Results for 'Guy Mcclung'

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  1. Malcolm and Zemach on the definition of memory.Guy Mcclung - 1972 - Dianoia 40:40-44.
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  2. A Fresh Start for the Objective-List Theory of Well-Being.Guy Fletcher - 2013 - Utilitas 25 (2):206-220.
    So-called theories of well-being (prudential value, welfare) are under-represented in discussions of well-being. I do four things in this article to redress this. First, I develop a new taxonomy of theories of well-being, one that divides theories in a more subtle and illuminating way. Second, I use this taxonomy to undermine some misconceptions that have made people reluctant to hold objective-list theories. Third, I provide a new objective-list theory and show that it captures a powerful motivation for the main competitor (...)
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  3. Our Cosmic Insignificance.Guy Kahane - 2013 - Noûs 47 (2):745-772.
    The universe that surrounds us is vast, and we are so very small. When we reflect on the vastness of the universe, our humdrum cosmic location, and the inevitable future demise of humanity, our lives can seem utterly insignificant. Many philosophers assume that such worries about our significance reflect a banal metaethical confusion. They dismiss the very idea of cosmic significance. This, I argue, is a mistake. Worries about cosmic insignificance do not express metaethical worries about objectivity or nihilism, and (...)
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    A chronometric analysis of simple addition.Guy J. Groen & John M. Parkman - 1972 - Psychological Review 79 (4):329-343.
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  5. Normal Human Variation: Refocussing the Enhancement Debate.Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - Bioethics 29 (2):133-143.
    This article draws attention to several common mistakes in thinking about biomedical enhancement, mistakes that are made even by some supporters of enhancement. We illustrate these mistakes by examining objections that John Harris has recently raised against the use of pharmacological interventions to directly modulate moral decision-making. We then apply these lessons to other influential figures in the debate about enhancement. One upshot of our argument is that many considerations presented as powerful objections to enhancement are really strong considerations in (...)
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    The return of Hephaistos, Dionysiac procession ritual, and the creation of a visual narrative.Guy Hedreen - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:38-64.
    The return of Hephaistos to Olympos, as a myth, concerns the establishment of a balance of power among the Olympian gods. Many visual representations of the myth in Archaic and Classical Greek art give visible form to the same theme, but they do so in a manner entirely distinct from the manner in which it is expressed in literary narratives of the tale. In this paper, I argue that vase-painters incorporated elements of Dionysiac processional ritual into representations of the return (...)
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    Reasoning and pragmatics.Guy Politzer & Laura Macchi - 2000 - Mind and Society 1 (1):73-93.
    Language pragmatics is applied to analyse problem statements and instructions used in a few influential experimental tasks in the psychology of reasoning. This analysis aims to determine the interpretation of the task which the participant is likely to construct. It is applied to studies of deduction (where the interpretation of quantifiers and connectives is crucial) and to studies of inclusion judgment and probabilistic judgment. It is shown that the interpretation of the problem statements or even the representation of the task (...)
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  8. A Millian Objection to Reasons as Evidence.Guy Fletcher - 2013 - Utilitas 25 (3):417-420.
    Stephen Kearns and Daniel Star have recently proposed this thesis: [Reasons as Evidence: Necessarily, a fact F is a reason for an agent A to PHI.
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    A propos de quelques livres récents sur l'islam et le judaïsme.Guy Harpigny - 1983 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 14 (1):95-98.
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  10. The Personal Dimension to Ontology.M. Guy Thompson - 2015 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 22 (2):125-127.
    Hersch’s objective in his paper was to “illustrate how an existential ontology has a great deal to offer psychotherapists”. The first of three sections addresses existential themes such as guilt and anxiety and explores the notion of bad faith; the second focuses on why existential ontology provides a more suitable grounding for psychotherapy than traditional models; and the third offers the author’s invention of a mental status examination that is derived from existential ontology. To illustrate how existential ontology may be (...)
