Results for 'Giulio Fanti'

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  1.  2
    New Insights on the Turin Shroud’s Body Image: Face Image at Different Wavelengths and its Double Superficiality.Liberato De Caro & Giulio Fanti - 2024 - Scientia et Fides 12 (2):151-184.
    Various images of the face of the Turin Shroud Man, acquired at different wavelengths, from the near infrared region to the ultraviolet, have been studied and compared. A correlation as a function of the wavelength, between the penetration depth in the fabric of the incident light and the anatomic details visible on the images, is discussed based on the physical properties of linen threads and light. In addition, the backside of the Turin Shroud, in correspondence of the region of the (...)
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  2. Fanti, S., Oyen, W., & Lalumera, E. (2019). Consensus Procedures in Oncological Imaging: The Case of Prostate Cancer.Stefano Fanti, Wim Oyen & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2019 - Cancers 11:1178-1190.
    Recently, there has been increasing interest in methodological aspects of advanced imaging, including the role of guidelines, recommendations, and experts’ consensus, the practice of self-referral, and the risk of diagnostic procedure overuse. In a recent Delphi study of the European Association for Nuclear Medicine (EANM), panelists were asked to give their opinion on 47 scientific questions about imaging in prostate cancer. Nine additional questions exploring the experts’ attitudes and opinions relating to the procedure of consensus building itself were also included. (...)
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  3. Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor. Zur Irreführung des Gewissens bei Kant“, in: Sara Di Giulio, Alberto Frigo (Hrsg.), Kasuistik und Theorie des Gewissens. Von Pascal bis Kant, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2020, S. 233–287.Sara Di Giulio - 2020 - In Sara Di Giulio & Alberto Frigo, Kasuistik und Theorie des Gewissens. Von Pascal bis Kant. pp. 233–287.
    In juxtaposition with the myth and tragedy of Ovid’s Medea, this paper investigates the possibility within the Kantian conception of agency of understanding moral evil as acting against one’s better judgment. It defends the thesis that in Kant self-deception, i. e. the intentional untruthfulness to oneself, provides the fundamental structure for choosing against the moral law. I argue that, as Kant’s thought progresses, self-deception slowly proceeds to become the paradigmatic case of moral evil. This is discussed with regard to two (...)
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    Le opere di Giulio Cesare Vanini.Giulio Cesare Vanini - 1909 - [n.p.]:
  5. Clarifying Pragmatic Encroachment: A Reply to Charity Anderson and John Hawthorne on Knowledge, Practical Adequacy, and Stakes.Jeremy Fanti & Matthew McGrath - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Epistemology 6.
    This chapter addresses concerns that pragmatic encroachers are committed to problematic knowledge variance. It first replies to Charity Anderson and John Hawthorne’s new putative problem cases, which purport to show that pragmatic encroachment is committed to problematic variations in knowledge depending on what choices are available to the potential knower. It argues that the new cases do not provide any new reasons to be concerned about the pragmatic encroacher’s commitment to knowledge-variance. The chapter further argues that concerns about knowledge-variance are (...)
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    Scaffolded Rumination: The Case of Problematic Smartphone Use.Francesco Fanti Rovetta - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    Debates in 4E and scaffolded cognition have been centered on cases in which human cognitive or affective capacities are enhanced through technology. Recently some authors have noted that this may not always be the case: the technologies and environment around us can negatively impact cognitive and affective abilities. In the first part, I elaborate on this change of perspective in the debate. In the second part, I discuss a case of technology scaffolding maladaptive psychological processes. More in detail, I will (...)
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    Giulio Preti: filosofo europeo.Alberto Peruzzi & Giulio Preti (eds.) - 2004 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Dal pastorato al management: la via del "governo economico" degli uomini.Luciano Fanti - 2021 - Pisa: Pisa University Press.
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    Of standard of reference and accuracy: the problem of truth in imaging.Fanti Stefano & Lalumera Elisabetta - 2016 - European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Imaging 43 (1):52-54.
    The identification of a reference standard is a major problem in diagnostic imaging. This comment invites reflection on the notion by illustrating three philosophical approaches to truth and evidence.
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    Stimulating the Self: The Influence of Conceptual Frameworks on Reactions to Deep Brain Stimulation.Giulio Mecacci & W. F. G. Haselager - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):30-39.
