Results for 'Gigi Berardi'

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  1. Children of a lesser Marxism?Franco Berardi, Guido Borio, Francesca Pozzi & Gigi Roggero - 2004 - Historical Materialism 12 (1):261-276.
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    Course syllabus.Gigi Berardi - 1984 - Agriculture and Human Values 1 (3):49-50.
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    Douglas Harper and Patrizia Faccioli: The Italian Way: Food & Social Life: The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2009, 311 pp, ISBN-13: 978-0-226-31724-3. [REVIEW]Gigi Berardi - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):929-932.
    Douglas Harper and Patrizia Faccioli: The Italian Way: Food & Social Life Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s10806-012-9379-x Authors Gigi Berardi, Department of Environmental Studies, Huxley College of the Environment, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USA Journal Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Online ISSN 1573-322X Print ISSN 1187-7863.
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  4. Struttura al negativo.Gigi Bailo - 1977 - Roma: Bulzoni.
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    Reply to Rati Mekvabishvili's 'On the Importance of Altruism, Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research'.Gigi Foster - 2023 - Economic Thought 11 (1):58.
    Read Rati Mekvabishvili's 'On the Importance of Altruism, Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research' here...
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    The Existing Guidance for “Dual‐Use” Research.Gigi Kwik Gronvall - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (S5):34-35.
    In considering how to weigh the risks and benefits of synthetic biology, Kaebnick, Gusmano, and Murray pose the question of whether there is scientific re­search that should not be funded or performed, or if there are potentially dangerous results that should not be wide­ly disseminated. Such questions, they propose, require a new set of rules and norms for knowledge generation—an “ethics of knowledge.” They identify two examples of research that might fall into a nonpermissible category, including “research that is aimed (...)
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    Confronting Pediatric Brain Tumors: Parent Stories.Gigi McMillan - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (1):1-3.
    This narrative symposium brings to light the extreme difficulties faced by parents of children diagnosed with brain tumors. NIB editorial staff and narrative symposium editors, Gigi McMillan and Christy A. Rentmeester, developed a call for stories that was distributed on several list serves and posted on Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics’ website. The call asks parents to share their personal experience of diagnosis, treatment, long–term effects of treatment, social issues and the doctor–patient–parent dynamic that develops during this process. Thirteen stories (...)
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    Futurability: the age of impotence and the horizon of possibility.Franco Berardi - 2017 - Brooklyn: Verso.
    We live in an age of impotence. Stuck between global war and global finance, between identity and capital, we seem to be incapable of producing the radical change that is so desperately needed. Is there still a way to disentangle ourselves from a global order that shapes our politics as well as our imagination? In his most systematic book to date, renowned Italian theorist Franco Berardi tackles this question through a solid yet visionary analysis of the three fundamental concepts (...)
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    The third unconscious: the psycho-sphere in the viral age.Franco Berardi - 2021 - Brooklyn, NY: Verso.
    A wide-ranging exploration of the present, and the future, of the Unconscious. The Unconscious knows no time, it has no before-and-after, it does not have a history of its own. Yet, it is not always the same. As it emerges in the life of people and societies, the Unconscious is shaped by ever-changing historical conditions: its form depends on the unique 'psychosphere' of each historical age. In the early twentieth century, Freud characterised the Unconscious as the dark side of the (...)
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    The Uprising: On Poetry and Finance.Franco "Bifo" Berardi - 2012 - Semiotext(E).
    _The Uprising_ is an Autonomist manifesto for today's precarious times, and a rallying cry in the face of the catastrophic and irreversible crisis that neoliberalism and the financial sphere have established over the globe. In his newest book, Franco "Bifo" Berardi argues that the notion of economic recovery is complete mythology. The coming years will inevitably see new surges of protest and violence, but the old models of resistance no longer apply. Society can either stick with the prescriptions and (...)
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  11. Les radios libres et l'émergence d'une sensibilité post-médiatique.Franco Berardi - 2001 - Multitudes 2 (2):15-22.
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    Paolo Virno.Franco Berardi & Antonio Calcagno - 2015 - In Antonio Calcagno, _Contemporary Italian Political Philosophy_, ed. Antonio Calcagno. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 161-178.
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    The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy.Franco "Bifo" Berardi & Jason E. Smith - 2009 - Semiotext(E).
    An examination of new forms of alienation in our never-off, plugged-in culture—and a clarion call for a “conspiracy of estranged people.” We can reach every point in the world but, more importantly, we can be reached from any point in the world. Privacy and its possibilities are abolished. Attention is under siege everywhere. Not silence but uninterrupted noise, not the red desert, but a cognitive space overcharged with nervous incentives to act: this is the alienation of our times... —from The (...)