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    (1 other version)Meaning, Truth and Negation.Bernard Harrison & Guy Stock - 1983 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 57 (1):179-206.
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    Writers, Rascals and Rebels: Information Wars in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus.Guy Williams - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):898-915.
    This article examines how the historian deals with ‘information’ broadly conceived, especially its acquisition, retention and loss. Ammianus details a complex interplay between those who control information and those who must work with an information deficit. Just as this dialogue plays out within the text, however, so too does it with respect to the author's methodology, which dances between the poles of incomplete and complete information depending on circumstance. Ammianus thus becomes an author as hard to pin down as many (...)
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    Rappel de la législation relative aux prélèvements d'organes et quelques questions éthiques.Guy Le Gall & Françoise Le Gall - 2007 - Médecine et Droit 2007 (83):50-55.
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  14. Recent Work in Applied Virtue Ethics.Guy Axtell & Philip Olson - 2012 - American Philosophical Quarterly 49 (3):183-204.
    The use of the term "applied ethics" to denote a particular field of moral inquiry (distinct from but related to both normative ethics and meta-ethics) is a relatively new phenomenon. The individuation of applied ethics as a special division of moral investigation gathered momentum in the 1970s and 1980s, largely as a response to early twentieth- century moral philosophy's overwhelming concentration on moral semantics and its apparent inattention to practical moral problems that arose in the wake of significant social and (...)
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    Jargon de l'authenticité: De l'idéologie allemande.Theodor W. Adorno, Guy Petitdemange & Eliane Escoubas - 2018 - Payot.
    Comment l'idéologie nazie a-t-elle imprégné et corrompu jusqu'au plus intime de la pensée et du langage? Jargon de l'authenticité est l'une des charges les plus féroces écrites contre Heidegger et son jargon. Qu'est-ce que le jargon? C'est un maniement de la langue qui vise à exercer un charme magique sur les lecteurs grâce à une sacralisation du langage et à un pathos de l'authenticité. Nationalisme, repli sur soi, mépris de la réalité sociale sont dès lors autant de voies pour perdre (...)
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  16. Is Comparative Politics Useful? If so, for What?B. Guy Peters - 2015 - In Gerry Stoker, B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre, The relevance of political science. New York: Palgrave.
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  17. La bontà di Dio secondo la Filosofia della religione di Hegel.Guy Planty-Bonjour - 1981 - Studi Filosofici 4:211.
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    (1 other version)Subjektivität als die dritte Umwelt.Guy Santibañez-H. - 1991 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 39 (1-6):463-476.
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    Couples Coping Together: A Scoping Review of the Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence and Conceptual Work Across Three Decades.Katharina Weitkamp & Guy Bodenmann - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:876455.
    Dyadic coping (DC), how couples cope together to deal with a stressor like chronic illness, has received increased attention over the last three decades. The aim of the current study was to summarize the current state of research on DC in couples. We conducted a scoping review of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies published between 1990 and 2020, assessing DC in couples during three decades. 5,705 studies were identified in three electronic databases and hand searches. We included 643 sources in (...)
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  20. Reflections on Presbyterorum Ordinis.Lawrence Welch & Guy Mansini - 2007 - Nova et Vetera 5:765-788.
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    The doctor-patient relationship as a Gadamerian dialogue: A response to Arnason.Guy A. M. Widdershoven - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (1):25-27.
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  22.  31
    Probabilités et rationalité du choix: au sujet de l'irrationnel de David Hume.Pierre Guy Mubambar - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Pierre Guy Mubambar réévalue ce que la tradition qualifie d'irrationnel dans la philosophie de David Hume. Il s'appuie sur le rôle que joue, dans cette philosophie, le concept de probabilité. Dans cet ouvrage, il montre comment, du point de vue épistémologique et religieux, la probabilité permet à Hume de dissoudre la causalité et la croyance au miracle. Comment décider sans trop tergiverser? L'auteur ébauche une théorie de la décision raisonnable, dans laquelle il estime que les mesures prises par la raison (...)
