Results for 'Guido Maura'

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  1.  28
    Man is a “Rope” Stretched Between Virosphere and Humanoid Robots: On the Urgent Need of an Ethical Code for Ecosystem Survival.Luigi F. Agnati, Deanna Anderlini, Diego Guidolin, Manuela Marcoli & Guido Maura - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):311-325.
    In this paper we compare the strategies applied by two successful biological components of the ecosystem, the viruses and the human beings, to interact with the environment. Viruses have had and still exert deep and vast actions on the ecosystem especially at the genome level of most of its biotic components. We discuss on the importance of the human being as contraptions maker in particular of robots, hence of machines capable of automatically carrying out complex series of actions. Beside the (...)
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    Elisa Fraenfelder, Maura Striano, Stefano.Guido Baggio - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (1).
    Interdisciplinarity plays a major role in the multifaceted thought of John Dewey. His theoretical interests cross the traditional academic boundaries in the name of improved research and teaching, and his works could be seen cumulatively as a systematic approach consisting of different interdisciplinary perspectives each intertwined with the next. On this issue, the essays gathered in Il pensiero di John Dewey tra psicologia, filosofia, pedagogia. Prospettive interdisciplinari, edited by Elis...
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    (1 other version)Culture, convention, and continuity: Islam and family firm ethical behavior.Dalal Alrubaishi, Maura McAdam & Richard Harrison - 2021 - Business Ethics: A European Review 30 (2):202-215.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Besluitvorming en de metamorfosen van de ideologie.Guido Dierickx - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (4):535-560.
    The communication process between the political elites and the general public, crucial as it is in a democratie system, is suffering increasingly from an information overlaad. The best way to tackle this problem seems to be the improvement of the communication medium, i.e. ofthe political language. Ideology is the most «rational» political language available : it can carry more information about elite decision-making to a relatively modest cost.This problem-definition suggest a sequence of three critical questions. Do the decisionmakers have a (...)
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    Culturele deprivatie en politieke aliënatie: een tussentijds rapport.Guido Dierickx, Caroline Gijselinckx & Peter Thijssen - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (3-4):631-656.
    Following the distinctions proposed by Gamson and Easton the complex phenomenon of political alienation among the young was empirically subdivided in several dimensions. Within the 'input'dimension of political alienation we distinguished between the ability to process information and the ability to participate. Within the 'output'dimension we distinguished between two referents of distrust, political actors and authorities on the one hand, and the political system on the other. We succeeded in constructing reliable scales for each of these dimensions which were then (...)
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    Het publiek in de tribune : vormen van politieke informatie.Guido Dierickx - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (4):457-470.
    This contribution should be seen as an attempt to retrieve information from restcategories, such as «does not know» and «no answer». From these, and from other data as well, we constructed 10, mostly summating, indexes of political ignorance. Among them is an index of objective ignorance, that is about political events, persons and situations. The others aim at more subjective dimensions. Does the respondent feel informed about the political process : about government and party performance, partisan congeniality, modalities of voting, (...)
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  7. Ideals, Beliefs, Attitudes, and the Law: Private Law Perspectives on a Public Law Problem.Guido Calabresi & Rogers M. Smith - 1987 - Law and Philosophy 6 (2):259-280.
    An important feature of some recent jurisprudential writings is the tendency to reject the precept of liberal individualism which affirms the priority of the principles of the "right conduct" over the substantive conceptions of "the good". This rejection, explicit in a recent book by Rogers M. Smith, and implicit in a recent work by Guido Calabresi, leads to strikingly illiberal consequences; hence, this provides indirect confirmation that the priority of the right over the good constitutes the most reliable defense (...)
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  8. The Modus Vivendi of Persons with Schizophrenia: Valueception Impairment and Phenomenological Reduction.Guido Cusinato - 2018 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 6:78-92.