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  11. Complexity and coherency: integrating information in the brain.Giulio Tononi, Gerald M. Edelman & Olaf Sporns - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (12):474-484.
    The brains of higher mammals are extraordinary integrative devices. Signals from large numbers of functionally specialized groups of neurons distributed over many brain regions are integrated to generate a coherent, multimodal scene. Signals from the environment are integrated with ongoing, patterned neural activity that provides them with a meaningful context. We review recent advances in neurophysiology and neuroimaging that are beginning to reveal the neural mechanisms of integration. In addition, we discuss concepts and measures derived from information theory that lend (...)
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    Identifying Criteria for the Evaluation of the Implications of Brain Reading for Mental Privacy.Giulio Mecacci & Pim Haselager - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):443-461.
    Contemporary brain reading technologies promise to provide the possibility to decode and interpret mental states and processes. Brain reading could have numerous societally relevant implications. In particular, the private character of mind might be affected, generating ethical and legal concerns. This paper aims at equipping ethicists and policy makers with conceptual tools to support an evaluation of the potential applicability and the implications of current and near future brain reading technology. We start with clarifying the concepts of mind reading and (...)
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  13. The information integration theory of consciousness.Giulio Tononi - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 287--299.
  14.  70
    The Dual Role of Inner Speech in Narrative Self-Understanding and Narrative Self-Enactment.Francesco Fanti Rovetta - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (3):975-995.
    Psychologists and philosophers agree that personal narratives are a central component of one’s identity. The concept of narrative self has been proposed to capture this aspect of selfhood. In recent times, it has been a matter of debate how the narrative self relates to the embodied and experiential dimension of the self. In this debate, the role attributed to inner speech is that of constructing and maintaining personal narratives. Indeed, evidence suggests that inner speech episodes are involved in self-reflection and (...)
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    (1 other version)Il critico e le dense trame del mondo Ritrovare La Production de l'espace di Henri Lefebvre.Giulio Iacoli - 2009 - Società Degli Individui 35:145-149.
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    “Something More Lively and Animated Than the Law”: Institutionalism and Formalism in Santi Romano’s Jurisprudence.Giulio Itzcovich - 2020 - Ratio Juris 33 (2):241-257.
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    Il problema dei valori: l'etica di G.E. Moore.Giulio Preti & G. E. Moore - 1986 - Franco Angeli.
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    L'emozione entro i limiti della ragione: la coltivazione delle emozioni in Martha Nussbaum.Giulio Sacco - 2023 - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
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    A Reason To Be Free: Operationalizing ‘Free Action’.Giulio Mecacci & Pim Haselager - 2015 - Neuroethics 8 (3):327-334.
    Recent Libet-style experiments are of limited relevance to the debate about free action and free will, and should be understood as investigations of arbitrary actions or guesses. In Libet-style experiments, the concept of 'free action' is commonly taken to refer to a 'self-initiated voluntary act', where the self prompts an action without being prompted. However, this idea is based on the problematic assumption that the conscious self needs to be free from every constraint in order to be actually free. We (...)
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    Consciousness, information integration and the brain.Giulio Srinivasan Tononi - 2005 - In Steven Laureys, The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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    An enactive account of placebo effects.Giulio Ongaro & Dave Ward - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (4):507-533.
    Placebos are commonly defined as ineffective treatments. They are treatments that lack a known mechanism linking their properties to the properties of the condition on which treatment aims to intervene. Given this, the fact that placebos can have substantial therapeutic effects looks puzzling. The puzzle, we argue, arises from the relationship placebos present between culturally meaningful entities, our intentional relationship to the environment and bodily effects. How can a mere attitude toward a treatment result in appropriate bodily changes? We argue (...)
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    Research Handbook on Meaningful Human Control of Artificial Intelligence Systems.Giulio Mecacci, D. Amoroso, L. Cavalcante Siebert, D. Abbink, J. van den Hoven & F. Santoni de Sio (eds.) - 2024 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    Meaningful human control as reason-responsiveness: the case of dual-mode vehicles.Giulio Mecacci & Filippo Santoni de Sio - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (2):103-115.
    In this paper, in line with the general framework of value-sensitive design, we aim to operationalize the general concept of “Meaningful Human Control” in order to pave the way for its translation into more specific design requirements. In particular, we focus on the operationalization of the first of the two conditions investigated: the so-called ‘tracking’ condition. Our investigation is led in relation to one specific subcase of automated system: dual-mode driving systems. First, we connect and compare meaningful human control with (...)
