Results for 'Hans-Robert Cram'

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  1.  43
    Fodor's Causal Theory of Representation.Hans-Robert Cram - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (166):56 - 70.
  2. Nachruf auf Gerhard Hess.Hans Robert Jauss - 1985 - In Karlheinz Stierle, Sprache und menschliche Natur in der klassischen moralistik Frankreichs: Vortrag zum Gedächtnis von Gerhard Hess. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag Konstanz.
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    Die Nicht mehr schönen Künste.Hans Robert Jauss (ed.) - 1968 - München,: W. Fink.
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  4. Respuesta a Claude Piche.Hans Robert Jauss - 1989 - Ideas Y Valores 38 (81):17-25.
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    Ästhetische Erfahrung und literarische Hermeneutik.Hans Robert Jauss - 1982 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Studien zum Epochenwandel der ästhetischen Moderne.Hans Robert Jauss - 1989 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Aspect and bounded quantity complements in Russian.Hans Robert Mehlig - 2008 - In Susan Deborah Rothstein, Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect. John Benjamins.
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    Limits and Tasks of Literary Hermeneutics.Hans Robert Jauss & Johanna Pick Margulies - 1980 - Diogenes 28 (109):92-119.
    The foundation of methodical development of literary hermeneutics represents an altogether new proposition. There existed for centuries an old tradition of philological hermeneutics. It can glory in its venerable origins: the interpretation of ecclesiastical canonical writing, an art which ever since the period of Humanism has been erecting for itself a proud monument of re-edited and corrected texts and commentaries of ancient authors. It can also show just as impressive a result of historical interpretation of the texts of the world's (...)
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    Modernity and Literary Tradition.Hans Robert Jauss - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (2):329.
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    Die Chronik des Ibn Ad-Dawadari. Neunter Teil, Der Bericht über den Sultan al-Malik an-Nasir Muhammad ibn QalaʾunDie Chronik des Ibn Ad-Dawadari. Neunter Teil, Der Bericht uber den Sultan al-Malik an-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalaun.Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz & Hans Robert Roemer - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (1):74.
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    Kleine Apologie der ästhetischen Erfahrung.Hans Robert Jauss - 1972 - Konstanz,: Universitätsverlag. Edited by Max Imdahl.
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    Tradition, innovation, and aesthetic experience.Hans Robert Jauss - 1988 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (3):375-388.
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  13. Geisteswissenschaften heute.Wolfgang Frühwald, Hans Robert Jauß, Reinhart Koselleck, Jürgen Mittelstraß, Burkhart Steinwachs & Gunter Scholtz - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25 (2):354-363.
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    Text und Applikation: Theologie, Jurisprudenz und Literaturwissenschaft im hermeneutischen Gespräch.Manfred Fuhrmann, Hans Robert Jauss & Wolfhart Pannenberg (eds.) - 1981 - München: Fink.
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    Unity and Diversity: Essays in the History, Literature and Religion of the Ancient near East.William W. Hallo, Hans Goedicke & J. J. M. Roberts - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):594.
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  16. George Hardin Brown, Bede the Venerable.(Twayne's English Authors Series, 443.) Boston: Twayne, 1987. Pp. xvi, 153; black-and-white facsimile frontispiece, map. $19.95. [REVIEW]Robert W. Hanning - 1990 - Speculum 65 (2):375-377.
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    Memoirs of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows of the Medieval Academy of America.Carmela Vircillo Franklin, Paul Meyvaert, Jan M. Ziolkowski, Giles Constable, Edward Grant, John E. Murdoch, Robert W. Hanning, Anne Middleton, Roberta Frank & Larry D. Benson - 2007 - Speculum 82 (3):808-829.
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  18. Glock, Hans Johann (1991). Investigations §128: Theses in philosophy and undogmatic procedure. In: Glock, Hans Johann; Arrington, Robert. Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations. London/New York: Routledge, 69-88.Hans Johann Glock & Robert Arrington (eds.) - 1991
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    Toward the search for the perfect blade runner: a large-scale, international assessment of a test that screens for “humanness sensitivity”.Robert Epstein, Maria Bordyug, Ya-Han Chen, Yijing Chen, Anna Ginther, Gina Kirkish & Holly Stead - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1543-1563.