    So far, the value dimension underlying affectivity disorders has remained out of focus in phenomenological psychopathology. As early as at the beginning of the 20th century, however, German phenomenologist Max Scheler examined in depth the relationship between affectivity and value dimension through the concept of valueception (Wertnehmung). In this sense, a recent noteworthy contribution has been provided by John Cutting, who has drawn attention to the importance of Scheler’s analyses for psychiatry. In this work I take into consideration only two (...)
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  9. Person und Selbsttranszendenz. Ekstase und Epoché des Ego als Individuationsprozesse bei Schelling und Scheler.Guido Cusinato - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    The main theory at the core of this monograph is that the person is an entity ontologically new, since she is able to perform an act of self-transcendence, which is meant as her critical distancing from her own “self”, understood as subject of social recognition (Anerkennung), in order to open to the encounter with the world (Weltoffenheit). This allows us to consider a person in a new way, different both from confessional interpretations that see her only as a center of (...)
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  10. Hunger for Being Born Completely. Plasticity and Desire.Guido Cusinato - 2017 - Philosophical News 14:65-77.
    The main claim of this article is that the plasticity of the human formation process does not consist in receiving passively an already-given shape, like hot wax stamped by a seal. Rather, it creates ever new shapes and makes a person overcome her own self-referential horizon. Furthermore, I argue that this formation process is directed by desire, meant as “hunger for being born completely” (Zambrano). The human being comes into the world without being born completely, and it is precisely such (...)
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  11. La Totalità incompiuta. Antropologia filosofica e ontologia della persona.Guido Cusinato - 2008 - Milano: FrancoAngeli.
    "Siamo come lucciole che hanno disimparato a illuminare e che prima si sono messe a girare attorno alla lanterna magica dell'ideale ascetico e ora attorno alle insegne pubblicitarie al neon. Lucciole che hanno scordato d’avere una potenzialità di orientatività preziosa nel proprio sistema affettivo" (G. Cusinato, La totalità incompiuta, Milano 2008, 314). Che cos'è una persona? Come si costituisce concretamente l'identità personale? Che rapporto c'è fra identità personale e identità psichica? C'è coincidenza fra persona e homo sapiens? La persona è (...)
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  12. Self-Defeating Symbolism in Politics.Guido Pincione & Fernando R. Tesón - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (12):636.
  13. Estasi e «fame di essere». La risposta di Schelling al «colpo di pistola» di Hegel.Guido Cusinato - 2021 - Lo Sguardo. Rivista di Filosofia 33.
    In this paper, I argue that the concept of ecstasy (Ekstase), which Schelling elaborates on starting from the Erlanger Vorträge, is his response to Hegel’s famous «shot from a pistol». With this concept, Schelling overcomes the notion of «intellectual intuition», which was at the core of Hegel’s critics, and can now conceive the preeminence of existence (in the sense of Freudigkeit der Existenz) over Being (Sein). Thus, the theory of ecstasy puts Schelling beyond German Idealism and, under some aspects, allows (...)
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  14. Trasformazione e germinazione: per una nuova filosofia della nascita.Guido Cusinato - 2017 - Thaumàzein 4.
    The thesis of this paper is that – in order to avoid trivializations – a Philosophy of Birth needs to elaborate a precise concept of transformation and distinguish it carefully from that of adaptation. While transformation goes beyond the limited self-referential perspective of an individual and, on the social level, of the gregarious identity, adaptation aims at strengthening or preserving the old self-referential equilibrium. Transformation is driven by what Zambrano has called, with an exceptionally happy expression, the “hunger to be (...)
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  15. Intuizione e percezione: Bergson nella prospettiva di Scheler (1986-87).Guido Cusinato - 1987 - Discipline Filosofiche:117-144.
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    Libertarian Rights within Pluralistic Consequentialism.Guido Pincione - 1995 - Analyse & Kritik 17 (1):52-66.
