Results for 'Gábor Lengyel'

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  1.  38
    Symbolic Number Comparison Is Not Processed by the Analog Number System: Different Symbolic and Non-symbolic Numerical Distance and Size Effects.Attila Krajcsi, Gábor Lengyel & Petia Kojouharova - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  2. Imre Lakatos' Hungarian dissertation. A documentation arranged by Gábor Kutrovátz.Gábor Kutrovátz - 2002 - In G. Kampis, L: Kvasz & M. Stöltzner (eds.), Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 353--374.
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  3.  16
    The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation.Gábor Betegh - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a comprehensive study of the Derveni Papyrus. The papyrus, found in 1962 near Thessaloniki, is not only one of the oldest surviving Greek papyri but is also considered by scholars as a document of primary importance for a better understanding of the religious and philosophical developments in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Gábor Betegh aims to reconstruct and systematically analyse the different strata of the text and their interrelation by exploring the archaeological context; the interpretation of (...)
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  4.  28
    Putting Sociology First—Reconsidering the Role of the Social in ‘Nature of Science’ Education.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2009 - Science & Education 18 (5):525-559.
  5.  35
    Beyond Eschatology: Environmental Pessimism and the Future of Human Hoping.Willa Swenson-Lengyel - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (3):413-436.
    In much environmentally concerned literature, there is a burgeoning concern for the status and sustainability of human hope. Within Christian circles, this attention has often taken the form of eschatological reflection. While there is important warrant for attention to eschatology in Christian examinations of hope, I claim that to move so quickly from hope to eschatology is to confuse a species of Christian hope for a definition of hope itself; as such, it is important for theological ethicists to examine hope (...)
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    Strong Computability and Variants of the Uniform Halting Problem.Gabor T. Herman - 1971 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 17 (1):115-131.
  7.  37
    Ultraproducts and Higher Order Formulas.Gábor Sági - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (2):261-275.
    Which ultraproducts preserve the validity of formulas of higher order logics? To answer this question, we will introduce natural topologies on ultraproducts. We will show, that ultraproducts preserving certain higher order formulas can be characterized in terms of these topologies. As an application of the above results, we provide a constructive, purely model theoretic characterization for classes definable by second order existential formulas.
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    Strategic Manoeuvring and the Selection of Starting Points in the Pragma-Dialectical Framework.Gábor Forgács - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):241-249.
    The article analyzes strategic manoeuvring within the pragmadialectical framework with respect to the selection of starting points in the opening stage to frame the arguments. The Terri Schiavo case is presented, which can provide interesting insights concerning this issue. I would like to show that resolution of the difference of opinion requires the resolution of a subordinate difference of opinion concerning how to label her medical state, and why discussants were not able to resolve this subordinate difference of opinion. After, (...)
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  9.  29
    More existence theorems for recursion categories.Florian Lengyel - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 125 (1-3):1-41.
    We prove a generalization of Alex Heller's existence theorem for recursion categories; this generalization was suggested by work of Di Paola and Montagna on syntactic P-recursion categories arising from consistent extensions of Peano Arithmetic, and by the examples of recursion categories of coalgebras. Let B=BX be a uniformly generated isotypical B#-subcategory of an iteration category C, where X is an isotypical object of C. We give calculations for the existence of a weak Turing morphism in the Turing completion Tur of (...)
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  10.  19
    Stalin in 1938: Political Defeat Behind the Rhetorical Apotheosis.Gabor Rittersporn - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (46):6-42.
  11.  15
    The profinite topology of free groups and weakly generic tuples of automorphisms.Gábor Sági - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (4):432-444.
    Let be a countable first order structure and endow the universe of with the discrete topology. Then the automorphism group of becomes a topological group. A tuple of automorphisms is defined to be weakly generic iff its diagonal conjugacy class (in the algebraic sense) is dense (in the topological sense) and the ‐orbit of each is finite. Existence of tuples of weakly generic automorphisms are interesting from the point of view of model theory as well as from the point of (...)
