Results for 'Greg Crucian'

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  1.  57
    Self-awareness of deficits in Parkinson disease.Elizabeth Leritz, Chris Loftis, Greg Crucian, William J. Friedman & Dawn Bowers - 2004 - Clinical Neuropsychologist 18 (3):352-361.
  2.  42
    Damage to Broca’s area OR the anterior temporal lobe is implicated in stroke-induced agrammatic comprehension: it depends on the task.Rogalsky Corianne, LaCroix Arianna, Chen Kuan-Hua, Anderson Steven, Damasio Hanna, Love Tracy & Hickok Greg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Computability of validity and satisfiability in probability logics over finite and countable models.Greg Yang - 2015 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 25 (4):324-372.
    The -logic of Terwijn is a variant of first-order logic with the same syntax in which the models are equipped with probability measures and the quantifier is interpreted as ‘there exists a set A of a measure such that for each,...’. Previously, Kuyper and Terwijn proved that the general satisfiability and validity problems for this logic are, i) for rational, respectively -complete and -hard, and ii) for, respectively decidable and -complete. The adjective ‘general’ here means ‘uniformly over all languages’. We (...)
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    Courtney S. Campbell, Ph. D., is Professor and Director, Program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment, Department of Philosophy, Oregon State Uni-versity, Corvallis, Oregon. Jean E. Chambers, Ph. D., is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department of the State University of New York, Oswego. She is currently working on. [REVIEW]John Harris, Bryan Hilliard, Søren Holm, Kenneth V. Iserson, Avery Kolers, Greg Loeben, Peter Montague & John C. Moskop - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12:329-330.
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  5. LOGIC Greg Restall i.Greg Restall - 2003 - In John Shand, Fundamentals of Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 64.
  6.  24
    The coddling of the American mind: how good intentions and bad ideas are setting up a generation for failure.Greg Lukianoff - 2018 - [New York City]: Penguin Books. Edited by Jonathan Haidt.
    Something has been going wrong on many college campuses in the last few years. Speakers are shouted down. Students and professors say they are walking on eggshells and are afraid to speak honestly. Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide are rising--on campus as well as nationally. How did this happen? First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt show how the new problems on campus have their origins in three terrible ideas that have become increasingly woven into (...)
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    Faith in local government: The emergence of religion in the politics of an inner London borough 1975-2006.Greg Smith - 2010 - The Politics and Religion Journal 4 (2):157-182.
    This paper examines the impact religious affiliation and faith commitment exerts on the political life of one inner-London borough. It gives a historical sketch of the interaction of faith and politics in the period from about 1975-2006 and attempts some explanation of the patterns of voting in local elections and political involvement by members of the many faith communities which are found in the borough. The key to this is seen in the changing urban ecology of the area and the (...)
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    Resist! Christian Dissent for the 21st Century.Greg Getek Soltis - 2010 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 20 (2):161-165.
  9.  97
    An Introduction to Substructural Logics.Greg Restall - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    This book introduces an important group of logics that have come to be known under the umbrella term 'susbstructural'. Substructural logics have independently led to significant developments in philosophy, computing and linguistics. _An Introduction to Substrucural Logics_ is the first book to systematically survey the new results and the significant impact that this class of logics has had on a wide range of fields.The following topics are covered: * Proof Theory * Propositional Structures * Frames * Decidability * Coda Both (...)
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  10.  58
    The Athenian experiment: building an imagined political community in ancient Attica, 508-490 B.C.Greg Anderson - 2003 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    In barely the space of one generation, Athens was transformed from a conventional city-state into something completely new--a region-state on a scale previously unthinkable. This book sets out to answer a seemingly simple question: How and when did the Athenian state attain the anomalous size that gave it such influence in Greek politics and culture in the classical period? Many scholars argue that Athens's incorporation of Attica was a gradual development, largely completed some two hundred years before the classical era. (...)
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  11.  49
    John Locke's Politics of Moral Consensus.Greg Forster - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The aim of this book is twofold: to explain the reconciliation of religion and politics in the work of John Locke, and to explore the relevance of that reconciliation for politics in our own time. Confronted with deep social divisions over ultimate beliefs, Locke sought to unite society in a single liberal community. Reason could identify divine moral laws that would be acceptable to members of all cultural groups, thereby justifying the authority of government. Greg Forster demonstrates that Locke's (...)
