Results for 'Hank Stam'

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  1. The SAGE Handbook of Theoretical Psychology. (Eds.) Hank Stam and Huib Looren de Jong.Hank Stam & Huib Looren De Jong (eds.) - forthcoming - Sage.
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    Numerical competence in animals: Definitional issues, current evidence, and a new research agenda.Hank Davis & Rachelle Pérusse - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):561-579.
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    Failure to transfer or train a numerical discrimination using sequential visual stimuli in rats.Hank Davis & Melody Albert - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (6):472-474.
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    Propositional Content.Peter Hanks - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Peter Hanks defends a new theory about the nature of propositional content, according to which the basic bearers of representational properties are particular mental or spoken actions. He explains the unity of propositions and provides new solutions to a long list of puzzles and problems in philosophy of language.
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    Simultaneous numerical discriminations by rats.Hank Davis & Sheree Anne Bradford - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (2):113-116.
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    The neurosciences and the search for a unified psychology: the science and esthetics of a single framework.Henderikus J. Stam - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  7. Ethical considerations in the aversive control of behaviour.Hank Davis - 1982 - In J. D. Keehn, The Ethics of psychological research. New York: Pergamon Press.
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  8. Forward Thinking.Hank J. Goldenberg - 2013 - In Christian Hubert-Rodier, None. Hôtel des Bains Éditions.
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  9. Scholastická logika „vědění“ V.Miroslav Hanke - 2024 - Studia Neoaristotelica 21 (3):1-42.
    The study aims at the systematic presentation of basic systems of scholastic epistemic logic (regardless of its original distribution into different contexts and genres). Scholastic epistemic logic can be (re)interpreted as a conservative extension of a certain non-modal base, which can be viewed as the model of epistemic agents. Its fundamental principles are: [O] if φ implies ψ and an agent knows that φ, then the agent knows that ψ; [T] if an agent knows that φ, then φ; [K] if (...)
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    The historical case against Null-hypothesis significance testing.Henderikus J. Stam & Grant A. Pasay - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):219-220.
    We argue that Chow's defense of hypothesis-testing procedures attempts to restore an aura of objectivity to the core procedures, allowing these to take on the role of judgment that should be reserved for the researcher. We provide a brief overview of what we call the historical case against hypothesis testing and argue that the latter has led to a constrained and simplified conception of what passes for theory in psychology.
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  11. Epistemic Sophisms, Calculatores and John Mair’s Circle.Miroslav Hanke - 2022 - Noctua 9 (3):89-131.
    This paper focuses on the early sixteenth-century epistemic logic developed by John Mair’s circle and discusses iterated epistemic modalities, epistemic closure and Bradwardinian semantics related to the logic of epistemic statements. These topics are addressed as part of setting up and solving epistemic sophisms based on traditional scenarios which can be traced back to fourteenth-century British epistemic logic. While the ultimate source for the debate appears to be the second chapter of William Heytesbury’s Regule solvendi sophismata, the immediate source is (...)
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    Deduction by children and animals: Does it follow the Johnson-Laird & Byrne model?Hank Davis - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):344-344.
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    What Awakens a Sleepwalker? Advice I Would like from Langdon Winner.Hank Bromley - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (5):374-379.
    The conference where this article was originally presented solicited recommendations for the “right questions” to ask regarding education and technology. The author of this article suggests that we already know what the right questions are for illuminating technology and its social meaning. What the author wants to know is why those questions in fact are not being asked more widely—why is widespread disinclination to enter explicit deliberation on the proper place of technology so resilient? Langdon Winner uses the term “technological (...)
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    Posts from the Pandemic: An Introduction.Hank Scotch - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S1-S3.
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    The Soul Cluster: Reconsideration of a Millennia Old Concept.Hank Wesselman, Levente Móró & Ede Frecska - 2011 - World Futures 67 (2):132-153.
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  16. Naturalising Mathematics? A Wittgensteinian Perspective.Jan Stam, Martin Stokhof & Michiel Van Lambalgen - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (4):85.
    There is a noticeable gap between results of cognitive neuroscientific research into basic mathematical abilities and philosophical and empirical investigations of mathematics as a distinct intellectual activity. The paper explores the relevance of a Wittgensteinian framework for dealing with this discrepancy.
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  17. Critical Thinking and the Question of Critique: Some Lessons from Deconstruction.Gert J. J. Biesta & Geert Jan J. M. Stams - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (1):57-74.
