Results for 'Hans Groth'

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    Dialektik und Medizin.Hans-Jürgen Stöhr & Friedrich Groth (eds.) - 1981 - Rostock: Die Universität.
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    Karl von Rotteck und Karl Theodor Welcker: liberale Professoren, Politiker und Publizisten.Hans-Peter Becht & Ewald Grothe (eds.) - 2018 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  3.  28
    The Strategic Impact of Stakeholders’ Perceptions: A Single Case Study from the Pharmaceutical Industry.Sybille Sachs, Ruth Schmitt & Hans Groth - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:441-452.
    The paper develops a framework to evaluate a network's stakeholders' perceptions concerning an issue which is highly relevant for all stakeholders. The framework helps us to understand how stakeholder networks impact perceptions and vice versa, which will result in a better understanding of the interrelatedness of a network. On the other hand, it helps corporations to become more effective increating wealth with and for their stakeholders.
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    Gottlob Frege.Hans Dietrich Sluga - 1980 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is available either individually, or as part of the specially-priced Arguments of the Philosphers Collection.
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    On the 3d visualisation of logical relations.Hans Smessaert - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (2):303-332.
    The central aim of this paper is to present a Boolean algebraic approach to the classical Aristotelian Relations of Opposition, namely Contradiction and (Sub)contrariety, and to provide a 3D visualisation of those relations based on the geometrical properties of Platonic and Archimedean solids. In the first part we start from the standard Generalized Quantifier analysis of expressions for comparative quantification to build the Comparative Quantifier Algebra CQA. The underlying scalar structure allows us to define the Aristotelian relations in Boolean terms (...)
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    Genuine pretending: on the philosophy of the Zhuangzi.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2017 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Paul J. D'Ambrosio.
    This book presents an innovative reading of Daoist philosophy that highlights the critical and therapeutic functions of satire and humor. Moeller and D'Ambrosio show how the Zhuangzi expounds the Daoist art of "genuine pretending" the paradoxical skill of enacting social roles without submitting to them or letting them define one's identity.
  7. (4 other versions)Gottlob Frege.Hans Sluga - 1981 - Critica 13 (37):85-87.
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  8. American Philosophy of Technology: The Empirical Turn.Hans Achterhuis (ed.) - 2001 - Indiana University Press.
    Introduces contemporary American philosophy of technology through six of its leading figures. The six American philosophers of technology whose work is profiled in this clear and concise introduction to the field—Albert Borgmann, Hubert Dreyfus, Andrew Feenberg, Donna Haraway, Don Ihde, and Langdon Winner—represent a new, empirical direction in the philosophical study of technology that has developed mainly in North America. In place of the grand philosophical schemes of the classical generation of European philosophers of technology, the contemporary American generation addresses (...)
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    Concepts and experience: a non-representationalist approach.Hans-Johann Glock, Christoph Demmerling & Dirk Schröder - 2020 - In Hans-Johann Glock, Christoph Demmerling & Dirk Schröder, Glock, Hans-Johann (2020). Concepts and experience: a non-representationalist approach. In: Demmerling, Christoph; Schröder, Dirk. Concepts in thought, action, and emotion: new essays. Abingdon: Routledge, 21-41. pp. 21-41.
    Hans-Johann Glock develops a capacity-based alternative to the currently widespread view that concepts and experiences are mental representations. He claims that experiences must be explained by way of perceptual and sensory capacities and that concepts must be explained by way of intellectual ones, in particular, by way of capacities for classification and reasoning. Glock does not, however, identify concepts with intellectual capacities. He rather conceives of them as rules that guide the application of capacities. He defines the relationship between (...)
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    Learning after progress? Isabelle Stengers, artificial learning, and the future as problem.Hans Schildermans - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (6):1044-1058.
    The aim of this article is to rethink the relation between education and progress, claiming that discourses of progress tend to project specific visions of the future and thereby instrumentalize education to achieve these visions while foreclosing other possible futures. The first part of the paper argues that the historical pact between education and progress has been recently recast in terms of learning. Learning receives at the same time an economic and a political interpretation in this context, turning issues such (...)
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    The Diversity of Languages and Understanding the World.Hans-Georg Gadamer & Cynthia R. Nielsen - 2024 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):453-466.
    This is my translation of Gadamer's 1990 lecture "The Diversity of Languages and Understanding of the World." "In his lecture, Gadamer presents his views of language and world in a distinctively hermeneutical key. For example, he emphasizes language as that which 'belongs to conversation.' That is, language as conversation helps to bring about understanding and involves the play of dialogical exchange. 'Language is not proposition and judgment; rather, it is what it is, only when it is question and answer.' Language (...)