    We introduce a construct called “humanness sensitivity,” which we define as the ability to recognize uniquely human characteristics. To evaluate the construct, we used a “concurrent study design” to conduct an internet-based study with a convenience sample of 42,063 people from 88 countries (52.4% from the U.S. and Canada).We sought to determine to what extent people could identify subtle characteristics of human behavior, thinking, emotions, and social relationships which currently distinguish humans from non-human entities such as bots. Many people were (...)
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    Fallacies: Classical and Contemporary Readings.Hans Vilhelm Hansen & Robert C. Pinto (eds.) - 1995 - University Park, PA, USA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A major purpose of this book is to make the post-Hamblin work on fallacies available to a wider audience in a single, convenient volume.
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    Truth and tragedy.Hans J. Morgenthau, Kenneth W. Thompson & Robert John Myers (eds.) - 1977 - New Brunswick, U.S.A.: Transaction Books.
    Fragment of an Intellectual Autobiography:- BY HANS J. MORGENTHAU h My first political memories go back to the Tripolitan War M of between Italy and Turkey ...
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  22.  46
    Saving the most lives—A comparison of European triage guidelines in the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic.Hans-Jörg Ehni, Urban Wiesing & Robert Ranisch - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (2):125-134.
    In March 2020, the rapid increase in severe COVID‐19 cases overwhelmed the healthcare systems in several European countries. The capacities for artificial ventilation in intensive care units were too scarce to care for patients with acute respiratory disorder connected to the disease. Several professional associations published COVID‐19 triage recommendations in an extremely short time: in 21 days between March 6 and March 27. In this article, we compare recommendations from five European countries, which combine medical and ethical reflections on this (...)
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    Hans Kelsens Wege sozialphilosophischer Forschung: Ergebnisse eines internationalen Symposions in Wien (14.-15. Oktober 1996).Hans Kelsen, Robert Walter, Clemens Jabloner & Gèunter Dux - 1997
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  24. The Abolition of God: Materialistic Atheism and Christian Religion.Hans-Gerhard Koch & Robert W. Fenn - 1964
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    Postmoderne: globale Differenz.Robert Weimann, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht & Benno Wagner (eds.) - 1991 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  26. What does character education mean to character education experts? A prototype analysis of expert opinions.Robert E. McGrath, Hyemin Han, Mitch Brown & Peter Meindl - 2022 - Journal of Moral Education 51 (2):219-237.
    Having an agreed-upon definition of character education would be useful for both researchers and practitioners in the field. However, even experts in character education disagree on how they would define it. We attempted to achieve greater conceptual clarity on this issue through a prototype analysis in which the features perceived as most central to character education were identified. In Study 1 (N = 77), we asked character education experts to enumerate features of character education. Based on these lists, we identified (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Quine.Robert L. Arrington & Hans-Johann Glock (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    This unique study brings together for the first time two of the most important philosophers of this century. Never before have these two thinkers been compared - and commentators' opinions on their relationship differ greatly. Are the views of Wittgenstein and Quine on method and the nature of philosophy comparable or radically opposed? Does Wittgenstein's concept of language engender that of Quine, or threaten its philosophical foundations? An understanding of the similarities and differences between the thought of Wittgenstein and of (...)
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  28. Latent Structural Analysis for Measures of Character Strengths: Achieving Adequate Fit.Hyemin Han & Robert E. McGrath - forthcoming - Current Psychology.
    The VIA Classification of Strengths and Virtues is the most commonly used model of positive personality. In this study, we used two methods of model modification to develop models for two measures of the character strengths, the VIA Inventory of Strengths-Revised and the Global Assessment of Character Strengths. The first method consisted of freeing residual covariances based on modification indices until good fit was achieved. The second was residual network modeling (RNM), which frees residual partial correlations while minimizing a function (...)
