Results for 'Georgette Dorval-Guay'

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  1. A new look at emergence. Or when after is different.Alexandre Guay & Olivier Sartenaer - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 6 (2):297-322.
    In this paper, we put forward a new account of emergence called “transformational emergence”. Such an account captures a variety of emergence that can be considered as being diachronic and weakly ontological. The fact that transformational emergence actually constitutes a genuine form of emergence is motivated. Besides, the account is free of traditional problems surrounding more usual, synchronic versions of emergence, and it can find a strong empirical support in a specific physical phenomenon, the fractional quantum Hall effect, which has (...)
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  2. Lagrangian possibilities.Alexandre Guay & Quentin Ruyant - 2024 - Synthese 203 (4):1-22.
    Natural modalities are often analysed from an abstract point of view where they are associated with putative laws of nature. However, the way possibilities are represented in physics is more complex. Lagrangian mechanics, for instance, involves two different layers of modalities: kinematical and dynamical possibilities. This paper examines the status of these two layers, both in the classical and quantum case. The quantum case is particularly problematic: we identify four possible interpretive options. The upshot is that a close inspection of (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Right out of the box: how to situate metaphysics of science in relation to other metaphysical approaches.Alexandre Guay & Thomas Pradeu - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):1847-1866.
    Several advocates of the lively field of “metaphysics of science” have recently argued that a naturalistic metaphysics should be based solely on current science, and that it should replace more traditional, intuition-based, forms of metaphysics. The aim of the present paper is to assess that claim by examining the relations between metaphysics of science and general metaphysics. We show that the current metaphysical battlefield is richer and more complex than a simple dichotomy between “metaphysics of science” and “traditional metaphysics”, and (...)
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    The tragic as an ethical category Robert Guay.Robert Guay - manuscript
    I. Introduction This paper aims to explain Nietzsche’s understanding of tragedy, and in particular his self-characterization as the “tragic philosopher.” What I shall claim is that, according to Nietzsche, to recognize the self-determining or self-creating character of our agency is to reveal it as tragic. Tragedy accordingly illuminates the most fundamental issue in Nietzsche’s mature philosophy: the possibility of affirmation.
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    Nietzsche's on the genealogy of morality: a critical introduction and guide.Robert Guay - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    On the Genealogy of Morality has become the most common point of entry into Nietzsche's thought. It offers relatively straightforward, sustained explanatory narratives addressing many of the main ideas of Nietzsche's mature thought, such as 'will to power', 'nihilism', 'perspectivism' and the 'value of truth'. It also directs its attention to what is widely taken to be Nietzsche's important philosophical contribution, the critique of morality. Yet it is challenging to understand because Nietzsche intended it as an expansion and elaboration of (...)
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  6. La symétrie de jauge comme sonde philosophique.Alexandre Guay - 2013 - In Soazig Le Bihan (ed.), Précis de philosophie de la physique. pp. 295-308.
  7. Genealogy as Immanent Critique: Working from the Inside.Robert Guay - unknown
    Of the distinctive terminology of nineteenth-century thought, perhaps no word has been more widely adopted than ‘genealogy’.1 ‘Genealogy’, of course, had a long history before Nietzsche put it in the title of a book, but the original sense of pedigree or family tree is not the one that has become so prominent in contemporary academic discourse.2 Nietzsche initiated a new sense of ‘genealogy’ that, oddly, has become popular despite a lack of clarity about what it is.3 My aim here is (...)
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    Specificity and the interpretation of quantifiers.Georgette Ioup - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (2):233 - 245.
    Specificity has been defined in the linguistic literature according to two different criteria: one corresponding to Quine's opaque and transparent contexts, and the other to criteria closely related to Donellan's referential/attributive distinction. The paper argues that only the former definition is a semantic one since it alone manifests linguistic correlates. The meaning changes involving referential/attributive factors are pragmatic in nature. In the concluding section is is argued that the semantics of specificity is completely independent of the relative scope interpretation of (...)
