Results for 'Hamed al-Yamin'

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  1.  23
    Teaching Listening Skills to EFL Students Using AI-Driven Technology-Based Media.Dr Paiker Fatima Mazhar Hameed & Dr Afreen Faiyaz Al Haq - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1989-1999.
    The aim of this paper is to find how much AI can be useful or as an aid in developing listening skill. A review has been made to past studies as well as the recent developments and innovations made by linguists and teaching community, yielding relevant observations. The present writing is an attempt at exhibiting how much the latest technology is effective which has been tailor-made to suit determined purpose directed at developing the listening skills of EFL learners. It is (...)
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  2. Assessing the Financial Effects of Value-Added Tax (VAT) on University Students' Purchasing Behavior in Oman.Hisham AlGhunaimi, Rayan Abdullah Al-Shibil, Najwa Said Al-Hakmani, Hamed Mohammed Alhamoodah & Maya Juma Al-Hakmani - 2024 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 8 (3):967-983.
    This study contributes to the limited literature on VAT’s impact on student populations by assessing the financial strain on university students in Oman. The research provides novel insights into policymaking, suggesting VAT exemptions for essential educational goods and proposing financial literacy programs for mitigating the adverse effects of VAT which employs chi-square tests and regression analysis to quantify the financial effects of VAT on students' purchasing behavior, revealing that VAT negatively impacts purchasing power with a statistically significant p-value (< 0.05). (...)
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  3. Hybridized Deep Learning Model for Perfobond Rib Shear Strength Connector Prediction.Jamal Abdulrazzaq Khalaf, Abeer A. Majeed, Mohammed Suleman Aldlemy, Zainab Hasan Ali, Ahmed W. Al Zand, S. Adarsh, Aissa Bouaissi, Mohammed Majeed Hameed & Zaher Mundher Yaseen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-21.
    Accurate and reliable prediction of Perfobond Rib Shear Strength Connector is considered as a major issue in the structural engineering sector. Besides, selecting the most significant variables that have a major influence on PRSC in every important step for attaining economic and more accurate predictive models, this study investigates the capacity of deep learning neural network for shear strength prediction of PRSC. The proposed DLNN model is validated against support vector regression, artificial neural network, and M5 tree model. In the (...)
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    Abdalla Al-Nadeem, Pioneer of Patriotism and Civilization in the Modern Egyptian Thought.Hamed Hassan Hamzawy - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):213-223.
    Abdullah Al-Nadim is one of the most important intellectual and political figures in modern Egyptian history. He played a major role in all significant stages of the Egypt nineteenth century. He was called "the orator of the revolution." He left his mark on various aspects of Arab social, political, and cultural life and awareness. So now it is very important to study and analyze his intellectual legacy, especially in contemporary circumstances, in which we see the rise of the new barbarism (...)
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  5. How to Tell a Mestizo from an Enchirito¯: Colonialism and National Culture in the Borderlands.Michael Hames-Garcia - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (4):102-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.4 (2000) 102-122 [Access article in PDF] How To Tell a Mestizo from an Enchirito® Colonialism and National Culture in the Borderlands Michael Hames-garcia I began to think, "Yes, I'm a chicana but that's not all I am. Yes, I'm a woman but that's not all I am. Yes, I'm a dyke but that doesn't define all of me. Yes, I come from working class origins, but I'm (...)
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  6. The Effectiveness of Using an Intelligent Tutoring System in Water Knowledge and Awareness.Mohammed A. Hamed - 2018 - Dissertation, Al-Azhar University, Gaza
    Due to the tremendous progress in technology and the methods used in its application to facilitate and refine human's life, Intelligent Tutoring System was created to contribute in this era. In this study, the Intelligent Tutoring System was adopted as a platform in linking the complex Technological fields for obtaining information smoothly, and highlighting the importance of water issues and in the Gaza strip. In the light of the absence and inability of the formal education system to raise awareness of (...)
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  7.  15
    Relevance of the Bahāʾī Philosophy of Religious Unity and Universal Brotherhood in Modern Times.Ahmed Ibrahim Abed, Hussein Basim Furaijl, Fahim Cheffat Salman, Rasha Abed, Israa Abed Jawad, Haneen Hassan Laith, Alaa A. Gatafa & Noor Al Huda H. Hameed - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):530-544.
    This paper examines the Bahāʾī philosophy with all its religious values and humanitarian practices to assess their relevance to the modern times. The rationale behind the choice of this subject was to find out whether the Bahāʾī philosophy could be yet another force and potential ideology to offer a solution to modern time challenges that are faced globally. Using a qualitative research design, the data was collected through a content analysis and close reading of Bahāʾī scriptures, tablets, letters and other (...)
