Sur quelques fondations de la pensée chrétienne des droits de l'homme (Ier-IIIe siècles)
It is a commonplace notion that the issue of human rights is a recent one, an inheritance of the Enlightenment. The teaching of the recent Popes, however, indicates that the issue of human rights is also an inheritance ofChristianity. The article demonstrates that, in fact, the essential structure of the notion of human rights was object of the attention of the earliest Christians, especially when the power of Rome accepted a wide variety of cults for the sake of its calm scepticism, and at the same time opposed the Christian communities precisely because they were Christian. In this way, the concept of human rights found a first formulation regarding the protection of human beings and their dignity, not only in favor of Christians, but on the basis of universal norms founded in the unique Creator of all human beings