Results for 'Gerard Powers'

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  1.  11
    Strategies of Peace.Daniel Philpott & Gerard Powers - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    How can a just peace be built in sites of genocide, massive civil war, dictatorship, terrorism, and poverty? In Strategies of Peace, the first volume in the Studies in Strategic Peacebuilding series, fifteen leading scholars propose an imaginative and provocative approach to peacebuilding. Today the dominant thinking is the "liberal peace," which stresses cease fires, elections, and short run peace operations carried out by international institutions, western states, and local political elites. But the liberal peace is not enough, the authors (...)
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    The fable of the world: a philosophical inquiry into freedom in our times.Gérard Mairet - 2010 - New York: Seagull. Edited by Philip Derbyshire.
    In this powerful genealogical investigation of the notion of sovereignty from Bodin and Hobbes, through Rousseau and the Federalists to Foucault and the framers of the European constitution, Mairet plots its articulation with and through the bloody history of Europe and colonialism, and shows how the reconstitution of the European political community after the Second World War marked the beginning of a new trajectory--a new narrative--that offers the hope of a post-sovereign, and postbellic, mode of political being-in-the-world. --Book Jacket.
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    Philosophy and Rhetoric in Dialogue: Redrawing Their Intellectual Landscape.Gerard A. Hauser (ed.) - 2007 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    _Philosophy and Rhetoric, _one of Penn State Press’s longest-running journals, was conceived at a time of immense philosophical upheaval: rhetoric as a field of study—first dismissed by Descartes—was being reexamined after decades of neglect. Now, nearly forty years later, _Philosophy and Rhetoric _continues to hold pride of place in this reinvigorated discipline. The brainchild of Penn State professors Carroll Arnold and Henry Johnstone, _Philosophy and Rhetoric_ boasts work from dozens of international luminaries from a broad spectrum of specializations. To commemorate (...)
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    Extrapolating a Hierarchy of Building Block Systems Towards Future Neural Network Organisms.Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (3):171-189.
    It is possible to predict future life forms? In this paper it is argued that the answer to this question may well be positive. As a basis for predictions a rationale is used that is derived from historical data, e.g. from a hierarchical classification that ranks all building block systems, that have evolved so far. This classification is based on specific emergent properties that allow stepwise transitions, from low level building blocks to higher level ones. This paper shows how this (...)
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    An Explication of the de Hebdomadibus of Boethius in the Light of St. Thomas’s Commentary.Gerard Casey - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (3):419-434.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN EXPLICATION OF THE DE HEBDOMADIBUS OF BOETHIUS IN THE LlGHT OF ST. THOMAS'S COMMENTARY HE WRITINGS o:f Ancius Manlius Severinus Boehius exercised a powerful influence on the nature and evelopment o:f mediaeval philosophy. The extent of his influence was such that I think it fair to say that anyone seeking more than a superficial grasp of mediaeval philosophy must acquire some first-hand knowledge of his work. The trouble (...)
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    Wind Power in Australia: Overcoming Technological and Institutional Barriers.Andrea Bunting & Gerard Healey - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (2):115-127.
    Until recently, Australia had little installed wind capacity, although there had been many investigations into its potential during the preceding decades. Formerly, state-owned monopoly utilities showed only token interest in wind power and could dictate the terms of energy debates. This situation changed in the late 1990s: Installed wind capacity began growing rapidly following the introduction of supportive renewable energy policies and the restructuring of the electricity industry. However, wind farms still provide only 1% of Australia's electricity, the future of (...)
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    Paper: Should the practice of medicine be a deontological or utilitarian enterprise?Gerard Garbutt & Peter Davies - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (5):267-270.
    There is currently an unrecognised conflict between the utilitarian nature of the overall NHS and the basic deontology of the doctor-patient interaction. This conflict leads to mistrust and misunderstanding between managers and clinicians. This misunderstanding is bad for both doctors and managers, and also leads to waste of time and resources, and poorer services to patients. The utilitarian thinkers tend to value finite, short term, evidence based technical interventions, delivered according to specifications and contracts. They appear happy to break care (...)
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  8.  45
    Histoire de la vérité et généalogie de l'autorité.Gérard Leclerc - 2001 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 111 (2):205-231.
    L’article examine les conceptions de Foucault concernant l’histoire de la vérité, ainsi que les rapports entre la volonté de savoir, la volonté de vérité et les formes du pouvoir. Il rappelle comment les notions nietzschéennes de volonté de vérité et de volonté de puissance font place dans son œuvre à la volonté de savoir comme instrument des rapports de domination. On examine ensuite comment la notion d’autorité, entendue à la fois au sens institutionnel et au sens discursif, peut permettre une (...)