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  23. The return to God.Travers Guy Rogers - 1933 - London,: A. Barker.
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    Readings in Humanist Sociology: Social Criticism and Social Change.Walda Katz Fishman, George C. Benello, C. George Benello, Joseph Fashing, David G. Gil, Ted Goertzel, James Kelly, Alfred McClung Lee, Robert Newby, David J. O'Brien, Victoria Rader, Sal Restivo, Jerold M. Starr, Richard S. Sterne & Michael Zenzen - 1986 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Humanist sociologists are activists rooted in the reality of history and change and guided by a concern for the 'real life' problems of equality, peace, and social justice. They view people as active shapers of social life, capable of creating societies in which everyone's potential can unfold. Alfred McClung Lee introduces this volume with 'Sociology: Humanist and Scientific' and develops the theme that a sociology that is humanist is also scientific. The other nine selections are grouped into four parts: (...)
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  25. The Philosophy of F. H. Bradley.eds Anthony Manser and Guy Stock - 1984
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  26. Philosophische Kommentare im Mittelalter -- Zugange und Orientierungen. Zweiter Teil.Rudiger Arnzen, Guy Guldentops, Andreas Speer, Michele Trizio & David Wirmer - 2007 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 32 (3):259-290.
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    Paradise in Antiquity: Jewish and Christian Views.Markus Bockmuehl & Guy G. Stroumsa (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    The social and intellectual vitality of Judaism and Christianity in antiquity was in large part a function of their ability to articulate a viably transcendent hope for the human condition. Narratives of Paradise - based on the concrete symbol of the Garden of Delights - came to play a central role for Jews, Christians, and eventually Muslims too. The essays in this volume highlight the multiple hermeneutical perspectives on biblical Paradise from Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins to the systematic (...)
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  28. Bibliographia Bonaventuriana (c. 1850-1973).Jacques Guy Bougerol - 1974 - Grottaferrata: Collegio S. Bonaventura.
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    Improved Identification of Complex Temporal Systems with Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks. Application to the Identification of Electromyography and Human Arm Trajectory Relationship.Jean-Philippe Draye, Guy Cheron & Marc Bourgeois - 1997 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 7 (1-2):83-102.
  30.  7
    Le Temps et la mort dans la philosophie contemporaine d'Amérique latine.Jean Cobos & Alain Guy (eds.) - 1971 - Toulouse,: [Association des publications de Toulouse-Le Mirail].
  31.  46
    Computers as cognitive models of computors and vice versa.Jean Guy Meunier - 2013 - Epistemologia 36 (1):18-36.
  32. Les vitraux médiévaux: caractérisation physico-chimique de l'altération.Jérôme Sterpenich & Guy Libourel - 1997 - Techne 6:70-78.
  33. The Pseudo-Metaphysics of the Sign.Guy Bouchard - 1983 - Semiotics:447-461.
    The sign is often defined as a thing standing for another, the first one being sensible, and the second, intelligible. Authors like Derrida and Kristeva link this definition to a "métaphysique de la présence". This paper shows that they are quite mistaken, and all the more so when one distinguishes the constitutive and factorial definitions of the sign: "rather than the sign being an index of 'the' Occidental metaphysics, it is the so-called Occidental metaphysics that is an index of a (...)
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    Appearance pluralism, perception, and causation.Guy Longworth - unknown
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    Rationalité contemporaine et droits de l'homme.Guy Lafrance - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Something about John L. Austin.Guy Longworth - unknown
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    An inquiry into the modes of existence of mathematical beings.Guy Wallet & Stefan Neuwirth - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:83-108.
