Results for 'Gwendolyn Beetham'

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  1.  17
    Transatlantic Conversations: Feminism as Travelling Theory Kathy Davis and Mary Evans (eds). [REVIEW]Gwendolyn Beetham - 2012 - Feminist Theory 13 (3):351-354.
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    Communicable Disease Surveillance Ethics in the Age of Big Data and New Technology.Gwendolyn L. Gilbert, Chris Degeling & Jane Johnson - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (2):173-187.
    Surveillance is essential for communicable disease prevention and control. Traditional notification of demographic and clinical information, about individuals with selected infectious diseases, allows appropriate public health action and is protected by public health and privacy legislation, but is slow and insensitive. Big data–based electronic surveillance, by commercial bodies and government agencies, which draws on a plethora of internet- and mobile device–based sources, has been widely accepted, if not universally welcomed. Similar anonymous digital sources also contain syndromic information, which can be (...)
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    Representing Global Public Concern: A Critical Analysis of the Danish Participatory Experiment on Climate Change.Gwendolyn Blue - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (4):445-464.
    Drawing on the recognition that questions of discourse and power are vital components in analysing the public participation in environmental governance, this paper examines the ways in which dominant scientific discourses about the Earth's climate inform the types of public talk facilitated in and by mini-publics, particularly when they are ‘scaled up’ to address environmental issues such as climate change. World Wide Views on Global Warming (WWViews) serves as a case study. Conceived and organised by the Danish Board of Technology, (...)
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    Preserving the Right to Future Children: An Ethical Case Analysis.Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Daniel K. Stearsman, Lisa Campo-Engelstein & Devin Murphy - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (6):38-43.
    We report on the case of a 2-year-old female, the youngest person ever to undergo ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC). This patient was diagnosed with a rare form of sickle cell disease, which required a bone-marrow transplant, and late effects included high risk of future infertility or complete sterility. Ethical concerns are raised, as the patient's mother made the decision for OTC on the patient's behalf with the intention that this would secure the option of biological childbearing in the future. Based (...)
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  5. Max Weber and the Legitimacy of the Modern State.David Beetham - 1991 - Analyse & Kritik 13 (1):34-45.
    Max Weber’s typology of legitimate ‘Herrschaft’ has provided the basis for the treatment of legitimacy in twentieth century sociology and political science. The thesis of the article is that this typology is a misleading tool for the analysis of the modern state, and especially for the comparative analysis of political systems. This is because of basic flaws in Weber’s conceptualisation of legitimacy itself, and in his account of the normative basis of authority. The article offers an alternative, multi-dimensional, account of (...)
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    The philosophy of logic, 1880-1908.Gwendolyn D. Bowne - 1966 - The Hague,: Mouton.
  7. Legislative Exess or Regulatory Brilliance? Corporate Governance after SARBOX.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2009 - In Julian Friedland, Doing Well and Good: The Human Face of the New Capitalism. Information Age.
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  8. Legislated Isomorphism of Immigrant Religions: Lessons from Sweden.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - forthcoming - In Jorge Capetillo, Glenn Jacobs & Philip Kretsedemas, Migrant Marginality: A Transnational Perspective.
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    Not Christian, but Nonetheless Qualified: The Secular Workplace - Whose Hardship?Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2011 - Journal of Religion and Business Ethics 3 (1).
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    Crónica del X Simposio steiniano.Gwendolyn Araya - 2019 - Teología y Vida 60 (3):423-430.
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  11. Democraţia liberală şi limitele democratizării.David Beetham - 1994 - Polis 3.
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    Democracy: universality and diversity.David Beetham - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (4):281-296.
    The argument of this paper is that the justification of democracy’s core principles of popular control over government in conditions of political equality, and the defense of them against paternalist alternatives, requires appeal to basic features of political decision-making and of human nature, respectively*its capacities and limitations*which are universal in their scope, and do not stop at borders. It follows that if a democratic form of government is appropriate anywhere, it must be so everywhere, though differences of social structure and (...)
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  13.  26
    Controlling Health Care Costs under the ACA — Chaos, Uncertainty, and Transition with CMMI and IPAB.Gwendolyn Roberts Majette - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):857-861.
    This article addresses two components of the new governing architecture that help to reform the delivery of health care and to control costs of the health care system: the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation and the Independent Payment Advisory Board. The republican controlled federal government has partially disassembled these two components, threatening the effectiveness of federal delivery system reform and cost control initiatives.
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    PPACA and Public Health: Creating a Framework to Focus on Prevention and Wellness and Improve the Public's Health.Gwendolyn Roberts Majette - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (3):366-379.