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    Effect of language proficiency and executive control on verbal fluency performance in bilinguals.Lin Luo, Gigi Luk & Ellen Bialystok - 2010 - Cognition 114 (1):29-41.
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    Games with 1-backtracking.Stefano Berardi, Thierry Coquand & Susumu Hayashi - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (10):1254-1269.
    We associate with any game G another game, which is a variant of it, and which we call . Winning strategies for have a lower recursive degree than winning strategies for G: if a player has a winning strategy of recursive degree 1 over G, then it has a recursive winning strategy over , and vice versa. Through we can express in algorithmic form, as a recursive winning strategy, many common proofs of non-constructive Mathematics, namely exactly the theorems of the (...)
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    The second coming.Franco Berardi - 2019 - Medford, MA: Polity Press.
    In this book, Franco Berardi guides the reader through a wry, dark, disconcerting but also brilliant and invigorating journey through the recent upheavals that we have witnessed. He argues that if our world is dead, then the space is open for another to appear - a world where apocalypse can shake us out of our contemporary zombie-like existence.
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    Félix Guattari: thought, friendship and visionary cartography.Franco Berardi - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Giuseppina Mecchia & Charles J. Stivale.
    Introduction: Cartographies in becoming -- The happy depression -- Integrated world capitalism -- Planetary psychopathia -- Postmediatic affect -- User's manual-- Deleuze and the rhizomatic machine -- Why is anti-Oedipus the book of the '68 movement? -- Kafka, hypertext, and assemblages -- The tantric egg -- Chaosmosis -- The provisional eternity of friendship.
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  18. On the computational content of the axiom of choice.Stefano Berardi, Marc Bezem & Thierry Coquand - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (2):600-622.
    We present a possible computational content of the negative translation of classical analysis with the Axiom of (countable) Choice. Interestingly, this interpretation uses a refinement of the realizability semantics of the absurdity proposition, which is not interpreted as the empty type here. We also show how to compute witnesses from proofs in classical analysis of ∃-statements and how to extract algorithms from proofs of ∀∃-statements. Our interpretation seems computationally more direct than the one based on Godel's Dialectica interpretation.
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    Intuitionistic completeness for first order classical logic.Stefano Berardi - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (1):304-312.
    In the past sixty years or so, a real forest of intuitionistic models for classical theories has grown. In this paper we will compare intuitionistic models of first order classical theories according to relevant issues, like completeness (w.r.t. first order classical provability), consistency, and relationship between a connective and its interpretation in a model. We briefly consider also intuitionistic models for classical ω-logic. All results included here, but a part of the proposition (a) below, are new. This work is, ideally, (...)
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    Pour une Europe mineure.Franco Berardi - 2003 - Multitudes 4 (4):21-28.
    Résumé Une innovation politique susceptible de remodeler le paysage politique mondial est l’enjeu réel de l’unification européenne. Pour ce faire Bifo réclame que le projet européen s’autonomise par rapport à l’extension illimitée du principe libéral porté par les forces mondiales dominantes et prépare leur renversement. Un « nationalisme européen » constituerait une impasse : la construction européenne sera extensive, postnationalitaire, elle se fera par le bas. Constitutionnaliser l’espace européen, c’est constitutionnaliser un devenir de réseaux. Dans le réseau c’est le gouvernement (...)
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    Reasoning on UML class diagrams.Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese & Giuseppe De Giacomo - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 168 (1-2):70-118.
  22.  35
    A sequent calculus for Limit Computable Mathematics.Stefano Berardi & Yoriyuki Yamagata - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 153 (1-3):111-126.
    We introduce an implication-free fragment image of ω-arithmetic, having Exchange rule for sequents dropped. Exchange rule for formulas is, instead, an admissible rule in image. Our main result is that cut-free proofs of image are isomorphic with recursive winning strategies of a set of games called “1-backtracking games” in [S. Berardi, Th. Coquand, S. Hayashi, Games with 1-backtracking, Games for Logic and Programming Languages, Edinburgh, April 2005].We also show that image is a sound and complete formal system for the (...)
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    A chink in the armor: The influence of training on generalization learning impairments after viewing traumatic stimuli.Shilat Haim-Nachum & Einat Levy-Gigi - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104021.
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    And: phenomenology of the end: sensibility and connective mutation.Franco Berardi - 2015 - South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e).