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  24. Reliability of molecular imaging diagnostics.Elisabetta Lalumera, Stefano Fanti & Giovanni Boniolo - 2021 - Synthese (S23):5701-5717.
    Advanced medical imaging, such as CT, fMRI and PET, has undergone enormous progress in recent years, both in accuracy and utilization. Such techniques often bring with them an illusion of immediacy, the idea that the body and its diseases can be directly inspected. In this paper we target this illusion and address the issue of the reliability of advanced imaging tests as knowledge procedures, taking positron emission tomography in oncology as paradigmatic case study. After individuating a suitable notion of reliability, (...)
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    Linné et Buffon : deux visions différentes de la nature et de l'histoire naturelle.Giulio Barsanti - 1984 - Revue de Synthèse 105 (113-114):83-111.
    It is argued that, of the three distinct approaches usually adhered to in discussions of this controversy, none will produce an adequate reconstruction of the episode. The philosophical-methodological type of approach leads to a glossing over of the intricacies of deductive and inductive procedures inhering in the writings of both antagonists (§ 1). The metaphysical approach leads to oversimplification as to the thinking of either scientist on the problem of the continuous or discontinuous character of Nature(§ 2). The epistemological (theory (...)
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  26. L'autenticazione.Giulio Alliney - 1947 - Milano,: Edizioni del Milione.
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    Il pluralismo al bivio: popolo, élites e istituzioni fra economia e politica.Giulio Battioni (ed.) - 2017 - Roma: Edizioni Nuova cultura.
    «Stare insieme, sulla faccia della terra, è diventato un compito quotidiano. (…) Sicuramente il terzo millennio sarà ricordato per aver iniziato un tratto di questa storia: la storia della convivenza degli esseri umani al plurale su tutta la terra». Il rebus pluralista è il problema per eccellenza del nostro tempo. Il problema è forse risolvibile. La libertà individuale e la giustizia sociale, la dignità della persona e la cultura, nella sua pluralità storica di forme morali, religiose, linguistiche e civili, possono (...)
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    Estetica e analisi: l'uso estetico del linguaggio nella filosofia analitica.Giulio Filippini & W. B. Gallie (eds.) - 1981 - Padova: Liviana.
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  29. Carlo Dionisotti, 1908-1998.Giulio Lepschy - 2002 - In Lepschy Giulio, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 111: 2000 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 481-496.
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  30. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 111: 2000 Lectures and Memoirs.Lepschy Giulio - 2002
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    Musica ed ecologia in prospettiva estetica.Giulio Sforza (ed.) - 1997 - Roma: Seam.
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  32. Confucio.Giulio Sonzini - 1971 - Milano,: G. De Vechi.
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    Tutte le opere.Giulio Cesare Vanini - 2010 - Milano: Bompiani. Edited by Francesco Paolo Raimondi.
  34.  18
    Quantum Theory: Informational Foundations and Foils.Giulio Chiribella & Robert W. Spekkens (eds.) - 2016 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides the first unified overview of the burgeoning research area at the interface between Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information. Topics include: operational alternatives to quantum theory, information-theoretic reconstructions of the quantum formalism, mathematical frameworks for operational theories, and device-independent features of the set of quantum correlations. Powered by the injection of fresh ideas from the field of Quantum Information and Computation, the foundations of Quantum Mechanics are in the midst of a renaissance. The last two decades have seen (...)
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    Facial reactions to violent and comedy films: Association with callous–unemotional traits and impulsive aggression.Kostas A. Fanti, Melina Nicole Kyranides & Georgia Panayiotou - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
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    Sleep and synaptic homeostasis.Giulio Tononi & Chiara Cirelli - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):85-85.
    We propose that sleep is linked to synaptic homeostasis. Specifically, we propose that: (1) Wakefulness is associated with synaptic potentiation in cortical circuits; (2) synaptic potentiation is tied to the homeostatic regulation of slow wave activity; (3) slow wave activity is associated with synaptic downscaling; and (4) synaptic downscaling is tied to several beneficial effects of sleep, including performance enhancement.