    L’objet de cet essai est l’accueil des entités mathématiques dans l’architecture des modes d’existence proposée par Bruno Latour dans le cadre de son ontologie pluraliste du monde moderne [Latour 2012]. Les travaux de Reviel Netz sur l’émergence des mathématiques grecques [Netz 1999] et de Charles Sanders Peirce sur la dimension diagrammatique de l’activité mathématique [Peirce 1933-1958], [Peirce 1976] sont employés pour proposer une réponse dans le cadre d’une conception empirique des mathématiques basée sur la notion d’expérience chère à William James (...)
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    Liberté.Guy Walch - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Lire Spinoza au XXIe siècle en relisant une vie contemporaine? C'est se résoudre à regarder le monde sans fausses craintes ni faux espoirs. Amender les évidences, les opinions savantes et publiques. Regarder le monde en comprenant que chaque chose y est singulière. Plus les choses singulières sont intelligées, plus la nature infinie l'est. Ce thème éclaire les rapports entre imagination et connaissance, durée et éternité, ou encore écologie globale et nature de la liberté. On ne peut ni connaître ni donc (...)
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    Changing the Sail: Propertius 3.21, Catullus 64 and Ovid, Heroides 5.Guy Westwood - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):247-254.
    Concentrating on Propertius 3.21 in particular, this article identifies a previously unnoticed network of allusions by three Roman poets (Catullus, Propertius and Ovid) to one another and to Book 1 of Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica. It shows that these intertextual links are pivoted on the three poets’ common use of the verse-ending lintea malo in scenes of departure by sea, and on their common interest in framing other aspects of the nautical context (especially the naval equipment involved and the presence of (...)
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    Habit-Formation and the Science of TeachingStuart H. Rowe.Guy Montrose Whipple - 1911 - International Journal of Ethics 21 (2):234-235.
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    The causes of war and peace.Guy Theodore Wrench - 1926 - London,: W. Heinemann.
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    The mastery of life.Guy Theodore Wrench - 1911 - New York,: M. Kennerley.
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    Inner posture as aspect of global meaning in healthcare: a conceptual analysis.Elsbeth Littooij, Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Carlo J. W. Leget & Joost Dekker - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):201-209.
    Based on our empirical research on global meaning in people with spinal cord injury and people with stroke, we formulated ‘inner posture’ as a concept in rehabilitation. Inner posture, as we concluded from our empirical data, refers to the way in which people bear what cannot be changed. It helps them to live with their injury. Considering that much has already been written about meaning from a variety of disciplines, the question arises whether the concept of inner posture adds something (...)
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  44.  26
    Le livre blanc de « La politique québécoise du développement culturel » : Esquisse critique d'une philosophie de la culture.Jean-Guy Meunier - 1979 - Philosophiques 6 (2):347-360.
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    My Łódź Meister and the Pluralism of Values.Andrzej Walicki & Guy Russell Torr - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3/4):101-108.
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    A Complete Concordance to the Iliad of Homer.Garry Wills, Guy Lushington Prendergast & Henry Dunbar - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (4):445.
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    Les philosophes espagnols d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.Alain Guy - 1956 - [Toulouse]: Privat.
    [1] Époques et auteurs.--[2] Textes choisis.
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    The role of overt rehearsal in enhanced conscious memory for emotional events.Shannon Cernich Guy & Larry Cahill - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (1):114-122.
    This study tested the hypothesis that overt rehearsal is sufficient to explain enhanced memory associated with emotion by experimentally manipulating rehearsal of emotional material. Participants viewed two sets of film clips, one set of emotional films and one set of relatively neutral films. One set of films was viewed in each of two sessions, with approximately 1 week between the sessions. Participants were given a free recall test of all of films viewed approximately 1 week after the second session. Rehearsal (...)
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  49.  80
    The role of Aristotle's praxis today.Alfred Guy - 1991 - Journal of Value Inquiry 25 (3):287-289.
  50.  22
    Wang Kuo-wei: An Intellectual Biography.R. Kent Guy & Joey Bonner - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (4):825.
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