Results for 'Hannes Schüpbach'

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  1. Inference on the Low Level: An Investigation into Deduction, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, and the Philosophy of Cognition.Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 38 (2):393-395.
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    Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment.Peter Hanns Reill - 2005 - University of California Press.
    This far-reaching study redraws the intellectual map of the Enlightenment and boldly reassesses the legacy of that highly influential period for us today. Peter Hanns Reill argues that in the middle of the eighteenth century, a major shift occurred in the way Enlightenment thinkers conceived of nature that caused many of them to reject the prevailing doctrine of mechanism and turn to a vitalistic model to account for phenomena in natural history, the life sciences, and chemistry. As he traces the (...)
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    The Stability of Belief: How Rational Belief Coheres with Probability.Hannes Leitgeb - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    In everyday life we either express our beliefs in all-or-nothing terms or we resort to numerical probabilities: I believe it's going to rain or my chance of winning is one in a million. The Stability of Belief develops a theory of rational belief that allows us to reason with all-or-nothing belief and numerical belief simultaneously.
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    The evolutionary interplay of intergroup conflict and altruism in humans: A review of parochial altruism theory and prospects for its extension.Hannes Rusch - 2014 - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 281 (1794): 20141539.
    Drawing on an idea proposed by Darwin, it has recently been hypothesised that violent intergroup conflict might have played a substantial role in the evolution of human cooperativeness and altruism. The central notion of this argument, dubbed ‘parochial altruism’, is that the two genetic or cultural traits, aggressiveness against out-groups and cooperativeness towards the in-group, including self-sacrificial altruistic behaviour, might have coevolved in humans. This review assesses the explanatory power of current theories of ‘parochial altruism’. After a brief synopsis of (...)
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    Magnitude scales, category scales, and Fechnerian integration.Hannes Eisler - 1963 - Psychological Review 70 (3):243-253.
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    Leaders’ Personal Wisdom and Leader–Member Exchange Quality: The Role of Individualized Consideration.Hannes Zacher, Liane K. Pearce, David Rooney & Bernard McKenna - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):1-17.
    Business scholars have recently proposed that the virtue of personal wisdom may predict leadership behaviors and the quality of leader–follower relationships. This study investigated relationships among leaders’ personal wisdom—defined as the integration of advanced cognitive, reflective, and affective personality characteristics (Ardelt, Hum Dev 47:257–285, 2004)—transformational leadership behaviors, and leader–member exchange (LMX) quality. It was hypothesized that leaders’ personal wisdom positively predicts LMX quality and that intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration, two dimensions of transformational leadership, mediate this relationship. Data came from (...)
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  7. The Stability Theory of Belief.Hannes Leitgeb - 2014 - Philosophical Review 123 (2):131-171.
    This essay develops a joint theory of rational (all-or-nothing) belief and degrees of belief. The theory is based on three assumptions: the logical closure of rational belief; the axioms of probability for rational degrees of belief; and the so-called Lockean thesis, in which the concepts of rational belief and rational degree of belief figure simultaneously. In spite of what is commonly believed, this essay will show that this combination of principles is satisfiable (and indeed nontrivially so) and that the principles (...)
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  8. An Objective Justification of Bayesianism II: The Consequences of Minimizing Inaccuracy.Hannes Leitgeb & Richard Pettigrew - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (2):236-272.
    One of the fundamental problems of epistemology is to say when the evidence in an agent’s possession justifies the beliefs she holds. In this paper and its prequel, we defend the Bayesian solution to this problem by appealing to the following fundamental norm: Accuracy An epistemic agent ought to minimize the inaccuracy of her partial beliefs. In the prequel, we made this norm mathematically precise; in this paper, we derive its consequences. We show that the two core tenets of Bayesianism (...)
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  9.  48
    Auf dem Weg zur rhetorischen Theorie: rhetorische Reflexion im ausgehenden funften Jahrhundert v. Chr. (review).Hanns Hohmann - 1999 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 32 (2):184-191.
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    Att upptäcka det som inte går att fånga.Hannes Lundkvist & Per Apelmo - 2018 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 7 (2):21-35.