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  12. A Democratic Theory of Life.Hans Asenbaum, Reece Chenault, Christopher Harris, Akram Hassan, Curtis Hierro, Stephen Houldsworth, Brandon Mack, Shauntrice Martin, Chivona Newsome, Kayla Reed, Tony Rice, Shevone Torres & I. I. Terry J. Wilson - 2023 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 70 (176):1-33.
    In response to its current crisis, scholars call for the revitalisation of democracy through democratic innovations. While they make ample use of life metaphors describing democracy as a living organism, no comprehensive understanding of ‘life’ has been established within democratic theory. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement articulates the urgency of refocusing on life and its meaning through radical democratic practice. This article employs a grounded theory approach, enriched with participatory methods, to develop a radical democratic concept of life in (...)
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    Animal rationality and belief.Hans Johann Glock, Kirstin Andrews & Jacob Beck - 2018 - In [no title]. pp. 89-99.
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    Semantic content and cognitive sense.Hans Sluga - 1986 - In Leila Haaparanta & Jaakko Hintikka, Frege Synthesized: Essays on the Philosophical and Foundational Work of Gottlob Frege. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 47--64.
  15. The politics of becoming: Disidentification as radical democratic practice.Hans Asenbaum - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (1):86-104.
    Current radical democratic politics is characterized by new participatory spaces for citizens’ engagement, which aim at facilitating the democratic ideals of freedom and equality. These spaces are, however, situated in the context of deep societal inequalities. Modes of discrimination are carried over into participatory interaction. The democratic subject is judged by its physically embodied appearance, which replicates external hierarchies and impedes the freedom of self-expression. To tackle this problem, this article seeks to identify ways to increase the freedom of the (...)
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  16. The Philosophy of Science in Either-Or.Hans Halvorson - forthcoming - In Ryan Kemp & Walter Wietzke, Cambridge Critical Guide to Either-Or. Cambridge University Press.
    Kierkegaard's Either-Or is a book about the choice between aesthetic, ethical, and religious approaches to life. I show that Either-Or also contains a proposal for philosophy of science, and in particular, about the ideal epistemic state for human beings. Whereas the Cartesian-Hegelian tradition conceived of the ideal state as one of detached deliberation -- i.e. "seeing the world as it is in itself" -- Kierkegaard envisions the ideal state as the achievement of equilibrium between the "spectator" and "actor" aspects of (...)
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    Impure conceptual Analysis.Hans-Johann Glock, Giuseppina D.´Oro & Soren Overgaard - 2017 - In [no title]. pp. 77-100.
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  18. Daoism explained: from the dream of the butterfly to the fishnet allegory.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2004 - Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
    The book also sheds new light on many important allegories by showing how modern translations often conceal the wit and humor of the Chinese original.
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    The dynamics of the linguistic system: usage, conventionalization, and entrenchment.Hans-Jörg Schmid - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This volume outlines a model of language that can be characterized as functionalist, usage-based, dynamic, and complex-adaptive. The core idea is that linguistic structure is not stable and uniform, but continually refreshed by the interaction between three components: usage, the communicative activities of speakers; conventionalization, the social processes triggered by these activities and feeding back into them; and entrenchment, the individual cognitive processes that are also linked to these activities in a feedback loop. Hans-Joerg Schmid explains how this multiple (...)
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    The Aha! moment: Is insight a different form of problem solving?Hans Stuyck, Bart Aben, Axel Cleeremans & Eva Van den Bussche - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 90:103055.
  21.  8
    O Sujeito Desaparecido Na Teoria Marxiana.Hans-Georg Flickinger - forthcoming - Revista Dialectus.
    “Marx na Universidade!” Esta palavra de ordem sinalizou as reivindicações do Movimento Estudantil, que agitou as universidades alemãs há mais do que cinco décadas, refletindo sobre a missão político-social da formação universitária. O fato de, naquele tempo, a indicação de uma aula sobre a teoria de Karl Marx ter sido sacrificada pela censura dos órgãos políticos da universidade tornou-se incompreensível em nossos dias.[1] Pelo contrário, depois da preocupação intensa com a teoria marxiana nas décadas passadas, o interesse nela parece ter (...)
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  22.  11
    The B∗ tree search algorithm: A best-first proof procedure.Hans Berliner - 1979 - Artificial Intelligence 12 (1):23-40.
  23.  47
    Gadamer in Conversation: Reflections and Commentary.Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2001 - Yale University Press.
    This volume presents six lively conversations with Hans-Georg Gadamer, one of the twentieth century’s master philosophers. Looking back over his life and thought, Gadamer takes up key issues in his philosophy, addresses points of controversy, and replies to his critics, including those who accuse him of having been in complicity with the Nazis. A genial and direct conversationalist, Gadamer is here captured at his best and most accessible. The interviews took place between 1989 and 1996, and all but one (...)
