Results for 'Goro Maehara'

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  1. Learning to see after early and extended blindness: A scoping review.Eloise May, Proscovia Arach, Elizabeth Kishiki, Robert Geneau, Goro Maehara, Mahadeo Sukhai & Lisa M. Hamm - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeIf an individual has been blind since birth due to a treatable eye condition, ocular treatment is urgent. Even a brief period of visual deprivation can alter the development of the visual system. The goal of our structured scoping review was to understand how we might better support children with delayed access to ocular treatment for blinding conditions.MethodWe searched MEDLINE, Embase and Global Health for peer-reviewed publications that described the impact of early and extended bilateral visual deprivation.ResultsOf 551 reports independently (...)
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  2. Hani Gorō rekishi ronshō.Gorō Hani - 1986 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. Edited by Takashi Saitō & Kenji Yamaryō.
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    An investigation on the fundamental cognition of theoretical understanding concerned with human being in the academic cognition of physical education: Searching for the theoretical moment of it.Goro Abe - 1999 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 21 (2):11-24.
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    A study on the pedagogic foundation and its potential in physic al education.Goro Abe - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 39 (1):31-44.
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  5. Hyūmanizumu to bunka kakumei.Gorō Hani - 1948
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    Rekishiron.Gorō Hani - 1982 - Tōkyō: Hatsubai Tokuma Shoten.
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  7. Sei to shi to ni tsuite.Gorō Hani - 1970
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  8. Category theory and consciousness.Goro Kato & D. Struppa - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta (eds.), No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins.
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    Double-slit Interference and Temporal Topos.Goro Kato & Tsunefumi Tanaka - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (11):1681-1700.
    The electron double-slit interference is re-examined from the point of view of temporal topos. Temporal topos (or t-topos) is an abstract algebraic (categorical) method using the theory of sheaves. A brief introduction to t-topos is given. When the structural foundation for describing particles is based on t-topos, the particle-wave duality of electron is a natural consequence. A presheaf associated with the electron represents both particle-like and wave-like properties depending upon whether an object in the site (t-site) is specified (particle-like) or (...)
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    Microcosm to Macrocosm via the Notion of a Sheaf (Observers in Terms of t-topos).Goro Kato - 2008 - In World Scientific (ed.), Physics of Emergence and Organization. pp. 229--232.
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  11. (1 other version)Taigi.Gorō Sugimoto - 1940
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    Andō Shōeki no shakai shisō.Gorō Terao - 1996 - Tōkyō: Nōbunkyō.
  13. Kakumei ga rekishi o tsukuru.Gorō Terao - 1977
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    Ronkō Andō Shōeki.Gorō Terao - 1992 - Tōkyō: Nō-san-gyoson Bunka Kyōkai. Edited by Shōeki Andō.
  15. Teikō no tetsugaku.Gorō Hani - 1972 - Edited by Gorō Hani.
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  16. Ando Shōeki no tatakai.Gorō Terao - 1978
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  17. Senku Andō Shōeki.Gorō Terao - 1976
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    Edo-ha kokugaku ronkō: gakuha no keisei to sono shakaiken.Gorō Uchino - 2002 - Tōkyō: Ātsu ando Kurafutsu.
    江戸派国学は、江戸下町文化が大きく花開いた19世紀初頭の化政期に、町人たちを主体に形成された。村田春海・加藤千蔭らの江戸派国学を、“春満‐真淵‐宣長”の国学に連なる系譜に位置づけた、国学史上劃期的名著 の復刻。.
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  19. Makyaveri kunshuron: sono rekishiteki haikei.Gorō Hani - 1936 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  20. Rekishigaku hihan josetsu.Gorō Hani - 1947
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  21. Rekishi.Gorō Hani - 1947
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  22. Kigō ronri nyūmon.Shōji Maehara - 1967
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  23. Andō Shōeki no shizen tetsugaku to igaku.Gorō Terao - 1996 - Tōkyō: Nōbunkyō.
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    One of the directions of the theoretic discussions on school physical education.Goro Abe - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 30 (2):127-142.
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    Possibility of the theoretical understanding on human beings in the academic cognition of physical education.Goro Abe - 1997 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 19 (1):3-23.
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    Toward the foundation of human-becoming theory in physical education.Goro Abe - 2005 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 27 (2):9-30.
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    A General Theory of Completeness Proofs.Sh^|^Ocirc Maehara & Ji - 1970 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (5):242-256.
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    A General Theory of Completeness Proofs.Shôji Maehara - 1970 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (5):242-256.
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    Hidden units in child language.Stephen Crain, Takuya Goro & Utako Minai - unknown
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    A System of Simple Type Theory with Type Variables.Sh^|^Ocirc Maehara & Ji - 1969 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (4):131-137.
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    Cut-Elimination Theorem Concerning a Formal System for Ramified Theory of Types Which Admits Quantifications on Types.Sh^|^Ocirc Maehara & Ji - 1962 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 2 (2):55-64.
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    Cut-Elimination Theorem Concerning a Formal System for Ramified Theory of Types Which Admits Quantifications on Types.Shôji Maehara - 1962 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 2 (2):55-64.
