Results for 'Guangya Zhou'

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  1.  17
    Does Servant Leadership Stimulate Work Engagement? The Moderating Role of Trust in the Leader.Guangya Zhou, Rani Gul & Muhammad Tufail - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A positive leadership style can promote work engagement. Using social exchange theory, this study examines the impact of employee leadership styles on work engagement. In addition, the link also considered the mitigating role of trust in leaders. Preliminary data were collected from the educational and non-educational staff of the Business Management Sciences and Education Department at different universities. We collected responses from 242 employees from selected universities using the purposive sampling technique. We tested the proposed hypothesis using linear regression. Research (...)
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  2.  25
    The combinatorial lexicon: Priming derivational affixes.William D. Marslen-WHson, Mike Ford, Lianne Older & Zhou Xiaolin - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 223.
  3.  26
    Neural Correlate Differences in Number Sense Between Children With Low and Middle/High Socioeconomic Status.Qing Bao, Li Jin Zhang, Yuan Liang, Yan Bang Zhou & Gui Li Shi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although some cognitive studies provided reasons that children with low socioeconomic status (SES) showed poor mathematical achievements, there was no explicit evidence to directly explain the root of lagged performance in children with low SES. Therefore, the present study explored the differences in neural correlates in the process of symbolic magnitude comparison between children with different SES by the event-related potentials (ERP). A total of 16 second graders from low SES families and 16 from middle/high SES families participated in this (...)
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  4.  18
    The role of unsustainable HR practices as illegitimate tasks in escalating the sense of workplace ostracism.Afaq Ahmad, Chenhui Zhao, Ghazanfar Ali, Kunshun Zhou & Jawad Iqbal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Unsustainable HR practices impose illegitimate tasks on employees due to a shortage of resources. These illegitimate tasks bring counterproductive work behavior in terms of workplace incivility that creates a sense of ostracism in employees. To address these issues, the study examined the relationship among unsustainable HR practices in terms of illegitimate tasks and workplace ostracism. Whereas workplace incivility is defined as an underlying reason through which this association exists. Adopting a theoretical framework from earlier research, the study used cross-sectional data (...)
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  5.  20
    Urban Circular Economy in China: A Review Based on Chinese Literature Studies.Fang Su, Jiangbo Chang, Xi Li, Dan Zhou & Bing Xue - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Circular economy is a critical approach to realize the coordinated development of society, economy, and ecological environment. Given the fact that urban is a complex system in which human beings integrate material, energy, information, and natural environment and interact and influence each other, reviewing the urban circular economy research and development could benefit for having a better and comprehensive understanding on urban complexity. Mainly based on the Chinese literature studies from 1999 to 2020, this study aims to present an in-depth (...)
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  6.  24
    Elastic moduli of nanocrystalline binary Al alloys with Fe, Co, Ti, Mg and Pb alloying elements.Rita I. Babicheva, Dmitry V. Bachurin, Sergey V. Dmitriev, Ying Zhang, Shaw Wei Kok, Lichun Bai & Kun Zhou - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (15):1598-1612.
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  7.  19
    Eye movement tasks as a measure of cognitive functioning in ageing and Alzheimer's disease.Smith Belinda, Bowling Alison, Zhou Shi & Yoxall Jacqui - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  8.  41
    A Reciprocal and Dynamic Development Model for the Effects of Siblings on Children’s Theory of Mind.Xiao-Hui Hou, Zhu-Qing Gong, Liu-Ji Wang, Yuan Zhou & Yanjie Su - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  9.  22
    Multiobjective Optimization of Large-Scale EVs Charging Path Planning and Charging Pricing Strategy for Charging Station.Weicheng Hou, Qingsong Luo, Xiangdong Wu, Yimin Zhou & Gangquan Si - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    With the increasing number of electric vehicles, the charging demand of EVs has brought many new research hotspots, i.e., charging path planning and charging pricing strategy of the charging stations. In this paper, an integrated framework is proposed for multiobjective EV path planning with varied charging pricing strategies, considering the driving distance, total time consumption, energy consumption, charging fee such factors, while the charging pricing strategy is designed based on the objectives of maximizing the total revenues of the charging stations (...)