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  12.  65
    The development of the Neurath principle: unearthing the Romantic link.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 37 (4):585-609.
    Otto Neurath’s thoroughgoing anti-foundationalism is connected to the recognition that protocol sentences are not inviolable, that is they are fallible and their choice cannot be determined: ‘Poincaré, Duhem and others have adequately shown that even if we have agreed on the protocol statements, there is a not limited number of equally applicable, possible systems of hypotheses. We have extended this tenet of the uncertainty of systems of hypotheses to all statements, including protocol statements that are alterable in principle’. Later historiography (...)
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  13. Being Charitable to Scientific Controversies.Gábor Á Zemplén & Tamás Demeter - 2010 - The Monist 93 (4):640-656.
    Current philosophical reflections on science have departed from mainstream history of science with respect to both methodology and conclusions. The article investigates how different approaches to reconstructing commitments can explain these differences and facilitate a mutual understanding and communication of these two perspectives on science. Translating the differences into problems pertaining to principles of charity, the paper offers a platform for clarification and resolution of the differences between the two perspectives. The outlined contextual approach occupies a middle ground between mainstream (...)
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  14. Skeptical Remarks on “Divided Memories”.Gabor Rittersporn - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2000 (118):109-114.
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  15. A completeness theorem for higher order logics.Gabor Sagi - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):857-884.
    Here we investigate the classes RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ of representable directed cylindric algebras of dimension α introduced by Nemeti[12]. RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ can be seen in two different ways: first, as an algebraic counterpart of higher order logics and second, as a cylindric algebraic analogue of Quasi-Projective Relation Algebras. We will give a new, "purely cylindric algebraic" proof for the following theorems of Nemeti: (i) RCA $^\uparrow_\alpha$ is a finitely axiomatizable variety whenever α ≥ 3 is finite and (ii) one can obtain (...)
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  16.  71
    Theory-Containment in Controversies: Neurath and Müller on Newton, Goethe, and Underdetermination.Gábor Á Zemplén - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (4):533-549.
    Olaf Müller’s book develops a new case for underdetermination, and, as he is focusing on theories of a ‘limited domain’, this assumes the containability of the theories. First, the paper argues that Müller’s theory of darkness is fundamentally Newtonian, but for Newton’s optical theory the type of theoretical structure Müller adopts is problematic. Second, the paper discusses seventeenth-century challenges to Newton, changes in the proof-structure of Newton’s optical theory, and how these affect Müller’s reconstruction. Müller’s book provides empirically equivalent theories, (...)
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  17.  85
    Cosmological Ethics in the Timaeus and Early Stoicism.Gábor Betegh - 2003 - In David Sedley (ed.), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume Xxiv: Summer 2003. Oxford University Press. pp. 273-302.
  18.  16
    The paradoxical effect of climate on time perspective considering resource accumulation.Gábor Orosz, Philip G. Zimbardo, Beáta Boőthe & István Tóth-Király - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  19.  33
    On the Personal, Intersubjective, and Metaphysical Senses of Death: An Inquiry into Edmund Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenological Approach to Death.Gábor Toronyai - 2023 - Husserl Studies 40 (1):67-88.
    In this short study, I attempt to reconstruct the main conceptual components of Edmund Husserl’s concept of death following the leading clue of his late transcendental phenomenological methodology. First, I summarise his thoughts on death, from the point of view of “the natural attitude”, as an event in the world. Then, I try and explore the manifold senses of the limit phenomenon of death as a multidimensional transcendental phenomenological problem in all of its intersubjective-world constitutive, personal-primordial, and metaphysical-constructive layers of (...)
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  20.  85
    Cosmological Ethics in the Timaeus and Early Stoicism.Gábor Betegh - 2003 - In David Sedley (ed.), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume Xxiv: Summer 2003. Oxford University Press. pp. 273-302.