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    A Comprehensive Review Examination Study of Zoonotic Bacterial Infections: Anthrax and Brucellosis, Epidemiology, Surveillance, Clinical Manifestations, Prevention and Control Strategies.Eman Fahad Alsehli, Yousra Khudran Alzahrani, Manal Ali Alsharif, Fares Hussain Fares Alsharif, Bandar Saleem Saeed Alsaedi, Majed Mohammed Alharbi, Ibrahim Ghalib Mohammed Alharbi, Mamdouh Mathhan Alrashidi, Eman Mohsen Nahhas, Nemat Nourullah Enaam Aldeen, Majed Badr Al-Mutairi, Omar Hamed Alsalemi, Najla Qabl Ayed Almutairi, Abdulnasser Ayed Alrashedi & Abdulla Matar Alsehli - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:107-133.
    The two significant zoonotic bacterial infections that have remained a concern due to the complex dynamics involved in transmission and global prevalence are anthrax and brucellosis. The present paper attempts to address some of the most important zoonotic pathogens, highlighting their epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies. Anthrax is largely transmitted through direct contact with the infected animals or their products resulting in cutaneous, inhalational, and gastrointestinal forms, all with specific clinical outcomes and approaches for treatment. Similarly, the (...)
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  9.  28
    The Repatriation of Gilgamesh Dream Tablet: Rebuilding the Iraqi Religious Legacy.Hasan Khalid Dabis, Haady Abdilnibi Altememy, Mohamed Hameed, Hawraa Neima Kamal, Ali Dawod Ali, Saleem Al-Zerjawi, Hasan Mohammed Ali & Ali Mawlood Fadhil - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):1-14.
    The _Epic of Gilgamesh_, a 3600-year 12-tablet collection, was looted from an Iraqi museum during the 1991 Gulf War, and fraudulently imported into the United States. In September, 2021, UNESCO facilitated its repatriation to Iraq, which is seen as an occasion to consolidate Iraq’s efforts to rebuild its legacy, since the _Epic of Gilgamesh_ is of immense cultural, historical and religious value for Iraq The current study examines the _Epic of Gilgamesh_ in the light of the ancient Sumerian and Akkadian (...)
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  10.  20
    Let's move forward: Image-computable models and a common model evaluation scheme are prerequisites for a scientific understanding of human vision.James J. DiCarlo, Daniel L. K. Yamins, Michael E. Ferguson, Evelina Fedorenko, Matthias Bethge, Tyler Bonnen & Martin Schrimpf - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e390.
    In the target article, Bowers et al. dispute deep artificial neural network (ANN) models as the currently leading models of human vision without producing alternatives. They eschew the use of public benchmarking platforms to compare vision models with the brain and behavior, and they advocate for a fragmented, phenomenon-specific modeling approach. These are unconstructive to scientific progress. We outline how the Brain-Score community is moving forward to add new model-to-human comparisons to its community-transparent suite of benchmarks.
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    Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Radiologists and Paramedics Towards Accident and Emergency Preparedness and the Role of Biomedical Engineering in Prehospital Emergencies.Bader Mohammed Alzughaibi, Khalid Abdullah Al Subait, Hamed Raja Alotaibi, Majed Samran Almutairi, Ibrahim Ahmad Daghas, Adel Rshead Almutairi, Hamda Saad AlOtaibi & Musa Muhammad Ibrahim Alrami - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:686-693.
    Purpose: The purposes of this study were to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of radiologists and paramedics regarding accident and emergency preparedness in hospitals in the southern region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and how to improve their role. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive, cross‑sectional online survey that was carried out among radiologists and paramedics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A self-structured, close-ended questionnaire that was administered that consisted of 19 questions was included. The questionnaire (...)
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    Methodological Naturalists Need Not Commit to Metaphysical Naturalism.Hamed Bikaraan-Behesht - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):45-61.
    In their paper “Should Methodological Naturalists Commit to Metaphysical Naturalism?” Zargar et al. try to show that the correct answer to the question that the title of their paper poses is positive. They argue that methodological naturalism has a metaphysical presupposition, namely causal closure, and an epistemological consequence, namely evidentialism. Causal closure and evidentialism imply metaphysical naturalism. Thus, they conclude, one who believes in methodological naturalism should also endorse causal closure, evidentialism, and metaphysical naturalism as a result. In this paper, (...)
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  13.  21
    Procedural law between traditionists, jurists and judges: the problem of yamīn ma' al-Shāhid.Muhammad Khalid Masud - 1999 - Al-Qantara 20 (2):389-416.