    Concatenation, conjunction, and connection -- The sensitive infosphere -- Global skin : a trans-identitarian patchwork -- The aesthetic genealogy of globalization -- Language, limit, excess -- Avatars of the general intellect -- The swarm effect -- Social morphogenesis and neuroplasticity -- The transhuman -- The horizon of mutation -- Consciousness and evolution -- The end.
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    Schizo-Economy.Franco Berardi & Michael Goddard - 2007 - Substance 36 (1):76-85.
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    A generalization of conservativity theorem for classical versus intuitionistic arithmetic.Stefano Berardi - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (1):41.
    A basic result in intuitionism is Π02-conservativity. Take any proof p in classical arithmetic of some Π02-statement , with P decidable). Then we may effectively turn p in some intuitionistic proof of the same statement. In a previous paper [1], we generalized this result: any classical proof p of an arithmetical statement ∀x.∃y.P, with P of degree k, may be effectively turned into some proof of the same statement, using Excluded Middle only over degree k formulas. When k = 0, (...)
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    An intuitionistic version of Ramsey's Theorem and its use in Program Termination.Stefano Berardi & Silvia Steila - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (12):1382-1406.
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    A strong normalization result for classical logic.Franco Barbanera & Stefano Berardi - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 76 (2):99-116.
    In this paper we give a strong normalization proof for a set of reduction rules for classical logic. These reductions, more general than the ones usually considered in literature, are inspired to the reductions of Felleisen's lambda calculus with continuations.
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    Il secolo deleuziano.Gilles Deleuze, Franco Berardi & Salvo Vaccaro - 1997
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    A Constructive Valuation Semantics for Classical Logic.Franco Barbanera & Stefano Berardi - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (3):462-482.
    This paper presents a constructive interpretation for the proofs in classical logic of $\Sigma^0_1$ -sentences and for a witness extraction procedure based on Prawitz's reduction rules.
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    The Tension Between Cognitive and Regulatory Flexibility and Their Associations With Current and Lifetime PTSD Symptoms.Shilat Haim-Nachum & Einat Levy-Gigi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In recent years, researchers have tried to unpack the meaning of the term flexibility and test how different constructs of flexibility are associated with various psychopathologies. For example, it is apparent that high levels of flexibility allow individuals to adaptively cope and avoid psychopathology following traumatic events, but the precise nature of this flexibility is ambiguous. In this study we focus on two central constructs: cognitive flexibility – the ability to recognize and implement possible responses to a situation– and regulatory (...)
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    Loss of concept identification in children with change in irrelevant facial features.Lorraine A. Low & Paul Berardi - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (6):466-468.
  33.  23
    Young adults know that their issues are not represented in the news: Israeli young adults and mainstream news media.Benny Nuriely, Moti Gigi & Yuval Gozansky - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (1):37-53.
    Purpose This paper aims to analyze the ways socio-economic issues are represented in mainstream news media and how it is consumed, understood and interpreted by Israeli young adults. It examines how mainstream media uses neo-liberal discourse, and the ways YAs internalize this ethic, while simultaneously finding ways to overcome its limitations. Design/methodology/approach This was a mixed methods study. First, it undertook content analysis of the most popular Israeli mainstream news media among YAs: the online news site Ynet and the TV (...)
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    Kritikuli azrovnebis da, amave dros, pʻilosopʻiis, rogorcʻ kritikuli azrovnebis gamocʻdilebis megzuri.Gigi Tʻevzaże - 2020 - Tʻbilisi: Sulakauris gamomcʻemloba.
    Ratom pʻilosopʻia, rogorcʻ kritikuli azrovnebis gamocʻdileba -- Kritikuli azrovnebis metʻodis żiritʻadi kitʻxvebi -- Kritikuli azrovnebis metʻodis żiritʻadi debulebebi.
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    Preface.Steffen van Bakel, Stefano Berardi & Ulrich Berger - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (6):589-590.
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    CRISPR Cautions: Biosecurity Implications of Gene Editing.Rachel M. West & Gigi Kwik Gronvall - 2020 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 63 (1):73-92.
    CRISPR, a recently developed gene-editing tool, has become synonymous with rapid biological advancement. While gene editing had been performed in life sciences research for decades, genetic engineering with CRISPR is much more straightforward, faster, and less expensive—and thus, the technology has been rapidly democratized. CRISPR was built on a natural mechanism, the method by which bacteria resist infections from viruses called bacteriophage. Once infected, bacteria may recognize specific genetic sequences of the invading bacteriophage virus and chop its genetic material into (...)