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  12. A journey toward acceptance and love.Greg Chapman - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick, This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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  13. Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials.Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair & Brian L. Ott (eds.) - 2010 - University of Alabama Press.
    introduction Rhetoric/Memory/Place Carole Blair, Greg Dickinson, and Brian L. Ott The story is told of the poet Simonides of Ceos who, after chanting a poem ...
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  14.  64
    Does democracy require value-neutral science? Analyzing the legitimacy of scientific information in the political sphere.Greg Lusk - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 90 (C):102-110.
  15.  85
    The Generic Book.Greg N. Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier (eds.) - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    In an attempt to address the theoretical gap between linguistics and philosophy, a group of semanticists, calling itself the Generic Group, has worked to develop a common view of genericity. Their research has resulted in this book, which consists of a substantive introduction and eleven original articles on important aspects of the interpretation of generic expressions. The introduction provides a clear overview of the issues and synthesizes the major analytical approaches to them. Taken together, the papers that follow reflect the (...)
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  16.  42
    Structural Rules in Natural Deduction with Alternatives.Greg Restall - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (2):109-143.
    Natural deduction with alternatives extends Gentzen–Prawitz-style natural deduction with a single structural addition: negatively signed assumptions, called alternatives. It is a mildly bilateralist, single-conclusion natural deduction proof system in which the connective rules are unmodi_ed from the usual Prawitz introduction and elimination rules — the extension is purely structural. This framework is general: it can be used for (1) classical logic, (2) relevant logic without distribution, (3) affine logic, and (4) linear logic, keeping the connective rules fixed, and varying purely (...)
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  17. Collection Frames for Distributive Substructural Logics.Greg Restall & Shawn Standefer - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):1120-1157.
    We present a new frame semantics for positive relevant and substructural propositional logics. This frame semantics is both a generalisation of Routley–Meyer ternary frames and a simplification of them. The key innovation of this semantics is the use of a single accessibility relation to relate collections of points to points. Different logics are modeled by varying the kinds of collections used: they can be sets, multisets, lists or trees. We show that collection frames on trees are sound and complete for (...)
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    Christ and the Role of Civil Government: The Theonomic Perspective Part I.Greg L. Bahnsen - 1988 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 5 (2):24-30.
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    Crossing the Lines of Caste: Viśvāmitra and the Construction of Brahmin Power in Hindu Mythology. By Adheesh A. Sathaye.Greg Bailey - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1).
    Crossing the Lines of Caste: Viśvāmitra and the Construction of Brahmin Power in Hindu Mythology. By Adheesh A. Sathaye. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xxii + 310. $99 ; $35.
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    On the Distribution, Use and Meaning of the Dhātu√vṛt in the Mokṣadharmaparvan and the Śāntiparvan of the Mahābhārata.Greg Bailey - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (4):711-732.
    Given the importance of pravṛtti and nivṛtti as shaping ideologies in the Mahābhārata and a host of other Indic texts, a study of the occurrence of the uses of √vṛt in the widest possible sense is a desideratum for an understanding of both the Mahābhārata and its Mokṣadharmaparvan. The present contribution discusses concentrations of occurrences of √vṛt-words in particular passages and considers whether these are associated with the communication of specific doctrines. Both nominal and verbal forms of √vṛt, prefixed and (...)
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  21. A unified analysis of the English bare plural.Greg N. Carlson - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (3):413 - 456.
    It is argued that the English bare plural (an NP with plural head that lacks a determiner), in spite of its apparently diverse possibilities of interpretation, is optimally represented in the grammar as a unified phenomenon. The chief distinction to be dealt with is that between the generic use of the bare plural (as in Dogs bark) and its existential or indefinite plural use (as in He threw oranges at Alice). The difference between these uses is not to be accounted (...)
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  22.  48
    Questions, justification requests, inference, and definition.Greg Restall - 2024 - Synthese 204 (5):1-30.
    In this paper, I examine connections between the speech acts of assertion, denial, polar questions and justification requests, and the common ground. When we pay attention to the structure of norms governing polar questions, we can clarify the distinction between strong and weak denial, together with the parallel distinction between strong and weak assertion, and the distinct way that these speech acts interact with the common ground. In addition, once we pay attention to the distinct norms concerning justification requests, we (...)
