Results for 'Haim Assa'

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  1.  9
    ʻAl ha-milḥamah = On war.Haim Assa - 2020 - Rishon le-Tsiyon: Sifre hemed. Edited by Joseph Agassi.
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  2. Keshe-Marḳs pagash et Niṭsheh be-Khikar Taḥrir = Marx & Nietzsch in the Tahrir circle.Haim Assa - 2013 - Tel Aviv-Yafo: Deror la-nefesh.
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  3. Empirical evidence for moral Bayesianism.Haim Cohen, Ittay Nissan-Rozen & Anat Maril - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (4):801-830.
    Many philosophers in the field of meta-ethics believe that rational degrees of confidence in moral judgments should have a probabilistic structure, in the same way as do rational degrees of belief. The current paper examines this position, termed “moral Bayesianism,” from an empirical point of view. To this end, we assessed the extent to which degrees of moral judgments obey the third axiom of the probability calculus, ifP(A∩B)=0thenP(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B), known as finite additivity, as compared to degrees of beliefs on the one (...)
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  4. Attitudes toward risk are complicated: experimental evidence for the re-individuation approach to risk-attitudes.Haim Cohen, Anat Maril, Sun Bleicher & Ittay Nissan-Rozen - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (8):2553-2577.
    We present experimental evidence that supports the thesis :602–625, 2015, Br J Philos Sci 70:77–102, 2019; Bradley in Decisions theory with a human face, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017; Goldschmidt and Nissan-Rozen in Synthese 198:7553–7575, 2021) that people might positively or negatively desire risky prospects conditional on only some of the prospects’ outcomes obtaining. We argue that this evidence has important normative implications for the central debate in normative decision theory between two general approaches on how to rationalize several common (...)
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  5. al-Akhlāq wa-al-tazkīyah.Zabin ʻAzīz ʻAssāfī - 2013 - Ṣanʻāʾ: al-Mutafawwiq lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  6. Mythe et histoire: Regards croisés sur l'Amazonnie brésilienne.Jérome Assa - 2004 - Iris 27:139-169.
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  7. Erratum to: Vagueness, tolerance and contextual logic.Haim Gaifman - 2011 - Synthese 179 (3):501 - 502.
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    Zhuangzi.Wen Haiming & Yuan Li - 2014 - In Jenny Helin, Tor Hernes, Daniel Hjorth & Robin Holt, The Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy and Organization Studies. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines Zhuangzi, an influential Daoist text written by Zhuang Zhou and named after the Daoist thinker Zhuang Zi. It discusses Zhuangzi’s emphasis on the philosopher’s wisdom regarding political and social management, its concept of personal realization, and its concern with social and political order. It also considers Daoism’s notion of wuwei in relation to wuwo, wudai, wugong, and wuming. Furthermore, it looks at the wholeness, equality, relatedness, and relativity of wanwu, along with the organizational implications of Zhuangzi, and (...)
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    al-ʻAlāmah fī al-turāth al-lisānī al-ʻArabī: qirāʼah lisānīyah wa-sīmiyāʼīyah.Aḥmad Ḥassānī - 2015 - al-Riyāḍ: Markaz al-Malik ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Duwalī li-Khidmat al-Lughah al-ʻArabīyah.
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  10. al-Naṣirīyah wa-al-tārīkh.Sayyid Ḥassān - 1989 - al-Jīzah [Egypt]: Markaz al-Ḥaḍārah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Iʻlām wa-al-Nashr.
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    Maimonides' political philosophy.Haim Kreisel - 2005 - In Kenneth Seeskin, The Cambridge companion to Maimonides. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 193.
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    A Philosophy of the Patriarchs?: The Agenda behind Christoph August Heumann’s Acta Philosophorum.Haim Mahlev - 2015 - Journal of the History of Ideas 76 (4):517-539.
