Results for 'Hans-Willi Nolden'

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  1.  21
    I The private university: Its possibilities and limitations in the German Federal Republic. [REVIEW]Hans-Willi Nolden - 1982 - Minerva 20 (1-2):213-225.
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    Denken, Schweigen, Übung: eine Philosophie des Geringfügigen.Hans-WIlli Weis - 2012 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Kants Ethik und das Problem der Einheit von Freiheit und Gesetz.Hans Willi Zwingelberg - 1969 - Bonn,: H. Bouvier.
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    Metaphysik heute?Willi Oelmüller & Hans Michael Baumgartner - 1987
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    Wahrheitsansprüche der Religionen heute.Willi Oelmüller & Hans Michael Baumgartner - 1986
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    Knowledge and development.Willis F. Overton & Jeanette McCarthy Gallagher (eds.) - 1977 - New York: Plenum Press.
    From an informal group of a dozen faculty and graduate students at Temple University, the Jean Piaget Society grew in seven years to 500 members who have interests in the application of genetic epistemology to their own disciplines and professions. At the outset Piaget endorsed the concept of a society which bore his name and presented a major address on equilibration at the society's first symposium in May, 1971. Had he not done so the society would no doubt have remained (...)
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    Hans-Willi Weis, Denken, Schweigen, Übung. Eine Philosophie des Geringfügigen.Günter Seubold - 2014 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (1):241-248.
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  8. The american philosophical association eastern division: Abstracts of papers to be read at the fifty-fourth annual meeting, Harvard university, december 27-29, 1957. [REVIEW]John W. Lenz, Paul Oskar Kristeller, Willis Doney, Norman Kretzmann, Colin Murray Turbayne, Arthur Pap, E. M. Adams, T. A. Goudge, Edward H. Madden, Rudolf Allers, Hans Jonas, Lawrence W. Beals, Philip Nochlin, Ethel M. Albert, Mary Mothersill, John W. Blyth, Hector N. Castañeda, Milton C. Nahm & Joseph Margolis - 1957 - Journal of Philosophy 54 (24):773-794.
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    Literature, imagination, and human rights.Willie Peevanr - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):276-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Literature, Imagination, and Human RightsWillie van Peer“the poet’s function is to describe, not the thing that has happened, but a kind of thing that might happen”Aristotle: Poetics, 1451aAristotle’s dictum has been of vital importance to the development of literary theory, and its significance can still be felt today. It is the foundation of the distinction we make between journalism and literature, between history and fiction. Literature, Aristotle proposes, is (...)
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  10. Moog, Willy, Hegel und die Hegelsche Schule.Hans Wenke - 1931 - Kant Studien 36:341.
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  11. "Hans-Günter Heimbrock:" Vom Heil der Seele. Studien zum Verhältnis von Religion und Psychologie bei Baruch Spinoza. [REVIEW]Willi Goetschel - 1982 - Studia Philosophica 41:253.
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    Literature, Imagination, and Human Rights.Willie van Peer - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):276-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Literature, Imagination, and Human RightsWillie van Peer“the poet’s function is to describe, not the thing that has happened, but a kind of thing that might happen”Aristotle: Poetics, 1451aAristotle’s dictum has been of vital importance to the development of literary theory, and its significance can still be felt today. It is the foundation of the distinction we make between journalism and literature, between history and fiction. Literature, Aristotle proposes, is (...)
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    Zwischen philosophie und kunst.Willy Schuster (ed.) - 1926 - Leipzig,: E. Pfeiffer.
    Pinder, Wilhelm, Kunstgeschichte nach generationen.--Neumann, Friedrich. Die gliederung der deutschen literaturgeschichte.--Wirth, Wilhelm. Die zeitwahrnehmung.--Petsch, Robert. Gedanken über den aufbau des dramas.--Litt, Theodor. Person und sache im philosophischen denken.--Bülow, Friedrich. Johannes Volkelt und die Hegelsche philosophie.--Everth, Erich. Volkelts ästhetische grundgedanken.--Driesch, Hans. Johannes Volkelts erkenntnislehre und metaphysik.--Schingnitz, Werner. Kontemplation als wurzel von philosophie und kunst.--Körte, Alfred. Das schlusskapitel von Xenophons Symposion.--Studniczka, Franz. Ein neues bildnis des Sokrates.