    This article provides somephilosophical ``groundwork'' for contemporary debatesabout the status of the idea(l) of critical thinking.The major part of the article consists of a discussionof three conceptions of ``criticality,'' viz., criticaldogmatism, transcendental critique (Karl-Otto Apel),and deconstruction (Jacques Derrida). It is shown thatthese conceptions not only differ in their answer tothe question what it is ``to be critical.'' They alsoprovide different justifications for critique andhence different answers to the question what giveseach of them the ``right'' to be critical. It is arguedthat (...)
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    Reinforcement of leverholding by avoidance of shock.Hank Davis & Jo-Ann Burton - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):61-64.
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  19. Film theory: an introduction.Robert Stam - 2000 - Malden, Mass: Blackwell.
    This book is a lively and provoking introduction to film theory.
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    Numerical competence: From backwater to mainstream of comparative psychology.Hank Davis & Rachelle Pérusse - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):602-615.
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    A Gift of Tamil: Translations from Tamil Literature, in Honor of K. Paramasivam.Hank Heifetz, Norman Cutler & Paula Richman - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):354.
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    The Cilappatikāram of Iḷaṅkō Aṭikạl, An Epic of South IndiaThe Cilappatikaram of Ilanko Atikal, An Epic of South India.Hank Heifetz & R. Parthasarathy - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):193.
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    Whitehead as Mathematical Physicist.Hank Keeton - 2003 - In Timothy E. Eastman & Henry Keeton, Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience. Albany, USA: State University of New York Press. pp. 31.
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  24. On cancellation.Peter Hanks - 2019 - Synthese 196 (4):1385-1402.
    In Hanks I defend a theory of propositions that locates the source of propositional unity in acts of predication that people perform in thought and speech. On my account, these acts of predication are judgmental or assertoric in character, and they commit the speaker to things being the way they are represented to be in the act of predication. This leads to a problem about negations, disjunctions, conditionals, and other kinds of embeddings. When you assert that a is F or (...)
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    Development and testing of an instrument to measure protective nursing advocacy.Robert G. Hanks - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (2):255-267.
    Patient advocacy is an important aspect of nursing care, yet there are few instruments to measure this essential function. This study was conducted to develop, determine the psychometric properties, and support validity of the Protective Nursing Advocacy Scale (PNAS), which measures nursing advocacy beliefs and actions from a protective perspective. The study used a descriptive correlational design with a systematically selected sample of 419 medical-surgical registered nurses. Analysis of the 43-item instrument was conducted using principal components analysis with promax rotation, (...)
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    Zajedničko čulo i pravda: Politička transformacija estetičke moći suđenja od strane Hane Ardent.Hanke Brunkhorst - 1991 - Theoria 34 (3-4):7-18.
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    Non-overlapping and Inverse Associations Between the Sexes in Structural Brain-Trait Associations.Daphne Stam, Yun-An Huang & Jan Van den Stock - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    An algorithm for probabilistic planning.Nicholas Kushmerick, Steve Hanks & Daniel S. Weld - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 76 (1-2):239-286.
  29. Gray Matter Volume of a Region in the Thalamic Pulvinar Is Specifically Associated with Novelty Seeking.Daphne Stam, Yun-An Huang & Jan Van den Stock - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A doutrina de negação da vontade de Schopenhauer à luz do conceito kantiano de grandezas negativas.João Gabriel Coterli Hank - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (1).
    O texto parte das considerações que Schopenhauer faz acerca do princípio de razão suficiente do agir na sua dissertação Sobre a quadrúplice raiz do princípio de razão suficiente e da negação da Vontade de vida nos §68-70 de O mundo como vontade e como representação; e como a conduta relacionada a este conceito pode ser observada ao longo da história, seja no cristianismo ou nas religiões indianas, mostrando como é possível chegar à tal conhecimento. Em seguida, aliado ao texto kantiano (...)
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  31. Structured Propositions as Types.Peter W. Hanks - 2011 - Mind 120 (477):11-52.
    In this paper I defend an account of the nature of propositional content according to which the proposition expressed by a declarative sentence is a certain type of action a speaker performs in uttering that sentence. On this view, the semantic contents of proper names turn out to be types of reference acts. By carefully individuating these types, it is possible to provide new solutions to Frege’s puzzles about names in identity- and belief-sentences.
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    Scholastická logika „vědění“ III.Miroslav Hanke - 2021 - Studia Neoaristotelica 18 (3):1-107.