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    Auseinandersetzungen zur reinen Rechtslehre: kritische Bemerkungen zu Georges Scelle und Michel Virally.Hans Kelsen, Kurt Ringhofer & Robert Walter - 1987
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    Repression and the unconscious.Langnickel Robert & Markowitsch Hans - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5):524-525.
    We argue that repression is primarily an unconscious process and that the position of Erdelyi is not coherent with Freud's views on the matter. Repression of ideas is a process that takes place without the knowledge of the subject. In this respect, it is essentially different from suppression, where ideas are acted upon by a conscious will.
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    Die Entdeckung des Individuums.Robert J. Rowland & Hans Drexler - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (4):512.
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  32. The Subjective Value of Product Popularity: A Neural Account of How Product Popularity Influences Choice Using a Social and a Quality Focus.Robert P. G. Goedegebure, Irene O. J. M. Tijssen, L. Nynke van der Laan & Hans C. M. van Trijp - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research on social influences often distinguishes between social and quality incentives to ascribe meaning to the value that popularity conveys. This study examines the neural correlates of those incentives through which popularity influences preferences. This research reports an functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment and a behavioral task in which respondents evaluated popular products with three focus perspectives; unspecified focus, focus on social aspects, and focus on quality. The results show that value derived with a social focus reflects inferences of approval (...)
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    Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit: Reden von Alfred Grosser, Hans-Gert Pöttering, Robert Zollitsch.Christian Frietsch, Frank Marrenbach, Roger Casement, Alfred Grosser, Hans-Gert Pöttering & Robert Zollitsch (eds.) - 2016 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Nach den Anschlagen in Paris, Brussel und Nizza und den verzweifelten Erklarungsversuchen sind die Baden-Badener Reden von Alfred Grosser, Hans Gert-Pottering und Robert Zollitsch eine grosse Hilfe. Eine Hilfe, die schmerzenden Erfahrungen des Augenblicks in einen grosseren Zusammenhang zu bringen. Wenn etwa Alfred Grosser in seiner Rede den Bogen zu seiner eigenen Biografie hin zu den Banlieues unserer Tage in Paris spannt. "Ich bin seit 1937 Franzose, unsere Erziehungsministerin ist Franzosin seit 1995, unser Premierminister seit 1982, die Burgermeisterin (...)
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  34. Advance Health Care Documents In Multicultural Perspectives.Hans-Martin Sass, Frederick Bonkovsky, Akira Akabayashi, Rita Kielstein & Robert Olick - 1996 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 4.
    In der modernen Medizin kommt es zunehmend zu Entscheidungskonflikten zwischen Intervention und Interventionsverzicht dort, wo nicht die medizinisch-technischen Möglichkeiten handlungsleitend sein sollen, sondern die am individuellen Patientenwohl sich orientierende bioethische Prognose entsprechend den klassischen arztethischen Prinzipien des primum nil nocere und des salus aegroti suprema lex. Schadensverbot und Heilauftrag sollen nicht heteronom und uniform vorgegeben werden, sondern sich am Willen des Patienten orientieren. Nicht selten macht jedoch die Ermittlung des mutmaßlichen Patientenwillens große Schwierigkeiten, vor allem bei Demenz, Koma, schwerem Trauma (...)
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    Health Care Systems: Moral Conflicts in European and American Public Policy.Hans-Martin Sass & Robert U. Massey - 1988 - Springer.
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    The Vākāṭakas: An Essay in Hindu IconologyThe Vakatakas: An Essay in Hindu Iconology.Robert L. Brown & Hans Bakker - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (4):664.
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    Investigations §128: Theses in philosophy and undogmatic procedure.Hans Johann Glock & Robert Arrington - 1991 - In Hans Johann Glock & Robert Arrington, Glock, Hans Johann (1991). Investigations §128: Theses in philosophy and undogmatic procedure. In: Glock, Hans Johann; Arrington, Robert. Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations. London/New York: Routledge, 69-88. pp. 69-88.