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    Helmholtz and the geometry of color space: gestation and development of Helmholtz’s line element.Giulio Peruzzi & Valentina Roberti - 2023 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (2):201-220.
    Modern color science finds its birth in the middle of the nineteenth century. Among the chief architects of the new color theory, the name of the polymath Hermann von Helmholtz stands out. A keen experimenter and profound expert of the latest developments of the fields of physiological optics, psychophysics, and geometry, he exploited his transdisciplinary knowledge to define the first non-Euclidean line element in color space, i.e., a three-dimensional mathematical model used to describe color differences in terms of color distances. (...)
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    Saggi sulla filosofia medioevale.Giulio Bonafede - 1951 - Torino,: Società editrice internazionale.
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    Uno: il battito invisibile.Giulio Busi - 2022 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  40. Il nominalismo e Guglielmo d'Occam.Giulio Canella - 1907 - Firenze,: Libreria editrice fiorentina.
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  41. Taine.Giulio Castiglioni - 1946 - Brescia,: "La Scuola" editrice.
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  42. Servius’ Use of Persius in His Commentary on Vergil’s Aeneid : Uncovering a Rich Intertextual Dialogue.Giulio Celotto - 2024 - American Journal of Philology 145 (4):593-629.
    This paper shows that in his commentary on Vergil’s Aeneid Servius makes significant use of Persius’ Satires. Although these poems are mainly cited in the context of linguistic explanations, the selection of the material reveals Servius’ close familiarity with Persius’ work, as well as his thorough understanding of the satirist’s allusive engagement with Vergil. Most of the parallels are drawn from scenes where Persius evokes Vergil either directly to comment on his predecessor’s poetic technique, or indirectly to create a comic (...)
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    Framing Deceptive Dynamics in Terms of Abductive Cognition.Francesco Fanti Rovetta - 2020 - Pro-Fil 21 (1):1.
    I propose an analysis of deception as the activity of intentionally misleading other agents’ hypothetical inferences. Understanding deception in this way has the advantages of clarifying the epistemological and cognitive dynamics involved in deception. Indeed, if deception can be framed as the intentional manipulation of others’ hypothetical inferences so that they will accept the false or disadvantageous hypotheses, then a better understanding of the epistemological and cognitive dynamics involved in deception will emerge by clarifying how abduction works. Tracing it back (...)
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    La formazione del discorso economico: le origini teologiche e morali.Luciano Fanti - 2023 - Pisa: Pisa University Press.
    Il mondo contemporaneo è caratterizzato - in un modo impensabile anche solo qualche decennio fa - dall'assoluta preminenza dell'economia nella gestione istituzionale degli uomini come nel loro orizzonte soggettivo. Se il pensiero economico nella sua veste di "scienza" costituisce il sapere indiscutibile a cui fanno appello le istituzioni odierne - per esempio, l'Unione Europea - la ricerca, a cui appartiene questo libro, delle logiche e degli orizzonti religiosi, teologici e filosofico-morali alle origini, ma ancora sotterraneamente vitali, di tale "scienza" e (...)
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    Trusting third-party storage providers for holding personal information. A context-based approach to protect identity-related data in untrusted domains.Giulio Galiero & Gabriele Giammatteo - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (2):99-114.
    The never ending growth of digital information and the availability of low-cost storage facilities and networks capacity is leading users towards moving their data to remote storage resources. Since users’ data often holds identity-related information, several privacy issues arise when data can be stored in untrusted domains. In addition digital identity management is becoming extremely complicated due to the identity replicas proliferation necessary to get authentication in different domains. GMail and Amazon Web Services, for instance, are two examples of online (...)
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  46. A reorganization of classical metaphysics the proposal of Leonardo messinese in dialogue with Emanuele Severino and Gustavo bontadini.Giulio Goggi - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 102 (3):513-531.
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  47. Invenzione, creazione, amore nelle poetiche del Manzoni, del Leopardi, di Dante» dans.Giulio Augusto Levi - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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    La gemma del fiore di aprile: teologia morale e speranza in Charles Péguy.Giulio Andrea Nobile - 2021 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  49. The philosophy of the front in dissolution. The suicide of the revolution in Augusto del Noce's thinking.Giulio Nocerino - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (1):65-86.
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    In Porphyrii Isagogen et Aristotelis Organum.Giulio Pace - 1966 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms. Edited by Porphyry & Aristotle.
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