    In this article, we examine which challenges aesthetics and ethics puts pedagogy before. We discuss the intersection of Emmanuel Lévinas's notion of ethics and Jacques Rancière's notion of aesthetics in a pedagogical context through the praxis of Expressive Arts. We begin by introducing Lévinas's ethics and its role in his philosophical system, and also, its implications for relation between human beings. Thereafter we introduce Rancière's aesthetics and its potential to evoke ethics by reproaching non-art as art. After these presentations, we (...)
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    Approximating operators and semantics for abstract dialectical frameworks.Hannes Strass - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 205 (C):39-70.
  12.  84
    Inference on the Low Level: An Investigation Into Deduction, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, and the Philosophy of Cognition.Hannes Leitgeb - 2004 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This monograph provides a new account of justified inference as a cognitive process. In contrast to the prevailing tradition in epistemology, the focus is on low-level inferences, i.e., those inferences that we are usually not consciously aware of and that we share with the cat nearby which infers that the bird which she sees picking grains from the dirt, is able to fly. Presumably, such inferences are not generated by explicit logical reasoning, but logical methods can be used to describe (...)
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    The market, competition, and structural exploitation.Hannes Kuch - 2020 - Constellations 27 (1):95-110.
  14.  21
    Sensations, correlates and judgments: Why physics?Hannes Eisler - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):193-194.
  15.  27
    The Anthropocene and anthropology: Micro and macro perspectives.Chris Hann - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):183-196.
    Noting a lack of consensus in the recent literature on the Anthropocene, this article considers how social anthropologists might contribute to its theorizing and dating. Empirically it draws on the author’s long-term fieldwork in Hungary. It is argued that ethnographic methods are essential for grasping subjectivities, including temporal orientations and perceptions of epochal transformation. When it comes to historical periodization, however, ethnography is obviously insufficient and proposals privileging the last half-century, or just the last quarter of a century, seem inadequate. (...)
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    Order Ethics: An Experimental Perspective.Hannes Rusch & Matthias Uhl - 2016 - In Christoph Luetge & Nikil Mukerji (eds.), Order Ethics: An Ethical Framework for the Social Market Economy. Cham: Springer. pp. 67-78.
    In this chapter, we present supporting arguments for the claim that Order Ethics is a school of thought within ethics which is especially open to empirical evidence. With its focus on order frameworks, i.e., incentive structures, Order Ethical advice automatically raises questions on implementability, efficacy, and efficiency of such recommended institutions, all of which are empirical questions to a good extent. We illustrate our arguments by presenting a small selection of experiments from economics that we consider highly informative for Order (...)
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    Analyzing the computational complexity of abstract dialectical frameworks via approximation fixpoint theory.Hannes Strass & Johannes Peter Wallner - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 226 (C):34-74.
  18. On formal and informal provability.Hannes Leitgeb - 2009 - In Ø. Linnebo O. Bueno (ed.), New Waves in Philosophy of Mathematics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 263--299.
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    Multi-modal meaning – An empirically-founded process algebra approach.Hannes Rieser & Insa Lawler - 2020 - Semantics and Pragmatics 13 (8):1-48.
    Humans communicate with different modalities. We offer an account of multi-modal meaning coordination, taking speech-gesture meaning coordination as a prototypical case. We argue that temporal synchrony (plus prosody) does not determine how to coordinate speech meaning and gesture meaning. Challenging cases are asynchrony and broadcasting cases, which are illustrated with empirical data. We propose that a process algebra account satisfies the desiderata. It models gesture and speech as independent but concurrent processes that can communicate flexibly with each other and exchange (...)
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  20. A New Analysis of Quasianalysis.Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 36 (2):181-226.
    We investigate the conditions under which quasianalysis, i.e., Carnap's method of abstraction in his Aufbau, yields adequate results. In particular, we state both necessary and sufficient conditions for the so-called faithfulness and fullness of quasianalysis, and analyze adequacy as the conjunction of faithfulness and fullness. It is shown that there is no method of (re-)constructing properties from similarity that delivers adequate results in all possible cases, if the same set of individuals is presupposed for properties and for similarity, and if (...)
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    Done wrong or said wrong? Young children understand the normative directions of fit of different speech acts.Hannes Rakoczy & Michael Tomasello - 2009 - Cognition 113 (2):205-212.
