Results for 'Greg Clarke'

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  1.  44
    Preliminary Scales for ICD-11 Personality Disorder: Self and Interpersonal Dysfunction Plus Five Personality Disorder Trait Domains.Lee Anna Clark, Alejandro Corona-Espinosa, Shereen Khoo, Yuliya Kotelnikova, Holly F. Levin-Aspenson, Greg Serapio-García & David Watson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The ICD-11 personality disorder model is the first fully dimensional assessment of personality pathology. It consists of a personality disorder dysfunction-severity dimension, which encompasses both self- and interpersonal dysfunction, and six optional qualifiers for five prominent personality traits—Negative Affectivity, Detachment, Dissociality, Disinhibition, and Anankastia —plus a borderline pattern that is defined by the criteria of DSM-IV borderline PD. This article reports on the development of a new self-report measure to assess self- and interpersonal dysfunction and the five trait qualifiers. It (...)
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    Physician-patient relations: No more models.Greg Clarke, Robert T. Hall & Greg Rosencrance - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):16 – 19.
    Currently, the common theoretical models of "preferred" decision-making relationships do not correspond well with clinical experience. This interview study of congestive heart failure (CHF) patients documents the variety of patient preferences for decision-making, and the necessity for attention to family involvement. In addition, these findings illustrate the confusion as to the designation of surrogate decision-makers and physicians in charge. We conclude that no single model of physician-patient decision-making should be preferred, and that physicians should first ask patients how they want (...)
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    Dose-response relationship between physiotherapy resource provision with function and balance improvements in patients following stroke: a multi-centre observational study.Terry P. Haines, Suzanne Kuys, Jane Clarke, Greg Morrison & Paul Bew - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):136-142.
  4.  20
    Athlete Experiences of Shame and Guilt: Initial Psychometric Properties of the Athletic Perceptions of Performance Scale Within Junior Elite Cricketers.Simon M. Rice, Matt S. Treeby, Lisa Olive, Anna E. Saw, Alex Kountouris, Michael Lloyd, Greg Macleod, John W. Orchard, Peter Clarke, Kate Gwyther & Rosemary Purcell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Guilt and shame are self-conscious emotions with implications for mental health, social and occupational functioning, and the effectiveness of sports practice. To date, the assessment and role of athlete-specific guilt and shame has been under-researched. Reporting data from 174 junior elite cricketers, the present study utilized exploratory factor analysis in validating the Athletic Perceptions of Performance Scale, assessing three distinct and statistically reliable factors: athletic shame-proneness, guilt-proneness, and no-concern. Conditional process analysis indicated that APPS shame-proneness mediated the relationship between general (...)
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    Evidence and religious beliefkelly James Clark and Raymond J. VanArragon, editors. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2011, 214 pp. [REVIEW]Greg Janzen - 2013 - Dialogue 52 (1):198-204.
  6.  73
    Imperatives and the More Generalised Tarski Thesis.Hannah Clark-Younger - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):314-320.
    J.C. Beall and Greg Restall's Generalised Tarski Thesis is a generalisation of the seemingly diverse conceptions of logical consequence. However, even their apparently general account of consequence makes necessary truth-preservation a necessary condition. Sentences in the imperative mood pose a problem for any truth-preservationist account of consequence, because imperatives are not truth-apt but seem to be capable of standing in the relation of logical consequence. In this paper, I show that an imperative logic can be formulated that solves the (...)
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  7. Preattentive precursors to phenomenal properties.Austen Clark - manuscript
    What are the relations between preattentive feature-placing and states of perceptual awareness? For the purposes of this paper, states of "perceptual awareness" are confined to the simplest possible exemplars: states in which one is aware of some aspect of the appearance of something one perceives. Subjective contours are used as an example. Early visual processing seems to employ independent, high-bandwidth, preattentive feature "channels", followed by a selective process that directs selective attention. The mechanisms that yield subjective contours are found very (...)
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  8. Mechanisms and the Evidence Hierarchy.Brendan Clarke, Donald Gillies, Phyllis Illari, Federica Russo & Jon Williamson - 2014 - Topoi 33 (2):339-360.