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  10.  18
    Silence is golden? Relationship between silent behavior among online community members and operation performance from the perspective of personality trait.Xueliang Pei, Fanying Lyu, Xiaojun Xiong, Anpin Wei, Jianing Guo & Wenxin Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As companies are transforming their branding, marketing, operations, and research and development by running online communities to build their core competitive advantages in the digital era, the silent majority is still the norm in the online community and has become the focus of online community operations. Thus, it has become the core issue that why silent behavior of online community members occurs and its impact on operation performance of the online community. According to the traditional theory of organizational behavior, this (...)
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  11.  15
    Predictive Validity of Interviewer Post-interview Notes on Candidates’ Job Outcomes: Evidence Using Text Data From a Leading Chinese IT Company.Shanshi Liu, Yuanzheng Chang, Jianwu Jiang, Haigang Ma & Huaikang Zhou - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Despite the popularity of the employment interview in the employee selection literature and organizational talent selection process, few have examined the comments interviewers give after each interview. This study investigated the predictability of the match between interviewer post-interview notes and radar charts from job analysis on the candidate’s later career performance using text mining techniques and data from one of the largest internet-based technology companies in China. A large sample of 7,650 interview candidates who passed the interviews and joined the (...)
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  12.  20
    Negative Bias During Early Attentional Engagement in Major Depressive Disorder as Examined Using a Two-Stage Model: High Sensitivity to Sad but Bluntness to Happy Cues.Xiang Ao, Licheng Mo, Zhaoguo Wei, Wenwen Yu, Fang Zhou & Dandan Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  13.  27
    Medicaid enrollment at early stage of disease: the Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act in Georgia.Li-Nien Chien, E. Kathleen Adams & Zhou Yang - 2011 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 48 (3):197-208.
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  14.  29
    Openness and Entrepreneurial Performance During COVID-19 Pandemic: Strategic Decision Comprehensiveness as an Inconsistent Mediator.Weiqi Mu, Jie Xu, Fugui Li, Siying Li, Xue Li & Mingjie Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic severely hit small and micro-businesses. In the face of the impact of the pandemic, how to help entrepreneurs, especially small- and micro-businesses that are more sensitive to the impact of the pandemic, make decisions to reduce losses has become an issue worth paying attention to. From the perspective of personality approach, this article studied openness, which is the strongest predictor of entrepreneurial performance among the big five personality traits, and explored the impact of entrepreneurs’ openness on entrepreneurial (...)
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  15.  21
    Review: Business Ethics by Zhou Zucheng. [REVIEW]Zhou Zucheng - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 5:307-309.
  16. Zhou Guoping wen ji =.Guoping Zhou - 1996 - Xi'an: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  17. Zhou Yuan gong shi xi yi fang ji.Ming) Zhou Shenke & Zhou Zhihan - 2013 - In Wanxia Wang, Lianxi zhi: ba zhong hui bian. Changsha: Hunan da xue chu ban she.
  18. Zhonghua dao tong: yuan ming Zhongguo ru jia si xiang shi.Guangya Jiang - 1986 - Taizhong: Rui cheng shu ju.
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  19.  6
    Cong chuan tong dao xian dai: Zhong xi zhe xue de dang dai xu shi = From Tradition to Modernity: Contemporary Narrative of Chinese and Western Philosophy.Guangya Zhu - 2019 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    本書為紀念新文化運動100周年而作,分析了新文化運動一百年來對中國的深刻影響,剖析了新文化運動對於實現中國傳統文化偉大復興的深刻意義。全書約25萬字,共分上下兩編,上下編各分為三章。上編從一般和個別的 關係問題入手,指出唯名論和唯實論的鬥爭發展到經驗論和唯理論的鬥爭,康德對二者進行了調和,建立了龐大的知識體系。下編以科學與民主的起源為背景,探討了1840年以後,中西文化發生了劇烈衝突,中國傳統文化開 始了向西方學習的歷程,再次迎來了一次“舊邦新命”。近代中國人有意識的向西方學習分為技術、制度和文化三個層次。當從技術上和從制度上挽救中國危亡失敗以後,無產階級登上了歷史舞臺,他們發動了轟轟烈烈的新文化 運動,為馬克思主義在中國的傳播奠定了基礎。新文化運動有兩大口號:科學與民主,馬克思主義中國化的進程,就是科學與民主在中國的傳播過程。從而對中國走上民主與科學道理問題進行了多方面解讀。.
