Results for 'Gonca Gunay'

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  1.  45
    Nurses' perceptions of individual and organizational political reasons for horizontal peer bullying.Alev Katrinli, Gulem Atabay, Gonca Gunay & Burcu Guneri Cangarli - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (5):614-627.
    Nurses are exposed to bullying for various reasons. It has been argued that the reason for bullying can be political, meaning that the behavior occurs to serve the self-interests of the perpetrators. This study aims to identify how nurses perceive the relevance of individual and political reasons for bullying behaviors. In February 2009 a survey was conducted with nurses working in a research and training hospital located in Turkey. The results showed that the aim of influencing promotion, task assignments, performance (...)
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    Community Research Ethics Oversight: Place, Experience, and Expertise.Alize E. Gunay, Phoebe Friesen & Emily M. A. Doerksen - 2023 - In Emily E. Anderson, Ethical Issues in Community and Patient Stakeholder–Engaged Health Research. Springer Verlag. pp. 275-297.
    Urban communities experiencing marginalization often disproportionately bear the risks and burdens of research and are left out of research ethics governance processes. To address this, many communities have created place-based and community-led research ethics governance initiatives to ensure that community voice is included in discussions surrounding research conduct. Place-based strategies in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside, the Bronx, and the Philadelphia Promise Zone successfully mobilize community perspectives in research ethics, filling in a significant gap in our current system of institutional research (...)
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  3. Chronic moderate alcohol consumption induces iNOS expression in the penis: An immunohistochemical study.Süheyla Gonca, Yusufhan Yazir, Semil Selcan GÖÇMEZ, Ekim Nur DALÇIK, Tijen Utkan & Hakkı DALÇIK - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    Analysis Of The Cemal Süreya Poems In The Light Of Intertextuality.G. Gonca Gökalp Alpaslan - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:435-463.
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    Türkiye’de Zek'tın Kurumsallaşması ve Diyanet Personelinin Bakış Açısı Hakkında Bir Araştırma.Günay Terzi̇ & Mahmut Bi̇len - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:81-114.
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    Emotions in climate change communication: An experimental investigation.Defne Gunay, Gizem Melek & Gizem Arikan - 2022 - Communications 47 (2):307-317.
    We conducted an experiment to test whether altering the saliency of information provided by experts in fictitious news stories on climate change triggered different emotions among readers. Based on appraisal theories of emotions in the psychology literature, we hypothesized that 1) news stories that presented climate change related threats as diffuse and uncertain would elicit greater levels of anxiety, while 2) stories that provided a specific target to blame would induce greater anger, and 3) those that underlined the potential of (...)
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    Bergson’un Felsefesinde İbrahim Kalın’ın Modernite Eleştirilerini Yeniden Okumak.İbrahim Emre Günay - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 61:26-41.
    Çalışmamızın konusu ve amacı düşünce dünyasında çalışmalarıyla önemli bir yere sahip olan İbrahim Kalın’ın modernite eleştirilerini ortaya koymak ve bu eleştirileri Bergson’un felsefesiyle yorumlayarak yeniden değerlendirmek ayrıca Kalın ve Bergson’un birbirini tamamlayan benzer düşünceler ortaya koydukları göstermektir. Her iki düşünürün de çalışmalarında modern insanın akıl temelinde yarı tanrısal özne rolüne karşı, modern aklın ötesindeki gerçekliği ve aklı yapan öncesi ve sonu olmayan bir varlığı temel almaları çalışmamıza konu olmalarını sağlamıştır. Kalın’ın hayatın anlamının, ilerlemecilik anlayışı doğrultusunda her şeyin akıl temelinde belirlenmesine (...)
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    Kur'an'da Gençlerin Duygu Gelişimi ve Eğitimi.İlhami Günay - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):435-435.
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    Kitap İncelemesi: Geç Osmanlı ve Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemlerinde Okumayı Öğrenmek.Rafet Günay - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):2215-2215.
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    Reasons Behind Non-Muslims’ Allegiance To The Ottoman State.Ramazan Günay - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1875-1891.
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    5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Lamba Parlaklığı İle İlgili Hazırbulunuşlukları.Gonca Harman - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 2):549-549.
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    5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Elektrik Devreleri İle İlgili Zihinsel Modelleri.Gonca Harman - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):1249-1249.
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    Revisiting the church of Saint Spyridon in Selymbria.Görkem Günay - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):171-194.
    Although nothing from the Byzantine church of St. Spyridon is preserved in situ today, the primary sources and surviving photographs of the structure indicate that it was built in the simple domed octagon design. In this article, some new architectural fragments which possibly belonged to the church are presented and evaluated, and new interpretations of the earlier restitution hypotheses are suggested. The presence of a domed octagon in Selymbria provides indirect evidence for the existence of the plan scheme in Constantinople (...)
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  14.  12
    Social Life In Around Of Fig.Vehbi Günay - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:551-560.