    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) makes use of explicit procedures for grading evidence for causal claims. Normally, these procedures categorise evidence of correlation produced by statistical trials as better evidence for a causal claim than evidence of mechanisms produced by other methods. We argue, in contrast, that evidence of mechanisms needs to be viewed as complementary to, rather than inferior to, evidence of correlation. In this paper we first set out the case for treating evidence of mechanisms alongside evidence of correlation in (...)
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  9. Seedtime of Reform: American Social Service and Social Action, 1918-1933.Clarke A. Chambers - 1965 - Science and Society 29 (4):448-453.
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  10.  14
    The Belief in Progress in Twentieth-Century America.Clarke A. Chambers - 1958 - Journal of the History of Ideas 19 (2):197.
  11. Ethics of science communication on the web.Maxine Clarke - 2009 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 9 (1):9-12.
  12. Knowledge is not a Conceptual Kind.Clarke Murray - 2004 - Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on the Arts and Humanities.
    I argue that knowledge is a natural kind found in the modules of a massively modular mind. As such, it is not a conceptual kind. The result is that knowledge must be studied empirically and not by appeal to a priori analysis.
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  13. Descartes’s Theory of Mind.Desmond M. Clarke - 2003 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Descartes is possibly the most famous of all writers on the mind, but his theory of mind has been almost universally misunderstood, because his philosophy has not been seen in the context of his scientific work. Desmond Clarke offers a radical and convincing rereading, undoing the received perception of Descartes as the chief defender of mind/body dualism. For Clarke, the key is to interpret his philosophical efforts as an attempt to reconcile his scientific pursuits with the theologically orthodox (...)
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  14. A levels-of-selection approach to evolutionary individuality.Ellen Clarke - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (6):893-911.
    What changes when an evolutionary transition in individuality takes place? Many different answers have been given, in respect of different cases of actual transition, but some have suggested a general answer: that a major transition is a change in the extent to which selection acts at one hierarchical level rather than another. The current paper evaluates some different ways to develop this general answer as a way to characterise the property ‘evolutionary individuality’; and offers a justification of the option taken (...)
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  15. Abilities to Act.Randolph Clarke - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (12):893-904.
    This essay examines recent work on abilities to act. Different kinds of ability are distinguished, and a recently proposed conditional analysis of ability ascriptions is evaluated. It is considered whether abilities are causal powers. Finally, several compatibility questions concerning abilities, as well as the relation between free will and abilities of various kinds, are examined.
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  16. A calculus of individuals based on "connection".Bowman L. Clarke - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (3):204-218.
    Although Aristotle (Metaphysics, Book IV, Chapter 2) was perhaps the first person to consider the part-whole relationship to be a proper subject matter for philosophic inquiry, the Polish logician Stanislow Lesniewski [15] is generally given credit for the first formal treatment of the subject matter in his Mereology.1 Woodger [30] and Tarski [24] made use of a specific adaptation of Lesniewski's work as a basis for a formal theory of physical things and their parts. The term 'calculus of individuals' was (...)
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    Cross-Sector Partnerships for Systemic Change: Systematized Literature Review and Agenda for Further Research.Amelia Clarke & Andrew Crane - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):303-313.
    The literature on cross-sector partnerships has increasingly focused attention on broader systemic or system-level change. However, research to date has been partial and fragmented, and the very idea of systemic change remains conceptually underdeveloped. In this article, we seek to better understand what is meant by systemic change in the context of cross-sector partnerships and use this as a basis to discuss the contributions to the Thematic Symposium. We present evidence from a broad, multidisciplinary systematized review of the extant literature, (...)
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  18. Origins of the Shakers: From the Old World to the New World.Clarke Garrett - 1999 - Utopian Studies 10 (1):208-210.
  19. Opposing powers.Randolph Clarke - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 149 (2):153 - 160.
    A disposition mask is something that prevents a disposition from manifesting despite the occurrence of that disposition’s characteristic stimulus, and without eliminating that disposition. Several authors have maintained that masks must be things extrinsic to the objects that have the masked dispositions. Here it is argued that this is not so; masks can be intrinsic to the objects whose dispositions they mask. If that is correct, then a recent attempt to distinguish dispositional properties from so-called categorical properties fails.