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  20. Zhou Lisheng wen ji.Lisheng Zhou - 2011 - Ji'nan Shi: Shandong da xue chu ban she.
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  21.  59
    Russell’s Two Lectures in China on Mathematical Logic.Lianghua Zhou & Bernard Linsky - 2018 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 38 (1):52-68.
    In 1921 Bertrand Russell delivered two lectures on mathematical logic at Peking University. Manuscripts for the lectures have not been found, but two sets of Chinese notes, which were based on a simultaneous oral translation of Russell’s lecturing, were published. The notes are translated into English based on the best readings of both sets. An introduc­tion and notes with a glossary discuss the background and content of the lectures as well as the linguistic difficulties in translating logical terms.
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  22.  20
    Mario’s Studio.Zhou Xian - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:119-123.
    In this short tribute to Mario Perniola, Zhou Xian remembers his friendship with the Italian aesthetician. Zhou, one of the most prominent art theorists in China, discusses his friendship with Perniola and the significance of their relationship both at a personal and intellectual level. After describing in a touching way their first encounter in Rome, which started in Perniola’s studio, Zhou celebrates the innovative character of Perniola’s aesthetic theorizing, and in particular his interest in Chinese contemporary aesthetics.
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  23.  14
    Yong bu bi ye de shi ji xue ren Cai Shangsi: Cai Shangsi xian sheng dan chen yi bai ling wu zhou nian shi shi yi zhou nian si mo ji.Guifa Zhou, Xuanyuan Shi & Dehua Fu (eds.) - 2009 - Shanghai Shi: Fu dan da xue chu ban she.
  24.  31
    "A Probe into the Historical Fate of" the Theory on Continuing the Revolution under the Dictatorship of Proletarians.Zhou Bing - 2008 - Modern Philosophy 2:013.
    Generally believed that "theory of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat" is a "Cultural Revolution" guiding ideology, which in ten years the "Cultural Revolution" period has been widely publicized, has written to the Chinese Communists "nine", "Top Ten", "Eleventh large "by the political report and constitution, but also to write the fourth and fifth National People's Congress meeting adopted constitutional changes, the impact is huge. When it was proposed that "the history of Marxism has set a third great (...)
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  25.  19
    Guang hua wen cun: "Fu dan xue bao" (she hui ke xue ban) fu kan 30 zhou nian lun wen jing xuan.Songjie Huang, Xiaogang Lü & Guifa Zhou (eds.) - 2008 - Shanghai: Fu dan da xue chu ban she.
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  26.  27
    The visualization of Wang Zhaojun in the vicissitude of time.Zhou Jinghong - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (3):470-478.
    Wang Zhaojun was a romanticized historical figure. The visualization of her was characterized by specific historical and social backgrounds. While her image was shaped with the thousands of years’ expansion of northern interethnic relations in ancient China, the united modern multi-ethnic state created her glorious image as “an angel bringing about national harmony, peace, and unity.”.
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  27.  10
    Chinese Christian Literature Association in the indigenization movement.Zhou Shurong - 2005 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 4:018.
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  28.  37
    Zhou Enlai's Speech in Shanghai When Receiving Participants of the Workers' Three Armed Uprisings and a Number of Model Workers. [REVIEW]Zhou Enlai - 1993 - Chinese Studies in History 27 (1-2):113-118.
  29.  24
    Yu Jianrong Talks Politics to Officials: Don't Cavalierly Infringe on the People's Rights.Zhou Hualei - 2014 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 45 (4):42-50.
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  30.  41
    Xiao Gongquan and American Sinology.Zhou Mingzhi - 2007 - Chinese Studies in History 41 (1):41-94.
  31.  34
    Heavily Bombard Tao Zhu—a Yuan Shikai-Type Person Who Wrested the Fruits of the Cultural Revolution.Zhou Quanying - 2001 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 32 (4):88-95.