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    Reply to Professor Anderson.Gerard Casey - 1995 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 69 (4):621-622.
    Before I come to Professor Anderson’s objections to the argument in question, I should like to clarify just a few points. The argument that I presented is taken immediately from Mortimer Adler’s presentation of it, so let us call it ‘Adler’s Argument,’ though in fact its origins go all the way back to Aristotle. My reading of Adler’s presentation of the argument was that he gave it in two different forms, one categorical, the other hypothetical. Both forms of the argument, (...)
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  10.  23
    Cosmopolitanism and Violence: The Limits of Global Civil Society.Gerard Delanty - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (1):41-52.
    The problem of violence for social theory is not only a normative question which can be answered in political-ethical terms, but it is also a cognitive question relating to the definition of violence. This cognitive question is one of the main problems with the contemporary discourse of violence and it is this that makes the idea of a cosmopolitan public sphere particularly relevant since it is in public discourse that cognitive models are articulated. The real power of cosmopolitanism lies in (...)
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    Editor's introduction.Gerard A. Hauser - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (3):181-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Editor’s IntroductionGerard A. HauserThe call for papers for this special issue of Philosophy and Rhetoric1 acknowledged the continuous centrality of human agency across the history of Western thought on rhetoric. At its ancient Greek origins, the Sophists and philosophers were at swords points over the question of what constituted responsible speech and who had responsibility for the consequences of moving the demos to public actions that bore on the (...)
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  12. Superstrings and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Gerard ’T. Hooft - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (5):463-471.
    It is put forward that modern elementary particle physics cannot be completely unified with the laws of gravity and general relativity without addressing the question of the ontological interpretation of quantum mechanics itself. The position of superstring theory in this general question is emphasized: superstrings may well form exactly the right mathematical system that can explain how quantum mechanics can be linked to a deterministic picture of our world. Deterministic interpretations of quantum mechanics are usually categorically rejected, because of Bell’s (...)
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    Les modeLes sigmoides en biologie vegetale.Gérard Cusset - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):197-205.
    Observed biological growth curves generally are sigmoid in appearance. It is common practice to fit such data with either a Verhulst logistic or a Gompertz curve. This paper critically considers the conceptual bases underlying these descriptive models.The logistic model was developed by Verhulst to accommodate the common sense observation that populations cannot keep growing indefinitely. A justification for using the same equation to describe the growth of individuals, based on considerations from chemical kinetics (autocatalysis of a monomolecular reaction), was put (...)
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  14.  27
    Love and Power. [REVIEW]Gerard V. Bradley - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (2):419-421.
    The author's introduces this sequel to his Morality, Politics, and Law as an extended gloss on John Noonan's statement that the "central problem of the legal enterprise is the relation of love to power." The renown of its author ensures that Love and Power will become a focal point in legal academic discussion of its central concern: the proper relation between morality, particularly religious morality, political choice, and public deliberation "in a morally pluralistic society like the United States.".
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    On restrictions on transformational grammars reducing the generative power.Theo Janssen, Gerard Kok & Lambert Meertens - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (1):111 - 118.
    Various restrictions on transformational grammars have been investigated in order to reduce their generative power from recursively enumerable languages to recursive languages.It will be shown that any restriction on transformational grammars defining a recursively enumerable subset of the set of all transformational grammars, is either too weak (in the sense that there does not exist a general decision procedure for all languages generated under such a restriction) or too strong (in the sense that there exists a recursive language that cannot (...)
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  16. Book Review: Foucault and Augustine: Reconsidering Power and Love. [REVIEW]Gerard Loughlin - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19 (2):258-261.
  17.  45
    L'« absolutisme bureaucratique » selon Moshe Lewin.Gérard Duménil - 2006 - Actuel Marx 39 (1):167-172.
    This brief article comments on Moshe Lewin’s last book (Le siècle soviétique, Fayard, Paris, 2003). The book can be considered as the best documented study of Soviet Union. Lewin’s characterisation of the soviet system as bureaucratic absolutism is, however, disappointing, and contrasts with the identification of the new “managerial” ruling class, its grip on resourses and state power.
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  18.  64
    La violence et la rançon payée au démon.Gérard Rémy - 2003 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):45-73.
    On peut être surpris de découvrir dans la réflexion contemporaine un plaidoyer en faveur d’une théorie théologique avancée par certains Pères, qu’on aurait pu croire définitivement disqualifiée et réduite à un vestige archaïque, en raison de son relent mythologique, à savoir la rançon que Dieu aurait payée au démon en échange de notre libération. Cette théorie, déjà fortement contestée à l’époque patristique, vient de trouver un avocat avec René Girard pour qui « les Pères grecs avaient raison de dire que, (...)