    Los estudios modernos sobre derecho islámico han puesto de relieve la necesidad de estudiar los procedimientos jurídicos en el Islam y el papel desempeñado por la práctica judicial en su formación. Se considera en general que, en el período temprano, los cadíes disponían de mayor libertad en lo relativo a testigos y métodos para establecer pruebas. Posteriormente y de forma gradual el sistema se volvió más rígido y restrictivo. En relación a este desarrollo, los investigadores han propuesto distintas fechas, que (...)
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  14.  29
    Some Hadiths Subjected to Discussion by Supporters of Bishr al-Marīsī Due to Having an Anthropormorphist and Corporealist Content.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):163-188.
    Hadiths that have been discussed in this paper consist of narrations regarding divine attributes and having some problematic meanings between supporters of Bişr al-Marīsī and ʿUthmān al-Dārimī. These narrations were mostly accepted denounced (munkar) by Bişr al-Marīsī and his sopporters due to having an anthropormophist and corporealist content about God. They rejected divine attributes according to their understanding of God based on incomparability (tanzīh) which provided by Mutazilite approach towards divine attributes even though they conveyed some features of Ahl al-Ra’y. (...)
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    Avicenna, fῑ al-ʾumūr al-kulliyya Min ʿilm al-ṭibb, ed. najafgholi Habibi.Jules Janssens - 2021 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 31 (2):269-275.
    That Ibn Sīnā’s “Canon of medicine” figures among the major classics of the history of medicine is doubted by no serious historian of medicine, eastern or western, Islamic or non-Islamic alike. It is therefore all the more surprising that so far no serious critical edition of this text was available. Certainly, a first, very timid step toward a really critical edition was made at the Institute of the History of Medicine and Medical Research, under the direction of Hakeem Abdul Hameed. (...)
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  16. Fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Sattār Naṣṣār - 1982 - [Cairo],:
  17. Digital Piracy: Factors that Influence Attitude Toward Behavior.Sulaiman Al-Rafee & Timothy Paul Cronan - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (3):237-259.
    A new form of software piracy known as digital piracy has taken the spotlight. Lost revenues due to digital piracy could reach $5 billion by the end of 2005.Preventives and deterrents do not seem to be working – losses are increasing. This study examines factors that influence an individual’s attitude toward pirating digital material. The results of this study suggest that attitude toward digital pirating is influenced by beliefs about the outcome of behavior (cognitive beliefs), happiness and excitement (affective beliefs), (...)
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  18.  17
    Application of Case-Based Reasoning for Call Admission Control in Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks.A. Al-Monayyes & H. Hassanein - 2001 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 11 (2):95-124.
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  19. Gîndirea Revolutionara Din Rom'nia Despre Religie. --.C. Al & L. P. - 1983 - Editura Politica.
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  20. Brīkūlāj.Bin-ʻAbd al-ʻĀlī & ʻAbd al-Salām - 2023 - Mīlānū: Manshūrāt al-Mutawassiṭ.
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  21. Short Commentary on Aristotle's Prior Analytics. AL-FÂRÂBÎ - 1963
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  22. Dismantling the Republic of Fear Was a Just Cause.Ibrahim Al-Marashi - 2004 - Nexus 9:63.
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  23.  28
    Fowler–Nordheim plot characteristics for ZnO virtual field emitter array.Ahmed A. Al-Tabbakh - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (26):2839-2850.
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  24. Filosofskai︠a︡ i obshchestvennai︠a︡ myslʹ v Belorussii i Litve.Alʹbert Afanasʹevich Biralo - 1971
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  25.  20
    The Work, Spend and Debt Syndrome.Al Gini - 1999 - Business and Society Review 104 (3):243-259.
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    Al-Niṣf al-Awwal min Kitāb al-ZahrahAl-Nisf al-Awwal min Kitab al-Zahrah.Philip K. Hitti, Abu-Bakr Muḥammad ibn-abi-Sulaymān al-Iṣfahāni, A. R. Nykl & Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn-abi-Sulayman al-Isfahani - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (2):215.
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  27.  14
    HOMO ECO-RELIGIOSUS Sebuah Sharing Permenungan, Hipotesis untuk Diskusi.Al Andang L. Binawan - 2010 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 9 (2):209-227.
    For quite a while homo religiosus has been marginalized and trivialized by homo techno-economicus, which gives more emphasis to the corporal and material dimensions of humanity. The negative effects of the techno-economicus paradigm engender the reemergence of homo ecologicus, which offers wisdom of life. Homo ecologicus has also been quite marginalized from the life of humanity. The reemergence of homo ecologicus, in turn, would give a new hope for the reemergence of the face of the homo religiosus, because of its (...)
