Results for 'Gian Giudice'

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    Il giudice senza qualità.Enzo Lo Giudice - 2001 - Milano: Lupetti.
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    Michael Giudice.Michael Giudice - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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  3. "Titano della tua preziosa Nola".Guido del Giudice - 2017 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (2):28-31.
    Valens Acidalius, cantore di Giordano Bruno. La testimonianza della grandezza del Nolano, nell'appassionato epigramma di un suo devoto allievo.
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  4. Eisagōgē eis tēn nomikēn epistēmēn.Gianēs Kōnstantinou Kordatos - 1977
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    Per una poetica del simbolismo.Gian Pietro Lucini & Glauco Viazzi - 1971 - Napoli,: Guida. Edited by Glauco Viazzi.
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  6. Giordano Bruno nella "libraria" di Saint Victor.Guido Del Giudice - 2019 - Biblioteca di Via Senato (10):84-88.
    Quando la biblioteca diventa un confessionale. Nel 1585, Giordano Bruno ritorna a Parigi dopo il soggiorno londinese, e comincia a frequentare l’abbazia di Saint Victor, famosa per la sua ” libraria “, immortalata da Rabelais. Il bibliotecario, Guillaume Cotin, trasforma lo “scriptorium” in un confessionale, dove il filosofo dà libero sfogo ai suoi ricordi e al suo impetuoso carattere. -/- When the library becomes a confessional. In 1585, Giordano Bruno, returns to Paris after his stay in London, and begins to (...)
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    Indiscrete Thoughts.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1997 - Birkhauser.
    Offers a glimpse into the world of science and technology between 1950 and 1990 as seen through the eyes of a mathematician, and debunks various myths of scientific philosophy. Portrays some of the great scientific personalities of the period, including Stanislav Ulam, who patented the hydrogen bomb, and Jack Schwartz, one of the founders of computer science. Also discusses phenomenology of mathematics, and philosophy and computer science. Includes book reviews. For students and academics. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, (...)
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  8. Della Porta: il mago dell'arcana sapienza.Guido Del Giudice - 2015 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (11):22-28.
    Una riflessione, a 400 anni dalla morte di Giovan Battista Della Porta Napoletano, uno dei grandi geni del Rinascimento.
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  9. The phenomenology of mathematical beauty.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1997 - Synthese 111 (2):171-182.
    It has been observed that whereas painters and musicians are likely to be embarrassed by references to the beauty in their work, mathematicians instead like to engage in discussions of the beauty of mathematics. Professional artists are more likely to stress the technical rather than the aesthetic aspects of their work. Mathematicians, instead, are fond of passing judgment on the beauty of their favored pieces of mathematics. Even a cursory observation shows that the characteristics of mathematical beauty are at variance (...)
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  10. Nella grande piramide di Giza un messaggio per il nostro millennio?Gian Carlo Duranti - 2003 - Filosofia Oggi 26 (2):147-163.
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    Forme logiche e scienza del diritto in Angelo Ermanno Cammarata.Gian Franco Lami - 2001 - Roma: A. Pellicani.
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  12. Ricordando Federico Zeri.Gian Lorenzo Mellini - 1999 - Filosofia 50 (1-2):215-233.
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    Essere, libertà, moralità: studi su Antonio Rosmini.Gian Pietro Soliani - 2018 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  14. Forme e formalizzazioni. Atti del 16º Congresso Nazionale della Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio. Cagliari, 10-12 settembre 2009.Gian Pietro Storari & Elisabetta Gola (eds.) - 2010 - Cuec Editrice.
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    The Phenomenology of Mathematical Proof.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1997 - Synthese 111 (2):183-196.
  16. Guglielmo Grataroli e Giordano Bruno.Guido Del Giudice - 2019 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (1):44-48.
    The article presents another of those ingenious mind, rebels to the yoke of religion, typical of the Italian Renaissance. Converted to Calvinism and therefore condemned to death by the Inquisition, Guglielmo Grataroli (1516-1568) became a defender of heterodox doctrine. His translation of a report of the Waldensian massacre in Calabria became part of the history of Protestant martyrs. He was the author of numerous treatises on various subjects, for which he widely used the works of Giovanni Michele Alberto da Carrara, (...)
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    Cognitive gadgets and cognitive priors.Gian Domenico Iannetti & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Some of the foundations of Heyes’ radical reasoning seem to be based on a fractional selection of available evidence. Using an ethological perspective, we argue against Heyes’ rapid dismissal of innate cognitive instincts. Heyes’ use of fMRI studies of literacy to claim that culture assembles pieces of mental technology seems an example of incorrect reverse inferences and overlap theories pervasive in cognitive neuroscience.