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    Mitteleuropa and the European Heritage.Gerard Delanty & Ksenija Vidmar-Horvat - 2008 - European Journal of Social Theory 11 (2):203-218.
    The political significance of Mitteleuropa has grown in that much of it is now within the EU. Mitteleuropa is a discourse; it is not just a semantic term or a label to refer to a geopolitical region in which power and culture are interwined. Although people may identify with it, it is not primarily a term of identity but a cultural mode of interpretation. It can be called, along with other concepts of Europe, a conflicting field of interpretation. The concept (...)
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  20. Néolibéralisme : dépassement ou renouvellement d'un ordre social?Gérard Duménil & Dominique Lévy - 2006 - Actuel Marx 40 (2):86-101.
    In the analysis of contemporary capitalism, it is important to combine neoliberalism (the strengthening of the power of the capitalist class, in a new phase) and imperialism (the exploitation of peripherical countries). The contradictions of this newsocial order are numerous: first, the resistances that it fosters, then the desquilibria evident, in particular, in the United States. But imperialism at the age of neoliberalism also manifests itself in a new configuration particularly favorable to this country: the export of capitals and the (...)
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  21. Sur quelques fondations de la pensée chrétienne des droits de l'homme (Ier-IIIe siècles).Gérard D. Guyon - 2003 - Gregorianum 84 (4):828-848.
    It is a commonplace notion that the issue of human rights is a recent one, an inheritance of the Enlightenment. The teaching of the recent Popes, however, indicates that the issue of human rights is also an inheritance ofChristianity. The article demonstrates that, in fact, the essential structure of the notion of human rights was object of the attention of the earliest Christians, especially when the power of Rome accepted a wide variety of cults for the sake of its calm (...)
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    Perils of Professionalization: Chronicling a Crisis and Renewing the Potential of Healthcare Management.Nathan Gerard - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (4):269-288.
    This paper critically examines efforts to “professionalize” the field of healthcare management and its corresponding costs. Drawing upon the scholarly critiques of professionalization in medicine and the broader field of management, this paper seeks to explore the symbolic role professionalization might play in the psyche of its constituents, and specifically its function as a defense against uncertainty and anxiety. This psychodynamic heuristic is then deployed to put forth the hypothesis that an ongoing crisis of professional identity continues to both propel (...)
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    The Thirties Are Still Before Us.Gérard Granel - 2004 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 25 (1):113-135.
    “The Thirties”: here this term has nothing to do with ragtime, long-nosed Bugattis, or Maurice Chevalier. The expression instead designates the period in Europe in which three types of power emerged that, despite numerous and important differences, have one thing in common: the claim to destroy the economic, political and spiritual order by which Europe recognized itself and replace it with a “new order.” It is necessary, truthfully speaking, that we agree to extend what we call “the Thirties” a bit (...)
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    Defining Engaged Buddhism: Traditionists, Modernists, and Scholastic Power.Victor Gerard Temprano - 2014 - Buddhist Studies Review 30 (2):261-274.
    Thomas F. Yarnall’s 2003 categories of ‘modernist’ and ‘traditionist’, used to classify accounts of the origins of engaged Buddhism, have proven useful as methodological tools but today need considerable reevaluation. This article investigates two more recent accounts dealing with engaged Buddhism — David Loy’s The Great Awakening and Sallie B. King’s Socially Engaged Buddhism — in order to critique and ultimately to go beyond Yarnall’s categories. It touches on questions concerning the legitimacy and obligations of scholars in defining Buddhism for (...)
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    Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life of Rene Descartes (review).Patrick Gerard Henry - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):465-468.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 465-468 [Access article in PDF] Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life of René Descartes, by Richard Watson; vii & 375 pp. Boston: David R. Godine, 2002, $35.00. Scholarly in what it delivers, but delightful in how it delivers what it delivers, Cogito Ergo Sum is highly informative and fun to read. Touching on all the key places, players and events in the philosopher's life, Watson (...)
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  26.  15
    Socially Structured Games.P. Herings, Gerard Laan & Dolf Talman - 2007 - Theory and Decision 62 (1):1-29.
    We generalize the concept of a cooperative non-transferable utility game by introducing a socially structured game. In a socially structured game every coalition of players can organize themselves according to one or more internal organizations to generate payoffs. Each admissible internal organization on a coalition yields a set of payoffs attainable by the members of this coalition. The strengths of the players within an internal organization depend on the structure of the internal organization and are represented by an exogenously given (...)