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    La famille en tant que patient. Concepts de thérapie familiale psychanalytique en Allemagne.Hans-Jürgen Wirth - 2006 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 172 (2):113-122.
    Ce texte reprend une conférence faite par H.-J. Wirth à Washington (États-Unis) en octobre 2005. Ces réflexions pourraient facilement se transposer sur la relation entre le thérapeute et le patient ; de la même façon, elle se caractérise par des positions de pouvoir différentes. Jurg Willy, se référant à Dicks et à son concept de collusion dans le cadre de la thérapie de couple, en a élargi la formulation dans la mesure où il a placé les attentes inconscientes, réciproques et (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Concepts, conceptual schemes and grammar.Hans-Johann Glock - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (4):653-668.
    This paper considers the connection between concepts, conceptual schemes and grammar in Wittgenstein’s last writings. It lists eight claims about concepts that one can garner from these writings. It then focuses on one of them, namely that there is an important difference between conceptual and factual problems and investigations. That claim draws in its wake other claims, all of them revolving around the idea of a conceptual scheme, what Wittgenstein calls a ‘grammar’. I explain why Wittgenstein’s account does not fall (...)
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    Barbarians in Fact and in Fiction - Hans Schwabl, Hans Diller, Olivier Reverdin, Willy Peremans, H. C. Baldry, Albrecht Dihle: Grecs et barbares. Pp. 259. Geneva: Fondation Hardt , 1962. Cloth, 28 [REVIEW]W. G. Forrest - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (1):88-89.
  17. On the Nature of a Post-Metaphysical Spirituality Response to Habermas and Weis.Ken Wilber - unknown
    The publication of Jurgen Habermas's Nachmetaphysisches Denken (Post-Metaphysical Thinking) and the publication of a Hans-Willi Weis article about my work prompted several people in Germany to approach me with questions about my response to those pieces. What follows is a brief reply to both.
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  18. American Philosophy of Technology: The Empirical Turn.Hans Achterhuis (ed.) - 2001 - Indiana University Press.
    Introduces contemporary American philosophy of technology through six of its leading figures. The six American philosophers of technology whose work is profiled in this clear and concise introduction to the field—Albert Borgmann, Hubert Dreyfus, Andrew Feenberg, Donna Haraway, Don Ihde, and Langdon Winner—represent a new, empirical direction in the philosophical study of technology that has developed mainly in North America. In place of the grand philosophical schemes of the classical generation of European philosophers of technology, the contemporary American generation addresses (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Elements of symbolic logic.Hans Reichenbach - 1947 - New York,: Macmillan Co..
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  20. Relativitätstheorie Und Erkenntnis Apriori.Hans Reichenbach - 1920 - J. Springer.
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  21.  15
    Theorie der Lebenswelt.Hans Blumenberg - 2010 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Zu den heftig diskutierten Themen der zeitgenössischen Philosophie gehört die Frage nach der Lebenswelt. Oft erscheint sie als eine Welt des alltäglichen Handelns, aus der die Philosophie entspringt, ohne doch in ihr aufgehen zu können. Zum 90. Geburtstag von Hans Blumenberg präsentiert der Suhrkamp Verlag nun einen Nachlaßtext, in dem der Philosoph das Problem weit radikaler faßt. Blumenberg begreift die Lebenswelt nicht als faktische Welt oder Alltagswelt, sondern als die Welt, wie sie wäre, wenn es in ihr keine unbeantworteten (...)
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    Arguing about desirable consequences: What constitutes a convincing argument?Hans Hoeken, Rian Timmers & Peter Jan Schellens - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (3):394 - 416.
    Argument quality has consistently been shown to have strong and lasting persuasive effects. The question is what criteria people use to distinguish strong from weak arguments and how these criteria relate to the ones proposed in normative argumentation theory. In an experiment 235 participants without training in argumentation theory rated the acceptance of 30 claims about the desirability of a consequence that were supported by either an argument from analogy, from authority, or from consequences. The supporting arguments were systematically manipulated (...)