    This essay questions the self-sufficiency of abstract, non-consequentialist, principles as a defence of a libertarian regime. The argument focuses on the difficulties involved in attempts to defend the priority of negative rights if an attractive conception of freedom and an agent-relative view about our reasons to respect rights are to be upheld. The paper closes by suggesting how libertarianism could gain support from various, and perhaps mutually irreducible and even conflicting, considerations in a wide consequentialist system.
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    The Constitution of Nondomination.Guido Pincione - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (1):261-289.
    Pincione argues that procedural constitutional guarantees of market freedoms best protect individuals from domination. If he is right, Philip Pettit's claim that various forms of state interference with private markets are needed to forestall domination will prove to be unwarranted. Pincione further contends that market freedoms are best protected by procedural rules for political decision-making, as opposed to constitutional guarantees of private property and other substantive rules.Central to his position are claims that the dispersion of economic power precludes domination, and (...)
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    Fortschritt und Kritik: von Popper zu Feyerabend: der kritische Rationalismus in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Rezeption.Guido Pollak - 1987 - München: W. Fink.
  19. Instituto de Filosofía y Disciplinas Auxiliares, Crónica de Actividades.Guido Soaje Ramos - 1946 - Philosophia (Misc.) 5:185.
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  20. Un libro sobre la ciencia de la justicia.Guido Soaje Ramos - 1960 - Sapientia 15 (56):133.
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    Bibliographie.Guido Rappe - 1995 - In Archaische Leiberfahrung: der Leib in der Frühgriechischen Philosophie und in Außereuropäischen Kulturen. De Gruyter. pp. 501-532.
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    Personenregister.Guido Rappe - 1995 - In Archaische Leiberfahrung: der Leib in der Frühgriechischen Philosophie und in Außereuropäischen Kulturen. De Gruyter. pp. 533-544.
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    The book collection and other possessions of baldassarre Castiglione.Guido Rebecchini - 1998 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 61 (1):17-52.
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    In this paper I aim to re-think the question of the world of persons with schizophrenia from the perspective of the German phenomenologist Max Scheler and that of the Japanese psychiatrist Bin Kimura. So far, no comparison between these two authors has been made, even though there are several convergences and evidence of Scheler’s indirect influence on Bin Kimura through Viktor von Weizsäcker. In recent years, Dan Zahavi, Louis Sass, and Josef Parnas have interpreted the modus vivendi of schizophrenic patients (...)
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    “How complex and even perverse the real world can be”: W.D. Hamilton's early work on social wasps.Guido Caniglia - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 64:41-52.
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  26. Social Ontology. Emotional Sharing as the Foundation of Care Relationships.Guido Cusinato - 2018 - In S. Bourgault & E. Pulcini, Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Peeters.
    The origin of the concept of “emotional sharing” can be traced back to the first edition of Sympathiebuch [1913/23], in which Max Scheler paved the way to a phenomenology of emotions and to social ontology. The importance of his findings is evident: consider the central role of emotional sharing in Michael Tomasello’s analysis and the lively debate on social ontology and collective intentionality.
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  27. Max Scheler: Wert als Urphänomen.Guido Cusinato - 2012 - In Person und Selbsttranszendenz. Ekstase und Epoché des Ego als Individuationsprozesse bei Schelling und Scheler. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 137-141.
    Was ist Wert? Des Öfteren hat man bei der Beantwortung dieser Frage den Wert als etwas einer Qualität oder einem Attribut Ähnliches konzipiert. Meines Erachtens muss die Antwort hingegen in der Verbindung des Wertes mit der Erfahrung gesucht werden. Der Wert ist nichts, was dem Phänomen von außen zugeschrieben würde, sondern etwas, was dem Phänomen die Möglichkeit gibt, sich zu offenbaren und sich zu konstituieren. In dieser Richtung behauptet Scheler, dass der Wert keine „Eigenschaft“ eines Dinges neben seinen anderen Eigenschaften (...)