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    Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism. [REVIEW]Gerard Verbeke - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (3):566-568.
    In this book the author intends to present a careful analysis of the Stoic teaching on human action and to apply it to the moral doctrine of mainly Zeno and Chrysippus. The work is divided into two parts: the first deals with the structure of human action, whereas the second applies the result of the performed analysis to the moral theory, especially to the teaching on passions and the ethical evolution of an individual from a pre-moral to a moral stage. (...)
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    Information Compression as a Unifying Principle in Human Learning, Perception, and Cognition.J. Gerard Wolff - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-38.
    This paper describes a novel perspective on the foundations of mathematics: how mathematics may be seen to be largely about “information compression via the matching and unification of patterns”. That is itself a novel approach to IC, couched in terms of nonmathematical primitives, as is necessary in any investigation of the foundations of mathematics. This new perspective on the foundations of mathematics reflects the facts that mathematics is almost exclusively the product of human brains, and has been developed, as an (...)
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    Integration of “rules” and “similarity” in a framework of information compression by multiple alignment, unification, and search.J. Gerard Wolff - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):36-37.
    The Simplicity and Power (SP) theory (Wolff 2003a) provides support for Pothos's proposals by illustrating how the effect of “rules” and “similarity” may be achieved within an integrated model that makes no explicit provision for either concept. The theory is described here in outline with simple examples to show how rules and similarity can emerge as properties of the system in learning, reasoning, categorization, and the parsing of language.
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    Are speed/accuracy trade-offs caused by neuromotor noise, or not?Willem P. De Jong & Gerard P. Van Galen - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):306-307.
    Notwithstanding its overwhelming descriptive power for existing data, it is not clear whether the kinematic theory of Plamondon & Alimi could generate new insights into biomechanical constraints and psychological processes underlying the way organisms trade off speed for accuracy. The kinematic model should elaborate on the role of neuromotor noise and on biomechanical strategies for reducing endpoint variability related to such noise.
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  31. Socially Structured Games.P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Gerard Van Der Laan & Dolf Talman - 2007 - Theory and Decision 62 (1):1-29.
    We generalize the concept of a cooperative non-transferable utility game by introducing a socially structured game. In a socially structured game every coalition of players can organize themselves according to one or more internal organizations to generate payoffs. Each admissible internal organization on a coalition yields a set of payoffs attainable by the members of this coalition. The strengths of the players within an internal organization depend on the structure of the internal organization and are represented by an exogenously given (...)
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    Immaculateness and Research Practice.D. P. Dash, Héctor R. Ponce & Gerard de Zeeuw - 2006 - Journal of Research Practice 2 (1):Article E1.
    Notions of purity, perfection, or immaculateness have powered our imagination over the ages. Various images of perfection have held sway in their hallowed times, providing secure streams for channelling human energy. Unfortunately, with the unfolding of the human drama on the world stage, all the images of perfection have suffered damage, epoch on epoch. Different responses have emerged to attempt a restoration. Revival of some of the old images is one such response. Production of new images to serve as worthwhile (...)
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    A proliferation control network model: The simulation of two-dimensional epithelial homeostasis.Didier Morel, Raphaël Marcelpoil & Gérard Brugal - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (4):219-234.
    Despite the recent progress in the description of the molecular mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation controls in vitro, the regulation of the homeostasis of normal stratified epithelia remains unclear in vivo. Computer simulation represents a powerful tool to investigate the complex field of cell proliferation regulation networks. It provides huge computation capabilities to test, in a dynamic in silico context, hypotheses about the many pathways and feedback loops involved in cell growth and proliferation controls.Our approach combines a model of cell (...)
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    Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis ed. by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, Gerard F. Powers.James W. McCarty - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis ed. by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, Gerard F. PowersJames W. McCarty IIIPeacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis Edited by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, and Gerard F. Powers Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2010. 480pp. $27.00Peacebuilding results from a four-year research project sponsored by the Catholic Peacebuilding Network. A wide-ranging and interdisciplinary set of fifteen essays, Peacebuilding (...)
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    On Power in Architecture.Mateja Kurir (ed.) - 2024 - London, New York: Routledge.
    Architecture has always been a decisive manifestation of power. This volume represents an attempt to question and reflect on the relationship between power and architecture from three philosophical perspectives: materialistic, phenomenological and post-structuralist. -/- This collection opens an interdisciplinary investigation that aims to reflect on architecture and its interconnectedness with power within philosophy and cultural theory at large while presenting these concepts using practical examples from the built environment. Internationally recognised authors – philosophers, architectural theorists and historians – Andrew Benjamin, (...)