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    Leonard Nelson Zum Gedächtnis.Minna Specht, Willi Eichler & Leonard Nelson (eds.) - 1953 - Öffentliches Leben.
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  24. In and About the World: Philosophical Studies of Science and Technology.Hans Radder - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):377-377.
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    Beiträge zum Problem der Ursprünglichkeit der mittelalterlich-scholastischen Ontologie.Hans Blumenberg - 2020 - Berlin: Suhrkamp. Edited by Benjamin Dahlke & Matthias Laarmann.
    1947 legt Hans Blumenberg aus Bargteheide in Holstein an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel seine unter schwierigsten persönlichen Umständen entstandene Dissertation 'Beiträge zum Problem der Ursprünglichkeit der mittelalterlich-scholastischen Ontologie" vor. Hinter diesem Titel verbirgt sich eine mit ständigem Bezug auf die Philosophie Heideggers und seine "Fundamentalontologie' geführte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Denken des christlichen Mittelalters, in dem die Frage nach dem Grund des Seins eine so krisenhafte wie produktive Zuspitzung erfahren hatte. Die Dissertation wird von den Gutachtern Ludwig Landgrebe und Rudolf (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Hans Reichenbach - 1947 - Mind 56 (221):77-81.
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    Studying in the Superdiverse City: System_D and the Challenge of Solidarity in Brussels.Hans Schildermans, Joke Vandenabeele, Joris Vlieghe & Piotr Zamojski - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (3):257-268.
    In recent years, the relation between studying and learning has been a topic of debate. This article is mainly interested in a concept of study practices, conceived of as practices that are strongly engaged with issues of living together in a superdiverse city. Such practices firstly require to think the relation between studying and learning in other-than-oppositional terms, and secondly, to raise questions concerning the political role of education. The aim of the article is double in that it wants to (...)
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    Bounded Revision: Two-Dimensional Belief Change Between Conservative and Moderate Revision.Hans Rott - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):173-200.
    This paper presents the model of ‘bounded revision’ that is based on two-dimensional revision functions taking as arguments pairs consisting of an input sentence and a reference sentence. The key idea is that the input sentence is accepted as far as (and just a little further than) the reference sentence is ‘cotenable’ with it. Bounded revision satisfies the AGM axioms as well as the Same Beliefs Condition (SBC) saying that the set of beliefs accepted after the revision does not depend (...)
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    Die Wiener rechtstheoretische Schule: Schriften.Hans Kelsen - 2010 - Wien: Verlag Österreich. Edited by Adolf Merkl, Alfred Verdross & Hans R. Klecatsky.
    Hans Kelsen, Adolf Merkl und Alfred Verdross haben durch ihre Werke die Wiener rechtstheoretische Schule begrundet, die mit ihren Beitragen zur Rechts- und Staatstheorie, zum offentlichen Recht und zur politischen Wissenschaft weltweite Bedeutung erlangt hat. Um das Schrifttum dieser osterreichischen Rechtsgelehrten, das in Jahrzehnten des vergangenen Jahrhunderts entstanden ist, Interessierten in Gegenwart und Zukunft zuganglich zu machen, haben sich die Herausgeber der Aufgabe gestellt, die deutschsprachigen Veroffentlichungen der drei Autoren, soweit sie nicht in Buchform erschienen sind, zu sammeln, nach (...)
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    Dialektik: Problemgeschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart.Hans Heinz Holz - 2011 - Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft).
    Bd. 1. Sein und Werden -- Bd. 2. Gott und Welt -- Bd. 3. Einheit und Widerspruch I -- Bd. 4. Einheit und Widerspruch II -- Bd. 5. Einheit und Widerspruch III.
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    The Experimental Study of Freudian Theories.Hans J. Eysenck & Glenn D. Wilson (eds.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1973 the editors of this book collected together those studies which had been considered at the time to yield the best evidence in support of Freudian theory, and found on close examination that they failed to provide any such proof. Each paper is printed in full and is followed by a critical discussion which raises questions of statistical treatment, sufficiency of controls and alternative interpretations. The particular usefulness of this format is that it allows readers to form (...)