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    General Recursive Functions in the Number-Theoretic Formal System.Sh^|^Ocirc Maehara & Ji - 1957 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 1 (2):119-130.
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    General Recursive Functions in the Number-Theoretic Formal System.Shôji Maehara - 1957 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 1 (2):119-130.
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    (1 other version)Non-constructive Proofs of a Metamathematical Theorem Concerning the Consistency of Analysis and its Extension.Shôji Maehara, Toshio Nishimura & Setsuya Seki - 1960 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 1 (5):269-288.
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    Structure and phase transformation of alkali silicate melts analysed by Raman spectroscopy.Terutaka Maehara, Tetsuji Yano, Shuichi Shibata & Masayuki Yamane - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (29):3085-3099.
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    Two interpolation theorems for a π11 predicate calculus.Shoji Maehara & Gaisi Takeuti - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):262 - 270.
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    Investigating the form-meaning mapping in the acquisition of English and Japanese measure phrase comparatives.Tomoe Arii, Kristen Syrett & Takuya Goro - 2017 - Natural Language Semantics 25 (1):53-90.
    We present a set of experiments investigating how English- and Japanese-speaking children interpret Measure Phrase comparatives. We show that despite overt cues to the comparative interpretation, children representing both languages diverge from their adult counterparts in that they access a non-adult-like ‘absolute measurement’ interpretation. We propose to account for their response pattern by appealing to proposals by Svenonius and Kennedy and Sawada and Grano that Meas in the head of the DegP, which houses the differential, selects for an absolute minimal (...)
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    Kōzō to shizen: tetsugaku to jinruigaku no kōsaku.Tatsuya Higaki & Gorō Yamazaki (eds.) - 2022 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Kabushiki Kaisha Keisō Shobō.
    構造主義からアクターネットワークセオリーまで、哲学と人類学という二つの知的実践は交錯してきた。その現代的な意義を考える。 ドゥルーズ=ガタリ、メルロ=ポンティ、サルトル、モース、デュルケム、ヴィヴェイロス・デ・カストロ、デスコラ、ストラザーン――いずれも「自然」をめぐり、レヴィ=ストロースの神話論理の再解釈や「構造」の捉 えなおしとして進行してきた哲学と人類学について、思考様式の違いや歴史的な影響関係、主題の反復を浮き彫りにする。.
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    Calculabilit^|^eacute; des Fonctionnelles R^|^eacute;cursives Primitives de Type Fini sur les Nombres Naturels.Yoshito Hanatani, Sh^|^Ocirc Maehara & Ji - 1966 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (1):19-30.
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    Calculabilité des Fonctionnelles Récursives Primitives de Type Fini sur les Nombres Naturels.Yoshito Hanatani & Shôji Maehara - 1966 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (1):19-30.
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    A study on the moral principle in sport: based on Kant’s philosophyスポーツ世界における道徳法則の検討:カント哲学を中心として.Naruhiko Mizushima & Goro Abe - 2020 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 42 (1):33-45.
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    スポーツ行為者の認識過程における「意思」と「意志」について:カント倫理学の可能性に関する一考察.Naruhiko Mizushima & Goro Abe - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 43 (2):97-117.
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    Ningen to bunmei no yukue: Toinbī seitan 100-nen kinen ronshū.Arnold Toynbee, Kinji Hidemura, Gorō Yoshizawa & Keisuke Kawakubo (eds.) - 1989 - Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha.
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    Maehara-style modal nested calculi.Roman Kuznets & Lutz Straßburger - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):359-385.
    We develop multi-conclusion nested sequent calculi for the fifteen logics of the intuitionistic modal cube between IK and IS5. The proof of cut-free completeness for all logics is provided both syntactically via a Maehara-style translation and semantically by constructing an infinite birelational countermodel from a failed proof search. Interestingly, the Maehara-style translation for proving soundness syntactically fails due to the hierarchical structure of nested sequents. Consequently, we only provide the semantic proof of soundness. The countermodel construction used to (...)
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    Sentential logics and Maehara interpolation property.Janusz Czelakowski - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (3):265 - 283.
    With each sentential logic C, identified with a structural consequence operation in a sentential language, the class Matr * (C) of factorial matrices which validate C is associated. The paper, which is a continuation of [2], concerns the connection between the purely syntactic property imposed on C, referred to as Maehara Interpolation Property (MIP), and three diagrammatic properties of the class Matr* (C): the Amalgamation Property (AP), the (deductive) Filter Extension Property (FEP) and Injections Transferable (IT). The main theorem (...)
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  47. Dati, Goro transcription of the'ottimo commento'on Dante.Andrew P. McCormick - 1982 - Rinascimento 22:251.
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  48. Maehara Shôji. General recursive functions in the number-theoretic formal system. Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, vol. 1 no. 2 , pp. 119–130. [REVIEW]J. R. Shoenfield - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):90-90.
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    Shôji Maehara. A system of simple type theory with type variables. Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, vol. 3 no. 4 , pp. 131–137. [REVIEW]Bede Rundle - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):604-605.
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    Maehara Shôji and Takeuti Gaisi. A formal system of first-order predicate calculus with infinitely long expressions. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, vol. 13 , pp. 357–370. [REVIEW]Erwin Engeler - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):468-468.
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