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    Nevuʼah ṿeha-seder ha-medini ha-mushlam: ha-teʼologyah ha-medinit shel Leʼo Shṭraus = Prophecy and the perfect political order: the political theology of Leo Strauss.Haim O. Rechnitzer - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Mosad Byaliḳ.
    "מהדורה מוערת ומבוארת של ספר מגלה טמירין על פי דפוס ראשון, כתבי יד מפוזרים, והשוואה לנוסח הספר ביידיש. לספר נלווה כרך מיוחד של נספחים שנוגעים להתהוות הספר ולתכניו, וכלולים בו דיונים עקרוניים שקשורים לכמה סוגיות שעולות בו: מדרש השמות המוצפנים, מקורותיו החסידיים של המחבר, הנוסחים השונים בכתב-יד, והנוסח המיוחד של הספר ביידיש" -- מעטפת אחורית.
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    Xin lun li xue.Haiming Wang - 2001 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
    本书指出科学的伦理学有三个组成部分:一、道德实体,即伦理行为事实如何;二、道德主体,即道德目的,社会为何制定道德;三、道德价值,即伦理行为应该如何。本书一方面揭示了人类伦理行为的类型及其所遵循的四大规 律;另一方面从社会创建道德的目的中推导出了人类伦理行为的善恶六原则以及公平、平等、自由、异化等治理社会的道德原则和幸福、贵生等善待自己的道德原则。.
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    Wei Zhongguo zhe xue li fa: xi fang zhe xue shi yu zhong xian Qin zhe xue he fa xing yan jiu = Legitimatizing Chinese philosophy.Haiming Wen & Zengguang Liu (eds.) - 2016 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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    Zhang, Liwen 張立文, a philosophy of harmony: A strategic framework for chinese culture in the 21st century 和合學.Haiming Wen - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):229-232.
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    Eight lessons on infinity: a mathematical adventure.Haim Shapira - 2019 - London: Duncan Baird Publishing, an imprint of Watkins Media.
    In this book, best-selling author and mathematician Haim Shapira presents an introduction to mathematical theories which deal with the most beautiful concept ever invented by humankind: infinity. Written in clear, simple language and aimed at a lay audience, this book also offers some strategies that will allow readers to try their ability at solving truly fascinating mathematical problems. Infinity is a deeply counter-intuitive concept that has inspired many great thinkers. In this book we will meet many sages, both familiar (...)
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    On inductive support and some recent tricks.Haim Gaifman - 1985 - Erkenntnis 22 (1-3):5 - 21.
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    Proving nothing and illustrating much: The case of Michael Balint.Shaul Bar-Haim - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (3-4):47-65.
    John Forrester’s book Thinking in Cases does not provide one ultimate definition of what it means to ‘think in cases’, but rather several alternatives: a ‘style of reasoning’ (Hacking), ‘paradigms’ or ‘exemplars’ (Kuhn), and ‘language games’ (Wittgenstein), to mention only a few. But for Forrester, the stories behind each of the figures who suggested these different models for thinking (in cases) are as important as the models themselves. In other words, the question for Forrester is not only what ‘thinking in (...)
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  20. A Simpler and More Realistic Subjective Decision Theory.Haim Gaifman & Yang Liu - 2018 - Synthese 195 (10):4205--4241.
    In his classic book “the Foundations of Statistics” Savage developed a formal system of rational decision making. The system is based on (i) a set of possible states of the world, (ii) a set of consequences, (iii) a set of acts, which are functions from states to consequences, and (iv) a preference relation over the acts, which represents the preferences of an idealized rational agent. The goal and the culmination of the enterprise is a representation theorem: Any preference relation that (...)
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    Ideology Effects and the Nature of Popular Culture.Gabriel Bar-Haïm - 1990 - Communications 15 (1-2):149-162.
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  22. (1 other version)Halikhot hayim.Haim Aryeh Bernstein - 1960 - Tel Aviv: Hekhal ha-Talmud.