  21.  18
    Polarisation in Extended Scientific Controversies: Towards an Epistemic Account of Disunity.Gábor Zemplén - 2016 - In Giovanni Scarafile & Leah Gruenpeter Gold (eds.), Paradoxes of Conflict. Cham: Springer.
    The essay focuses on controversies where the debated issues are complex, the exchange involves several participants, and extends over long periods. Examples include the Methodenstreit, the Hering-Helmholtz controversy or the debates over Newton’s or Darwin’s views. In these cases controversies lasted for several generations, and polarisation is a recurring trait of the exchanges. The reconstructions and evaluations of the partly polemical exchanges also exhibit heterogeneity and polarisation. Although I pick an early example of the Newtonian controversies, Darwin’s argument in The (...)
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  22.  28
    Ultratopologies.Gábor Sági & János Gerlits - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (6):603-612.
    The notion of ultratopologies was introduced in [6] motivated by the model theory of first and higher order logics. In [6] we established some model theoretical applications of ultratopologies, for example, we provided a purely set theoretical characterization for classes de.nable by second order existential formulas. The present note deals with topological properties of ultratopologies, like density and compactness.
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  23.  75
    A simple solution of the uniform halting problem.Gabor T. Herman - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):639-640.
    The uniform halting problem (UH) can be stated as follows.Give a decision procedure which for any given Turing machine (TM) will decide whether or not it has an immortal instantaneous description (ID).An ID is called immortal if it has no terminal successor. As it is generally the case in the literature (see e.g. Minsky [3, p. 118]) we assume that in an ID the tape must be blank except for some finite numbers of squares. If we remove this restriction the (...)
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  24. Cosmic and Human Cognition in the Timaeus.Gábor Betegh - 2019 - In John E. Sisko (ed.), Philosophy of mind in antiquity. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 120-140.
  25. Freedom in nature, freedom of the mind in Spinoza.Gabor Boros - 2018 - In Christian Krijnen (ed.), Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Boston: Brill.
  26.  29
    Proclus: Commentary on Plato’s Republic: Volume 1, edited by Dirk Baltzly, John Finamore, Graeme Miles.Gary Gabor - 2020 - Polis 37 (3):596-599.
  27.  26
    Role of capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerves in initiation and maintenance of pathological pain.Gábor Jancsó, Mária Dux & Péter Sántha - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):454-455.
    This commentary provides experimental data in support of the critical role of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferent fibers in the initiation and maintenance of pathological pain. The demonstration of capsaicin-induced, centrally-evoked cutaneous hyperalgesia, and of neuroplastic changes elicited by the degeneration of C-fiber primary afferent terminals following peripheral nerve damage, indicates a significant contribution of capsaicin-sensitive sensory ganglion neurons in the development of pathological pain conditions. [coderre & katz].
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  28.  80
    Can Power Be Humanized? The Notions of Elite and Legitimation in István Bibó's Political Philosophy.Gábor Kovács - 1999 - Studies in East European Thought 51 (4):307-327.
    Istvan Bibó was the clandestine politological authority during the late Kadar period, and was rediscovered after the fall of communism. The essay examines and reconstructs the notions of elite and legitimation in Bibó''s political philosophy. As a young thinker he confronted the value crisis between the two world wars. He was influenced by Oswald Spengler''s and Ortega y Gasset''s theories of elites. The essay analyses the similarities and differences in their views. In Bibó''s conceptual world, the theory of elites is (...)
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  29.  17
    Anatomical identifications of stars: Textual descriptions in Ptolemy's star catalogue.Gábor Kutrovátz - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):94-102.
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    In Memoriam.Cornel Lengyel - 1989 - Overheard in Seville 7 (7):24-25.
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  31. Nietzsche magyar utókora.Béla Lengyel - 1938 - Budapest: [Kir. Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda Könyvesboltja].
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  32.  9
    The United Nations Press: A Sampling of 75 Periodicals.Peter Lengyel - 1985 - Communications 11 (2):109-126.
