Results for 'Gerard Dieb'

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  1.  36
    β-Amyloid Plaque Reduction in the Hippocampus After Focused Ultrasound-Induced Blood–Brain Barrier Opening in Alzheimer’s Disease.Pierre-François D’Haese, Manish Ranjan, Alexander Song, Marc W. Haut, Jeffrey Carpenter, Gerard Dieb, Umer Najib, Peng Wang, Rashi I. Mehta, J. Levi Chazen, Sally Hodder, Daniel Claassen, Michael Kaplitt & Ali R. Rezai - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  2.  41
    (1 other version)The Greek Concept of Nature.Gerard Naddaf - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the origin and evolution of the Greek concept of nature up until the time of Plato.
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    Measuring a neglected type of lottery unfairness.Gerard Vong - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (1):67-86.
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    La vision turque de l'Europe.Gérard Groc - 1999 - Hermes 23:219.
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  5. The Intersecting Fields of Ethno-Architecture: From the Indo-Himalayan World to Occidental Europe.Gérard Toffin - 1994 - Diogenes 42 (166):23-48.
    For some thirty years, a handful of architects has been trying to call into question the primacy that the history of architecture has given to monumental buildings. The representatives of this trend want to get away from the short chronology, common since the Italian Renaissance, and react against the dominant international functionalism that has too little respect for the local cultural contexts. It is under the influence of this “vernacular” approach that the small traditional structure became as legitimate an object (...)
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    Les Abords de l'Événement: De «Temps & Être» - au saut dans l'Ereignis.Gérard Guest - 2014 - Heidegger Studies 30:57-77.
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    L'Origine de las Responsabilité ou De la "Voix de la Conscience" à la pensée de la "Promesse".Gérard Guest - 1992 - Heidegger Studies 8:29-62.
  8.  54
    Virtual Black Holes and Space–Time Structure.Gerard ’T. Hooft - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1134-1149.
    In the standard formalism of quantum gravity, black holes appear to form statistical distributions of quantum states. Now, however, we can present a theory that yields pure quantum states. It shows how particles entering a black hole can generate firewalls, which however can be removed, replacing them by the ‘footprints’ they produce in the out-going particles. This procedure can preserve the quantum information stored inside and around the black hole. We then focus on a subtle but unavoidable modification of the (...)
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    Somatosensory Evoked Field in Response to Visuotactile Stimulation in 3- to 4-Year-Old Children.Gerard B. Remijn, Mitsuru Kikuchi, Kiyomi Shitamichi, Sanae Ueno, Yuko Yoshimura, Kikuko Nagao, Tsunehisa Tsubokawa, Haruyuki Kojima, Haruhiro Higashida & Yoshio Minabe - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  10. Du Logos intermédiaire au Christ médiateur chez les Pères grecs.Gerard Remy - 1996 - Revue Thomiste 96 (3):397-452.
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  11.  24
    Etty hillesum et saint Augustin : l'influence d'un maître spirituel?Gérard Rémy - 2007 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 2 (2):253-280.
    Une enquête au sujet de l’influence d’Augustin sur Etty Hillesum, à la suite de sa lecture des Confessions, repose sur d’éventuelles traces littéraires repérables dans son Journal et, de manière plus diffuse mais peut-être plus significative, sur les indices d’une correspondance entre leur évolution humaine et spirituelle respective. N’y a-t-il pas défi à tenter cette enquête quand on sait qu’Etty affirme l’originalité de sa personnalité dans sa manière propre d’affronter le destin, communément tragique de ses compatriotes, avec les ressources de (...)
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    Le Christ médiateur et tête de l'Église selon le Sermon Dolbeau 26 d'Augustin.Gérard Rémy - 1998 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 72 (1):123-124.
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  13. Le Christ médiateur dans l'œuvre de saint Thomas d'Aquin.Gérard Remy - 1993 - Revue Thomiste 93 (2):183-233.
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    L'église du Christ et Les églises: Réflexions sur un document Romain.Gérard Remy - 2008 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 130 (3):594-609.
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  15. La notion de fondement chez saint Augustin.Gerard Remy - 2006 - Revue Thomiste 106 (3):413-432.