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    On the Essence and Value of Democracy.Hans Kelsen - 2000 - In Arthur Jacobson & Bernhard Schlink (eds.), Weimar: A Jurisprudence of Crisis. University of California Press.
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    Aus dem briefwechsel wilhelm ackermanns.Hans Richard Ackermann - 1983 - History and Philosophy of Logic 4 (1-2):181-202.
    A selection from the correspondence of the logician Wilhelm Ackermann (1896?1962) is presented in this article. The most significant letters were exchanged with Bernays, Scholz and Lorenzen, from which extensive passages are transcribed. Some remarks from other letters, with quotations, are also included.
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    Experimental Reproducibility and the Experimenters' Regress.Hans Radder - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:63 - 73.
    In his influential book, "Changing Order", H.M. Collins puts forward the following three claims concerning experimental replication. (i) Replication is rarely practiced by experimentalists; (ii) replication cannot be used as an objective test of scientific knowledge claims, because of the occurrence of the so-called experimenters' regress; and (iii) stopping this regress at some point depends upon the enculturation in a local community of practitioners, who tacitly learn the relevant skills. In my paper I discuss and assess these claims on the (...)
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    Aspekte des Bedeutungswandels im Begriff organismischer Ähnlichkeit vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 1986 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 8 (2):237 - 250.
    The concept of similarity plays a crucial role in biology, especially in natural history. Despite its apparent familiarity it has been subject again and again to reinterpretations — it may even be stated that the main streams of theoretical thinking in the life sciences are reflected and condensed in its ever changing meaning. The changing content of the concept is analyzed from Linnaean systematics through classical morphology and comparative anatomy to Darwinian evolutionary thinking. It appears that the meaning of similarity (...)
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    Kausalität, Evidenz und Subjektivität: Paul Martinis Methodenkritik der Psychosomatischen Medizin.Hans-Georg Hofer - 2021 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 29 (4):387-416.
    ZusammenfassungDer Internistenkongress von 1949 war Anlass und Arena einer breit wahrgenommenen Kontroverse zu epistemologischen Fragen der Psychosomatischen Medizin. Der Beitrag verortet zunächst den Kongress in der Nachkriegsgeschichte und zeichnet die Verlaufslinien der Debatte nach. Dabei werden sowohl die Positionen der Sprecher der Psychosomatischen Medizin – Viktor von Weizsäcker und Alexander Mitscherlich – als auch diejenige von Paul Martini, der auf Basis seiner Methodologie klinischer Forschung grundsätzliche Kritik äußerte, rekonstruiert. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die jeweils unterschiedlichen Auffassungen von Kausalität, Evidenz (...)
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    Technik und Ethik.Hans Lenk & Günter Ropohl - 1987
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    Can animals act for reasons?Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - 2009 - .
    This essay argues that nonlinguistic animals qualify not just for externalist notions of rationality (maximizing biological fitness or utility), but also for internal ones. They can act for reasons in several senses: their behaviour is subject to intentional explanations, they can act in the light of reasonsprovided that the latter are conceived as objective facts rather than subjective mental statesand they can deliberate. Finally, even if they could not, it would still be misguided to maintain that animals are capable only (...)
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    Geist, Kosmos und Physik: Gedanken über die Einheit des Lebens.Hans-Peter Dürr - 2010 - Amerang: Crotona.
    Kaum ein anderer lebender Naturwissenschaftler besitzt die Fähigkeit, mit solcher Geistesklarheit die tiefsten Einsichten von moderner Quantenphysik mit dem uralten spirituellen Menschheitswissen zu verknüpfen wie - Hans-Peter Dürr! Es gelingt Dürr scheinbar mühelos, eine Synthese zwischen den meditativen Einsichten der Weisen des Ostens und den aktuellen Erkenntnissen der modernen Naturwissenschaften herzustellen. Dabei verliert er sich niemals in langatmigen akademischen Erläuterungen, sondern hat stets den Menschen und die gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit des 21. Jahrhunderts im Blick. Ein Brückenschlag zwischen zwei Welten, der (...)