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    Peacemaking, edited by Gerard F. Powers, Drew Christiansen S.J., and Robert T. Hennemeyer , 368 pp., $19.95, paper; For Peace in God's World , 24 pp. [REVIEW]Dorothy V. Jones - 1996 - Ethics and International Affairs 10:214-215.
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    Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, and Gerard F. Powers, eds., Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis.Eli S. McCarthy - 2012 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 22 (1):153-156.
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    Catholic Peacebuilding and Mining: Integral Peace, Development, and Ecology, edited by Caesar A. Montevecchio and Gerard F. Powers.Elisabeth Rain Kincaid - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (1):193-194.
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    Book Review: Catholic Peacebuilding and Mining: Integral Peace, Development, and Ecology by Caesar A. Montevecchio and Gerard F. Powers (eds.). [REVIEW]Esther Reed - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (3):732-734.
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    Book Review: Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby and Gerard F. Powers (eds), Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis[REVIEW]Glen Stassen - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (1):114-118.
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    The Immutability of God in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar by Gerard F. O’Hanlon, S.J.David L. Schindler - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):335-342.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Immutability of God in the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. By GERARD F. O'HANLON, S.J. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. 246. $59.95 (cloth). O'Hanlon unfolds Balthasar's theology in four main chapters, which treat the question of immutability in terms, respectively, of Christ· ology; creation; time and eternity; and inner trinitarian life in God. In Chapter 5, O'Hanlon compares Balthasar's approach with some English-speaking (...)
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    Soundscapes from the Americas: ethnomusicological essays on the power, poetics, and ontology of performance.Donna Anne Buchanan (ed.) - 2014 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Dedicated to the late Gerard Béhague, this anthology offers perspectives on the evolving legacy of performance ethnography in socio-musical analysis and reflects the heritage but also contemporary trajectories of Béhague’s scholarly concerns. Prefaced by an essay outlining key developments in the ethnography of performance paradigm, the volume’s seven case studies portray snapshots of musical life in representative communities of the Americas, including the southwestern and Pacific United States, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, and Ecuador. These studies pose anthropological inquiries (...)
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    A Fractured Position in a Stable Partnership: Ebba Hult, Gerard De Geer, and Early Twentieth Century Swedish Geology.Staffan Bergwik - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (3):423-451.
    ArgumentThis article explores the scientific partnership between geology professor Gerard De Geer and his wife Ebba Hult following their marriage in 1908. De Geer was an influential participant in Swedish academia and international geology. Hult worked as his assistant until his death in 1943. The partnership was beneficial for both spouses, in particular through the semi-private Geochronological Institute, which they controlled. The article argues that marriage was a culturally acknowledged form of collaboration in the academic community, and as such (...)
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    The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, Vol. VI ed. by Gerard Tracey, and: A Packet of Letters: A Selection from the Correspondence of John Henry Newman ed. by Joyce Sugg. [REVIEW]M. Jamie Ferreira - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):199-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS Because we are critical realists, we must take this perspective on the world afforded by physics and cosmology seriously but not too literally. This means that in thinking how it might influence our models of God's relation to and actions in the world, it is only the broadest, general features, and these the most soundly established, that we must reckon with (60). 199 The trouble is, of (...)
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  45. [no title].M. Powers - unknown
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    Commentary on Ritola.Lawrence H. Powers - unknown
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    The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Gerard T. Hooft - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents the deterministic view of quantum mechanics developed by Nobel Laureate Gerard 't Hooft. Dissatisfied with the uncomfortable gaps in the way conventional quantum mechanics meshes with the classical world, 't Hooft has revived the old hidden variable ideas, but now in a much more systematic way than usual. In this, quantum mechanics is viewed as a tool rather than a theory. The book presents examples of models that are classical in essence, but can be analysed by (...)
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    Dividing by Zero—and Other Mathematical Fallacies.Lawrence H. Powers - 2013 - In Andrew Aberdein & Ian J. Dove, The Argument of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 173--179.
  49. Environmental holism and nanotechnology.Thomas M. Powers - 2008 - In Fritz Allhoff, Nanotechnology & Society: Current and Emerging Ethical Issues. Springer.
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    The Logic of Thermostatistical Physics.Gerard G. Emch & Chuang Liu - 2002 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is devoted to a thorough analysis of the role that models play in the practise of physical theory. The authors, a mathematical physicist and a philosopher of science, appeal to the logicians’ notion of model theory as well as to the concepts of physicists.
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