  22. A probabilistic semantics for counterfactuals.Hannes Leitgeb - 2010
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    Methodological Reductionism in Realistic Phenomenology.Hannes Wendler - 2023 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2023 (1):110-147.
    What is the status of the reduction in realistic phenomenology? Approaching this question presupposes understanding what realistic phenomenology is. Five ways of defining realistic phenomenology are delineated: 1) lineage definitions, 2) locality definitions, 3) thematic definitions, 4) definitions from the essence of philosophy, and 5) methodological definitions. The question of reduction’s status concerns mostly a combination of 4) and 5) but also draws on historical considerations. An overview of the realists’ critiques of the phenomenological reduction reveals that this method was (...)
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  24. New Life for Carnap’s Aufbau?Hannes Leitgeb - 2011 - Synthese 180 (2):265-299.
    Rudolf Carnap's Der logische Aufbau der Welt (The Logical Structure of the World) is generally conceived of as being the failed manifesto of logical positivism. In this paper we will consider the following question: How much of the Aufbau can actually be saved? We will argue that there is an adaptation of the old system which satisfies many of the demands of the original programme. In order to defend this thesis, we have to show how a new 'Aufbau-like' programme may (...)
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  25. Scientific Change.Hanne Andersen & Brian Hepburn - 2013 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Scientific Change How do scientific theories, concepts and methods change over time? Answers to this question have historical parts and philosophical parts. There can be descriptive accounts of the recorded differences over time of particular theories, concepts, and methods—what might be called the shape of scientific change. Many stories of scientific change attempt to give […].
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    On the problem of hysteresis in psychophysics.Hannes Eisler & Chris Ottander - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (6):530.
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    Thought, Language, and Reasoning. Perspectives on the Relation Between Mind and Language.Hannes Fraissler - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Luxembourg
    This dissertation is an investigation into the relation between mind and language from different perspectives, split up into three interrelated but still, for the most part, self-standing parts. Parts I and II are concerned with the question how thought is affected by language while Part III investigates the scope covered by mind and language respectively. Part I provides a reconstruction of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s famous Private Language Argument in order to apply the rationale behind this line of argument to the relation (...)
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  28. The Community Power Concept: Mitigating Urban-Rural Digital Divide with Renewable Energy Mini Grids.Hanne Cecilie Geirbo - 2013 - Iris 34.
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    Extracts from the Jāiminīya-Brāhmaṇa and Upanishad-Brāhmaṇa, Parallel to Passages of the Çatapatha-Brāhmaṇa and Chāndogya-UpanishadExtracts from the Jaiminiya-Brahmana and Upanishad-Brahmana, Parallel to Passages of the Catapatha-Brahmana and Chandogya-Upanishad.Hanns Oertel - 1893 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 15:233.
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  30. Thus spoke literature.Hannes Opelz - 2018 - In Christopher Langlois (ed.), Understanding Blanchot, understanding modernism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    The Leo Baeck Institute of Jews from Germany.Hanns Reissner - 1960 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 12 (1):75-78.
  32.  34
    (1 other version)Die Meinungsfreiheit im Kontext von Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und widerstreitenden Interessen.Hannes Tretter - 2013 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2013 (1):25-39.
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    On Non-Eliminative Structuralism. Unlabeled Graphs as a Case Study, Part B†.Hannes Leitgeb - 2021 - Philosophia Mathematica 29 (1):64-87.
    This is Part B of an article that defends non-eliminative structuralism about mathematics by means of a concrete case study: a theory of unlabeled graphs. Part A motivated an understanding of unlabeled graphs as structures sui generis and developed a corresponding axiomatic theory of unlabeled graphs. Part B turns to the philosophical interpretation and assessment of the theory: it points out how the theory avoids well-known problems concerning identity, objecthood, and reference that have been attributed to non-eliminative structuralism. The part (...)
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  34. A way out of the preface paradox?Hannes Leitgeb - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):ant091.
    The thesis defended in this article is that by uttering or publishing a great many declarative sentences in assertoric mode, one does not actually assert that their conjunction is true – one rather asserts that the vast majority of these sentences are true. Accordingly, the belief that is expressed thereby is the belief that the vast majority of these sentences are true. In the article, we make this proposal precise, we explain the context-dependency of belief that corresponds to it, we (...)