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    Juliet B. Schor, Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth, New York: The Penguin Press, 2010, 258 hlm.Al Andang L. Binawan - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (1):139-143.
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  29. Filozofie modernă şi contemporana.̆.Al Posescu (ed.) - 1973 - Bucureşti,: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    Bādir ilá mā tastaṭīʻ wa-daʻ mā laysa lak: waqafāt maʻa qawlihi ṣallá Allāh ʻalayhi wa-sallam, Min ḥusn Islām al-marʼ tarkuhu mā lā yaʻnīh.Ibn Rāḍiyah & Najm al-Dīn al-Shādhilī - 2016 - al-Riyāḍ: Dār Kunūz Ishbīlyā lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    The Moderator Effect of Financial Data Accuracy in Electronic Accounting Information Systems Towards Business Efficiency.Hisham Noori Hussain Al-Hashimy & Yao Jinfang - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:78-95.
    The accuracy of financial data within electronic accounting information systems plays a vital role in improving business efficiency. This paper investigates how the accuracy of data on financial information systems moderates the relationship between these systems and business efficiency. A questionnaire survey was applied to a sample of companies that specialise in the field of accounting information systems. The gathered data was analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling. To be precise, financial data accuracy shows a higher positive return (...)
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    Kollision und Devianz: Diskursivierungen von Moral in der Frühen Neuzeit.Yvonne Al-Taie, Bernd Auerochs & Anna-Margaretha Horatschek (eds.) - 2015 - Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
    The early modern period was characterized by the diversification of knowledge as a result of technological, institutional, socio-cultural, and epistemic breakthroughs as well as intercultural influences. This volume examines the resulting transformations in learned discourses about morality and ethics in contemporary literary and philosophical texts.
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  33.  15
    Why It's Hard to Be Good.Al Gini - 2005 - Routledge.
    In a series of brief chapters, Al Gini lays out ideas for 'stepping out of the shadow of the self' - an argument for stopping thinking of yourself as the centre of the universe. It's hard to be good, he explains, until we realize that being good only has meaning in relation to other people. Ideas of justice, fairness, and ethical behavior are just that - abstract ideas - until they are put into action with regard to people outside ourselves. (...)
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    Upgrading postphenomenological relationships in terms of the UML modelling.Tahani Al-Khatib - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    Postphenomenology emerged as a new philosophical discipline within the contemporary studies in philosophy of technology by Don Ihde and was further upgraded by Verbeek in his philosophical theory of mediation. This paper 1) compares the Human–Technology mediation relation in Ihde’s Postphenomenology to the Human–Technology alienation relation in Heidegger’s classical Phenomenology, 2) explores the schematic diagrams of Human–Technology–-World relationships of Ihde and Verbeek, and 3) argues that Postphenomenological relationships can be upgraded to a new version if the UML models in Software (...)
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  35.  10
    Influence of Management Leadership styles on Nurses Organizational Commitment among two Private Hospitals in Jordan.Heyam Al-Aaraj - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:728-739.
    The leadership styles have been discussed in labor marketing and production before academia. Notably, certain types have been found to have a detrimental impact on both organizational commitment and service quality, particularly in the healthcare industry. Aim: To investigates the leadership practices of nursing managers in hospitals and their impact on staff commitment, seeking to understand how these leaders' styles shape organizational commitment. Subjects and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study among two private teaching hospitals. included 507 nurses aged (22-45), had at (...)
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    Degussa AG and its Holocaust Legacy.Al Rosenbloom & RuthAnn Althaus - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):183-194.
    This case is designed to help students analyze decision making from various ethical perspectives and to use stakeholder analysis. The case perspective is that of the CEO of Degussa AG, a multispecialty chemical company, headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. Degussa is considering whether to submit a bid to supply its anti-graffiti coating, Protectosil ® , for a new Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe being planned for Berlin. Degussa’s ethical dilemma is that a former Degussa subsidiary, Degesch, manufactured and supplied (...)
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  37. Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd.Muṣṭafá ʻAbd al-Ghanī - 2011 - Madīnat Naṣr, al-Qāhirah: Dār al-ʻĀlam al-ʻArabī.
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  38. Marāyā wa-mudhakkirāt murāhiq sābiq.Badr ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz - 2000 - [Kuwait]: B. ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz.
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  39.  12
    Media Transformations.Nadje Al-Ali & Lizzie Thynne - 2011 - Feminist Review 99 (1):1-5.