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    On the genealogy of morals.Robert Guay - manuscript
    1. We are unknown to ourselves, we knowing ones, we to our own selves, and for a good reason. We have never sought ourselves – so how could it happen, that one day we would find ourselves? Someone once correctly said: “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”;1 our treasure is where the beehives of our knowledge are. We are always on the way to finding it; as winged creatures and honey-gatherers of the spirit, we truly care (...)
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    Libéralisme et médias : entre l’ordre et le désordre.Jean-Herman Guay - 2013 - Éthique Publique 15 (1).
    Le libéralisme et la liberté des médias sont-ils intrinsèquement liés, comme les deux faces d’une même pièce ? À première vue, ils semblent des corollaires puisqu’ils dérivent tous les deux du principe de liberté. Les mé­dias auraient donc d’autant plus d’espace que le libéralisme serait soli­de­ment implanté politiquement et économiquement. Inversement, un rejet du libéralisme politique irait de pair avec un rejet de la liberté des médias. Cette simplicité est cependant trompeuse. Les médias ne forment pas un ensemble homogène ; (...)
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    [email protected].Robert Guay - unknown
    Nietzsche, I once read, used to have nightmares about not being able to speak. My son has nightmares about tornadoes. I have nightmares about issues that can only be resolved by appeal to Hegel’s speculative logic. Stephen Snyder might indeed present us with several such issues, but fortunately his presentation is complex enough that I should be able to distract you by focusing on other things. First, let me review what I take to me the structure of Snyder’s argument. Snyder’s (...)
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  12. Nietzsche, contingency, and the vacuity of politics.Robert Guay - 2009 - In Jeffrey Metzger (ed.), Nietzsche, Nihilism and the Philosophy of the Future. Continuum.
    Nietzsche’s self-proclaimed ‘anti-political’(EH ‘wise’ 3; cf. TI 8.4) stance is often ignored.1 Commentators, that is, often interpret Nietzsche’s texts as responding to familiar issues within political philosophy, and as furnishing a novel position therein. This could indeed be the appropriate hermeneutic response. Dismissing one of Nietzsche’s proclamations is, on a variety of different grounds, hermeneutically reasonable. In this particular case, given all that Nietzsche has to say about sociality and the roles of public institutions in modern life, dismissal might even (...)
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    Paradoxes of culture.Robert Guay - manuscript
    In this paper I argue that a basic problem in philosophical discussions of culture is what I call the “integration problem”: the need to provide an account of how distinctive considerations of culture can be integrated within practical deliberation in general. I then show how the failure to resolve this problem generates three paradoxes, which I call the “cosmopolitan paradox,” the “inclusion paradox,” and the “representation paradox.” I argue that these paradoxes arise from a common source, the attempt to separate (...)
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    Le rapport complexe de la psychanalyse et de la prévention.Georgette Revest - 2002 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 157 (3):79.
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    (1 other version)Ockham and Ambiguity.Georgette Sinkler - 1994 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 4:142-166.
  16. Introduction. Progressive Steps toward a Unified Conception of Individuality across the Sciences.Alexandre Guay & Thomas Pradeu - 2015 - In Thomas Pradeu & Alexandre Guay (eds.), Individuals Across The Sciences. New York, État de New York, États-Unis: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-21.
    This chapter introduces the main issues and themes of the volume. Approaches to individuality from metaphysics and philosophy of science are contrasted. Recent philosophical developments regarding concepts of biological and physical individuality are exposed. These research trends show how philosophy of physics and philosophy of biology address differently the question of what an individual is. Five main divergences are identified: the centrality of part-whole questions, the issue of identical individuals, the importance of the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles and, (...)