  38.  21
    Using Phenomenography to Tackle Key Challenges in Science Education.Feifei Han & Robert A. Ellis - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This article describes how phenomenography, as a qualitative research method, can be used to tackle key challenges in science education. It begins with an overview of the development of phenomenography. It then describes the philosophical underpinnings of phenomenographic inquiry, including ontological and epistemological roots, and its unique second-order perspective. From theoretical background to practicality, the paper uses rich examples to describe in detail the procedures of conducting a phenomenographic study, including sampling and data collection, analyzing phenomenographic data, and communicating key (...)
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  39. Argumentation and its Applications, CD-ROM.Hans V. Hansen, Christopher W. Tindale, J. Anthony Blair, Ralph H. Johnson & Robert C. Pinto (eds.) - 2002 - Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation.
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  40. Cloning in Japan : public opinion, expert counselling, and bioethical reasoning.Robert Horres, Hans Dieter Ölschleger & Christian Steineck - 2006 - In Heiner Roetz, Cross-cultural Issues in Bioethics: The Example of Human Cloning. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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    Existence and Being.Martin Heideggers Einfluss auf die Wissenschaften.Robert Cumming, Martin Heidegger, Douglas Scott, R. F. C. Hull, Alan Crick, Werner Brock, Carlos Astrada, Kurt Bauch, Ludwig Binswanger, Robert Heiss, Hans Kunz, Erich Ruprecht, Wolfgang Schadewaldt, Heinz-Horst Schrey, Emil Staiger, Wilhelm Szilasi & Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (4):102.
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    Plautinische Akzentstudien.Robert S. Radford & Hans Drexler - 1934 - American Journal of Philology 55 (1):86.
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    Wittgenstein's `Philosophical Investigations': Text and Context.Robert L. Arrington & Hans-Johann Glock - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (176):392-394.
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  44. Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: Text and Context.Robert L. Arrington & Hans-Johann Glock (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Self-Hypnosis: The Complete Manual for Health and Self-Change, 2nd ed offers a step-by step guide to using hypnosis to better well-being and stronger self-control. For over two decades renowned therapist and author Brian Alman showed thousands of individuals how to use self-inductive techniques for relief from pain, stress, and discomfort. Self-hypnosis assists in meditation and fosters positive self-regard. The exercises in Self-Hypnosis are clear, concise and easily attainable. As an effective therapy in alleviating the pain of childbirth, medical and dental (...)
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    Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory.Hans-Georg Gadamer & Robert H. Paslick (eds.) - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer, the major proponent of philosophical hermeneutics, reveals himself here as a highly sensitive reader and critic of the German literary tradition. This is not the work of a specialist as narrowly defined in the typical literary study. Although he is a master of the techniques of criticism, Gadamer always sees the study of literature as a fundamentally human activity where human beings, generation after generation, pose their questions to an encroaching darkness that threatens to rob them of (...)
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    Archaic Bookkeeping: Writing and Techniques of Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East.Marvin A. Powell, Hans J. Nissen, Peter Damerow, Robert K. Englund & Paul Larsen - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):533.
  47. Vagueness in Communication.Rick Nouwen, Robert van Rooij, Uli Sauerland & Hans-Christian Schmitz (eds.) - 2011 - Springer.
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    Selected Writings, 1909-1953.R. G. Swinburne, Hans Reichenbach, Maria Reichenbach & Robert S. Cohen - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (119):152.
  49. Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion.Beau Branson, Hans Van Eyghen, Marcus Hunt, Tim Knepper, Robert Sloan Lee & Steven Steyl (eds.) - 2020 - Rebus Community Press.
    Where did the universe come from? Is life a result of chance, or design? If God is loving and all-powerful, why does evil still exist? Is religious belief just a byproduct of undirected evolutionary processes? Or did God make sure humans would evolve in such a way as to believe? Are philosophers closed-minded about religion? And why is so much of philosophy of religion about God-but not about gods? Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion introduces students to some of the (...)
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    Han Yü's poetische Werke: Uebersetzt von Erwin von Zach (1872-1942)Han Yu's poetische Werke: Uebersetzt von Erwin von Zach. [REVIEW]Peter A. Boodberg, James Robert Hightower, Han Yü & Han Yu - 1953 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 73 (1):35.
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