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  37. CRISPR : Challenges Posed by a Dual-Use Technology.Rachel M. West & Gigi Kwik Gronvall - 2024 - In Neal Baer, The promise and peril of CRISPR. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    Ramsey’s theorem for pairs and K colors as a sub-classical principle of arithmetic.Stefano Berardi & Silvia Steila - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):737-753.
    The purpose is to study the strength of Ramsey’s Theorem for pairs restricted to recursive assignments ofk-many colors, with respect to Intuitionistic Heyting Arithmetic. We prove that for every natural number$k \ge 2$, Ramsey’s Theorem for pairs and recursive assignments ofkcolors is equivalent to the Limited Lesser Principle of Omniscience for${\rm{\Sigma }}_3^0$formulas over Heyting Arithmetic. Alternatively, the same theorem over intuitionistic arithmetic is equivalent to: for every recursively enumerable infinitek-ary tree there is some$i < k$and some branch with infinitely many (...)
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    Retired Registered Nurses' Stories About Being in Ethically Difficult Care Situations.Eva Melchert, Gigi Udén & Astrid Norberg - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (2):123-134.
    Twelve retired nurses were asked to narrate a care situation in which it had been difficult for them as nurses to know what was the right and good thing to do. The transcribed interviews were examined by content analyses. Physicians were the central coactors in the nurses’ stories. Colleagues were seldom mentioned. Other ward staff were mainly called ‘the girls’. The patient was central and referred to with respect. All the nurses focused on experiential learning. Guiding ethical principles are listed.
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    Action Shapes the Sense of Body Ownership Across Human Development.Elena Nava, Chiara Gamberini, Agnese Berardis & Nadia Bolognini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Collapse and Uprising in Europe: The Right to Insolvency and the Disentanglement of the General Intellect's Potency.Franco Berardi - 2011 - Theory and Event 14 (4).
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  42. Erleben: Un artefacto para agrietar significantes.Marina Alejandra Berardi - 2007 - A Parte Rei 53:9.
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    Filosofia, storia, immaginario mitologico: nuovi approcci = Philosophie, histoire, imaginaire mythologique: nouvelles approches.Elisabetta Berardi, Maria Paola Castiglioni, Marie-Laurence Desclos & Paola Dolcetti (eds.) - 2022 - Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso.
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    La "turba" e il parassita.Roberto Berardi - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (1):87-96.
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    Média-activisme revisité.Franco Berardi - 2012 - Multitudes 51 (4):65-73.
    Résumé Si le média-activisme est parvenu à libérer des espaces d’expression, il n’a pas su empêcher les médias dominants, institutionnels et privés, de se réapproprier cette libération. À travers ses effets de saturation et de fragmentation, le « sémiocapitalisme » nous a fait la peau. Les médias dominants ont détruit les médiations individuelles et collectives par leur envoûtement : leur vol du temps et de la sensibilité. C’est la dimension esthétique que le média-activisme doit aujourd’hui investir, d’abord comme art, c’est-à-dire (...)
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    Some intuitionistic equivalents of classical principles for degree 2 formulas.Stefano Berardi - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 139 (1):185-200.
    We consider the restriction of classical principles like Excluded Middle, Markov’s Principle, König’s Lemma to arithmetical formulas of degree 2. For any such principle, we find simple mathematical statements which are intuitionistically equivalent to it, provided we restrict universal quantifications over maps to computable maps.
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    Krivine's intuitionistic proof of classical completeness.Stefano Berardi & Silvio Valentini - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 129 (1-3):93-106.
    In 1996, Krivine applied Friedman's A-translation in order to get an intuitionistic version of Gödel completeness result for first-order classical logic and countable languages and models. Such a result is known to be intuitionistically underivable 559), but Krivine was able to derive intuitionistically a weak form of it, namely, he proved that every consistent classical theory has a model. In this paper, we want to analyze the ideas Krivine's remarkable result relies on, ideas which where somehow hidden by the heavy (...)
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    A meta-analysis of functional reading systems in typically developing and struggling readers across different alphabetic languages.Courtney Pollack, Gigi Luk & Joanna A. Christodoulou - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Aristotele citatore, o, La riappropriazione da parte della filosofia dei discorsi di sapere anteriori =.Elisabetta Berardi, Maria Paola Castiglioni, Marie-Laurence Desclos & Paola Dolcetti (eds.) - 2020 - Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso.
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    Equalization of finite flowers.Stefano Berardi - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):105-123.
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