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    The Will to Nothingness: An Essay on Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality.Robert Guay - 2024 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 55 (1):104-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Will to Nothingness: An Essay on Nietzsche's by Bernard ReginsterRobert GuayBernard Reginster, The Will to Nothingness: An Essay on Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. viii + 202 pp. isbn: 978-0-19-886890-3. Cloth, $80.00.One might imagine making a rough division between two different modes of modern European philosophy. In one, the way that the world seems to proceed belies the actual ground (...)
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  18. Emergent Quasiparticles. Or How to Get a Rich Physics from a Sober Metaphysics.Alexandre Guay & Olivier Sartenaer - 2018 - In Melinda Fagan, Otávio Bueno & Ruey-Lin Chen (eds.), Individuation, Process, and Scientific Practices. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 214-235.
    Among the very architects of the recent re-emergence of emergentism in the physical sciences, Robert B. Laughlin certainly occupies a prominent place. Through a series of works beginning as early as his Nobel lecture in 1998, a lecture given after having been awarded, together with Störmer and Tsui, the Nobel prize in physics for its contribution in the elucidation of the fractional quantum Hall effect, Laughlin openly and relentlessly advocated a strongly anti-reductionistic view of physics – and, more particularly, of (...)
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    Marking out a disciplinary common ground: The role of chemical pedagogy in establishing the doctrine of affinity at the heart of British chemistry.Georgette Taylor - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (4):465-486.
    Summary This paper presents a case study that contributes to the current debate among historians of chemistry concerning the role and influence of pedagogy in science. Recently, Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent and her colleagues concluded that in nineteenth-century France, ?textbooks played an important role in discipline building and in creating theories?.1 Developing this idea further, this paper examines the dissemination of knowledge through face-to-face chemical lectures, showing that the influence of pedagogical strategy on theoretical content of the science is far from negligible. (...)
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    Risque et expertise.Alexandre Guay (ed.) - 2018 - Besançon, France: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté.
    Le risque comme l’expertise sont des sujets d’une rare richesse, comme le confirme la vaste littérature sur ces questions. Lorsqu’ils sont croisés, les difficultés que chacun d’entre eux soulève s’en trouvent renforcées. Le présent ouvrage est le produit des sixièmes conférences Pierre Duhem qui avaient pour thème : risque et expertise. Il rassemble les textes originaux de l’économiste Marc Fleurbaey et du philosophe Sven Ove Hansson, ainsi que les échanges qu’ils ont eu avec les commentateurs Mikaël Cozic, Minh Ha-Duong et (...)
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    De l'utilité de la métaphysique des sciences.Alexandre Guay - 2016 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 114 (hors série):28-33.
  22. La philosophie de la physique sans le temps.Alexandre Guay - 2018 - In Joseph Famerée & Paulo Rodrigues (eds.), The Genesis of concepts and the confrontation of rationalities: Theology, Philosophy, Science. pp. 105-121.
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    Symétrie: Reflexions Sur les Formes Naturelles.Alexandre Guay - 2004 - Dissertation, Universite de Montreal (Canada)
    This thesis is a philosophical analysis, and in particular an ontological one, of symmetries in modern physics. In the first two chapters, the thesis analyzes the foundation of the concept of symmetry, which is defined as an invariance under a possible change to the system being studied. In the rest of the thesis, various philosophical problems concerning particular symmetries are discussed. This begins in the third chapter with an analysis of the formalization of the definition of symmetry given above in (...)
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  24. The gospel according to Bob.Robert Guay - manuscript
    With Matthew we have an unusual opportunity. The text is in a sense very welcoming. Even among those who have no experience of it as a liturgical text, names and phrases are familiar; no one stumbles over the pronunciation of “Pharisee,” etc. – at least not with the frequency that “Agamemnon” and “Thucydides” are passed over. Even the parables, which as parables should be mysterious, do not alienate the students: it is already acknowledged that the text is one that demands (...)
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    (1 other version)Aesthetics of Appearing.R. Guay - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (4):449-451.