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    Patentability of Brain Organoids derived from iPSC– A Legal Evaluation with Interdisciplinary Aspects.Hannes Wolff - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (1):1-15.
    Brain Organoids in their current state of development are patentable. Future brain organoids may face some challenges in this regard, which I address in this contribution. Brain organoids unproblematically fulfil the general prerequisites of patentability set forth in Art. 3 (1) EU-Directive 98/44/ec (invention, novelty, inventive step and susceptibility of industrial application). Patentability is excluded if an invention makes use of human embryos or constitutes a stage of the human body in the individual phases of its formation and development. Both (...)
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  36. I—The Humean Thesis on Belief.Hannes Leitgeb - 2015 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 89 (1):143-185.
    This paper suggests a bridge principle for all-or-nothing belief and degrees of belief to the effect that belief corresponds to stably high degree of belief. Different ways of making this Humean thesis on belief precise are discussed, and one of them is shown to stand out by unifying the others. The resulting version of the thesis proves to be fruitful in entailing the logical closure of belief, the Lockean thesis on belief, and coherence between decision-making based on all-or-nothing beliefs and (...)
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  37.  20
    Towards a logic 0f type-free modality and truth.Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - In C. Dimitracopoulos, L. Newelski & D. Normann (eds.), Logic Colloquium 2005: Proceedings of the Annual European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Held in Athens, Greece, July 28-August 3, 2005. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 28--68.
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  38.  19
    Eltern und erwachsene Kinder: Über Verantwortung und Freundschaft in der Familie.Hannes Foth - 2024 - transcript Verlag.
    Was können Eltern und erwachsene Kinder voneinander erwarten? Und welche Verantwortung sollten sie füreinander übernehmen und warum? Durch einen kulturellen und demographischen Wandel sind unsere Vorstellungen von Familie in Bewegung geraten und müssen neu ausgehandelt werden. Hier setzt Hannes Foth mit ethischen und sozialphilosophischen Überlegungen an. Er legt dar, was Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen im Erwachsenenalter auszeichnet, welche Rolle Verantwortung und Freundschaft dabei spielen und welches Verständnis von Familie zeitgemäß ist - ein Perspektivenwechsel, der nicht nur philosophische, sondern auch interdisziplinäre und alltagstaugliche (...)
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  39. Dynamic doxastic logic: why, how, and where to?Hannes Leitgeb & Krister Segerberg - 2007 - Synthese 155 (2):167-190.
    We investigate the research programme of dynamic doxastic logic (DDL) and analyze its underlying methodology. The Ramsey test for conditionals is used to characterize the logical and philosophical differences between two paradigmatic systems, AGM and KGM, which we develop and compare axiomatically and semantically. The importance of Gärdenfors’s impossibility result on the Ramsey test is highlighted by a comparison with Arrow’s impossibility result on social choice. We end with an outlook on the prospects and the future of DDL.
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  40. Authentic Leadership and Behavioral Integrity as Drivers of Follower Commitment and Performance.Hannes Leroy, Michael E. Palanski & Tony Simons - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (3):255-264.
    The literatures on both authentic leadership and behavioral integrity have argued that leader integrity drives follower performance. Yet, despite overlap in conceptualization and mechanisms, no research has investigated how authentic leadership and behavioral integrity relate to one another in driving follower performance. In this study, we propose and test the notion that authentic leadership behavior is an antecedent to perceptions of leader behavioral integrity, which in turn affects follower affective organizational commitment and follower work role performance. Analysis of a survey (...)
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    What is the function of mitochondrial networks? A theoretical assessment of hypotheses and proposal for future research.Hanne Hoitzing, Iain G. Johnston & Nick S. Jones - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (6):687-700.
    Mitochondria can change their shape from discrete isolated organelles to a large continuous reticulum. The cellular advantages underlying these fused networks are still incompletely understood. In this paper, we describe and compare hypotheses regarding the function of mitochondrial networks. We use mathematical and physical tools both to investigate existing hypotheses and to generate new ones, and we suggest experimental and modelling strategies. Among the novel insights we underline from this work are the possibilities that (i) selective mitophagy is not required (...)