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    Korrespondenzen.Karl Jaspers - 2016 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. Edited by Matthias Bormuth, Dietrich von Engelhardt, Dominic Kaegi, Reiner Wiehl, Carsten Dutt & Eike Wolgast.
    Der Psychiater und Philosoph Karl Jaspers hinterließ eine große fachliche und persönliche Korrespondenz, die historisch vom Untergang des Kaiserreichs bis zur Etablierung der Bundesrepublik reicht. Diese kritische und kommentierte Edition vermittelt ein umfassendes Bild dieses Denkers. Briefpartner dieses Bandes:Gustav Bally, Kurt Beringer, Ludwig Binswanger, Eugen Bleuler, Max Born, Albert Fraenkel, Viktor E. Frankl, Robert Gaupp, Wolfgang Gentner, Hans Walter Gruhle, Willy Hellpach, Jakob Klaesi, Ludwig Klages, Kurt Kolle, Ernst Kretschmer, Arthur Kronfeld, Willhelm Mayer-Gross, Alexander Mitscherlich, Rudolf Nissen, Franz Nissl, (...)
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    Knowledge and Time.Hans Primas - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Harald Atmanspacher.
    This is a unique volume by a unique scientist, which combines conceptual, formal, and engineering approaches in a way that is rarely seen. Its core is the relation between ways of learning and knowing on the one hand and different modes of time on the other. Partial Boolean logic and the associated notion of complementarity are used to express this relation, and mathematical tools of fundamental physics are used to formalize it. Along the way many central philosophical problems are touched (...)
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    Safe Contraction Revisited.Hans Rott & Sven Ove Hansson - 2014 - In Sven Ove Hansson (ed.), David Makinson on Classical Methods for Non-Classical Problems (Outstanding Contributions to Logic, Vol. 3). Springer. pp. 35–70.
    Modern belief revision theory is based to a large extent on partial meet contraction that was introduced in the seminal article by Carlos Alchourrón, Peter Gärdenfors, and David Makinson that appeared in 1985. In the same year, Alchourrón and Makinson published a significantly different approach to the same problem, called safe contraction. Since then, safe contraction has received much less attention than partial meet contraction. The present paper summarizes the current state of knowledge on safe contraction, provides some new results (...)
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    Awareness of the functioning of one's own Limbs mediated by the insular cortex?Hans-Otto Karnath, Bernhard Baier & Thomas Nägele - 2005 - Journal of Neuroscience 25 (31):7134-7138.
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    The links of causal chains.Hans Kamp - 2022 - Theoria 88 (2):296-325.
    Theoria, Volume 88, Issue 2, Page 296-325, April 2022.
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    Die Verfassung des Politischen: Festschrift für Hans Vorländer.André Brodocz & Hans Vorländer (eds.) - 2014 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    ​Die Beiträge befassen sich mit der Verfassung des Politischen und bilden die wichtigsten Kernthesen von Hans Vorländer ab.
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    Are Men Always Picked Over Women? The Effects of Employment Equity Directives on Selection Decisions.Eddy S. Ng & Willi H. Wiesner - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (2):177-187.
    This study replicates and extends previous work by Oppenheimer and Wiesner [1990, Sex discrimination: Who is hired and do employment equity statements make a difference? Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Personnel and Human Resources Division], and examined the effects of minority qualifications on hiring decisions, the effects of employment equity directives when minority candidates are less qualified and the effects of different types and strengths of employment equity directives on hiring decisions. The (...)
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  47. SL: A subjective, intensional logic of belief.Hans Chalupsky & Stuart C. Shapiro - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 165--170.
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    The Berlin Academy under Frederick the Great.Hans Aarsleff - 1989 - History of the Human Sciences 2 (2):193-206.
  49. Hypnotisme, Suggestion, Psychotherapie.Hans Bernheim - 1891 - The Monist 2:465.
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    Karl Marx über das Wesen des Rechts.Hans Dahlke - 1959
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