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    Medieval Theories of Composition and Division.Georgette Sinkler - 1985 - University Microfilms International.
    The topic of my dissertation is the treatment of the fallacies of composition and division during the scholastic period , the compounded/divided sense distinction which grew out of that treatment, and the philosophical use to which the distinction was put. For instance, a recognition of these fallacies during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries helped theologians deal with certain problems having to do with foreknowledge and human freedom. In addition, a recognition of the distinction between the compounded and divided senses of (...)
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    Individuals Across The Sciences.Thomas Pradeu & Alexandre Guay (eds.) - 2015 - New York, État de New York, États-Unis: Oxford University Press.
    What are individuals? How can they be identified? These are crucial questions for philosophers and scientists alike. Criteria of individuality seem to differ markedly between metaphysics and the empirical sciences - and this might well explain why no work has hitherto attempted to relate the contributions of metaphysics, physics and biology on this question. This timely volume brings together various strands of research into 'individuality', examining how different sciences handle the issue, and reflecting on how this scientific work relates to (...)
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    The 'I's have it: Nietzsche on subjectivity.Robert Guay - 2006 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 49 (3):218 – 241.
    This paper identifies recent attributions to Nietzsche of skeptical arguments about the subject in its theoretical and practical capacities and argues that they are wrong. Although Nietzsche does criticize the picture of the subject as a unity that exerts influence in the world from outside it, he does so in order to replace it with a richer, more complex model of subjectivity. The skeptical arguments attributed to Nietzsche attempt to assimilate features of subjectivity to some alternative, purportedly more familiar explanatory (...)
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    The Relationships between Personal Values, Justifications, and Academic Cheating for Business vs. Non-Business Students.Laura Parks-Leduc, Russell P. Guay & Leigh M. Mulligan - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):499-519.
    In this study we examine college cheating behaviors of business students compared to non-business students, and investigate possible antecedents to cheating in an effort to better understand why and when students cheat. We specifically examine power values; we found that they were positively related to academic cheating in our sample, and that choice of major (business or non-business) partially mediated the relationship between power values and cheating. We also considered the extent to which students provide justifications for their cheating, and (...)
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    What Price Changing Laws of Nature?Olivier Sartenaer, Alexandre Guay & Paul Humphreys - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-19.
    In this paper, we show that it is not a conceptual truth about laws of nature that they are immutable (though we are happy to leave it as an open empirical question whether they do actually change once in a while). In order to do so, we survey three popular accounts of lawhood—(Armstrong-style) necessitarianism, (Bird-style) dispositionalism and (Lewis-style) ‘best system analysis’—and expose the extent, as well as the philosophical cost, of the amendments that should be enforced in order to leave (...)
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  31. La métaphysique de la nature comme une boucle de rétroaction.Alexandre Guay - 2022 - In Raphaël Künstler & Claudine Tiercelin (eds.), Métaphysique et sciences: nouveaux problèmes. Paris: Hermann. pp. 183-197.
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  32. I. [prefatory remarks].Robert Guay - unknown
    The idea of deliberative democracy, together with its associated norm of public reason, forms a model of the legitimacy of constitutional regimes in pluralist societies. Where there are great and fundamental differences in value commitments, and coercive institutions are called upon to regulate the basic forms of social life, democratic deliberation both respects the diversity of commitment and produces policies that can command the assent of free persons. This in turn supports a shared political culture based on equality and respect.
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    Morale et politique : une rivalité à dépasser.Jean-Herman Guay - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (1).
    Platon disait que ce qu’il en coûte aux gens de ne pas s’occuper de politique, c’est d’être gouvernés par des gens pires qu’eux-mêmes. La classe politique semble aujourd’hui condamnée sans appel. De telles condamnations ignorent la nature même de l’action collective qui est toujours bâtie sur le compromis, surtout dans le cadre d’organisations démocratiques, ouvertes et plurielles. L’exigence d’une correspondance terme à terme entre ce qu’on croit en tant qu’individu et ce que les organisations auxquelles on appartient proposent repose sur (...)