    The Cultural Revolution currently underway is just the first one. Many more are sure to follow in the future. In recent years, Chairman Mao1 has often observed that it will take a very long time for history to settle who will be the winner and loser of the revolution. If things go wrong, capitalist restoration is possible at any time. The whole nation and the whole Party must not fall under the impression that everything will be fine after the first, (...)
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  32.  91
    The 414 Trend of Thought is Bound to Prevail: A Letter to a Comrade-In-Arms of Henan Rebel Command Post.Zhou Quanying - 2001 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 33 (1):34-51.
    Your letter has been received. Please give my regards to all the comrades-in-arms of Rebel Command Post of Henan Province [Henanzhaozhong]! Please also convey our deepest condolences to those comrades-in-arms who shed blood and sacrificed their lives while fighting under difficult and harsh circumstances.
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  33.  38
    Compiling History in the Time of Prosperity and Continuing Our Civilization.Zhou Suyuan & Li Xiaochun - 2009 - Chinese Studies in History 43 (2):15-19.
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  34.  9
    Harmony between Spiritual and Real World: Teachers' Professional State under the Vision of Process Philosophy.Lou Shi-Zhou & Zhang Lizheng - 2009 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):82-92.
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  35.  40
    N400 Indexing the Motion Concept Shared by Music and Words.Zhou Tongquan, Li Yulu, Liu Honglei, Zhou Siruo & Wang Tao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The two event-related potentials studies investigated how verbs and nouns were processed in different music priming conditions in order to reveal whether the motion concept via embodiment can be stimulated and evoked across categories. Study 1 tested the processing of verbs primed by two music types, with tempo changes and without tempo changes while Study 2 tested the processing of nouns in the same priming condition as adopted in Study 1. During the experiments, participants were required to hear a piece (...)
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  36.  89
    Ambidexterity in Social Capital, Dynamic Capability, and SMEs’ Performance: Quadratic Effect of Dynamic Capability and Moderating Role of Market Orientation.Luanping Zhou, Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Lijin Shao, Hsin-Yi Yen, Ku-Ho Lin & Muhammad Khalid Anser - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The importance of organizational ambidexterity was stressed in different fields of management. This study was using a distinct method to measure the differences in the degree of ambidexterity to bridge the gap with the previous studies and to provide more insights in the successful management of exploitation and exploration. This study surveyed Taiwanese small and medium-sized enterprises to test the hypotheses. We issued 1000 questionnaires in total and received 234 valid ones. Results indicate exploitative and explorative capabilities exerting non-linear effect (...)
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  37.  16
    Marxist Thoughts and Post-modernity.Zhou Shipenp - 2003 - Modern Philosophy 2:009.
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  38.  28
    Parallel Excitatory and Inhibitory Neural Circuit Pathways Underlie Reward-Based Phasic Neural Responses.Huanyuan Zhou, KongFatt Wong-Lin & Da-Hui Wang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-20.
    Phasic activity of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area or substantia nigra compacta has been suggested to encode reward-prediction error signal for reinforcement learning. Recent studies have shown that the lateral habenula neurons exhibit a similar response, but for nonrewarding or punishment signals. Hence, the transient signaling role of LHb neurons is opposite that of DA neurons and also that of several other brain nuclei such as the border region of the globus pallidus internal segment and the rostral medial (...)
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  39.  17
    Why" the Most Serious Problem is to Teach the Peasants": A Reading of Mao Zedong's Peasant Theory.Zhou Jianwei Chen Jinlong - 2008 - Modern Philosophy 1:014.
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  40.  41
    The Basis and Particulars of the Principle of Democracy.Zhou Fohai - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (1):74-77.
    Zhou Fohai helped found the Chinese Communist Party but left the party in 1924 and aligned himself with the Guomindang . He then became one of the GMD's leading theoretical writers and was the editor of the monthly Xin shengming. Zhou had earlier contributed to Xin qingnian, and, in an article published in 1922, voiced the opinion that freedom of speech and association should not be given to the bourgeoisie since they then could use these freedoms to thwart (...)