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  18. Fundierung as a Logical Concept.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1989 - The Monist 72 (1):70-77.
    Husserl’s Third Logical Investigation, ostensibly dealing with the phenomenology of whole and parts, is actually meant to introduce the notion of Fundierung. This term is frequently used in the phenomenological literature, although little has been written about Fundierung itself since Husserl introduced it. Husserl himself, although he used it extensively, never again felt the need to reopen the discussion.
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  19. Sex, attachment, and the development of reproductive strategies.Marco Del Giudice - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):1-21.
    This target article presents an integrated evolutionary model of the development of attachment and human reproductive strategies. It is argued that sex differences in attachment emerge in middle childhood, have adaptive significance in both children and adults, and are part of sex-specific life history strategies. Early psychosocial stress and insecure attachment act as cues of environmental risk, and tend to switch development towards reproductive strategies favoring current reproduction and higher mating effort. However, due to sex differences in life history trade-offs (...)
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    Cognitive gadgets: A provocative but flawed manifesto.Marco Del Giudice - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The argument against innatism at the heart of Cognitive Gadgets is provocative but premature, and is vitiated by dichotomous thinking, interpretive double standards, and evidence cherry-picking. I illustrate my criticism by addressing the heritability of imitation and mindreading, the relevance of twin studies, and the meaning of cross-cultural differences in theory of mind development. Reaching an integrative understanding of genetic inheritance, plasticity, and learning is a formidable task that demands a more nuanced evolutionary approach.
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  21. William James's stream of consciousness and the river of the unconscious Joyce and Proust.Gian Balsamo - 2017 - In David Howell Evans, Understanding James, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury.
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    Wittgenstein, maestro o dilettante: esercizi critico-speculativi su un caso di controversa popolarità filosofica.Gian Paolo Faella - 2022 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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    L’influenza della patristica sulla politica legislativa de nuptiis degli imperatori romani dei secoli IV e V.Gian Luigi Falchi - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):351-407.
    This study aims at ascertaining the existence of an organic legal policy in marriage matters, one which was followed by Roman Emperors in the IV and V centuries, in particular by Constantine. It is also aimed at showing that this policy corresponded to Christian ideas as expressed by various Church Fathers. This research was carried out in a careful way with attention to the chronology of the writings examined, and with a comparative analysis of every single essay that was subsequently (...)
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    Scritti di filosofia ed etica.Santi Lo Giudice - 2010 - Cosenza, Italy: L. Pellegrini.
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    Tracce di filosofia del finito.Santi Lo Giudice - 2007 - Cosenza: L. Pellegrini.
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  26. Introduzione semantica alla logica matematica.Gian Carlo Meloni - 1975 - Milano: ISEDI.
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    Bacone e Machiavelli.Gian Napoleone Giordano Orsini - 1936 - Genova,: E. degli Orfini.
  28.  23
    Die Ausnahme bestätigt nicht die Regel: Kant zwischen Phronesis und Klugheit.Gian Luigi Paltrinieri - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 789-800.
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    Gesù per Hegel: un itinerario per rileggere la Vita di Gesù.Gian Franco Poli - 2000 - Milano: Ancora.
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  30. La seconda Orazione inaugurale.Gian Galeazzo Visconti - 1976 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 6:5-40.
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    Expertise and the work of football match analysts in TV sport broadcasts.Gian Marco Campagnolo & Giolo Fele - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (5):616-635.
    In this paper we describe expertise as a way of seeing. We use match analysis `punditry’ as a setting to show how professional vision is interactionally achieved in TV sport broadcasts through environmentally coupled gestures enhanced by camera actions and a new technology of vision called telestrator. The paper is based on data from video sequences of football TV broadcasts where the pundit shows to the TV host in the studio and to the non-expert audience at home what happened during (...)
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    From Suicide Due to an Economic-Financial Crisis to the Management of Entrepreneurial Health: Elements of a Biographical Change Management Service and Clinical Implications.Gian Piero Turchi, Antonio Iudici & Elena Faccio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Backwards Forwards Induction.Gian Aldo Antonelli & Cristina Bicchieri - unknown
    Gian Aldo Antonelli and Cristina Bicchieri. Backwards Forwards Induction.