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  34. Nietzsche's Ethical Thought: Reassurance and Affirmation.Robert Guay - 2000 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    My dissertation concerns Nietzsche's ethical thought. At the center of Nietzsche's philosophical ethics was the attempt to provide some reassurance about the status of norms and values. On his diagnosis, intensifying self-scrutiny with regard to ethical commitments has led to a contemporary situation in which no way of life seems particularly authoritative or worthwhile. Nietzsche therefore sought some means to extend and satisfy critical scrutiny, so as to find norms and values that sustain their "force." ;In the first chapter I (...)
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    Nietzsche's on the Genealogy of Morality.Robert Guay - 2021 - Edinburgh University Press.
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  36. Philosophie de la physique.Alexandre Guay - 2005
    This document (in French) is an introduction to the philosophy of physics that I wrote for Anouk Barberousse (ed.), Manuel des Issambres, Gallimard, to be published.
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  37. Reviewed by.Robert Guay - unknown
    Nietzsche called his sister “llama,” a nickname which, according to her, derived from a description in a children’s biology book. Such a book in the Nietzsche-Archiv declares that “the llama, as a means of defense, squirts its spittle and half-digested fodder at its opponent.”1 Thus we see Nietzsche, as he does frequently in his writings, drawing on the semantic resources made available by the investigation of animal nature and using them to illuminate human character. The editors of A Nietzschean Bestiary (...)
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  38. Surprised by reason: Naturalism and historical agency in the early Marx.Robert Guay - unknown
    This paper concerns Marx’s case, especially in the German Ideology, for the relative privilege of his own conception of history. I argue, against what I call the standard interpretation, that Marx’s case does not rest on an inversion of Young Hegelian “idealism”; against the “revisionist interpretation,” I argue that Marx nevertheless sustains a concern with the justificatory adequacy of his position. Marx’s argument, on my interpretation, is that an account of productive agency is a necessary constituent of any understanding of (...)
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  39. Teleology and deontology, etc. Copyright ©2003.Robert Guay - manuscript
    One can reasonably ask whether or not there is any distinct domain of the ethical. That is, one might wonder whether ethical issues are distinct from, for example, prudential or aesthetic ones, perhaps by invoking duty or obligation or a specific kind of value. But that question, at least for now, is outside the scope of our discussion. For now, we’ll assume that there are such things as ethical questions and that you recognize them when you see them.
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  40. Why Yang-Mills theories?Alexandre Guay - 2006
    The elucidation of the gauge principle ``is the most pressing problem in current philosophy of physics" Redhead. This paper argues two points that contribute to this elucidation in the context of Yang-Mills theories. 1) Yang-Mills theories, including quantum electrodynamics, form a class. They should be interpreted together. To focus on electrodynamics is a mistake. 2) The essential role of gauge and BRST surplus is to provide a local theory that can be quantized and would be equivalent to the quantization of (...)
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  41. Why is the transference theory of causation insuffcient? The challenge of the Aharonov-Bohm effect.Vincent Ardourel & Alexandre Guay - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:12-23.
    The transference theory reduces causation to the transmission of physical conserved quantities, like energy or momenta. Although this theory aims at applying to all felds of physics, we claim that it fails to account for a quantum electrodynamic effect, viz. the Aharonov-Bohm effect. After having argued that the Aharonov-Bohm effect is a genuine counter-example for the transference theory, we offer a new physicalist approach of causation, ontic and modal, in which this effect is embedded.
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  42. A partial elucidation of the gauge principle.Alexandre Guay - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (2):346-363.
