Results for 'Hai-Mok Young'

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  1.  15
    Similarities between Care Ethics and the Confucian Ethics, and its Implications.Young-Hai Mok - 2002 - Journal of Moral Education 14 (1):45.
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    Moral Education of the Digital Society.Hai-Mok Young - 2000 - Journal of Moral Education 12 (2):205.
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  3. On the Buddha as an Avatara of Visnu.Geo-Lyong Lee, Relic Worship, Yang-Gyu An, Sung-ja Han, Buddhist Feminism, Seung-mee Jo, Young-tae Kim, Jeung-bae Mok, On Translating Wonhyo & Robert E. Buswell Jr - 2003 - In Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt, Buddhist thought and culture in India and Korea. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
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    Is it time? Episodic imagining and the discounting of delayed and probabilistic rewards in young and older adults.Jenkin N. Y. Mok, Donna Kwan, Leonard Green, Joel Myerson, Carl F. Craver & R. Shayna Rosenbaum - 2020 - Cognition 199 (C):104222.
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    The preference for an additional child among married women in Seoul, Korea.Sang Mi Park, S. I. Cho, Soong Nang Jang, Young Tae Cho & Hai Won Chung - 2008 - Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (2):269.
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    The functional connectivity of the basal ganglia subregions changed in mid-aged and young males with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.Xi Lan, Xuan Niu, Wei-Xian Bai, Hai-Ning Li, Xin-Yi Zhu, Wen-Jun Ma, Jian-Long Li, Wang-Huan Dun, Ming Zhang & Juan He - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1013425.
    BackgroundThe Basal ganglia (BG) played a crucial role in the brain-level mechanisms of chronic pain disorders. However, the functional changes of BG in chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) are still poorly understood. This study investigated the BG subregions’ resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) in CP/CPPS patients compared with healthy controls.MethodsTwenty eight patients with CP/CPPS and 28 age- and education-matched healthy males underwent clinical measurements and 3T brain MR imaging, including T1-weighted structural images and resting-state functional imaging. The data were analyzed (...)
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    Engaged emancipation: mind, morals, and make-believe in the Mokṣopāya (Yogavāsiṣṭha).Christopher Key Chapple & Arindam Chakrabarti (eds.) - 2015 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    A wide-ranging analysis of the Mokṣopāya, the Indian literary classic that teaches through storytelling how to enjoy an active, successful, worldly life in a spiritually enlightened way. In the Mokṣopāya (also known as the Yogavāsiṣṭha), an eleventh-century Sanskrit poetic text, the great Vedic philosopher Vāsiṣṭha counsels his young protégé Lord Rāma about the ways of the world through sixty-four stories designed to bring Rāma from ignorance to wisdom. Much beloved, this work reflects the philosophy of Kashmir Śaivism. Precisely because (...)
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    Social Difference as a Political Resource.Iris Marion Young - 2000 - In Inclusion and Democracy. Oxford University Press.
    Critics of a politics of difference have misidentified these social movements as asserting an identity politics of recognition. Most of these movements are better understood as resisting unjust structural inequalities. Inclusive democratic process involves paying specific attention to group differences in order to transform preferences and maximize social knowledge.
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  9. Risky behaviour and HIV prevalence among Zambian men.Nisha Malhotra & Jonathan Young - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (2):155-165.
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    Uses and Gratifications of Social Media: A Comparison of Facebook and Instant Messaging.Alyson L. Young & Anabel Quan-Haase - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (5):350-361.
    Users have adopted a wide range of digital technologies into their communication repertoire. It remains unclear why they adopt multiple forms of communication instead of substituting one medium for another. It also raises the question: What type of need does each of these media fulfill? In the present article, the authors conduct comparative work that examines the gratifications obtained from Facebook with those from instant messaging. This comparison between media allows one to draw conclusions about how different social media fulfill (...)
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    The gamer’s dilemma: an expressivist response.Garry Young - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-12.