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    Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization.Ka-Fai Yau & David Clarke - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 112-118 [Access article in PDF] Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization, by David Clarke. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2002, 240 pp. Paper. The issue of identity is a "vicious" circle in relation to Hong Kong's return to China in 1997. The more one talks about it, the more it is to be talked about as if it is a (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Seeing the forest and the trees: Realism about communities and ecosystems.Jay Odenbaugh - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):628-641.
    In this essay I first provide an analysis of various community concepts. Second, I evaluate two of the most serious challenges to the existence of communities—gradient and paleoecological analysis respectively—arguing that, properly understood, neither threatens the existence of communities construed interactively. Finally, I apply the same interactive approach to ecosystem ecology, arguing that ecosystems may exist robustly as well. ‡I would like to thank to the participants at the Ecology and Environmental Ethics Conference at the University of Utah, the Philosophy (...)
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  22.  69
    Levels of selection in biofilms: multispecies biofilms are not evolutionary individuals.Ellen Clarke - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (2):191-212.
    Microbes are generally thought of as unicellular organisms, but we know that many microbes live as parts of biofilms—complex, surface-attached microbial communities numbering millions of cells. Some authors have recently argued in favour of reconceiving biofilms as biological entities in their own right. In particular, some have claimed that multispecies biofilms are evolutionary individuals : 10126–10132 2015). Against this view, I defend the conservative consensus that selection acts primarily upon microbial cells.
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  23.  70
    3 Species and Organisms: What Are the Problems?Ellen Clarke & Samir Okasha - 2013 - In Frederic Bouchard & Philippe Huneman (eds.), From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 55.
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  24. Objectivity and reliability.Justin Clarke-Doane - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (6):841-855.
    Scanlon’s Being Realistic about Reasons (BRR) is a beautiful book – sleek, sophisticated, and programmatic. One of its key aims is to demystify knowledge of normative and mathematical truths. In this article, I develop an epistemological problem that Scanlon fails to explicitly address. I argue that his “metaphysical pluralism” can be understood as a response to that problem. However, it resolves the problem only if it undercuts the objectivity of normative and mathematical inquiry.
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  25. Modelling mechanisms with causal cycles.Brendan Clarke, Bert Leuridan & Jon Williamson - 2014 - Synthese 191 (8):1-31.
    Mechanistic philosophy of science views a large part of scientific activity as engaged in modelling mechanisms. While science textbooks tend to offer qualitative models of mechanisms, there is increasing demand for models from which one can draw quantitative predictions and explanations. Casini et al. (Theoria 26(1):5–33, 2011) put forward the Recursive Bayesian Networks (RBN) formalism as well suited to this end. The RBN formalism is an extension of the standard Bayesian net formalism, an extension that allows for modelling the hierarchical (...)
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    Rights, Justice and the Bounds of Liberty.Dolores Dooley-Clarke - 1982 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 29:310-312.
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    The Practice of Death.Dolores Dooley-Clarke - 1976 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 25:300-307.
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  28. Oriental enlightenment: the encounter between Asian and Western thought.John James Clarke - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    The West has long had an ambivalent attitude toward the philosophical traditions of the East. Voltaire claimed that the East is the civilization "to which the West owes everything", yet C.S. Peirce was contemptuous of the "monstrous mysticism of the East". And despite the current trend toward globalizations, there is still a reluctance to take seriously the intellectual inheritance of South and East Asia. Oriental Enlightenment challenges this Eurocentric prejudice. J. J. Clarke examines the role played by the ideas (...)
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  29. Descarten Theory of Mind.Desmond M. Clarke - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (1):187-188.
    Descartes is possibly the most famous of all writers on the mind, but his theory of mind has been almost universally misunderstood, because his philosophy has not been seen in the context of his scientific work. Desmond Clarke offers a radical and convincing rereading, undoing the received perception of Descartes as the chief defender of mind/body dualism. For Clarke, the key is to interpret his philosophical efforts as an attempt to reconcile his scientific pursuits with the theologically orthodox (...)