    The elucidation of the gauge principle ‘‘is the most pressing problem in current philosophy of physics’’ said Michael Redhead in 2003. This paper argues for two points that contribute to this elucidation in the context of Yang–Mills theories. (1) Yang–Mills theories, including quantum electrodynamics, form a class. They should be interpreted together. To focus on electrodynamics is potentially misleading. (2) The essential role of gauge and BRST symmetries is to provide a local field theory that can be quantized and would (...)
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  43. Udział inżynierów w rozwijaniu nauki.Georgette Adamska - 1981 - In Salomea Kowalewska (ed.), Społeczne wartości nauki. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Causal Principles, Degrees of Reality, and the Priority of the Infinite.Georgette Sinkler - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):61 - 81.
    Descartes’ version of the Cosmological Argument in the Third Meditation is usually considered a failure, not because its conclusion doesn't follow from its premises, but because the truth of two of its premises is doubtful. One of these premises is that the objective reality of an idea is derived from a cause in which there is at least as much formal reality; the other, that only a being that possesses the qualities normally attributed to God could be responsible for the (...)
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  45. Épistémologie.Alexandre Guay & Frédéric Bouchard - 2015 - In J. Prud’Homme, P. Doray & F. Bouchard (eds.), Sciences, technologies et sociétés de A à Z. [Montréal, Québec]: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal. pp. 85-87.
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  46. Essai introductif : la crédibilité de l’expertise en contexte de risque.Alexandre Guay - 2018 - In Risque et expertise. Besançon, France: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. pp. 15-25.
    Dans cet essai, je compte me concentrer sur certains aspects épistémologiques de l’expertise car le risque engendre de nouveaux et difficiles défis dans ce domaine. Ma question sera d’identifier et de circonscrire des facteurs qui diminuent la confiance qu’un agent cognitif pourrait avoir envers un expert et ce, en contexte de risque. Ceci n’exclut bien sûr pas que d’autres aspects (par exemple sociaux et politiques) soient importants et je renvoie le lecteur à la vaste littérature sur le sujet. De manière (...)
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    À qui le droit de taxer? Être membre d’un État et les enjeux fiscaux qui en découlent.Allison Christians & Nicolas Benoît-Guay - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (1):127-132.
    Christians, Allison, Benoît-Guay, Nicolas.
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    Autour des Principia Mathematica de Russell et Whitehead.Alexandre Guay - 2012 - 21000 Dijon, France: Éditions Universitaires de Dijon.
    Il y a cent ans paraissaient un ouvrage de logique qui a marqué considérablement les études dans ce domaine tout au long du XXe siècle, soit que l’on en poursuivit le projet, soit, au contraire, que l’on en critiqua la démarche. Les Principia Mathematica de Russell et Whitehead sont donc une œuvre majeure sur laquelle il n’était par inutile de revenir en ce début du XXIe siècle. Certes la question à laquelle ils étaient censés répondre, c'est-à-dire celle d’un fondement rigoureux (...)
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    Science, philosophie, société.Alexandre Guay & Stéphanie Ruphy (eds.) - 2017 - Besançon, France: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté.
    La transformation du mode de production des connaissances scientifiques va de pair avec une évolution significative des attentes de la société vis-à-vis des sciences, et soulève pour le philosophe de nouvelles questions : qu’est-ce qui est vraiment nouveau dans le régime actuel de production des connaissances ? Quel rôle et quelle responsabilité pour le chercheur face à la demande croissante d’expertise scientifique ? Quelle attitude avoir face à des avancées technologiques touchant à la nature même de l’Homme ? Le citoyen (...)
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  50. Appareil, image et particule.Alexandre Guay - 2007 - In Marion Froger, Sylvestra Mariniello & Jean-Louis Déotte (eds.), Appareil et Intermédialité. l’Harmattan.
    This chapter (in French) compares the ways to access to events in science and in art. In particular, the Déotte's concept of "appareil" is discussed. To be published in Jean-Louis Déotte and Sylvestra Mariniello (ed.), Appareil et Intermédialité, L'Harmattan, 2007.
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