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  28. Max Scheler: dall’antropologia filosofica del Geist all’antropologia filosofica della Bildung.Guido Cusinato - 2010 - Giornale di Filosofia 1:1-29.
  29. La biosemiotica di Jakob von Uexküll e Max Scheler: dal Bauplan al Leibschema.Guido Cusinato - 2018 - In Biosemiotic and psychopathology of the ordo amoris. Biosemiotica e psicopatologia dell'ordo amoris. In dialogo con Max Scheler. Milano MI, Italia: FrancoAngeli. pp. 70-77.
    In questo lavoro si dimostra che l'opinione comune, secondo cui è Heidegger a introdurre Jacob von Uexküll nel dibattito filosofico è scorretta, in quanto è Scheler, due decenni prima, a scoprire e valorizzare la portata filosofica di Uexküll. -/- Pure la distinzione fra mondo (Welt) e ambiente (Umwelt), come quella fra apertura al mondo e chiusura ambientale, non è introdotta da Heidegger nel 1929 (cfr. l'Introduzione di Marco Mazzeo al testo di Uexküll, Ambienti animali e ambienti umani, p.18 e seg.) (...)
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  30. Antropogenese: Hunger nach Geburt und Sharing der Gefühle aus Max Schelers Perspektive.Guido Cusinato - 2015 - Thaumàzein 3:29-81.
    In this article I develop two arguments, taking Max Scheler’s phenomenology as a starting point. The first one is that emotions are not private and internal states of consciousness, but what makes us come into contact with the expressive dimension of reality, by orienting our placement in the world and our interaction with others. The second thesis is that some emotions have an “anthropogenetic” nature that is at the roots of the ontology of a person and of social ontology: it (...)
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  31. Annunciazione e trasformazione Fenomenologia dell'annuncio.Guido Cusinato - 2015 - Giornale di Metafisica 37.
    In the Greek mythology the concept of annunciation has been often associated with the figure of “winged messenger”, in Greek “anghelos”, while in the Christian tradition it usually recalls the archangel Gabriel in his announcing to Mary the generative act per excellence: the birth. In this paper I take into consideration Botticelli’s Cestello Annunciation: the image represented in this painting suggests the interpretation of the annunciation from the viewpoint of transformation, i. e., of the crisis and the birth of something (...)
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  32. Phenomenological reduction as a philosophical conversion (periagoge): Husserl and Scheler.Guido Cusinato - 2012 - In Person und Selbsttranszendenz. Ekstase und Epoché des Ego als Individuationsprozesse bei Schelling und Scheler. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Phenomenological reduction as a philosophical conversion (periagoge) -/- Während Husserl in den Ideen I die Reduktion als eine neue „Methode“ des Denkens, d. h. als eine „epistemologische“ Reduktion versteht, schlägt Scheler eine Reduktion als eine „Tèchne“ der Umbildung vor, durch die der Mensch seiner exzentrischen Stellung in der Welt Gestalt zu geben sucht. Mich interessiert an diesem Zitat vor allem der Gebrauch des griechischen Terminus „Tèchne“. Was Scheler damit bezeichnet, hat offensichtlich nichts mit dem zu tun, was wir heute unter (...)
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    Scritti minori di filosofia antica.Guido Calogero - 1984
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  34. Orientamento al bene e trascendenza dal sé: Il problema dell'oggettivitá dei valori in Max Scheler.Guido Cusinato - 2011 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 40 (4):39-62.
    The German phenomenologist Max Scheler, commonly considered one of the most important exponents of value objectivism, does not claim an “absolute” value objectivism, as often asserted. The values are objecttive towards the will of the subject, not towards the creative act of loving. This presupposes a radical new conception of the value. According to Scheler, in fact, the values are no qualities to be attributed to the perceived object but the very first thing grasped on a phenomenon, i.e. the “first (...)