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    The contribution of cross-cultural study to dynamic systems modeling of emotions.Greg Downey - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):201-202.
    Lewis neglects cross-cultural data in his dynamic systems model of emotion, probably because appraisal theory disregards behavior and because anthropologists have not engaged discussions of neural plasticity in the brain sciences. Considering cultural variation in emotion-related behavior, such as grieving, indigenous descriptions of emotions, and alternative developmental regimens, such as sport, opens up avenues to test dynamic systems models.
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  24.  16
    Mechanisms of student participation: Theoretical description of a Freiren ideal.Greg Seals - 2006 - Educational Studies 39 (3):283-295.
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    The nature and impact of early achievement skills, attention skills, and behavior problems.Greg J. Duncan & Katherine Magnuson - 2011 - In Greg J. Duncan & Richard J. Murnane, Whither Opportunity?: Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children's Life Chances. Russell Sage. pp. 47--69.
  26.  63
    The Ethics of Health Care Rationing: An Introduction.Greg Bognar & Iwao Hirose - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Iwao Hirose.
    Should organ transplants be given to patients who have waited the longest, or need it most urgently, or those whose survival prospects are the best? The rationing of health care is universal and inevitable, taking place in poor and affluent countries, in publicly funded and private health care systems. Someone must budget for as well as dispense health care whilst aging populations severely stretch the availability of resources. The Ethics of Health Care Rationing is a clear and much-needed introduction to (...)
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  27.  29
    Noise matters: towards an ontology of noise.Greg Hainge - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Everyone knows what noise is. Or do they? Can we in fact say that one man's noise is another teenager's music? Is noise in fact only an auditory phenomenon or does it extend far beyond this realm? If our common definitions of noise are necessarily subjective and noise is not just unpleasant sound, then it merits a closer look (or listen). Greg Hainge sets out to define noise in this way, to find within it a series of operations common (...)
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    Born Again, Briefly.Greg Egan - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 172–176.
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  29. Was there any such thing as a non-modern state?Greg Anderson - 2018 - In John L. Brooke, Julia C. Strauss & Greg Anderson, State formations: global histories and cultures of statehood. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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  30.  44
    Some ways emerging adults are shaping the future of religion and science.Greg Cootsona - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):557-572.
    This article addresses how the field of religion and science will change in the coming decades by analyzing the attitudes of emerging adults. I first present an overview of emerging adulthood to set the context for my analysis, especially highlighting the way in which emerging adults find themselves “in between” and in an “age of possibilities," free to explore a variety of options and thus often become “spiritual bricoleurs." Next, I expand on how a broadening pluralism in emerging adult culture (...)
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    Patients bringing information to primary care consultations: a cross‐sectional (questionnaire) study of doctors' and nurses' views of its impact.Greg Dilliway & Gillian Maudsley - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):545-547.
  32.  33
    Debate: When less really is less – what's wrong with minimalist approaches to human rights.Greg Dinsmore - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 15 (4):473–483.
  33. Beneath the Horizon : The Organic Body's Role in Athletic Experience.Greg Downey - 2015 - In Kalpana Ram & Christopher Houston, Phenomenology in Anthropology: A Sense of Perspective. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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  34. Mapping power : the shape of the state in the post-Civil War American South.Greg P. Downs - 2018 - In John L. Brooke, Julia C. Strauss & Greg Anderson, State formations: global histories and cultures of statehood. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Cultural patterns and moral laws.Greg Forster - 1977 - Bramcote: Grove Books.
  36. Faith And Plato:'You're Nothing! Disgusting, Murderous Bitch!'.Greg Forster - 2003 - In James B. South, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale. Chicago: Open Court. pp. 7--19.
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    Art and Lamentation.Greg M. Horowitz - 2000 - Constellations 7 (2):197-207.
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    Make America Again: The 2016 NASSP Book Prize.Greg Hoskins - 2018 - Social Philosophy Today 34:155-160.
  39. Beware of undercover journalism.Greg Marx - 2019 - In M. M. Eboch, Ethics in journalism. New York: Greenhaven Publishing.
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    Role conflict as an interactional resource in the multimodal emergence of expert identity.Greg Matoesian - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (171):15-49.