    Kim Longinotto is one of the UK's leading documentary directors whose body of work explores women's lives and their struggles for autonomy and human rights in a range of international cultural contexts. Her strategies interrogate the observationalist traditions of documentary cinema and visual anthropology to produce engaged and profoundly empathetic feminist films. She works in collaborative ways with her subjects, often with other directors, to represent the contradictions and multiple layers of their lives and political and social situations. This interview (...)
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  40.  96
    Ontology: philosophical discussions and implications for organization studies.Ismael Al-Amoudi & Joseph O'Mahoney - 2015 - In Ismael Al-Amoudi & Joseph O'Mahoney, [no title].
    This chapter discusses the import of philosophical discussions of ontology for organisational studies. It analyses the ontological presuppositions of positivism that still permeate much of sociology and organisational studies. These ontological presuppositions are then discussed from philosophical perspectives that propose or presuppose different ontologies: interpretivism; Heideggerian ontology; negative ontology and realism. The chapter then traces how these philosophical debates are reflected and extended in the field of organisational studies. The following approaches are discussed: positivism, Marxism, critical realism, post-foundational approaches, actor (...)
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    Potatoes or Rice?Nadje Al-Ali - 2016 - Feminist Review 114 (1):12-13.
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  42. Whitehead's Notions of Order and Freedom.Sadik Al-azm - 1967 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4):579.
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  43. Filosofia indiană în texte.Sergiu Al-George (ed.) - 1971 - București Editura ștințifică,:
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  44. al-Jāmiʻ fī faḍāʼil ahl al-Yaman.Abū Ḥudhayfah ʻAbd Allah ibn Aḥmad al-Saqqāf Taʻizzī - 2009 - Ṣanʻāʼ: Dār al-Kutub al-Yamanīyah. Edited by ʻAbd al-Karīm Jaʻmī & Fatḥ Qudsī.
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  45. al-Maʻrifah wa-taṭbīqātuhā al-jadalīyah fī madrasat al-Imām al-Ṣādiq ʻalayhi al-salām wa-āthāruhā fī mutakallimī al-Imāmīyah ḥattá nihāyat al-qarn al-rābiʻ al-Hijrī.Thāmir ʻAbd al-Mahdī Tamīmī - 2019 - al-Najaf al-Ashraf: Markaz ʻAyn lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Buḥūth al-Muʻāṣirah.
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  46. al-Naẓarīyah al-ʻāmmah lil-qānūn.Samīr ʻAbd al-Sayyid Tanāghū - 1974 - al-Iskandarīyah: Munshaʼat al-Maʻārif.
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    On the Aporetic Nature of Plato’s Lysis.Al Vincent St - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (4):1-4.
    Centering on the early Platonic dialogues, this paper delineates the importance of considering Plato’s Lysis’ as rightful inclusion to Jan Szaif’s proposal of “core group” of aporetic dialogue. This paper highlights a synoptic presentation of the development of Lysis’s reception by modern scholars of Plato (Platonic scholars) at the beginning of this discourse to establish a compelling argument for its aporetic nature. It then proceeds with a revisit to Szaif’s article Socrates and the Benefits of Puzzlement. The first section, considering (...)
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    Socioeconomic Inequalities in Times of COVID-19 Lockdown: Prevalence and Related-Differences in Measures of Anxiety and Stress in Palestine.Hamzeh Al Zabadi, Maryam Haj-Yahya, Noor Yaseen & Thair Alhroub - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundImplementation of quarantine and lockdown to COVID-19 pandemic has created dramatic negative psychological impact mainly the general population’s health worldwide. We aimed to assess the prevalence and predictors of anxiety and stress severity among the Palestinian population.MethodsA cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted. An anonymous online questionnaire and snowball recruiting technique were used to target the general public in Palestine between 6 and 16 April, 2020 during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Multivariate logistic regression models were developed for the outcome variables.ResultsOf the 2819 (...)
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    Ethical dilemmas concerning orthodontic treatment among orthodontists in a sample from Saudi Arabia: a pilot study.Nawaf H. Al Shammary & Abdulrahman K. Alshammari - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-8.
    Ethics is based on moral principles that should be the foundation for every healthcare decision, however, ethical concepts can often be challenging to define in specific clinical scenarios. There are several instances where a practising clinician often finds it difficult to make a proper decision despite maintaining integrity and professionalism. The objective of the present study was to explore the ethical dilemma faced by orthodontists practicing in Saudi Arabia concerning orthodontic treatment. This was a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study that was adapted (...)
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  50. Pizhūhishī dar zindagī-i maz̲habī-i javānān.Mīr Abū al-Qāsimī & Muḥammad Taqī - 1972 - [Ṭihrān]: Shirkat-i Sahāmī-i Intishār.
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