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  23. Zionism and Liberalism : Complementary or Contradictory?Haim Bresheeth - 2017 - In Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel, Liberalism in neoliberal times: dimensions, contradictions, limits. London: Goldsmiths Press.
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    On the structure of [mathematical formula]-sets of reals.Haim Judah & Otmar Spinas - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 34 (4):301-312.
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    Alan Ryan., Property and Political Theory.Haim Marantz - 1989 - International Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):108-109.
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  26. Frank Leavitt's Questionable Claims.Haim Marantz - 1996 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 6 (3):70-70.
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    Gemara wisdom: understanding the ethics in Torah law: Bava metzia.Haim Perlmutter - 2009 - Nanuet, NY: Feldheim Publishers.
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    Lun li xue yu ren sheng.Haiming Wang - 2009 - Shanghai Shi: Fu dan da xue chu ban she.
    本书系作者专心致志撰写22年而成的150余万字的《新伦理学》(商务印书馆2008年修订版)之精粹。它几乎将每个理论问题都化为一个鲜活的人生案例,通过解析各个案例而系统展现伦理学博大精深之原理,因而名之 为《伦理学与人生》。.
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    He, Guanghu 何光滬, All Rivers Return to the Ocean: Toward a Global Religious Philosophy 百川歸海: 走向全球宗教哲學: Beijing 北京: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe 中國社會科學出版社, 2008, 374 pages.Haiming Wen - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (1):103-106.
  30. Sefer Ḥezyon ha-ʻolam: ha-gedolim ṿeha-ʻam.Avraham Zaḳhaim - 1932 - Petaḥ Tiḳṿah: Avraham Zaḳhaim.
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    Xuan miao zhi jing: Wei Jin xuan xue mei xue si chao.Haiming Zhang - 1997 - Changchun Shi: Jilin sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    A Borel maximal eventually different family.Haim Horowitz & Saharon Shelah - forthcoming - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.
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    When time slows down: The influence of threat on time perception in anxiety.Yair Bar-Haim, Aya Kerem, Dominique Lamy & Dan Zakay - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (2):255-263.
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    The Kunen-Miller chart (lebesgue measure, the baire property, Laver reals and preservation theorems for forcing).Haim Judah & Saharon Shelah - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):909-927.
    In this work we give a complete answer as to the possible implications between some natural properties of Lebesgue measure and the Baire property. For this we prove general preservation theorems for forcing notions. Thus we answer a decade-old problem of J. Baumgartner and answer the last three open questions of the Kunen-Miller chart about measure and category. Explicitly, in \S1: (i) We prove that if we add a Laver real, then the old reals have outer measure one. (ii) We (...)
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  35. Meeting of the association for symbolic logic: Jerusalem, Israel, 1975.Haim Gaifman, Azriel Levy & Gert H. Müller - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (1):140-142.
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    The Location of Suicide: Cultural Parameters of a Public Health Territory.Haim Hazan & Raquel Romberg - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (6):731-747.
    The impetus driving this article is the uncritical uses of ‘culture’ as an explanatory variable in public health research of ‘suicide’, regarding its conceptualization and operationalization as a mentally riddled phenomenon clamped in nomothetic and epidemiological nomenclature. This reduction of suicide to its presumed ‘evidence based’ figures and graphs under the guise of the lingo of culture requires and yields not only ‘thin’ understandings but also non-committal conclusions. Thus, ‘culture’ merely appears as a ‘thing’ made of shared norms and values (...)
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    An Extension of a Theorem of Gaifman-Hales-Solovay.Haim Gaifman - 1967 - Fundamenta Mathematicae 61 (1):29-32.
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    The Spanish Inquisition and a converso Community in Extremadura.Haim Beinart - 1981 - Mediaeval Studies 43 (1):445-471.
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  39. Hagut filosofit be-mishnato shel R. Mosheh Albelda.Refael Ben Haim - 2000 - [Israel: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  40. Halikhot Ḥayim: ʻiyunim be-maḥshevet ha-musar.Haim Aryeh Bernstein - 1960 - Tel Aviv: Hekhal ha-Talmud.