    In this paper, I support a hybrid form of expressivism called constructive ecumenical expressivism (CEE) which I have previously used (to attempt) to resolve the gamer’s dilemma. (Young, 2016. Resolving the gamer’s dilemma. London: Palgrave Macmillan.) In support of CEE, I argue that the various other attempts at either resolving, dissolving or resisting the dilemma are consistent with CEE’s moral framework. That is, with its way of explaining what a claim to morality is, with how moral norms are established, (...)
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    The Sound of Slurs: Bad Sounds for Bad Words.Eric Mandelbaum, Jennifer Ware & Steve Young - 2024 - In Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe, Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 5. Oxford University Press.
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  13. Inferring statistical complexity.James P. Crutchfield & K. Young - 1989 - Physical Review Letters 63:105.
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  14. Taking an 'intentional stance' on moral psychology.Jordan Theriault & Liane Young - 2014 - In Justin Sytsma, Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Mind. New York: Bloomsbury. pp. 101-124.
  15.  11
    The University Avenue Project Volume 1: The Language of Urbanism: A Six-Mile Photographic Inquiry.Wing Young Huie - 2010 - Minnesota Historical Society Press.
    A behind-the-scenes look at the most significant art exhibit of the year.
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    Twinning and martensitic transformations in oriented high-density polyethylene.R. J. Young & P. B. Bowden - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (5):1061-1073.
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  17. Compasionate care of the dying.James F. Bresnahan & Response by John Young - 2007 - In Margaret Monahan Hogan & David Solomon, Medical ethics at Notre Dame: The J. Philip Clarke Family lectures, 1988-1999. [South Bend, Ind.?]: The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
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    Examination of Gender-Related Differential Item Functioning Through Poly-BW Indices.Tsai-Wei Huang, Pei-Chen Wu & Magdalena Mo Ching Mok - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The existing differential item functioning detection approaches relying on item difficulty or item discrimination are limited for understanding the associates of DIF items, and consequently, DIF items were conventionally either deleted or ignored. Given the importance of minimizing DIF items in test construction, teachers or testing practitioners need more information regarding possible associates of DIF items. Using an example of a teacher-made mathematics achievement test, this study aimed to examine how the Poly-BW indices contributed to the properties of gender-related DIF (...)
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    Zur Ideologie- und Staatsanalyse: ein Versuch über Marx, Gramsci und Althusser.Eun-Young Kim - 1995 - Marburg: Tectum Verlag DE.
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  20. RK Elliott.A. Life & Young Ludwig - 1993 - In Paul Heywood Hirst, Robin Barrow & Patricia White, Beyond liberal education: essays in honour of Paul H. Hirst. New York: Routledge. pp. 150.
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  21. Moral heuristics.W. Sinnott-Armstrong, L. Young & F. Cushman - 2010 - In John Doris, Moral Psychology Handbook. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  22. Introduction: posing the question.Geoff Bennington & Robert Young - 1987 - In Derek Attridge, Geoffrey Bennington & Robert Young, Post-structuralism and the question of history. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--11.
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  23. Homosexual Rights and Citizen Initiatives: Is Constitutionalism Unconstitutional?Richard Duncan & Gary Young - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 9 (1):93-136.
  24. 4 Critical realism, methodology and applied economics1.Bernard Walters & David Young - 2003 - In Paul Downward, Applied Economics and the Critical Realist Critique. New York: Routledge. pp. 51.
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    Auditory Stimulus Timing Influences Perceived duration of Co-Occurring Visual Stimuli.Vincenzo Romei, Benjamin De Haas, Robert M. Mok & Jon Driver - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
  26.  26
    (1 other version)Autonomy and Paternalism.Robert Young - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 8:47-66.
    Paternalism has generally been thought of as forcible or coercive interference with a person's liberty of action which is justified because it will prevent harm to that person's welfare interests or the like. Opposition to paternalistic interference with adults, whether it involves the intervention of the state or another adult individual, has usually been based on a concern to preserve human autonomy or self-determination. More strictly it is opposition to so-called ‘strong’ paternalism - interventions to protect or benefit a person (...)