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    La notion de «medietas» chez saint Augustin.Gérard Rémy - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 85 (2):211-229.
  17.  30
    Le tragique dans la pensée d'Augustin.Gérard Remy - 2008 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 92 (2):257-285.
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  18. La théologie de la médiation selon saint Augustin. Son actualité.Gérard Remy - 1991 - Revue Thomiste 91 (4):580-623.
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    La violence et la rançon payée au démon.Gérard Rémy - 2003 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):45-73.
    On peut être surpris de découvrir dans la réflexion contemporaine un plaidoyer en faveur d’une théorie théologique avancée par certains Pères, qu’on aurait pu croire définitivement disqualifiée et réduite à un vestige archaïque, en raison de son relent mythologique, à savoir la rançon que Dieu aurait payée au démon en échange de notre libération. Cette théorie, déjà fortement contestée à l’époque patristique, vient de trouver un avocat avec René Girard pour qui « les Pères grecs avaient raison de dire que, (...)
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  20. Battlefield.Gerard Toal/Gearóid Ó Tuathail - 2011 - In John A. Agnew & David N. Livingstone, The SAGE handbook of geographical knowledge. Los Angeles: SAGE.
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  21.  39
    Forensic psychiatry, one subspecialty with two ethics? A systematic review.Gérard Niveau & Ida Welle - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):25.
    Forensic psychiatry is a particular subspecialty within psychiatry, dedicated in applying psychiatric knowledge and psychiatric training for particular legal purposes. Given that within the scope of forensic psychiatry, a third party usually intervenes in the patient-doctor relationship, an amendment of the traditional ethical principles seems justified. Thus, 47 articles, two book chapters and the guidelines produced by the World Psychiatric Association, the American Association of Psychiatry and the Law, as well as by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of (...)
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  22.  59
    Aristotélisme et Stoïcisme dans le De Fato d’Alexandre d’Aphrodisias.Gérard Verbeke - 1968 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 50 (1-2):73-100.
  23.  21
    (1 other version)Two Concepts of Assessment.Gerard Lum - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (4):589-602.
    It is sometimes said that there has been a ‘paradigm shift’ in the field of assessment over the last two or three decades: a new preoccupation with what learners can do, what they know or what they have achieved. It is suggested in this article that this change has precipitated a need to distinguish two conceptually and logically distinct methodological approaches to assessment that have hitherto gone unacknowledged. The upshot, it is argued, is that there appears to be a fundamental (...)
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  24.  17
    Partially-ordered Modalities.Gerard Allwein & William L. Harrison - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 1-21.
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  25.  68
    Aristotle’s Vision of Nature.Gerard Watson - 1966 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 15:325-325.
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    Plato’s Theory of Knowledge.Gerard Watson - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12:264-265.
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    A History of Greek Philosophy. Vol. 1.Gerard Watson - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12:262-263.
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    Crime and Punishment in Augustine and the Philosophical Tradition.Gerard Watson - 1983 - The Maynooth Review / Revieú Mhá Nuad 8:32 - 42.
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    Plato's "Gorgias" and Aristotle.Gerard Watson - 1989 - The Maynooth Review / Revieú Mhá Nuad 14:51 - 66.
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    Plato’s Later Epistemology.Gerard Watson - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12:265-266.
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    Unfair to Proclus?Gerard Watson - 1982 - Phronesis 27 (1):101-107.
  32.  34
    Henry VIII on Trial.Gerard Wegemer - 2000 - Renascence 52 (2):111-130.
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    The City of God in Thomas More's Utopia.Gerard Wegemer - 1992 - Renascence 44 (2):115-136.
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    Thomas More on the “usefulness” of liberal education.Gerard Wegemer - 2022 - Moreana 59 (2):243-253.
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    Utopia: Entering the fortress of Europe's warrior culture.Gerard Wegemer - 2019 - Moreana 56 (1):42-66.
    Utopia repeatedly sets forth the rhetorical strategy of using pleasant and healing words to “enter” or “flow” or “steal into” fortresses of hardened opinion and custom without arousing warlike passions to keep them out. An important part of this strategy is the creation of a character who denounces major instances and causes of injustice but who nonetheless supports war and other means of force at the expense of law in rectifying that injustice; another part of the strategy is the creation (...)