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  34. A new Giordano Bruno's autograph.Guido del Giudice (ed.) - 2008 - Di Renzo.
    A NEW, ORIGINAL GIORDANO BRUNO'S AUTOGRAPH, IN THE PRAGUE'S COPY OF CAMOERACENSIS ACROTISMUS. Extract from "The dispute of Cambrai. Camoeracensis Acrotismus" edited by Guido del Giudice, publ. Di Renzo, Rome 2008.
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    Uno stile per l’Eneide.Gian Biagio Conte - 2022 - Hermes 150 (3):351.
    In the Aeneid, Virgil sets out to achieve a new sublime style, paradoxically steeped in the common parlance. He aims for the spontaneity of everyday language to win readers’ involvement, while elaborating a discourse both expressively taut and stylistically marked, that avoids a register too colloquial or prosaic. Above all, he tirelessly deploys an array of subtle strategies – below the threshold of perception – that defamiliarize language in order to elevate its style. The present paper furnishes a selection of (...)
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    Basic functional trade-offs in cognition: An integrative framework.Marco Del Giudice & Bernard J. Crespi - 2018 - Cognition 179 (C):56-70.
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  37. The pernicious influence of mathematics upon philosophy.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1991 - Synthese 88 (2):165 - 178.
    We shall argue that the attempt carried out by certain philosophers in this century to parrot the language, the method, and the results of mathematics has harmed philosophy. Such an attempt results from a misunderstanding of both mathematics and philosophy, and has harmed both subjects.
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    The Complexity of Revision.Gian Aldo Antonelli - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (1):67-72.
    In this paper we show that the Gupta-Belnap systems S# and S* are П12. Since Kremer has independently established that they are П12-hard, this completely settles the problem of their complexity. The above-mentioned upper bound is established through a reduction to countable revision sequences that is inspired by, and makes use of a construction of McGee.
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    The prehistory of modern scepticism: Sextus empiricus in fifteenth-century italy.Gian Mario Cao - 2001 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 64 (1):229-280.
  40. Valori figurativi nell'educazione poetica del Poliziano.Gian Carlo Oli - 1959 - Rinascimento 10:197-220.
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    Benedetto Croce.Gian Napoleone Giordano Orsini - 1961 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Excerpt from Benedetto Croce: Philosopher of Art and Literary Critic In Italian of course there are several aids to the study of Croce, including a full bibliography, completely indexed; see Appendix 2. But there are still a number of unsettled points concerning the development of Croce's thought and the chronology of his doctrines. The current view of this chronology as it refers to aesthetic theory is cited above, but each date may be pushed backwards. The theory of art as expression (...)
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  42. Scritti politici.Gian Domenico Romagnosi - 1990 - In Giandomenico Romagnosi, I Tempi e le opere di Gian Domenico Romagnosi. Milano: Giuffrè.
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    Kant’s Synthesis A Priori and Husserl’s Phenomenology of Fulfillment.Gian-Carlo Rota - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 1:1037-1046.
  44. La trattazione dell'argomento ontologico nel carteggio Leibniz-Jaquelot (1702-1704).Gian Michele Tortolone - 1990 - Filosofia 41 (1):89-101.
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    Esperienza e realtà: teoria e riflessioni sulla quinta dimensione.Gian Maria Tosatti - 2021 - Milano: Postmedia books.
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  46. Vico. I'corsi'e'ricorsi'. La Provvidenza istorica e umana.Gian Galeazzo Visconti - 2007 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 37:105-112.
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    Power in mixed-sex stranger interactions.Gian C. Gonzaga, Dacher Keltner & Daniel Ward - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (8):1555-1568.
  48. “I will tell the truth”. Interviewing Giordano Bruno.Guido del Giudice - 2013 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (6):51-54.
    Bellarmino was not the actual executioner of the Nolan.
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    Coleridge and German idealism.Gian Napoleone Giordano Orsini - 1969 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Professor Orsini’s book enters the controversy that has marked the changing response to Coleridge’s work during the past forty years, stimulated recently by the accessibility of Coleridge manuscripts and by the publication of hitherto unpublished works. Professor Orsini himself contributes to our new knowl­edge by publishing here for the first time texts from the note­books. His book is of importance and interest because it examines problems which are rooted in world-wide intellectual developments of recent times. Counterposing his argument against the (...)
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  50. Phenomenologie discrete. Ecrits sur les mathematiques, la science et le langage.Gian Carlo Rota & Fr Patras - 2008 - Archives de Philosophie 71 (1):135.
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