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    Raimon Panikkar: a companion to his life and thought.Peter C. Phan, Young-Chan Ro & Rowan Williams (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: James Clarke & Co.
    Raimon Panikkar: A Companion to his Life and Thought is a guide to the life, work and thought of Raimon Panikkar, a self-professed Buddhist-Christian-Hindu philosopher and theologian. A man of deep and wide learning and an extremely prolific author, Panikkar is equally at home in various religious and cultural traditions and embodies in himself the ideals of intercultural, intrareligious, and interreligious dialogues. This book explicates Panikkar’s basic vision of life as the harmonious rhythm of divinity, humanity, and the cosmos, which (...)
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    Aesthetic Antirealism.James O. Young - 1997 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 35 (1):119-134.
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    Accessus ad Alexandrum: The Prefatio to the Postilla in Iohannis Euangelium of Alexander of Hales (1186?-1245).Abigail Ann Young - 1990 - Mediaeval Studies 52 (1):1-23.
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    A Christian approach to philosophy.Warren C. Young - 1954 - Wheaton, Ill.,: Van Kampen Press.
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    Henry Adams: The Historian as Political Theorist.James P. Young - 2001 - American Political Thought (Un.
    "In this revisionist study, Young denies that Adams was a reactionary critic of democracy and instead contends that he was an idealistic, though often disappointed, advocate of representative government. Young focuses on Adams's belief that capitalist industrial development during the Gilded Age had debased American ideals and then turns to a careful study of Adams's famous contrast of the unity of medieval society with the fragmentation of modern technological society."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Soul as Structure: Plato and Aristotle on the Harmonia Theory.Douglas Young - unknown
    We are conscious beings who think, understand, feel and perceive. We are also material beings composed out of ordinary material stuff. Determining the precise connections between the psychological and the material remains problematic. The harmonia theory is one of the first attempts to frame this as a problem about composite objects. The theory itself is simple: the soul is the harmonia of the material parts of the body. But what a harmonia is and what the theory amounts to are matters (...)
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  33. Science and the individual: are they in conflict?J. Z. Young - 1967 - Newcastle-upon-Tyne,: The University.
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    Technology and Technique: The Role of Skill in the Practice of Scientific Observation.Mark Thomas Young - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (4):396-415.
    Despite the vast amount of work produced by philosophers, historians and sociologists on the nature of scientific activity, “observation itself is rarely the focus of attention and almost never the subject of historical inquiry in its own right”. This general lack of interest in the nature of scientific observation was perhaps most clearly reflected in the Vienna Circle’s attempt to establish an analysis of science beginning at the level of protocol sentences. To do so, of course, they had to disregard (...)
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    The Invisibility of Asian Americans in COVID-19 Data, Reporting, and Relief.Jennifer L. Young & Mildred K. Cho - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):100-102.
    Without proper recognition of the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racism that Asian Americans and other racial minorities in the United States are facing, we cannot successfully address structural b...
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    Death and beyond in the Eastern perspective.Jung Young Lee - 1974 - [New York,: Gordon & Breach.
  37. Korean Preaching: An Interpretation.Jung Young Lee - 1997
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  38. The approach through symbols.Allen Newell, Richard Young & Thad Polk - 1993 - In Donald Eric Broadbent, The Simulation of human intelligence. Cambridge: Blackwell. pp. 62.
  39.  16
    Bunk: the rise of hoaxes, humbug, plagiarists, phonies, post-facts, and fake news.Kevin Young - 2017 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Graywolf Press.
    Award-winning poet and critic Kevin Young traces the history of the hoax as a peculiarly American phenomenon--the legacy of P.T. Barnum's 'humbug' culminating with the currency of Donald J. Trump's 'fake news'. Disturbingly, Young finds that fakery is woven from stereotype and suspicion, with race being the most insidious American hoax of all. He chronicles how Barnum came to fame by displaying figures like Joice Heth, a black woman whom he pretended was the 161-year-old nursemaid to George Washington, (...)