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    Dr Kevorkian and the Struggle for Physician‐Assisted Dying.Greg Pence - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (1):62-71.
  42.  17
    ‘Habitus in Extremis’: From Embodied Culture to Bio-Cultural Development.Greg Downey - 2014 - Body and Society 20 (2):113-117.
    Loïc Wacquant argues for a radicalization of the habitus concept provided by Pierre Bourdieu, suggesting that habitus is a site and mode for conducting research, not simply an explanatory or theoretical mechanism. Taking seriously this call to examine skills and communities of practice through apprenticeship, however, requires that the theoretical account of habitus be subject to empirical testing. Moreover, enquiry into communities of practice, especially the subtle psychological, behavioural and even neurological consequences of skill acquisition, means that claims about the (...)
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  43.  20
    Is HPS a valuable component of a STEM education? An empirical study of student interest in HPS courses within an undergraduate science curriculum.Greg Lusk - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-14.
    This paper presents the results of a survey of students majoring in STEM fields whose education contained a significant history, philosophy and sociology of science component. The survey was administered to students in a North American public 4-year university just prior to completing their HPS sequence. The survey assessed students’ attitudes towards HPS to gauge how those attitudes changed over the course of their college careers, and to identify the benefits and obstacles to studying HPS as a component of their (...)
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    Analytic Satisfaction.Greg Ray - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-23.
    We gain new insight by returning to W. V. Quine’s first objection to quantified modal logic, a logic due to Ruth Marcus. After noting that much of Quine’s objection does not actually apply to that initial logic, I establish that, in any case, there was always an easy answer to Quine’s interpretive challenge that (i) was of the sort he called for and (ii) that he should probably have seen. The investigation yields a diagnosis of the underlying mistake Quine was (...)
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    Political Legitimacy in the Democratic View: The Case of Climate Services.Greg Lusk - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):991-1002.
    Wendy S. Parker and I have advanced an inductive-risk approach to the provision of climate information that relies on the contextual values of information users. This approach aims to improve the e...
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  46.  27
    Countering post-truths through ecopedagogical literacies: Teaching to critically read ‘development’ and ‘sustainable development’.Greg William Misiaszek - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (7):747-758.
    A key aspect of teaching ‘development’ is understanding the conundrums and tensions between balance and imbalance with constructs of global and...
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    Non-epistemic values and scientific assessment: an adequacy-for-purpose view.Greg Lusk & Kevin C. Elliott - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (2):1-22.
    The literature on values in science struggles with questions about how to describe and manage the role of values in scientific research. We argue that progress can be made by shifting this literature’s current emphasis. Rather than arguing about how non-epistemic values can or should figure into scientific assessment, we suggest analyzing how scientific assessment can accommodate non-epistemic values. For scientific assessment to do so, it arguably needs to incorporate goals that have been traditionally characterized as non-epistemic. Building on this (...)
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  48. Before Turannoi Were Tyrants: Rethinking a Chapter of Early Greek History.Greg Anderson - 2005 - Classical Antiquity 24 (2):173-222.
    According to classical and postclassical sources, the early Greek turannoi were, by definition, illegitimate rulers who overturned existing political arrangements and installed rogue monarchic regimes in their place. And on this one fundamental point at least, modern observers of archaic turannides seem to have little quarrel with their ancient informants. To this day, it remains axiomatic that Cypselus, Peisistratus, and the rest were autocrats who gained power by usurpation. Whatever their individual accomplishments, they were still, in a word, "tyrants." Relying (...)
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  49. Multiple Conclusions.Greg Restall - 2005 - In Petr Hájek, Luis Valdés-Villanueva & Dag Westerståhl, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. College Publications.
    Our topic is the notion of logical consequence: the link between premises and conclusions, the glue that holds together deductively valid argument. How can we understand this relation between premises and conclusions? It seems that any account begs questions. Painting with very broad brushtrokes, we can sketch the landscape of disagreement like this: “Realists” prefer an analysis of logical consequence in terms of the preservation of truth [29]. “Anti-realists” take this to be unhelpful and o:er alternative analyses. Some, like Dummett, (...)
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  50.  4
    Christ and the Role of Civil Government: The Theonomic Perspective: Part II.Greg L. Bahnsen - 1988 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 5 (3):24-28.
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