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    Monotonicity properties of comparative determiners.Hans Smessaert - 1996 - Linguistics and Philosophy 19 (3):295 - 336.
    This paper presents a generalization of the standard notions of left monotonicity (on the nominal argument of a determiner) and right monotonicity (on the VP argument of a determiner). Determiners such as “more than/at least as many as” or “fewer than/at most as many as”, which occur in so-called propositional comparison, are shown to be monotone with respect to two nominal arguments and two VP-arguments. In addition, it is argued that the standard Generalized Quantifier analysis of numerical determiners such as (...)
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  25. Against eliminating sorts.Hans Halvorson - manuscript
    Each many-sorted theory can be converted to an unsorted theory. But this conversion procedure is not uniquely determined, leading to a dilemma: which unsorted theory captures the content of the corresponding many-sorted theory?
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  26. Closing the Hole Argument.Hans Halvorson & John Byron Manchak - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    The hole argument purportedly shows that spacetime substantivalism implies a pernicious form of indeterminism. We show that the argument is seductive only because it mistakes a trivial claim (viz. there are isomorphic models) for a significant claim (viz. there are hole isomorphisms). We prove that the latter claim is false -- thereby closing the debate about whether substantivalism implies indeterminism.
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  27. Falling in Love with a Film (Series).Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck - 2021 - In Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight: A Philosophical Exploration. New York: Routledge.
    Judging works of art is one thing. Loving a work of art is something else. When you visit a museum like the Louvre you make hundreds of judgements in the space of just a couple of hours. But you may grow to love only one or a handful of works over the course of your entire life. Depending on the art form you are most aligned with, this can be a painting, a novel, a poem, a song, a work of (...)
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  28. SL: A subjective, intensional logic of belief.Hans Chalupsky & Stuart C. Shapiro - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 165--170.
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    Philosophical Apprenticeships.Hans Georg Gadamer - 1985 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    These autobiographical reflections by a major contemporary philosopher offer an enjoyable and enlightening tour not only of his own intellectual development but of the rich and fruitful collaboration of minds during a rich period in German cultural history. Hans-Georg Gadamer, the author of Truth and Method, traces his "philosophical apprenticeships" with some of the most important thinkers of the 20th century. Perhaps more than anyone else, Hans-Georg Gadamer, who is Professor Emeritus at the University of Heidelberg, is the (...)
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    Existential Aesthetics.Hans Maes - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80.
    The aim of what I propose to call “existential aesthetics” is to investigate the various ways in which art and certain kinds of aesthetic practice or aesthetic experience can be of existential importance to people. Section I provides a definition of existential aesthetics, while Section II delineates this emerging field from cognate areas of research. Sections III and IV explore various subcategories and examples of existential aesthetics. Section V seeks to identify important avenues for future research and Section VI presents (...)
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    Animal consciousness – A limit of language?Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - 2021 - In [no title].
  32. Friendship and Solidarity (1999).Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (1):3-12.
    With reference to Plato and Aristotle, Gadamer discusses the question of what is left of friendship and solidarity in an age of `anonymous responsibility.'.
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    Kant e a filosofia natural.Hans Reichenbach & Alexandre Alves - 2023 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 28 (3):95-110.
    Tradução do texto “Kant und die Naturwissenschaft” de Hans Reichenbach.
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  34. Psalmen.Hans-Joachim Kraus & Noth M. - unknown
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    Musik ist Müll: Essay.Hans Platzgumer - 2012 - Innsbruck: Limbus. Edited by Didi Neidhart.
    Von schrottiger und guter und der heute üblichen Abwertung aller Musik wissen die Co-Autoren versiert zu berichten. Sie kennen und belichten den an seiner Digitalisierung gescheiterten Musikmarkt und dessen Abgründe sehr genau. Genussvoll analysieren sie am Beispiel eines Generationenkonflikts den Müllstatus, den Popmusik 2012 eingenommen hat. „In ihrem Essay Musik = Müll beschreiben die beiden Co-Autoren, warum die absichtliche Produktion von Müll heute genauso zum Medienalltag gehört wie der achtlose Musikkonsum im Minutentakt. Und die beiden wissen, wovon sie schreiben. Der (...)
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    Hundun's Mistake: Satire and Sanity in the Zhuangzi.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (3):783-800.
    The narrative of the Death of Emperor Hundun 混沌, who finally perishes from the seventh hole that his two fellow Emperors have drilled into his formless body to do him the favor of supplying him with a face, famously concludes the seven Inner Chapters of the Zhuangzi 莊子.1 Perhaps the sudden demise of the story’s protagonist is meant to signal paradoxically to the reader that he or she, too, has, unwittingly, now come to an end and reached a stage of (...)
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  37. Quantifier Variance without Collapse.Hans Halvorson - manuscript
    The thesis of quantifier variance is consistent and cannot be refuted via a collapse argument.
