Results for 'Guy Fink-Errera'

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  1. San Agustin y Orosio. Esquema para un estudio de las fuentes del De civitate Dei.Guy Fink-Errera - 1954 - Ciudad de Dios 167:455-549.
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    Une institution du monde médiéval : la « pecia ».Guy Fink-Errera - 1962 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 60 (66):184-243.
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    VI. cartesianische Meditation: Die Idee einer transzendentalen Methodenlehre.Eugen Fink, Hans Ebeling, Jann Holl, Edmund Husserl & Guy van Kerckhoven - 1988 - Springer.
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    Eugen Finks Phänomenologie des Todes.Guy van Kerckhoven - 1996 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 22:139-164.
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    Die Heimat Welt. Zur Deutung der Denkspur Martin Heideggers in Eugen Finks Früh werk.Guy van Kerckhoven - 1996 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 22:105-137.
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  6. A colloquium on dialektik, with Heidegger last, planned (12th) lecture of the summer semester 1952, and a postfatory note by vankerckhoven, guy. [REVIEW]M. Heidegger, E. Fink, M. Muller, Kh Volkmannschluck, M. Biemel, W. Biemel & H. Birault - 1990 - Hegel-Studien 25:9-34.
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  7. Abt. 3. Philosophische Ideengeschichte. Bd. 13. Epilegomena zu Immanuel Kants "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" (3 Teilbände). [REVIEW]Herausgegeben von Guy van Kerckhoven - 2006 - In Eugen Fink (ed.), Eugen Fink Gesamtausgabe. Freiburg: K. Alber.
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    Eugen Fink, Sixième méditation cartésienne. Première partie: L'idée d'une théorie transcendantale de la méthode. Texte établi et édité par Hans Ebeling, Jann Holl et Guy Van Kerckhoven. Traduit de l'allemand par Nathalie Depraz. [REVIEW]Pavlos Kontos - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (1-2):207-208.
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    Axel Ossenkop/Guy van Kerckhoven/Rainer Fink (Hgg.), Eugen Fink 1905–1975. Lebensbild des Freiburger Phänomenologen.Klaus Neugebauer - 2016 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (2):604-606.
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    VI. Cartesianische Meditation, by Eugen Fink, edited by Hans Ebeling, Jann Holland Guy van Kerckhoven.Paul Gorner - 1990 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 21 (3):290-293.
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  11. Miracles.Guy Robinson - 1967 - Ratio (Misc.) 9:155 - 166.
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    Apologetics, Evil, and the New Testament.Guy Mansini - 2001 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 4 (4):152-168.
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  13. Are the principles of sacra doctrina per se Nota?Guy Mansini - 2010 - The Thomist 74 (3):407-435.
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    Gauge and Ghosts.Guy Hetzroni - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (3):773-796.
    This article suggests a fresh look at gauge symmetries, with the aim of drawing a clear line between the a priori theoretical considerations involved, and some methodological and empirical non-deductive aspects that are often overlooked. The gauge argument is primarily based on a general symmetry principle expressing the idea that a change of mathematical representation should not change the form of the dynamical law. In addition, the ampliative part of the argument is based on the introduction of new degrees of (...)
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    Étude critique de la notion de la loi chez Comte et de son influence.Y. Fink - 1907 - Paris,: A. Michalon.
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    Soul 99.Guy C. K. Robinson - 1997 - Book Montana.
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  17. Paul Ricceur: une antériorité qui se survit.Guy Samana - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 1:61-70.
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  18. (1 other version)Taking Prudence Seriously.Guy Fletcher - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 14:70-94.
    Philosophers have long theorized about which things make people’s lives go well, and why, and the extent to which morality and self-interest can be reconciled. Yet little time has been spent on meta-prudential questions, questions about prudential discourse. This is surprising given that prudence is, prima facie, a normative form of discourse and, as such, cries out for further investigation. Chapter 4 takes up two major meta-prudential questions. It first examines whether there is a set of prudential reasons, generated by (...)
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  19. Incommensurable, irréductible et immédiat paysage.Guy Mercier - 2009 - In Mario Bédard (ed.), Le paysage, un projet politique. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. pp. 189--196.
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  20. Que signifient ces réponses de notre citadin et de notre paysan? Tout.Guy Saez - 1981 - Paideia 9:64.
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    Sidetracked by trolleys: Why sacrificial moral dilemmas tell us little (or nothing) about utilitarian judgment.Guy Kahane - 2015 - Social Neuroscience 10 (5):551-560.
    Research into moral decision-making has been dominated by sacrificial dilemmas where, in order to save several lives, it is necessary to sacrifice the life of another person. It is widely assumed that these dilemmas draw a sharp contrast between utilitarian and deontological approaches to morality, and thereby enable us to study the psychological and neural basis of utilitarian judgment. However, it has been previously shown that some sacrificial dilemmas fail to present a genuine contrast between utilitarian and deontological options. Here, (...)