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    Modeling complex systems: Do it!Gérard Weisbuch - 2006 - Complexity 11 (3):25-26.
  37.  61
    Method and Practical Theology.Gerard Whalen - 2009 - The Lonergan Review 1 (1):221-238.
  38. Interpreting Vatican II. Questions of Style, Meaning, Truth.Gerard Whelan - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (3):606-616.
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    Transformations, Personal and Historical, in Bernard Lonergan and Robert Doran.Gerard Whelan - 2014 - The Lonergan Review 5 (1):22-38.
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    The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Policy Conditionality and Human Rights, 2001–2021.Martin Tarkpor & Gerard Clarke - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (3):339-363.
    The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been criticised for their weak commitment to human rights, with the World Bank subject to greater scrutiny and criticism than the IMF and despite significant progress since 2015 in linking its policies and operations to international human rights law. In this light, we explore the extent to which the IMF meets its responsibilities under international human rights law. We focus on IMF conditionality, on the conditions attached to IMF loans to countries (...)
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    Icônes.Gérard Fromanger - 2018 - Multitudes 71 (2):1.
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    After the Council: Transformations in the Shape of Moral Theology and 'the Church to Come'.Gerard Mannion - 2009 - New Blackfriars 90 (1026):232-250.
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  43.  19
    The role of the poet in Plato's ideal cities of Callipolis and Magnesia.Gerard Naddaf - 2008 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 4.
    Plato's attitude toward the poets and poetry has always been a flashpoint of debate, controversy and notoriety, but most scholars have failed to see their central role in the ideal cities of the Republic and the Laws, that is, Callipolis and Magnesia. In this paper, I argue that in neither dialogue does Plato "exile" the poets, but, instead, believes they must, like all citizens, exercise the expertise proper to their profession, allowing them the right to become full-fledged participants in the (...)
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    Philip Pettit, The Robust Demands of the Good: Ethics with Attachment, Virtue and Respect , pp. x + 281.Gerard Vong - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (1):120-123.
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    L’impact conjugal du virtuel Éclatement des façons de faire couple à l’heure d’Internet.Gérard Neyrand - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 210 (4):59-70.
    Pour cet article de réflexion critique, il s’agit de montrer en quoi les sites de rencontre, en proposant un dispositif spécifique de mise en relation de possibles partenaires, contribuent à modifier à différents niveaux la façon de concevoir le couple et de réfléchir à ce qu’il représente. L’intellectualisation que représente la nécessité de présentation de soi avant même l’éventuelle rencontre, tout autant que la définition des attentes envers le possible partenaire, positionnent différemment l’individu par rapport à une rencontre « classique (...)
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  46. A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility.Gerard Casey - 1988 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 32:274-283.
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    Angelic Interiority.Gerard N. Casey - 1989 - Irish Philosophical Journal 6 (1):82-118.
    Howard Kainz, in his monograph ‘Active and Passive Potency’ in Thomistic Angelology, remarks that angelology is of some importance in Thomistic philosophy for bringing to a head what he calls ‘certain problematics’ arising from Thomistic presuppositions.1 An example of just such a problematic, in the form of an apparent inconsistency, is stated in the following extended passage.
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  48. Can you own yourself?Gerard Casey - 2011 - Analysis and Metaphysics 10:60-66.
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  49. The computational metaphor and cognitive psychology.Gerard Casey - unknown
    The past three decades have witnessed a remarkable growth of research interest in the mind. This trend has been acclaimed as the ‘cognitive revolution’ in psychology. At the heart of this revolution lies the claim that the mind is a computational system. The purpose of this paper is both to elucidate this claim and to evaluate its implications for cognitive psychology. The nature and scope of cognitive psychology and cognitive science are outlined, the principal assumptions underlying the information processing approach (...)
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  50. Philosophy and Technology in the French Tradition. The Legacy of François Dagognet.Gérard Chazal - 2018 - In Bernadette Bensaude Vincent, Xavier Guchet & Sacha Loeve, French Philosophy of Technology: Classical Readings and Contemporary Approaches. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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