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  42. An Objective Justification of Bayesianism I: Measuring Inaccuracy.Hannes Leitgeb & Richard Pettigrew - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (2):201-235.
    One of the fundamental problems of epistemology is to say when the evidence in an agent’s possession justifies the beliefs she holds. In this paper and its sequel, we defend the Bayesian solution to this problem by appealing to the following fundamental norm: Accuracy An epistemic agent ought to minimize the inaccuracy of her partial beliefs. In this paper, we make this norm mathematically precise in various ways. We describe three epistemic dilemmas that an agent might face if she attempts (...)
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  43. HYPE: A System of Hyperintensional Logic.Hannes Leitgeb - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (2):305-405.
    This article introduces, studies, and applies a new system of logic which is called ‘HYPE’. In HYPE, formulas are evaluated at states that may exhibit truth value gaps and truth value gluts. Simple and natural semantic rules for negation and the conditional operator are formulated based on an incompatibility relation and a partial fusion operation on states. The semantics is worked out in formal and philosophical detail, and a sound and complete axiomatization is provided both for the propositional and the (...)
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  44. Scientific Philosophy, Mathematical Philosophy, and All That.Hannes Leitgeb - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (3):267-275.
    This article suggests that scientific philosophy, especially mathematical philosophy, might be one important way of doing philosophy in the future. Along the way, the article distinguishes between different types of scientific philosophy; it mentions some of the scientific methods that can serve philosophers; it aims to undermine some worries about mathematical philosophy; and it tries to make clear why in certain cases the application of mathematical methods is necessary for philosophical progress.
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  45. What is a self-referential sentence? Critical remarks on the alleged mbox(non-)circularity of Yablo's paradox.Hannes Leitgeb - 2002 - Logique and Analyse 177 (178):3-14.
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    Logic and Rhetoric in Legal Argumentation: Some Medieval Perspectives.Hanns Hohmann - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (1):39-55.
    While the formal treatment of arguments in the late medieval modi arguendi owes much to dialectic, this does not remove the substance and function of the argumentative modes discussed from the realm of rhetoric. These works, designed to teach law students skills in legal argumentation, remain importantly focused on persuasive features of argumentation which have traditionally been strongly associated with a rhetorical approach, particularly in efforts to differentiate from it dialectic as a more strictly scientific and logical form of reasoning. (...)
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  47. Why pure mathematical truths are metaphysically necessary: a set-theoretic explanation.Hannes Leitgeb - 2020 - Synthese 197 (7):3113-3120.
    Pure mathematical truths are commonly thought to be metaphysically necessary. Assuming the truth of pure mathematics as currently pursued, and presupposing that set theory serves as a foundation of pure mathematics, this article aims to provide a metaphysical explanation of why pure mathematics is metaphysically necessary.
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  48. On Non-Eliminative Structuralism. Unlabeled Graphs as a Case Study, Part A†.Hannes Leitgeb - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (3):317-346.
    This is Part A of an article that defends non-eliminative structuralism about mathematics by means of a concrete case study: a theory of unlabeled graphs. Part A summarizes the general attractions of non-eliminative structuralism. Afterwards, it motivates an understanding of unlabeled graphs as structures sui generis and develops a corresponding axiomatic theory of unlabeled graphs. As the theory demonstrates, graph theory can be developed consistently without eliminating unlabeled graphs in favour of sets; and the usual structuralist criterion of identity can (...)
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    Subjective duration and psychophysics.Hannes Eisler - 1975 - Psychological Review 82 (6):429-50.
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    Epistemic Entitlement: The Right to Believe.Hannes Ole Matthiessen - 2014 - New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    In Epistemic Entitlement. The Right to Believe Hannes Ole Matthiessen develops a social externalist account of epistemic entitlement and perceptual knowledge. The basic idea is that positive epistemic status should be understood as a specific kind of epistemic right, that is a right to believe. Since rights have consequences for how others are required to treat the bearer of the right, they have to be publicly accessible. The author therefore suggests that epistemic entitlement can plausibly be conceptualized as a (...)
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