    On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a major piece of health care reform legislation. This comprehensive legislation includes provisions that focus on prevention, wellness, and public health. Some, including authors in this symposium, question whether Congress considered public health, prevention, and wellness issues as mere afterthoughts in the creation of PPACA. As this article amply demonstrates, they did not.This article documents the extent of congressional consideration on public health issues based on personal (...)
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  15.  40
    Begging the Question: The Fallacy of Adoptees as a Health Disparity.Gwendolyn P. Quinn & Susan T. Vadaparampil - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (12):47-48.
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    Diversity Beyond Race and Ethnicity: Enhancing Inclusion With an Expanded Definition of Diversity.Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Clement K. Gwede & Cathy D. Meade - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):47-48.
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    The sensorimotor contingency of multisensory localization correlates with the conscious percept of spatial unity.Gwendolyn E. Roberson, Mark T. Wallace & James A. Schirillo - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):1001-1002.
    Two cross-modal experiments provide partial support for O'Regan & Noë's (O&N's) claim that sensorimotor contingencies mediate perception. Differences in locating a target sound accompanied by a spatially disparate neutral light correlate with whether the two stimuli were perceived as spatially unified. This correlation suggests that internal representations are necessary for conscious perception, which may also mediate sensorimotor contingencies.
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  18. Affirming the California Experience with Affirmative Action.Gwendolyn Yip & Karen Narasaki - 1996 - Nexus 1:22.
    -/- CONCLUSION “The experience in California is clear. Affirmative action has helped to dismantle barriers such as "old boys' networks" that have excluded not only women and individuals of racial or ethnic minorities, but also white American men who did not belong to networks of privilege. Affirmative action has also worked to ensure that our schools, workplaces, and other social institutions fully use our diverse talents, thereby helping our government and social institutions to better serve their communities. -/- In short, (...)
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    Bioethics Rooted in Justice: Community‐Expert Reflections.Gwendolyn Wallace - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):79-82.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S79-S82, March‐April 2022.
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    Multiple actions of Lucilia sericata larvae in hard‐to‐heal wounds.Gwendolyn Cazander, David I. Pritchard, Yamni Nigam, Willi Jung & Peter H. Nibbering - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (12):1083-1092.
    In Europe ≈15,000 patients receive larval therapy for wound treatment annually. Over the past few years, clinical studies have demonstrated the success of larvae of Lucilia sericata as debridement agents. This is based on a combination of physical and biochemical actions. Laboratory investigations have advanced our understanding of the biochemical mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of larval secretions, including removal of dead tissue, reduction of the bacterial burden, and promotion of tissue regeneration. The present article summarizes our current understanding of (...)
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  21. Prospects & Overviews.Gwendolyn Cazander, David I. Pritchard, Yamni Nigam, Willi Jung & Peter H. Nibbering - unknown - Bioessays 35:0000-0000.
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    A Dictionary of Ancient near Eastern Mythology.Gwendolyn Leick - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (2):354-354.
  23. Windows on a broken world: Gordon Matta-Clark's photographs of public housing in New York.Gwendolyn Owens - 2019 - In Edward Dimendberg, The moving eye: film, television, architecture, visual art, and the modern. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy.Gwendolyn A. Tedeschi - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (1):216-218.
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    The Ethical Imperative of Risk Disclosure in Research: The Answer Is Always Yes.Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Eric B. Haura & Devin Murphy - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (4):18-19.
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    Communication and Communicable Disease Control: Lessons From Ebola Virus Disease.Gwendolyn Lesley Gilbert & Ian Kerridge - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):62-65.
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    Karachi weds Lahore.Gwendolyn Kirk - 2017 - Latest Issue of Pragmatics and Society 8 (1):26-37.
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    Nieuwe vrijheid.Gwendolyn Rutten - 2017 - Kalmthout, België: Polis.
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    Prescribing the Model Home.Gwendolyn Wright - 1991 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 58.
  30. Global Sullivan Principles.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2010 - Green Business: An A-to-Z Guide.
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    The Lady and the Tramp : Feminist Welfare Politics, Poor Single Mothers, and the Challenge of Welfare Justice.Gwendolyn Mink - 1998 - Feminist Studies 24 (1):55.
  32.  10
    Reflexiones sobre la relación entre fe y mística. Contrapunto entre Edith Stein y Ernst Tugendhat.Gwendolyn Araya Gómez - 2024 - Teología y Vida 65 (3):369-409.
    Este artículo presenta un contrapunto entre Edith Stein y Ernst Tugendhat, centrado en la relación entre fe y mística como dos caminos hacia la experiencia trascendente, abordados desde sus respectivas posturas fenomenológicas. El análisis se enfoca en la interpretación de obras clave de ambos autores, ofreciendo una perspectiva contrastiva de sus puntos de partida: la experiencia de la fe cristiana en Stein, orientada a una relación mística con Dios, y la búsqueda de una mística secular en Tugendhat, basada en el (...)