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    Faith and Knowledge: Habermas’ Alternative History of Philosophy1.Hans Joas - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):47-52.
    Jürgen Habermas’ philosophical oeuvre so far contained only few references to thinkers prior to Kant. The publication of a comprehensive history of Western philosophy by this author, therefore, came as a surprise. The book is not, as many had anticipated, a book about religion, but about the gradual emancipation of “secular” “autonomous” rationality from religion, although in a way that preserves a normative commitment to Christianity. While welcoming this attitude and praising the achievements of this book, this text is also (...)
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    Concepts and experience in bounds of sense and beyond.Hans-Johann Glock, Audun Bengtson, Sybren Heyndels & Benjamin De Mesel - 2024 - In Hans-Johann Glock, Audun Bengtson, Sybren Heyndels & Benjamin De Mesel, Glock, Hans-Johann (2024). Concepts and experience in bounds of sense and beyond. In: Bengtson, Audun; Heyndels, Sybren; De Mesel, Benjamin. P. F. Strawson and his philosophical legacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 120-145. pp. 120-145.
    P.F. Strawson and his Philosophical Legacy aims to bring out the continuing relevance of Sir Peter Frederick Strawson’s (1919–2006) work for current philosophical debates. It is the first collection of essays published after Strawson’s death that covers the full range of his work. The focus in contemporary work on Strawson is often on his relation to Kant or his paper ‘Freedom and Resentment’. While this volume gives due attention to these topics, it also includes essays on Strawson’s lasting contributions to (...)
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    Higher-Order Musical Temporal Structure in Bird Song.Hans T. Bilger, Emily Vertosick, Andrew Vickers, Konrad Kaczmarek & Richard O. Prum - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Bird songs often display musical acoustic features such as tonal pitch selection, rhythmicity, and melodic contouring. We investigated higher-order musical temporal structure in bird song using an experimental method called “music scrambling” with human subjects. Recorded songs from a phylogenetically diverse group of 20 avian taxa were split into constituent elements and recombined in original and random order. Human subjects were asked to evaluate which version sounded more “musical” on a per-species basis. Species identity and stimulus treatment were concealed from (...)
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    Conversations on Art and Aesthetics.Hans Maes - 2017 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    What is art? What counts as an aesthetic experience? Does art have to beautiful? Can one reasonably dispute about taste? What is the relation between aesthetic and moral evaluations? How to interpret a work of art? Can we learn anything from literature, film or opera? What is sentimentality? What is irony? How to think philosophically about architecture, dance, or sculpture? What makes something a great portrait? Is music representational or abstract? Why do we feel terrified when we watch a horror (...)
  42.  25
    »Die Welt, wie ich sie vorfand«. Biographisches zu Wittgenstein.Hans Sluga - 2014 - Philosophische Rundschau 61 (2):163-170.
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    Frege-Arg Philosophers.Hans D. Sluga - 1980 - Routledge.
    This book is available either individually, or as part of the specially-priced Arguments of the Philosphers Collection.
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    Heidegger and the Critique of Reason.Hans Sluga - 2001 - In Keith Michael Baker & Peter Hanns Reill, What's left of Enlightenment?: a postmodern question. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 50-70.
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    Heidegger's Nietzsche.Hans Sluga - 2005 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall, A Companion to Heidegger. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 102–120.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Why Heidegger Reads Nietzsche How Heidegger Reads Nietzsche What Heidegger Learns Conclusion.
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  46. Problem politycznosci: Carl Schmitt i Hannah Arendt.Hans Sluga - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:43-58.
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    Wittgenstein und der Pyrrhonismus.Hans Sluga - 2011 - In Markus Gabriel, Skeptizismus Und Metaphysik. Akademie Verlag. pp. 189-206.
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    Mission Accomplished? Unified Science and Logical Empiricism at the 1935 Paris Congress and Afterwards.Hans-Joachim Dahms - 2018 - Philosophia Scientiae 22:289-305.
    Pour la plupart, les membres du cercle de Vienne se sentaient investis d’une mission philosophique et aussi culturelle: poursuivre la tradition française des Lumières et l’adapter aux exigences du temps. Si l’on se demande dans quelle mesure l’objectif a été atteint, la réponse est double. Quand ils ont cherché à élaborer une encyclopédie empiriste, à savoir l’Encyclopédie internationale de la science unifiée, qui serait comme l’équivalent de la Grande Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert, l’échec a été flagrant. À cela, il (...)
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  49.  21
    The Philosophy of history in our time.Hans Meyerhoff (ed.) - 1959 - New York: Garland.
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    The links of causal chains.Hans Kamp - 2022 - Theoria 88 (2):296-325.
    Theoria, Volume 88, Issue 2, Page 296-325, April 2022.
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