry Harootunian - 2006 - Radical Philosophy 136:23-33.
  10. Physics iv 10-11 as a Parallel Account.Chelsea Harry & Chelsea C. Harry - 2015 - In Chelsea C. Harry (ed.), Chronos in Aristotle’s Physics. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing.
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  11. Meaning.Michael Polanyi & Harry Prosch - 1975 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (2):123-125.
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    Justice for Children: Autonomy Development and the State.Harry Adams - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
  13. A Platonic Response to J.S. Mill.Chelsea C. Harry - 2011 - Parmenideum Journal 3 (1):24-36.
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    Radioisotopes in biology and agriculture: principles and practice.Harry Harris - 1956 - The Eugenics Review 48 (1):54.
  15. Peirce's notion of abduction.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (14):593-597.
  16. Human Nature, Metaphysics and Evolutionary Theory.Harry Smit - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1605-1626.
    This paper argues that the substance concept, as discussed by Aristotle in his Categories, aids us to improve our understanding of human nature. Aristotle distinguished the primary from the secondary substance, and substantial from accidental change. We explain these distinctions, their use for understanding phenomena, and discuss how we can integrate them with evolutionary explanations of human nature. For explaining of how the typical human characteristics evolved, we extend our investigations with a discussion of the concept of person. It is (...)
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    Historical reflection on Taijin-kyōfushō during COVID-19: a global phenomenon of social anxiety?Harry Yi-Jui Wu & Shisei Tei - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-5.
    Although fear and anxiety have gradually become a shared experience in the time of COVID-19, few studies have examined its content from historical, cultural, and phenomenological perspectives concerning the self-awareness and alterity. We discuss the development of the ubiquitous nature of Taijin-kyōfushō (TKS), a subtype of social anxiety disorder (SAD) originated and considered culturally-bound in the 1930s Japan involving fear of offending or displeasing other people. Considering the historical processes of disease classification, advances in cognitive neurosciences, and the need to (...)
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    Formal Ethics.Harry J. Gensler - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    _Formal Ethics_ is the study of formal ethical principles. The most important of these, perhaps even the most important principle of life, is the golden rule: "Treat others as you want to be treated". Although the golden rule enjoys support amongst different cultures and religions in the world, philosophers tend to neglect it. _Formal Ethics_ gives the rule the attention it deserves. Modelled on formal logic, _Formal Ethics_ was inspired by the ethical theories of Kant and Hare. It shows that (...)
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    Measuring Justice: Primary Goods and Capabilities.Harry Brighouse & Ingrid Robeyns (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book brings together a team of leading theorists to address the question 'What is the right measure of justice?' Some contributors, following Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, argue that we should focus on capabilities, or what people are able to do and to be. Others, following John Rawls, argue for focussing on social primary goods, the goods which society produces and which people can use. Still others see both views as incomplete and complementary to one another. Their essays evaluate (...)
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  20. The Two Fundamental Problems of Epistemology, Their Resolution, and Relevance for Life Science.Harry Smit - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (2):105-119.
    Among the many fundamental problems Wittgenstein discussed, two are especially relevant for evolutionary theory. The first one is the problem of negation and its relation to the intentionality of thought. Its resolution answers the question of how thought can anticipate reality though what is thought may not exist, and explains how empirical propositions are distinguishable from mathematical, logical, and conceptual (or what are traditionally called metaphysical) propositions. The second is the problem of the grounds of sensory experience. Wittgenstein’s resolution of (...)
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    The morals of markets: an ethical exploration.Harry Burrows Acton - 1971 - Harlow,: Longmans.
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  22. What rights (if any) do children have.Harry Brighouse - 2004 - In David Archard (ed.), The moral and political status of children. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 31--52.
    According to the interest theory of rights, the primary function of rights is the protection of fundamental interests. Since children undeniably have fundamental interests that merit protection, it is perfectly sensible to attribute rights, especially welfare rights, to them. The interest theory need not be hostile to the accommodation of rights that protect agency because, at least in the case of adults, there is a strong connection between the protection of agency and the promotion of welfare. Children have welfare rights (...)
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  23. Davidson on Aristotle and Philosophy of Action.Harry Alanen - 2018 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 94:35-68.
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  24. The creation problem.Harry Deutsch - 1991 - Topoi 10 (2):209-225.
  25. Better than what?: embryo selection, gene editing, and evaluative counterfactuals.Harry R. Lloyd - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):55-57.
    Commentary in reply to an article by Jeff McMahan and Julian Savulescu.
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    Ethical consistency principles.Harry J. Gensler - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (139):156-170.
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    Justice for Older People.Harry Lesser (ed.) - 2012 - Brill Rodopi.
    "This book demonstrates, using philosophy as well as factual material, why the way older people are currently treated is often unjust and fails to respect their dignity. It aso suggests many ways in which this could be improved."--Back cover.