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    The neural basis of human tool use.Guy A. Orban & Fausto Caruana - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  23. Angèle Kremer-Marietti, Entre le signe et l'histoire: l'anthropologie positiviste d'Auguste Comte Reviewed by.Guy Lafrance - 1984 - Philosophy in Review 4 (3):116-117.
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    Gaston Bachelard: profils épistémologiques.Guy Lafrance (ed.) - 1987 - Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa.
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  25. La pensée du social et la théologie. Loi et grâce en Romains 4, 13-16.Guy Lafon - 1987 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 75 (1):9-38.
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  26. Sacerdotal character at the second vatican council.Guy Mansini - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (4):539-577.
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  27. History And Persons.Guy Kahane - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (1):162-187.
    The non-identity problem is usually considered in the forward-looking direction but a version of it also applies to the past, due to the fact that even minor historical changes would have affected the whole subsequent sequence of births, dramatically changing who comes to exist next. This simple point is routinely overlooked by familiar attitudes and evaluative judgments about the past, even those of sophisticated historians. I shall argue, however, that it means that when we feel sadness about some historical tragedy, (...)
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    Intermedialität.Corina Caduff, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Florian Keller & Steffen Schmidt - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 51 (2):52-78.
    In this article, we offer a systematic description of intermedia relations across music, literature, the visual arts, and film. Beginning with some general reflections on materiality and medium in these diverse fields of art, we then offer various examples consisting of two media (e.g. music film, song, images in writing). We pursue the question if, and how, one of the two media may take priority over the other. In our conclusion, we deal with „intermedia relations in monomediality“. This section focuses (...)
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  29. 7. Error, Guilt, and the Knowledge of God: Questions About Robert Sokolowski's "Christian Distinction".O. Guy Mansini - 2002 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 5 (2).
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    La conception de la vérité chez Unamuno.Alain Guy - 1964 - Actes du XIIe Congrès des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française 1:298-302.
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    Le message de Charles Péguy.Alain Guy - 1966 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 21:199-212.
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    La Modernité Epistemologique, selon Ortega y Gasset.Alain Guy - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 9:375-384.
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  33. Razón y fe en Llull y Descartes.Alain Guy - 1992 - Studia Lulliana 32 (86):59-79.
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  34. to Take Pills.Guy Kahane - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane (eds.), Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 166.
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    Wittgenstein and His Interpreters: Essays in Memory of Gordon Baker.Guy Kahane, Edward Kanterian & Oskari Kuusela (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Comprising specially commissioned essays from some of the most significant contributors to the field, this volume provides a uniquely authoritative and thorough survey of the main lines of Wittgenstein scholarship over the past 50 years, tracing the history and current trends as well as anticipating the future shape of work on Wittgenstein. The first collection of its kind, this volume presents a range of perspectives on the different approaches to the philosophy of Wittgenstein Written by leading experts from America, Britain, (...)
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    Competence in chronic mental illness: the relevance of practical wisdom.Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Andrea Ruissen, Anton J. L. M. van Balkom & Gerben Meynen - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (6):374-378.
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    Habitus E virtude em Pedro abelardo: Uma dupla herança.Guy Hamelin - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):75-94.
    Pedro Abelardo apresenta na sua obra uma teoria da virtude de natureza, à primeira vista, aristotélica. Ao que parece, essa concepção também contém diferentes elementos estoicos, que não se opõem necessariamente à visão do Estagirita. Todavia, o essencial da interpretação da Escola do Pórtico acerca da virtude difere da explicação dada por Aristóteles. No presente estudo, pretendemos examinar, primeiro, a índole da virtude como habitus na obra de lógica de Abelardo. Nesse caso, não há dúvida de que predomina a influência (...)
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    Philosophie ouverte et connaissance probable.Guy Hirsch - 1960 - Dialectica 14 (2‐3):197-202.
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  39. Hybrid Views in Meta‐ethics: Pragmatic Views.Guy Fletcher - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (12):848-863.
    A common starting point for ‘going hybrid’ is the thought that moral discourse somehow combines belief and desire-like aspects, or is both descriptive and expressive. Hybrid meta-ethical theories aim to give an account of moral discourse that is sufficiently sensitive to both its cognitive and its affective, or descriptive and expressive, dimensions. They hold at least one of the following: moral thought: moral judgements have belief and desire-like aspects or elements; moral language: moral utterances both ascribe properties and express desire-like (...)
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  40. Vergegenwärtigung und Bild Beiträge zur Phänomenologie der Unwirklichkeit.Eugen Fink - 2001 - Kainós.