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    Distraction.Damon Young - 2010 - Routledge.
    Most of us struggle with distraction every day: the familiar feeling that our attention is not quite where it should be. We feel it at work and at home and it can be frustrating and uncomfortable. But what is distraction? In his lucid, timely book, Damon Young shows that distraction is more than too many stimuli, or too little attention. It is actually a matter of value - to be distracted is to be torn away from what is worthwhile (...)
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    Darwin's metaphor: nature's place in Victorian culture.Bob Young - 1985 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this collection of closely interrelated essays, Robert Young emphasizes the scope of the nineteenth-century debate on 'man's place in nature' at the same time as he engages with the approaches of scholars who write about it. He is critical of the separation of the writing of history from writing about history, historiography, and of the separation of history from politics and ideology, then or now. Dr Young challenges fellow historians for reimposing the very disciplinary boundaries that the (...)
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    How to think about exercise.Damon Young - 2014 - New York: Picador.
    It can often seem as though existence is split in two: body and mind, flesh and spirit, moving and thinking. In the office or at study we are 'mind workers,' with seemingly superfluous bodies. Conversely, in the gym we stretch, run and lift, but our minds are idle. In How to Think About Exercise, author and philosopher Damon Young challenges this idea of separation, revealing how fitness can develop our bodies and minds as one. Exploring exercises and sports with (...)
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    Negotiating the Good Life: Aristotle and the Civil Society.Mark A. Young - 2005 - Routledge.
    For centuries philosophers have wrestled with the dichotomy between individual freedom on the one hand and collective solidarity on the other. Yet today there is a growing realization that this template is fundamentally flawed. In this book, Mark Young embraces and advocates a more holistic concept of freedom; one which is not merely defined negatively but which positively provides the preconditions for individuals to actively exercise their autonomy and to flourish as human beings in the process. Young posits (...)
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    Formal Logic: A Model of English.Ronald Rubin & Charles M. Young - 1989 - Mountain View, CA, USA: Mayfield.
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    What we bet on is not only tangible money, but also good mood.Hui-Fang Guo, Rui Tao, Ning Zhao, Hai-Ping Chen, Rui Zheng & L. I. Shu - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1404-1419.
    A surprisingly large number of lottery prizes go unclaimed every year. This leads us to suspect that what people bet on is not only money, but also good mood. We conducted three studies to explain, from an emotional perspective, why people play lottery games. We first conducted two survey studies to assess mood state reported by online (Study 1a) and offline lottery buyers (Study 1b) at different stages of lottery play. The results revealed that participants’ highest mood appeared before knowing (...)
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  46. That Fabric of Times": A Response to David Bordwell's "Film Futures.Kay Young - 2002 - Substance 31 (1):115.
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    What happens when a face rings a bell?: The automatic processing of famous faces.D. C. Hay, A. W. Young & A. W. Ellis - 1986 - In H. Ellis, M. Jeeves, F. Newcombe & Andrew W. Young, Aspects of Face Processing. Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 136--144.
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    Staff attitudes toward the promotion of family centred care in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit.D. McCann, J. Young, J. Wilkinson, K. Cartwright & K. Ronlund - 2004 - The Acorn 17 (1):26-27.
  49. Workshop on Optimization: Theories and Applications (OTA 2006)-A Coordination Algorithm for Deciding Order-Up-To Level of a Serial Supply Chain in an Uncertain Environment.Kung-Jeng Wang, Wen-Hai Chih & Ken Hwang - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3982--668.
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    Recycled Realities.John Willis, Tom Young & Martha A. Sandweiss - 2006 - Center for American Places.
    Near the homes of photographers John Willis and Tom Young is a paper mill that sits in the otherwise pristine and picturesque climes of western Massachusetts. For Willis and Young, this site is one of both aesthetic and philosophical contradictions: despite its verdant locale, the mill—with its ominous smoke stacks and countless bales of discarded paper—brings to mind the dreariness of industrialization and the impermanence of life itself. But the factory is actually one where such litter is reborn (...)
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