  33.  14
    Bishop Albert Bereczky (1893-1966) and the Revival Movement: Albert Bereczky’s Conversion.Gábor J. Lányi - 2021 - Perichoresis 19 (1):91-100.
    This original research paper discusses Bishop Albert Bereczky’s (1893-1966) first contacts with revivalism, especially his spiritual conversion experience during his adolescent years. Albert Bereczky, Bishop of the Danubian Church District from 1948 to 1958, was one of the most significant, and yet controversial persons of the Reformed Church in Hungary during the 20th Century. From a popular preacher of the Revival Movement of the 1920s, church planter of the 1930s, rescuer of Jews during the War, he became the tool of (...)
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    Gewaltlosigkeit gegen Terrorismus? Über Theorien der Gewalt bei Stanley Hauerwas und Oliver O’Donovan.Gábor Viktor Orosz - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 64 (2):132-137.
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    The Four Faces of Competition: The Development of the Multidimensional Competitive Orientation Inventory.Gábor Orosz, István Tóth-Király, Noémi Büki, Krisztián Ivaskevics, Beáta Bőthe & Márta Fülöp - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Reforming the Soviet System.Gábor T. Rittersporn - 1989 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1989 (79):9-28.
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    Moral Paralysis and Practical Denial: Environmental Ethics in Light of Human Failure.Willa Swenson-Lengyel - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):171-187.
    In environmental ethics, there has been too little attention to the question of why changes in environmental beliefs do not simply result in changes in behavior, given that this gap between belief and behavior is widespread. In this essay, I argue that two forms of inaction that exhibit this gap can be helpfully analyzed by reading them in terms of a Lutheran account of sin. To make the argument, I distinguish seven forms of and reasons for inaction, from which I (...)
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  38.  58
    Monika baár: Historians and nationalism: East central europe in the nineteenth century.Gábor Zoltán Szűcs - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (2):237-240.
  39. Archelaus on Cosmogony and the Orignis of Social Institutions.Gábor Betegh - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 51:1-40.
  40.  34
    Social Studies of Science and Science Teaching.Gábor Kutrovátz & Gábor Áron Zemplén - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 1119-1141.
    If any nature of science perspective is to be incorporated in science-related curricula, it is hard to imagine a satisfactory didactic toolkit that neglects the social studies of science, the academic field of study of the institutional structures and networks of science. Knowledge production takes place in a world populated by actors, instruments, and ideas, and various epistemic cultures are responsible for providing the concepts, abstractions, and techniques that slowly trickle down the information pathways to become stabilized in university curricula (...)
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  41.  57
    Polysemy does not exist, at least not in the relevant sense.Gabor Brody & Roman Feiman - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (2):179-200.
    Based on the existence of polysemy (e.g., lunch can refer to both food and events), it is argued that central tenets of externalist semantics and Fodorian concept atomism, an externalist theory on which words lack semantic structure, are unsound. We evaluate the premise that these arguments rely on—that polysemous words have separate, finer‐grained senses. We survey the evidence across psychology and linguistics and argue that it shows that polysemy does not exist, at least not in this “sense”. The upshot is (...)
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  42.  27
    Natural Numbers, Natural Shapes.Gábor Domokos - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (5):743-763.
    We explain the general significance of integer-based descriptors for natural shapes and show that the evolution of two such descriptors, called mechanical descriptors (the number _N_(_t_) of static balance points and the Morse–Smale graph associated with the scalar distance function measured from the center of mass) appear to capture (unlike classical geophysical shape descriptors) one of our most fundamental intuitions about natural abrasion: shapes get monotonically _simplified_ in this process. Thus mechanical descriptors help to establish a correlation between subjective and (...)
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  43.  21
    Plato’s Error and a Mean Field Formula for Convex Mosaics.Gábor Domokos & Zsolt Lángi - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (5):889-905.