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    Conditionnement economique et conditionnement mental dans le monde du travail parisien a la fin de l'ancien regime: Le privilege corporatif.Haim Burstin - 1982 - History of European Ideas 3 (1):23-29.
    This article is a revised version of a lecture delivered at the Colloque ‘Histoire des Mentalités, Histoire des résistances, ou les Prisons de longue durée’, Aix-La Baume, 20–21–22 septembre 1980.
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  42. Formal philosophy: Interviews.Haim Gaifman - manuscript
    Please send the completed questionnaire by October 1, 2005 either electronically to Vincent F. Hendricks ([email protected]) or John Symons ([email protected]) or mail (fax) to Vincent F. Hendricks, Dept. of Philosophy and Science Studies, Roskilde University, DK4000 Roskilde, Denmark, Fax: +45 4674 3012..
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    2005–06 Winter Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.Haim Gaifman - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):503-516.
  44. The Judaeo-Muslim Cultural World in Morocco: Written and Spoken.Haïm Zafrani & Juliet Vale - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (187):71-82.
    If, at the outset, we postulate the totality of Jewish thought and lay down the principle of its organic unity and its call to universalism, thus asserting the active solidarity which dominates its relations with Jewish religious and intellectual life in the Maghreb, if we state that both have a privileged interrelationship and use the same modes of expression, then we must add that Maghrebian Judaism is an integral part of the intellectual space, the cultural landscape and the civilization of (...)
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    Characteristics of top management team and Chinese tax planning nexus: Findings from a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis.Haiming Jiang & Eunyoung Kim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:964278.
    A top management team (TMT) has been identified as one of the key factors driving changes in tax planning strategy. Based on upper echelons theory, this study investigates whether configurations of TMT characteristics influence enterprise tax planning strategy by using the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Using a panel data of China public companies, we found three configurations conducive to aggressive tax planning and two combinations conducive to low tax planning. Specifically, the level of education, tenure, age, career experience, and (...)
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    Around random algebra.Haim Judah & Saharon Shelah - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (3):129-138.
    It is shown that there is a subalgebra of the measure algebra forcing dominating reals. Also results are given about iterated forcing connected with random reals.
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  47. The Development of the Amesian Methodology for Comparative Philosophy.Haiming Wen & Joshua Mason - 2021 - In Ian M. Sullivan & Joshua Mason, One corner of the square: essays on the philosophy of Roger T. Ames. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
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    How empowering leadership influences medical workers' work–family conflict in the post-pandemic era: A moderated mediation model of leadership “black box”.Haiming Zhou, Xinping Song, Laitan Fang, Kan Shi & Ronghui Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    After experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, the status and mechanisms of leadership, and the challenges for medical workers in terms of family–work conflicts, have caused widespread concern. In the post-pandemic era, based on role theory and the stressor-detachment model, this paper seeks to break the “black box” of negative effects that can be caused by leadership, research the mechanism and boundary conditions of those negative effects, and explore factors to reduce those negative effects. We recruited 1,010 Chinese medical workers fighting COVID-19 (...)
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  49. Context-dependent Utilities.Haim Gaifman & Yang Liu - 2015 - In Wiebe Van Der Hoek, Wesley H. Holliday & Wen Fang Wang, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction. Springer. pp. 90-101.
    Savage's framework of subjective preference among acts provides a paradigmatic derivation of rational subjective probabilities within a more general theory of rational decisions. The system is based on a set of possible states of the world, and on acts, which are functions that assign to each state a consequence€. The representation theorem states that the given preference between acts is determined by their expected utilities, based on uniquely determined probabilities (assigned to sets of states), and numeric utilities assigned to consequences. (...)
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    The borel conjecture.Haim Judah, Saharon Shelah & W. H. Woodin - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 50 (3):255-269.
    We show the Borel Conjecture is consistent with the continuum large.
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