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    Sleep Is a Refreshing Process: An fNIRS Study.Adile Oniz, Gonca Inanc, Serhat Taslica, Cagdas Guducu & Murat Ozgoren - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  16.  6
    Community-led approaches to research governance: a scoping review of strategies.Emily Doerksen, Alize E. Gunay, Scott D. Neufeld & Phoebe Friesen - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
    Around the world, a growing number of communities are voicing their demands for authority in the governance of research involving them. Many such communities have experienced histories of exploitative, stigmatizing, intrusive research that failed to benefit them. To better understand what strategies communities are developing in order to have a say in research oversight, we conducted a scoping review of the international peer-reviewed and grey literature. Three primary strategies were identified: (1) guidelines; (2) community review boards; and (3) community advisory (...)
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    Kum Tanelerini Saymak: Latin Şiirinde Öznel Zaman Algısına Kavramsal Metafor Açısından Bakış.Öyken Ekin & Güven Günay Elif - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 58:179-252.
    Bilindiği gibi zaman Antik Çağ’dan itibaren felsefenin önemli konularından biri olmuştur. Metafor ve metaforun olmazsa olmaz sayıldığı şiir de hemen her çağda filozofların ilgisini çekmiş, metaforu kimileri ifade aracı olarak kullanmış, kimileri doğrudan araştırma nesnesi saymış, şiirin doğasına ilişkin sorgulamalar estetik felsefesinin doğmasında önemli rol oynamıştır. Bu makale zaman, metafor ve şiire felsefe değil filoloji ve edebiyat eleştirisi perspektifinden yaklaşmıştır ama hemen her adımı felsefeyi çeşitli açılardan ilgilendirdiğinden çok disiplinli ya da doğrudan felsefi başka çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağını umuyoruz. Dünyayı ve (...)
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    (1 other version)Vignettes to identify the ethical domain of an emerging country's banking sector: The experience of turkey.Ayfer Hortacsu & E. Nur Ozkan Gunay - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (2):121–137.
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  19.  14
    Legends of the Head Cut off told in Kosovo.Gonca Kuzay Demi̇r - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:77-86.
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    Distinguishing Intermediate and Novice Surgeons by Eye Movements.Gonca Gokce Menekse Dalveren & Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Ibn Hazm’s Criticism of Hanafis’ Analogy Practices.Muhammet Ali Acar & H. Mehmet Günay - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (58):25-34.
    Fıkıh usulü alimlerinin genel kanaatine göre kıyas, bilgi üretmede kullanılan temel yöntemler arasında yer alır. Sünni mezhepler içerisinde kıyas karşıtlığı fikri ile temayüz eden Zâhirîliğin en önemli temsilcilerinden olan Endülüslü âlim İbn Hazm (öl. 456/1064), usûl ve fürû-i fıkha dair yazdığı eserlerle Zâhirî düşüncenin gelişimine ciddi katkılar sunmuştur. Bu çalışmada, İbn Hazm’ın fıkıh usulü açısından geçerliliğine şiddetle karşı çıktığı kıyasa, Hanefîlerin uygulamaları özelinde pratikte ne tür eleştiriler getirdiği hususuna odaklanılmıştır. Bu çerçevede Hanefîlere izafe ettiği temsil gücü yüksek bazı kıyas uygulamaları (...)
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    The Relationship Between Academic Procrastination And Technology Usage Of Teachers.Gonca Kizilkaya Cumaoğlu - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2237-2247.
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    Solidarity without Sovereignty: Extending the Belmont Principles Further?Phoebe Friesen, Emily Doerksen & Alize Gunay - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (10):25-27.
    Saunkeah et al. argue that the principles of sovereignty and solidarity form the moral foundation for extending the Belmont Principles to tribal communities, by providing tribes with a right...
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    Acute Supramaximal Exercise Increases the Brain Oxygenation in Relation to Cognitive Workload.Cem Seref Bediz, Adile Oniz, Cagdas Guducu, Enise Ural Demirci, Hilmi Ogut, Erkan Gunay, Caner Cetinkaya & Murat Ozgoren - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  25. (1 other version)Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, XI: in-turns and out-turns.Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Grandview Heights: Educational Publisher.
    In this eleventh book of scilogs – called in-turns and out-turns –, one may find new and old questions and solutions, referring mostly to topics on Neutrosophy, but also Multispace, with miscellaneous addition of topics on Physics, Mathematics, or Sociology – email messages to research colleagues, or replies, notes about authors, articles, or books, spontaneous ideas, and so on. -/- Exchanging ideas with Prem Kumar Singh, Feng Liu, Nicolae Bălașa, Jimmy Quellet, Minodora Rușchița, Frank Gelli, A. R. Vătuiu, Victor Christianto, (...)
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    An Overview of the Tradition and Institutionalization Process of the Sociology of Religion in Türkiye: The Case of the Republican Era.Yusuf Yaralioğlu - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (65):629-656.
    Some prominent figures in both sociology and the field of sociology of religion, such as Auguste Comte, Max Weber, Karl Marx, and Emile Durkheim, discussed the changes brought about by cultural, political, and economic revolutions in Continental Europe, considering the institution of religion. The issues they explored and the concepts they developed have also had an impact on the Turkish sociologists engaged in academic research outside of Continental Europe. In fact, Turkish intellectuals who experienced the Ottoman Empire transformation into the (...)
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