Results for 'Giuseppe Arcadu'

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    Le regole del gioco: filosofia morale o della morale?Giuseppe Arcadu - 2012 - Milano: AlboVersorio.
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    My Double Unveiled: The Dissipative Quantum Model of Brain.Giuseppe Vitiello - 2001 - John Benjamins.
    CHAPTER Structure and function In physical systems made by a large number of basic constituents one can observe collective properties which find their ...
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  3. On the Foundations of Computing.Giuseppe Primiero - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    Computing, today more than ever before, is a multi-faceted discipline which collates several methodologies, areas of interest, and approaches: mathematics, engineering, programming, and applications. Given its enormous impact on everyday life, it is essential that its debated origins are understood, and that its different foundations are explained. On the Foundations of Computing offers a comprehensive and critical overview of the birth and evolution of computing, and it presents some of the most important technical results and philosophical problems of the discipline, (...)
  4. From physics to biology by extending criticality and symmetry breakings.Giuseppe Longo & Maël Montévil - 2011 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 106:340 - 347.
    Symmetries play a major role in physics, in particular since the work by E. Noether and H. Weyl in the first half of last century. Herein, we briefly review their role by recalling how symmetry changes allow to conceptually move from classical to relativistic and quantum physics. We then introduce our ongoing theoretical analysis in biology and show that symmetries play a radically different role in this discipline, when compared to those in current physics. By this comparison, we stress that (...)
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    Emmanuel Mounier e Simone Weil: testimoni del XX secolo.Giuseppe Maccaroni - 2010 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Simone Weil: dalla parte degli oppressi.Giuseppe Maccaroni - 2003 - Lungro di Cosenza: Marco.
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  7. Psychological Factors as Determinants of Chronic Conditions: Clinical and Psychodynamic Advances.Ciro Conversano & Mariagrazia Di Giuseppe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Intensity of preference and related uncertainty in non-compensatory aggregation rules.Giuseppe Munda - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (4):649-669.
    Non-compensatory aggregation rules are applied in a variety of problems such as voting theory, multi-criteria analysis, composite indicators, web ranking algorithms and so on. A major open problem is the fact that non-compensability implies the analytical cost of loosing all available information about intensity of preference, i.e. if some variables are measured on interval or ratio scales, they have to be treated as measured on an ordinal scale. Here this problem has been tackled in its most general formulation, that is (...)
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    La caverna di porpora: sortilegi e incantesimi della memoria.Giuseppe Dagnino - 1992 - Genova: ECIG.
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  10. La madre del signore nelle dichiarazioni evangeliche. Considerazioni alla luce dell'epistemologia teologica.Giuseppe Forlai - 2005 - Miscellanea Francescana 105 (1-2):249-276.
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    Il pensiero forte di Porfirio: mediazione fra henologia platonica e ontologia aristotelica.Giuseppe Girgenti - 1996 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
  12. (1 other version)Quale impostazione per la filosofia morale? Ricerche di filosofia morale, vol. 1.Giuseppe Abbá - 1996
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  13. Protention and retention in biological systems.Giuseppe Longo & Maël Montévil - 2011 - Theory in Biosciences 130:107-117.
    This article proposes an abstract mathematical frame for describing some features of cognitive and biological time. We focus here on the so called “extended present” as a result of protentional and retentional activities (memory and anticipation). Memory, as retention, is treated in some physical theories (relaxation phenomena, which will inspire our approach), while protention (or anticipation) seems outside the scope of physics. We then suggest a simple functional representation of biological protention. This allows us to introduce the abstract notion of (...)
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  14. Individuazione delle norme e loro significato teologico-morale.Giuseppe Angelini - 1990 - In Giuseppe Angelini, Enrico Berti & Paolo Zecchinato (eds.), Problemi di etica: fondazione, norme, orientamenti. Padova: Gegoriana libreria editrice.
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  15. Fenomenologia metafisica anagogia.Giuseppe Barzaghi - 2008 - Divus Thomas 111 (2):11-21.
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  16. Saggio sulla Volonta.Giuseppe Tarantino - 1898 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 45:334-334.
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    Opere filosofiche.Giuseppe Valletta & Michele Rak - 1975 - Firenze: Olschki. Edited by Michele Rak.
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  18. Rosmini e l'idea di progresso.Giuseppe Brescia - 1987 - Filosofia Oggi 10 (2):275-283.
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    (1 other version)Ascesi E conoscenza.Giuseppe Caruso - 2013 - Miscellanea Francescana 113 (1):84-95.
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  20. Continuità e discontinuità nel pensiero di Vico.Giuseppe Gangemi - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (4):577-611.
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  21. J.H. Lambert tra scetticismo e epistemologia.G. T. Giuseppe - 1987 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:599.
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  22. Apofatismo e misticismo nello Pseudo-Dionigi l'Areopagita.Giuseppe Grosso - 1989 - Filosofia Oggi 12 (3):313-320.
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    La sfera di Mœbius: la dottrina matematica della reincarnazione e il cristianesimo.Riccardo Di Giuseppe - 2012 - Massa [Massa Carrara, Italy]: Transeuropa.
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  24. Studies on the history of philosophy ius communionis and universal humanity: Contributions to Augustinian polemic thought contra donatistas.Giuseppe Fidelibus - 2011 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 103 (3):345-362.