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    Física e Metafísica no Estoicismo Antigo.Guy Hamelin - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (2):149-181.
    The Stoic School takes up the tripartite division of philosophy of the post-Platonic Academy, in which physics occupies, alongside dialectics and ethics, a prominent place. In this tripartition, there is no metaphysics, nor in the two subdivisions of Stoic physics. For the thinkers of the Stoa, there is nothing beyond physics. In spite of this statement, we try to discover, in this article, the presence of a study devoted to first philosophy among the various topics investigated by the Stoics in (...)
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    Tillich on Divine Power and Ultimate Meaning in Human History.Guy Hammond - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (3):553-564.
    Chez Paul Tillich, le concept de Dieu s’oppose au modèle « interventionniste » du théisme traditionnel en Occident. Cet article se propose de déterminer si, et en quel sens, d’après Tillich, on peut dire que Dieu agit pour influencer le cours des événements historiques. On soutient que son concept de « pouvoir Spirituel » fournit une réponse à cette question. Pour clarifier cette thèse, on explore les concepts d’esprit, de pouvoir, de sens, de vocation, de kairos et de renoncement au (...)
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    (1 other version)Vontade ( boulesis ) e consentimento ( sunkatathesis ) em Aristóteles e Abelardo: atos do apetite ( orexis ) ou da razão ( logos )?Guy Hamelin - 2010 - Doispontos 7 (1).
    The central question raised in the present article concerns the ontological nature of the intentional act, previous to the proper moral action, in Aristotle’s and Abelard’s thinking. More precisely, we examine two subjects indirectly interconnected. First, we treat the secular problem of the exact nature of will (boulêsis) in Aristotle, which certainly refers to a rational act (logikos), the source of which is, however, the appetite (orexis). The second point is related to the notion of consent (consensus) in Abelard, which (...)
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    Volonté et habitus chez Pierre Abélard: un double héritage.Guy Hamelin - 2015 - Quaestio 15:363-372.
    Abelard closely follows the Augustinian view with regard to the notion of intention. However, he distances himself from him concerning the contribution of acts in the evaluation of moral responsibility. Independent thinker, the philosopher of the twelfth century, then, uses an ancient Stoic thesis according to which all actions are indifferent, except those related to virtue and vice. He also takes back another idea of the Stoa concerning, this time, the concept of will as habitus. In this paper, we first (...)
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  45. Le Réel et le Symbole en Mathématiques.Guy Hirsch - 1973 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme.
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    Hope and Distress Are Not Associated With the Brain Tumor Stage.Simone Mayer, Stefanie Fuchs, Madeleine Fink, Norbert Schäffeler, Stephan Zipfel, Franziska Geiser, Heinz Reichmann, Björn Falkenburger, Marco Skardelly & Martin Teufel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveHopelessness and depression are strongly associated with suicidality. Given that physical and psychological outcomes can be altered with hope, hope is a therapeutic goal of increasing importance in the treatment of brain tumor patients. Moreover, it is not yet understood which factors affect the perception of hope in brain tumor patients. In addition, it remains uncertain whether lower-grade brain tumor patients suffer less from psycho-oncological distress than higher-grade brain tumor patients.MethodsNeuro-oncological patients were examined perioperatively with the Distress Thermometer and the (...)
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    Ethical and regulatory implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the medical devices industry and its representatives.Guy Maddern, Bernadette Richards, Robyn Clay-Williams, Katrina Hutchison, Quinn Grundy, Jane Johnson, Wendy Rogers & Brette Blakely - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-7.
    The development and deployment of medical devices, along with most areas of healthcare, has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has had variable ethical implications, two of which we will focus on here. First, medical device regulations have been rapidly amended to expedite approvals of devices ranging from face masks to ventilators. Although some regulators have issued cessation dates, there is inadequate discussion of triggers for exiting these crisis standards, and evidence that this may not be feasible. Given (...)
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    Averroes in Henry Bate's Metaphysics.Guy Guldentops - 2001 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 12:523-547.
    La prima parte dello studio verte sulla dottrina metafisica di Bate, caratterizzata dall'idea di conciliare la dottrina di Platone e di Aristotele. La seconda parte indaga l'idea metafisica di forma, essenziale per capire la cosmologia batiana, la cui fonte principale è individuata in Averroè. La discussione è centrata sul concetto di materia nelle forme separate, sull'identità fra forma separata e atto puro, sull'idea di dio come forma delle forme.
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  49. De passionibus animae.Guy Guldentops - 2009 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 76 (2):414-420.
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  50. Les philosophes espagnols d'hier et d'aujourd'hui I. Époques et Auteurs ; II. Textes choisis.Alain Guy & Georges Bastide - 1960 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (2):222-222.
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