    The problem of logical omniscience breaks down to the problems of the closure of knowledge under implication and of the distribution of knowledge over implication. In late medieval scholasticism these two related issues were engaged in various genres, in particular in general analysis of validity, games of obligationes, solution to self-referential antinomies and semantics of terms. The present study analyses the corpus of fourteenth-century texts with some overreaches to the subsequent two centuries, attempting to cover representatives of both the “British” (...)
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    Is autocontingency control established when a traditional contingency is simultaneously available?Hank Davis & Lachlan MacFadden - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (6):387-389.
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    Observing responses and the limits of animal learning theory.Hank Davis - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):706.
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    The Scholastic Logic of Statistical Hypotheses: proprietates terminorum, consequentiae, necessitas moralis, and probabilitas.Miroslav Hanke - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (1):61-82.
    Among the important conceptual innovations introduced in the second scholasticism era and motivated by theological debates following the Council of Trent were the theories of moral necessity and moral implication. As they were centred upon a view of moral necessity as a form of necessity weaker than physical necessity, and moral implication as weaker than physical implication, some interpretations of moral necessity encouraged the logic of statistical hypotheses and probability. Three branches of this debate are studied in this paper: the (...)
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  36. El ateísmo existencialista de J.P. Sartre.J. Stam - 1979 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 45:37-42.
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    How not to explain psychological phenomena.Henderikus J. Stam - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):541-542.
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    On attending to the data: The limiting conditions of hypnotic phenomena.Henderikus J. Stam - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):522-524.
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    Theoretical psychology: classic readings.Henderikus J. Stam (ed.) - 2012 - Los Angeles: SAGE.
    v. 1. The origins of a theoretical psychology -- v. 2. Theory and method -- v. 3. Major theoretical positions in twentieth century psychology -- v. 4. The human dilemma : social, developmental, and abnormal psychology.
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  40. The Explanatory Role of Propositions.Peter Hanks - 2017 - Analysis 77 (2):370-379.
    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Analysis Trust. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.comOne of the best arguments in Trenton Merricks’s book Propositions – and there are many excellent arguments to choose from – occurs near the end, where he argues that if it is primitive that propositions represent things as being various ways then we should reject the view that propositions are structured and have constituents. As Merricks shows, combining these (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber.Edith Hanke, Lawrence A. Scaff & Sam Whimster (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    Active at the time when the social sciences were founded, Max Weber's social theory contributed significantly to a wide range of fields and disciplines. Considering his prominence, it makes sense to take stock of the Weberian heritage and to explore the ways in which Weber's work and ideas have contributed to our understanding of the modern world. Using his work as a point of departure, The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber investigates the Weberian legacy today, identifying the enduring problems and (...)
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    An analysis of two extinction procedures for leverpress escape behavior.Hank Davis & Jo-Ann Burton - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (3):201-204.
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    A methodological critique of research on “superstitious” behavior.Hank Davis, James Hubbard & Douglas Reberg - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):447-449.
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    Caveman logic: the persistence of primitive thinking in a modern world.Hank Davis - 2009 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Introduction -- The road to imperfection -- Cataloguing irrationality -- Some real life examples -- Science to the rescue -- A deeper look at what's wrong -- Assigning the blame -- Can it be fixed.
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    Is there a comparative psychology of implicit mathematical knowledge?Hank Davis - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):250-250.
    Geary suggests that implicit mathematical principles exist across human cultures and transcend sex differences. Is such knowledge present in animals as well, and is it sufficient to account for performance in all species, including our own? I attempt to trace the implications of Gearys target article for comparative psychology, questioning the exclusion of “subitizing” in describing human mathematical performance, and asking whether human researchers function as cultural agents with animals, elevating their implicit knowledge to secondary domains of numerical performance.
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    Procedural and parametric variability in studies of conditioned suppression.Hank Davis & Janet Wright - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):149-150.
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    Rats counting rats: The use of conspecifics as discriminative stimuli.Hank Davis & Laurie Hiestand - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (5):356-358.
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    Too early for a neuropsychology of empathy.Hank Davis - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):32-33.
    To date, a wide range of interdisciplinary scholarship has done little to clarify either the why or the how of empathy. Preston & de Waal attempt to remedy this, although it remains unclear whether empathy consists of two discrete processes, or whether a perceptual and motor component are joined in some sort of behavioral inevitability. Although it is appealing to offer a neuroanatomy of empathy, the present level of neuropsychology may not support such reductionism.
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    What defines a legitimate issue for Skinnerian psychology: Philosophy or technology?Hank Davis - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):137-138.
  50. The Content–Force Distinction.Peter W. Hanks - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 134 (2):141-164.
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