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    The evolution of positivism in Bengal: Jogendra Chandra Ghosh, Bakimchandra Chattopadhyay, Benoy Kumar Sarkar.Giuseppe Flora - 1993 - Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale.
  26. La psicologia d'Isacco d'Antiochia.Giuseppe Furlani - 1926 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7:241.
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  27. Parabola del giurisdizionalismo napoletano.Giuseppe Galasso - 1976 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 6:165-181.
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  28. Il problema critico del diritto naturale.Giuseppe Marchello - 1936 - Torino,: Presso l'Istituto giuridico della R. Universitá di Torino.
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    L'idea barocca: lezioni sul pensiero del Seicento.Giuseppe Masi - 2000 - Bologna: CLUEB.
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    Dei doveri dell'uomo-Fede e avvenire.Giuseppe Mazzini & Paolo Rossi - 2008 - Mursia.
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    Platone, la teoria del sogno nel Teeteto: atti del Convegno Internazionale Palermo 2008.Giuseppe Mazzara & Valerio Napoli (eds.) - 2010 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
  32. Nunzio incardona e la continuità della metafisica.Giuseppe Nicolaci - 2003 - Giornale di Metafisica 25 (3):445-466.
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    Non un congedo.Giuseppe Nicolaci - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 1.
    Nel 2012 la Casa editrice Tilgher ha cessato la sua attività. E’ un evento grave, che dà a pensare - di là da quel che comporta per il Giornale di Metafisica, la sua storia e la sua tradizione - perché non dovuto a una scelta ma, in gran parte, alla difficoltà di far fronte alla condizione di estremo disaggio in cui versano attualmente l’editoria scientifica e, più in generale, la cultura e la ricerca. Anche questo disagio è specchio della più (...)
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    The “Discovery” of New Territories Offered to the Jus Communicationis.Giuseppe Licari & Gualtiero Harrison - 2011 - World Futures 67 (7):480 - 499.
    This work suggests how much human sciences can learn from a booklet almost all cultures know, The Little Prince. It stimulates to read them in their anthropological aspects of behavior facing alterity, highlighting its value without proposing it as educational element to homogenize the different. The reflection is thus focused on the demolishing and lasting effects of European culture during its colonization of American and African people. The contribution ends with Ferraioli and De Vitoria's considerations on a society based on (...)
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  35. " Person", the discarded stone of the constructors of theory. The paradox of a radical idea as a virtuous contradiction.Giuseppe Limone - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 98 (2):399-415.
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  36. The Inert vs. the Living State of Matter: Extended Criticality, Time Geometry, Anti-Entropy - An Overview.Giuseppe Longo & Maël Montévil - 2012 - Frontiers in Physiology 3:39.
    The physical singularity of life phenomena is analyzed by means of comparison with the driving concepts of theories of the inert. We outline conceptual analogies, transferals of methodologies and theoretical instruments between physics and biology, in addition to indicating significant differences and sometimes logical dualities. In order to make biological phenomenalities intelligible, we introduce theoretical extensions to certain physical theories. In this synthetic paper, we summarize and propose a unified conceptual framework for the main conclusions drawn from work spanning a (...)
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  37. The rule of our warfare. John Henry Newman and the true Christian Life. A reader edited by John Hulsman.Giuseppe Bonvegna - forthcoming - Filosofia Oggi.
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    Realtà dell' essere.Giuseppe Borredon - 1907 - [Napoli?]:
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  39. Dilthey tra universalismo e relativismo.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 2012 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (3):427-444.
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    Le fait e la fiction: Storicità e vita nel pensiero di Bernhard Groethuysen.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  41. Oltre l idealismo. Lo storicismo in forma negativa.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 2013 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (2):447-455.
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  42. Constants and variations of dialect reason and faith in some essays from the" neo-scholastic philosphy review" in the second half of the twentieth century.Giuseppe Colombo - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (1-3):361-394.
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  43. Spatial disorders.Giuseppe Vallar - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Storicità e metastoricità dell'alienazione nella Fenomenologia dello spirito di G.W.F. Hegel.Giuseppe Vasta - 1981 - Palermo: Italo-Latino-Americana Palma.
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  45. La Jurisprudencia como fuente de derecho: una perspectiva hermenéutica.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 2010 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 32:93-118.
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  46. L'ultimo Maritain.Giuseppe Zappone - 1969 - Napoli,: La nuova cultura.
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    Metafisica e senso morale: saggi e ricerche.Giuseppe Zarone - 1989 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  48. Truth and Perspective.Giuseppe Ricciardi & Kevin Reuter - manuscript
    Several studies in experimental philosophy and semantics have shown that a substantial number of English speakers consider a statement true even if it does not align with the facts, as long as it is justified from the speaker's perspective. These findings challenge the prevailing view among philosophers that truth is uniformly based on a statement's correspondence to reality and suggest that for some speakers truth is sensitive to epistemic perspectives. In this study, we show that this behavior depends on how (...)
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    Kant a due secoli dalla "critica".Giuseppe Micheli & Giovanni Santinello - 1984 - Brescia, Italy: La Scuola.
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    L'antropologia di Kant: un convegno.Giuseppe Micheli - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 54:167-172.
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