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  30.  17
    Occult powers and hypotheses: Cartesian natural philosophy under Louis XIV.Desmond M. Clarke - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book analyses the concept of scientific explanation developed by French disciples of Descartes in the period 1660-1700. Clarke examines the views of authors such as Malebranche and Rohault, as well as those of less well-known authors such as Cordemoy, Gadroys, Poisson and R'egis. These Cartesian natural philosophers developed an understanding of scientific explanation as necessarily hypothetical, and, while they contributed little to new scientific discoveries, they made a lasting contribution to our concept of explanation--generations of scientists in subsequent (...)
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  31. An Examination of what has been advanced Relating to Moral Obligation (1730).John Clarke - unknown
  32. Rethinking Moral Status.Stephen Clarke, Hazem Zohny & Julian Savulescu (eds.) - forthcoming
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    Introduction to Medieval Logic.P. A. Clarke - 1990 - Philosophical Quarterly 40 (159):264-266.
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    (1 other version)The use of corporate social disclosures in the management of reputation and legitimacy: A cross sectoral analysis of UK top 100 companies.Julia Clarke & Monica Gibson-Sweet - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (1):5–13.
    Recent years have witnessed an escalation in corporate social reporting (CSR) by UK companies (Gray, Kouhy and Lavers 1995). Whilst some elements of CSR reporting are required by law, much of it represents voluntary reporting. By investigating the non‐mandatory reporting of two aspects of social responsibility, corporate community involvement (CCI) and environmental impact, this paper seeks to explore why companies choose to make such disclosures. It specifically asks whether companies are primarily motivated by the strategic need to manage their reputation (...)
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    Overpopulation and Procreative Liberty.Greg Bognar - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (3):319-330.
    A few decades ago, there was a lively debate on the problem of overpopulation. Various proposals to limit population growth and to control fertility were made and debated both in academia and in th...
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    The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate.Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu, Tony Coady, Alberto Giubilini & Sagar Sanyal (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    We humans can enhance some of our mental and physical abilities above the normal upper limits for our species with the use of particular drug therapies and medical procedures. We will be able to enhance many more of our abilities in more ways in the near future. Some commentators have welcomed the prospect of wide use of human enhancement technologies, while others have viewed it with alarm, and have made clear that they find human enhancement morally objectionable. The Ethics of (...)
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    The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate.Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu, C. A. J. Coady, Alberto Giubilini & Sagar Sanyal (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    An international team of ethicists refresh the debate about human enhancement by examining whether resistance to the use of technology to enhance our mental and physical capabilities can be supported by articulated philosophical reasoning, or explained away, e.g. in terms of psychological influences on moral reasoning.
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  38. Scientific Imperialism and the Proper Relations between the Sciences.Steve Clarke & Adrian Walsh - 2009 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23 (2):195-207.
    John Dupr argues that 'scientific imperialism' can result in 'misguided' science being considered acceptable. 'Misguided' is an explicitly normative term and the use of the pejorative 'imperialistic' is implicitly normative. However, Dupr has not justified the normative dimension of his critique. We identify two ways in which it might be justified. It might be justified if colonisation prevents a discipline from progressing in ways that it might otherwise progress. It might also be justified if colonisation prevents the expression of important (...)
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    The nonlocality of mind.Christopher J. S. Clarke - 1995 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 2 (3):231-40.
    The dominance in normal awareness of visual percepts, which are linked to space, obscures the fact that most thoughts are non-spatial. It is argued that the mind is intrinsically non-spatial, though in perception can become compresent with spatial things derived from outside the mind. The assumption that the brain is entirely spatial is also challenged, on the grounds that there is a perfectly good place for the non-spatial in physics. A quantum logic approach to physics, which takes non-locality as its (...)
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    The Many Faces of RU486: Tales of Situated Knowledges and Technological Contestations.Theresa Montini & Adele Clarke - 1993 - Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (1):42-78.
    In the highly contentious abortion arena, the new oral abortifacient technology RU486 is one among many actors. This article offers an arena analysis of the heterogeneous constructions of RU486 by various actors, including scientists, pharmaceutical compa nies, medical groups, antiabortion groups, women's health movement groups, and others who have produced situated knowledges. Conceptually, we find not only that the identity of the nonhuman actor-RU486 -is unstable and multiple but also that, in practice, there are other implicated actors—the downstream users and (...)