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  33. Global Sullivan Principles.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2010 - Sage Publications.
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  34. Legislative Terrorism: A Primer for the Non-Islamic State.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2003 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    In industrial societies where civil law and state institutions have become well established secular vehicles for governing the populace, it is widely assumed that the state no longer has an interest in fortifying the religious sector as a complementary source of social control. Thus, a distinction is drawn between the Islamic state that is ruled by religious law and the secular state of Western industrial societies in which religion is deemed to have lost its influence in the public sphere. This (...)
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  35. Second-Guessing Management: The Board Autonomy Budget.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2007 - New Jersey Lawyer Magazine 248 (Oct 2007):67 - 75.
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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  37. Cruzando o Atlântico: etnias africanas nas Américas Crossing the Atlantic Ocean: African ethnic groups in the Americas.Gwendolyn Midlo Hall - 2005 - Topoi 6 (10):29-70.
  38. África e africanos na diáspora africana: os usos de bancos de dados relacionais.Gwendolyn Midlo Hall - 2010 - Topoi: Revista de História 11 (21):318-331.
  39. After Shame; Before Moral Obligation (CMO): Ethical Lag and the Credit Crisis.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2010 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 4 (3/4):244-266.
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  40. (1 other version)Coming home to roost: Offshore operations from an in-house perspective.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2007 - International Corporate Social Responsibilitie Series:55-67.
    Greatly aided by an information age in which protesting laborers in a remote offshore outpost can capture front page headlines around the globe, theSarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SARBOX) has made corporate transparency the linchpin for good corporate governance. Under a SARBOX-enhancedregulatory framework, publicly traded corporations are required to rapidly disclose material changes in their financial conditions or operations—changes such as impairments to goodwill, a trademark, or some other intangible corporate asset. Especially challenging for multinational corporations (MNCs) with far-flung corporate empires (...)
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  41. Getting Down to Business: The Work of the State's Littlest Commission.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis & Michael Rave - 2010 - New Jersey Law Journal 201 (214):38.
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  42. Copenhagen, Denmark.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2010 - In Nevin Cohen Paul Robbins, Green Cities: An A-to-Z Guide.
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  43. From Lapdog to Watchdog: The Post-SARBOX Corporate Board.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2007 - New York State Bar Association Journal 79 (3):22 - 25.
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    The Hypothetical Embryo and the Prosecutor’s Fallacy.Gwendolyn Quinn & Arthur Caplan - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):46-47.
    Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024, Page 46-47.
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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    Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision?Carolyn Riley Chapman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Heini M. Natri, Courtney Berrios, Patrick Dwyer, Kellie Owens, Síofra Heraty & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):47-60.
    Harms and risks to groups and third-parties can be significant in the context of research, particularly in data-centric studies involving genomic, artificial intelligence, and/or machine learning technologies. This article explores whether and how United States federal regulations should be adapted to better align with current ethical thinking and protect group interests. Three aspects of the Common Rule deserve attention and reconsideration with respect to group interests: institutional review board (IRB) assessment of the risks/benefits of research; disclosure requirements in the informed (...)
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  47. Malmoe, Sweden.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2010 - In Nevin Cohen Paul Robbins, Green Cities: An A-to-Z Guide.
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    A Discussion of the Work of Michel Foucault.Gwendolyn Wright & Paul Rabinow - 1988 - In Barry Smart, Michel Foucault: critical assessments. New York: Routledge. pp. 338.
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    Altruism in terminal cancer patients and rapid tissue donation program: does the theory apply? [REVIEW]Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Devin Murphy, Christie Pratt, Teresita Muñoz-Antonia, Lucy Guerra, Matthew B. Schabath, Marino E. Leon & Eric Haura - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):857-864.
    Rapid tissue donation (RTD) is an advancing oncology research procedure for collecting tumors, metastases, and unaffected tissue 2–6 h after death. Researchers can better determine rates of progression, response to treatment, and polymorphic differences among patients. Cancer patients may inquire about posthumous body donation for research to offer a personal contribution to research; however, there are barriers to recruiting for an RTD program. Physicians must reassure the patient that their treatment options and quality of care will not be compromised due (...)
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  50.  30
    Broadening the Frame around Sustainability with Holistic Language: Mandela and Invictus.Poonam Arora, Gwendolyn A. Tedeschi & Janet L. Rovenpor - 2018 - Humanistic Management Journal 3 (2):233-251.
    We argue for the need for a new language for business – one that is capable of changing the current business decision-making frame of wins and losses to a frame of community and social learning. This paper outlines a classroom exercise about Nelson Mandela’s leadership, involving movies, case studies and poetry, and shows how the more holistic approach helps shift student views of the triple bottom line. Since neuroscience literature has shown that poetry can help enhance learning, students carefully study (...)
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