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  41. Shuozhai xue shu.Xuewu Zhou - 1980 - Taibei: Xue hai chu ban she.
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  42.  59
    Multiple Facets of Compassion: The Impact of Social Dominance Orientation and Economic Systems Justification.YanYan Zhou, Rony Berger, Ting-Ting Shiue, Philip Zimbardo, James Doty, Tim Rossomando, Yotam Heineberg, Emma Seppala & Daniel Martin - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (1):237-249.
    Business students appear predisposed to select disciplines consistent with pre-existing worldviews. These disciplines then further reinforce the worldviews which may not always be adaptive. For example, high levels of Social Dominance Orientation is a trait often found in business school students :691–721, 1991). SDO is a competitive and hierarchical worldview and belief-system that ascribes people to higher or lower social rankings. While research suggests that high levels of SDO may be linked to lower levels of empathy, research has not established (...)
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  43.  47
    The role of social eye-gaze in children’s and adults’ ownership attributions to robotic agents in three cultures.Patricia Kanngiesser, Shoji Itakura, Yue Zhou, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro & Bruce Hood - 2015 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 16 (1):1-28.
    Young children often treat robots as social agents after they have witnessed interactions that can be interpreted as social. We studied in three experiments whether four-year-olds from three cultures and adults from two cultures will attribute ownership of objects to a robot that engages in social gaze with a human. Participants watched videos of robot-human interactions, in which objects were possessed or new objects were created. Children and adults applied the same ownership rules to humans and robots – irrespective of (...)
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  44.  53
    Color Image Norms in Mandarin Chinese.Dandan Zhou & Qi Chen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  45.  44
    The Actor, Partner, Similarity Effects of Personality, and Interactions with Gender and Relationship Duration among Chinese Emerging Adults.Yixin Zhou, Kexin Wang, Shuang Chen, Jianxin Zhang & Mingjie Zhou - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:274996.
    Understanding personality effects and their role in influencing relationship quality, varied according to gender and relationship duration, could help us better understand close relationships. Participants were Chinese dating dyads and were asked to complete both the Big Five Inventory and Perceived Relationship Quality Component scales. Males and those who had a long-term relationship perceived better relationship quality; individuals who scored higher on agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and emotional stability enjoyed better relationship quality; gender and/or relationship duration moderated the actor effect of (...)
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  46.  22
    Hu Hong, Zhang Jiucheng and Yu Yunwen counterattacked the trends of thought in that criticized Mencius in The Song Dynasty.Zhou Shuping - 2007 - Modern Philosophy 5:013.
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  47.  28
    Sinology, Sinologism, and New Sinology.Xian Zhou & Ming Dong Gu - 2018 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (1):1-6.
    Sinologism 汉学主义is a recent cultural theory that focuses on Sinology, China–West studies, and cross-cultural knowledge production. Since its proposition at the turn of the 21st century, it has aroused substantial interest and given rise to discussions and debates both in and outside China. The special issue has selected seven articles in full or excerpted form to offer an initial introduction to the topic.
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  48.  20
    Zhou Dunyi yan jiu zhu zuo shu yao.Jiangang Zhou - 2009 - Changsha: Hunan da xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu gong 7 zhang, Shou lu song dai yi hou zhou dun yi yan jiu de xiang guan lun zhu, Lun wen 500 duo pian, Nei rong bao kuo:zhou dun yi de sheng ping gai kuang, Zhou dun yi zhu zuo kao bian, Zhou dun yi yan jiu gai shu, Zhou dun yi yan jiu gu dai wen xian shu yao, Zhou dun yi yan jiu zhuan zhu shu yao, Shi xue zhu zuo (...)
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  49.  33
    L'éphémère et l'essentiel sur la philosophie politique chinoise contemporaine.Zhou Lian - 2008 - Diogène 221 (1):170-183.
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  50.  47
    Intrinsic Functional Plasticity of the Thalamocortical System in Minimally Disabled Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.Fuqing Zhou, Honghan Gong, Qi Chen, Bo Wang, Yan Peng, Ying Zhuang & Chi-Shing Zee - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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