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    The Mismarriage of Personal Responsibility and Health.Greg Bognar - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (2):196-204.
    This paper begins with a simple illustration of the choice between individual and population strategies in population health policy. It describes the traditional approach on which the choice is to be made on the relative merits of the two strategies in each case. It continues by identifying two factors—our knowledge of the consequences of the epidemiological transition and the prevalence of responsibility-sensitive theories of distributive justice—that may distort our moral intuitions when we deliberate about the choice of appropriate risk-management strategies (...)
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  42.  55
    Empowering Relations: An Indigenous Understanding of Allyship in North America.Andrea Sullivan-Clarke - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):30-42.
    Colonization is still present in the lives of Indigenous people in North America, and the threats it underwrites—the possibility of losing federal recognition, the failure to investigate the cases of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls, and the constant challenges to the Indian Child Welfare Act —comprise the day-to-day demands in Indian Country. While allies in the fight against modern-day colonialism would be welcome, the previous failings and insincerities of putative allies and the existence of an ally industrial complex (...)
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  43.  50
    Huckleberry Finn’s Conscience: Reckoning with the Evasion.Steve Clarke - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 24 (4):485-508.
    Huck Finn’s struggles with his conscience, as depicted in Mark Twain’s famous novelThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(AHF) (1884), have been much discussed by philosophers; and various philosophical lessons have been extracted from Twain’s depiction of those struggles. Two of these philosophers stand out, in terms of influence: Jonathan Bennett and Nomy Arpaly. Here I argue that the lessons that Bennett and Arpaly draw are not supported by a careful reading of AHF. This becomes particularly apparent when we consider the final (...)
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  44.  75
    A defence of the no-ownership theory.S. ClarkeD. - 1972 - Mind 81 (321):97-101.
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    Practical inferences.David S. Clarke - 1985 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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  46.  34
    Strategic ignorance, is it appropriate for indigenous resistance?Andrea Sullivan-Clarke - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (1):78-93.
    In The Racial Contract, Charles Mills introduces the notion of an ‘inverted epistemology,’ an epistemology that construes social and racial ignorance as knowledge (p.18). As Mills points out, such ignorance can be used to oppress people by creating alternate realities or ‘white mythologies’ about race (p. 19). If the racial contract results in a society that oppresses people of color and supports white supremacy, then the question of how to correct an inverted epistemology becomes critical. Mills proposes the correction of (...)
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    Person and being.William Norris Clarke - 1993 - Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
    These are the Aquinas Lectures for 1993 given at Marquette University by Jesuit priest W. Norris Clarke. There is an Introduction, two main sections, and ten chapters, including "The Meaning of Person" and "The Problem of Evil".
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  48. (1 other version)Barriers to implication.Greg Restall - 2010 - In Charles Pigden (ed.), Hume and ‘is’ and ‘ought’: new essays. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Implication barrier theses deny that one can derive sentences of one type from sentences of another. Hume’s Law is an implication barrier thesis; it denies that one can derive an ‘ought’ (a normative sentence) from an ‘is’ (a descriptive sentence). Though Hume’s Law is controversial, some barrier theses are philosophical platitudes; in his Lectures on Logical Atomism, Bertrand Russell claims: You can never arrive at a general proposition by inference particular propositions alone. You will always have to have at least (...)
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    Reading and proclaiming the Birth Narratives from Luke and Matthew: A study in empirical theology amongst curates and their training incumbents employing the SIFT method.Leslie J. Francis & Greg Smith - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):01-13.
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    Effective cardinals of boldface pointclasses.Alessandro Andretta, Greg Hjorth & Itay Neeman - 2007 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 7 (1):35-82.
    Assuming AD + DC, we characterize the self-dual boldface pointclasses which are strictly larger than the pointclasses contained in them: these are exactly the clopen sets, the collections of all sets of Wadge rank [Formula: see text], and those of Wadge rank [Formula: see text] when ξ is limit.
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