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    A barbárie da reflexão E a decadência da moral: A crítica de Vico à cultura do iluminismo.Humberto Aparecido de Oliveira Guido - 2002 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 7 (2).
    Este artigo apresenta o projeto de G. Vico para o estabelecimento da ciência moral. Vico esteve empenhado na emancipação do estudo das manifestações objetivas do espírito por intermédio da reforma do racionalismo cartesiano. A crítica ao iluminismo é feita com a retomada do conceito de barbárie no âmbito da filosofia, contrapondo-o ao conceito de esclarecimento do Século das Luzes.
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  36. Between paradoxical spectacles and technical dispositives: looking again at the (Serpentine) dances of early cinema.Laurent Guido - 2015 - In François Albera & Maria Tortajada, Cine-Dispositives: Essays in Epistemology Across Media. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    CACCIATORE, Giuseppe. L' etica dello storicismo. Lecce: Milella edizione, 2000.Humberto Aparecido de Oliveira Guido - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 17 (33):211-214.
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    Creative ways to learn ethics: an experiential training manual for helping professionals.Dayna Guido - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Creative Ways to Learn Ethics is an accessible, easy-to-read guide that compiles a variety of ethics trainings to help professionals stimulate their minds, relieve stress, and increase engagement and memory retention. The book uses a range of experiential and thought-provoking approaches, including contemplative exercises, expressive arts, games, and media. Each chapter contains objectives, detailed procedures, adaptations for different audiences, and handouts. Trainers, educators, clinicians, and other mental health professionals can use these exercises in various settings and modify them to meet (...)
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  39. Dalle Città Invisibili ai Luoghi dell'immaginario: il gioco, l'arte e la trasfigurazione pedagogica della quotidianità.Fausto Guido Bonifacio - 2008 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 24:73-91.
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    Debating the Argentine Crisis: Replies to Ana Dinerstein: Editorial Introduction.Guido Starosta - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (1):155-156.
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    Extended-order algebras.Cosimo Guido & Paola Toto - 2008 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (4):609-626.
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  42. Elementos de derecho político.Emilio Guido - 1956 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Perrot.
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    Game-Based Training of Mental Flexibility: ERPs Suggest a Forward Shift of Control During Task Switching.Band Guido & Olfers Kerwin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  44. Il problema educativo nel neopositivismo.Cosimo Guido - 1968 - Lecce,: Milella.
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    Jacques Lacan: tra psicoanalisi e filosofia.Stefania Guido - 2009 - Trento: UNI Service.
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    La pedagogia di Bertrand Russell.Cosimo Guido - 1974 - [Lecce]: Milella.
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    La romanizzazione della Sardegna alla luce di archeologia, geologia e toponomastica.Luca Guido - 2006 - Millennium 3 (1).
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    La ética del veganismo y su relación con el multiculturalismo y el cosmopolitismo.Héctor Pérez Guido - 2025 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 57 (158):134-153.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo exponer las ideas de algunos filósofos sobre la defensa y protección de los animales desde una postura ética que compagina con la práctica del veganismo, para mostrar que ésta debe ser reconocida en las sociedades contemporáneas desde los puntos de vista multicultural y cosmopolita.
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    REBOLLO, Maria José E. Dioses y hombres. G. Vico, teórico de la educación ensayos.Humberto Aparecido Aparecido Guido - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 16 (31):201-203.
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  50. Reconciliation of the Newtonian Framework with Thermodynamics by the Reproducibility of a Collective Physical Quantity.J. M. Guido - 1988 - In International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées. pp. 183-191.
    -/- Attempts to reduce irreversible processes to the scope of Newton’s mechanics are particularly challenging topics for both physical and philosophical research. Hollinger and Zenzen,1 for instance, claim that macroscopic irreversibility has a mechanical origin, and they explain this within the Newtonian framework. Newton’s Scientific and Philosophical Legacy Newton’s Scientific and Philosophical Legacy Look -/- .
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