    Plato claimed that the regular solids are the building blocks of all matter. His views, commonly referred to as the geometric atomistic model, had enormous impact on human thought despite the fact that four of the five Platonic solids can not fill space without gaps. In this paper we quantify these gaps, showing that the errors in Plato’s estimates were quite small. We also develop a mean field approximation to convex honeycombs using a generalized version of Plato’s idea. This approximation (...)
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  44.  33
    A note on algebras of substitutions.Gábor Sági - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (2):265-284.
    We will study the class RSA of -dimensional representable substitution algebras. RSA is a sub-reduct of the class of representable cylindric: algebras, and it was an open problem in Andréka [1] that whether RSA can be finitely axiomatized. We will show, that the answer is positive. More concretely, we will prove, that RSA is a finitely axiomatizable quasi-variety. The generated variety is also described. We note that RSA is the algebraic counterpart of a certain proportional multimodal logic and it is (...)
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  45.  35
    Deindustrialization, social disintegration, and health: a neoclassical sociological approach.Gábor Scheiring & Lawrence King - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (1):145-178.
    Deindustrialization is a major burden on workers’ health in many countries, calling for theoretically informed sociological analysis. Here, we present a novel neoclassical sociological synthesis of the lived experience of deindustrialization. We conceptualize industry as a social institution whose disintegration has widespread implications for the social fabric. Combining Durkheimian and Marxian categories, we show that deindustrialization generates ruptures in economic production, which entail job and income loss, increased exploitation, social inequality, and the disruption of services. These ruptures spill over to (...)
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  46. Plato's Cosmic Teleology.Gábor Betegh - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:255-269.
    A Critical Notice of Thomas KjellerJohansen, Plato’s Natural Philosophy. A Study of the Timaeus-Critias.
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  47.  49
    Gettiered Beliefs are Genuine Beliefs.Gábor Forrai - 2019 - Logos and Episteme 10 (2):217-224.
    In recent articles in this journal Benoit Gaultier and John Biro have argued that the original Gettier cases and the ones closely modelled on them fail, and the reason for the failure is that the subject in these cases does not actually have the belief that would serve as a counterexample to the justified-true-belief analysis of knowledge. They claim that if our evidence pertains to a particular individual (as in the first case) or to the truth of one of the (...)
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  48.  17
    The “End of History” and the “Last Man” in Europe—The Contemporary Rise of Illiberalism.Gábor Dániel Nagy - 2022 - Open Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):682-686.
    The concept of the “End of History” was originally developed by G. W. F. Hegel in the Phenomenology of the spirit in 1806 (Hegel, 2018). The concept can be closely related to a utopia, the completion of the work of philosophers, and the creation of a perfect framework of the finished system of ideas. Hegel had a lot of influence on Western philosophy with the development of this idea and on Marx, who obviously thought of history in dialectic terms. However, (...)
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  49.  18
    Automorphism invariant measures and weakly generic automorphisms.Gábor Sági - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (4):458-478.
    Let be a countable ℵ0‐homogeneous structure. The primary motivation of this work is to study different amenability properties of (subgroups of) the automorphism group of ; the secondary motivation is to study the existence of weakly generic automorphisms of. Among others, we present sufficient conditions implying the existence of automorphism invariant probability measures on certain subsets of A and of ; we also present sufficient conditions implying that the theory of is amenable. More concretely, we show that if the set (...)
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  50.  50
    Cicero on Pompey’s Command: Heuristic Rhetoric and Teaching the Art of Strategic Reasoning.Gabor Tahin - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):143-154.
    Through the example of a paradigmatic deliberative speech from classical oratory, the paper addresses two fundamental questions of teaching rhetorical reasoning. First, the paper shows that a speech from ancient Greek and Roman political or judicial oratory could provide effective means to teach a variety of argumentation skills, the recognition of fallacies and an awareness of biases in the target audience. Second, the paper uses the speech to consider an elusive problem of rhetorical or critical reasoning instruction, namely how students (...)
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