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    Crescas' critique of Aristotle.Harry Austryn Wolfson - 1929 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press. Edited by Chasdai ben Abraham Crescas.
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    Unsolvable classes of quantificational formulas.Harry R. Lewis - 1979 - Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
  30. Should We Teach Patriotic History?Harry Brighouse - 2003 - In Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg (eds.), Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK.
    Harry Brighouse’s essay concludes Part I of the book by taking up one aspect of the task of clarifying the role of common education, by applying it to the teaching of patriotism in public schools. He asks whether liberal and cosmopolitan values are compatible with a common education aimed at fostering patriotic attachment to the nation. He examines numerous arguments recently developed to justify fostering patriotism in common schools from a liberal–democratic perspective, and finds them all wanting. However, even (...)
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  31. Resolution of some paradoxes of propositions.Harry Deutsch - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):26-34.
    Solutions to Russell’s paradox of propositions and to Kaplan’s paradox are proposed based on an extension of von Neumann’s method of avoiding paradox. It is shown that Russell’s ‘anti-Cantorian’ mappings can be preserved using this method, but Kaplan’s mapping cannot. In addition, several versions of the Epimenides paradox are discussed in light of von Neumann’s method.
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  32. Is the mental supervenient on the physical?Harry A. Lewis - 1985 - In Bruce Vermazen & Merrill B. Hintikka (eds.), Essays on Davidson: actions and events. New York: Oxford University Press.
  33. Neutrality, Publicity, and State Funding of the Arts.Harry Brighouse - 1995 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 24 (1):35-63.
  34. Stakeholder Risk as Experienced by Non-Shareholder Stakeholders: An Ethical Analysis and Risk Magnitude Model.Whitney Davis & Harry J. Van Buren Iii - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:431-436.
    In this paper, we explore the interests of non-shareholder stakeholders in the context of a shareholder risk model. We first differentiate shareholders and nonshareholders with regard to the nature of their risks, their awareness of risks, their abilities to avoid risk, and their abilities to ensure compensation for risk. We then develop a model of measuring the risks facing stakeholders that addresses human risk magnitude and environmental risk magnitude. We conclude with implications for theory and practice.
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    Filosofie aan de grens.Theodorus de Boer, Harry Kunneman & Th C. W. Oudemans (eds.) - 1992 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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  36. The Psychology of Human Behavior.Joseph Harry Griffiths - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:237.
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    What keeps cells in tissues behaving normally in the face of myriad mutations?Harry Rubin - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (5):515-524.
    The use of a reporter gene in transgenic mice indicates that there are many local mutations and large genomic rearrangements per somatic cell that accumulate with age at different rates per organ and without visible effects. Dissociation of the cells for monolayer culture brings out great heterogeneity of size and loss of function among cells that presumably reflect genetic and epigenetic differences among the cells, but are masked in organized tissue. The regulatory power of a mass of contiguous normal cells (...)
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  38. Contingency and modal logic.Harry Deutsch - 1990 - Philosophical Studies 60 (1-2):89 - 102.
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    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Critical Essays.Harry Allison, Karl Ameriks, Lewis White Beck, Lorne Falkenstein, Paul Guyer, Philip Kitcher, Charles Parsons, P. F. Strawson & Allen W. Wood - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The central project of the Critique of Pure Reason is to answer two sets of questions: What can we know and how can we know it? and What can't we know and why can't we know it? The essays in this collection are intended to help students read the Critique of Pure Reason with a greater understanding of its central themes and arguments, and with some awareness of important lines of criticism of those themes and arguments.
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    Dramatic Devices in Aeschylus' Persians.Harry C. Avery - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (2):173.
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  41. Glaucus, a God? Iliad Z 128-143.Harry Avery - 1994 - Hermes 122 (4):498-502.
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    Accuracy of positioning responses as a function of spring loading in a control.Harry P. Bahrick, William F. Bennett & Paul M. Fitts - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 49 (6):437.
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  43. Foreword.Harry Elmer Barnes - 1960 - In Gertrude Evelyn Dole (ed.), Essays in the science of culture. New York,: Crowell.
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    Basic research and industrial enterprise.Harry Woolf - 1984 - Minerva 22 (2):183-195.
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    Eighty-Sixth Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.Harry Woolf, Phyllis Bosson & Carol Hewitt - 1961 - Isis 52 (3):445-526.
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    Eighty-Seventh Critical Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.Harry Woolf & Aleida Thompson - 1962 - Isis 53 (4):545-648.
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    Isis: 1913-1963.Harry Woolf - 1963 - Isis 54 (1):5-5.
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    Manuscripts and the History of Science.Harry Woolf - 1962 - Isis 53 (1):3-4.
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    The Conference on the History of Quantification in the Sciences.Harry Woolf - 1961 - Isis 52 (2):133-134.
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    The Principal Works. Volume III Astronomy and NavigationSimon Stevin A. Pannekoek Ernst Crone.Harry Woolf - 1963 - Isis 54 (1):165-167.
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