Results for 'Georg Geil'

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  1. Die Gottesidee bei Locke und dessen Gottesbeweis.Georg Geil - 1890 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 3:579.
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  2. System von Schillers Ethik, nach des Dichters philosophischen Abhandlungen.Georg Geil - 1892 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 33:668-669.
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    Kant's Embedded Cosmopolitanism: History, Philosophy and Education for World Citizens.Georg Cavallar - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book uncovers Kant s hidden theory of cosmopolitan education within the framework of his overall practical philosophy. The Kant brought out here turns out to be very different from current mainstream appropriations, which erroneously consider him one of the founding fathers of the new cosmopolitanism. Kant s Embedded Cosmopolitanism is a valuable source for students of political philosophy, cosmopolitanism, and Kant s ethics.".
  4. Conceptual re-engineering: from explication to reflective equilibrium.Georg Brun - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):925-954.
    Carnap and Goodman developed methods of conceptual re-engineering known respectively as explication and reflective equilibrium. These methods aim at advancing theories by developing concepts that are simultaneously guided by pre-existing concepts and intended to replace these concepts. This paper shows that Carnap’s and Goodman’s methods are historically closely related, analyses their structural interconnections, and argues that there is great systematic potential in interpreting them as aspects of one method, which ultimately must be conceived as a component of theory development. The (...)
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  5. Informal Rigour and Completeness Proofs.Georg Kreisel - 1967 - In Imre Lakatos, Problems in the philosophy of mathematics. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 138--157.
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    The conflict in modern culture.Georg Simmel - 1968 - New York,: Teachers College Press.
    Georg Simmel: an introduction by K. P. Etzkorn.--The conflict in modern culture.--On the concept and tragedy of culture.--A chapter in the philosophy of value.--Sociological aesthetics.--On aesthetic quantities.--On the third dimension in art.--The dramatic actor and reality.--Psychological and ethnological studies on music.
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  7. Cortical midline structures and the self.Georg Northoff & Felix Bermpohl - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (3):102-107.
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    Encyclopedia of the philosophical sciences in basic outline.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Klaus Brinkmann & Daniel O. Dahlstrom.
    Hegel's Encyclopaedia Logic constitutes the foundation of the system of philosophy presented in his Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences. Together with his Science of Logic, it contains the most explicit formulation of his enduringly influential dialectical method and of the categorical system underlying his thought. It offers a more compact presentation of his dialectical method than is found elsewhere, and also incorporates changes that he would have made to the second edition of the Science of Logic if he had lived (...)
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  9. Recognizing group cognition.Georg Theiner, Colin Allen & Robert L. Goldstone - 2010 - Cognitive Systems Research 11 (4):378-395.
    In this paper, we approach the idea of group cognition from the perspective of the “extended mind” thesis, as a special case of the more general claim that systems larger than the individual human, but containing that human, are capable of cognition (Clark, 2008; Clark & Chalmers, 1998). Instead of deliberating about “the mark of the cognitive” (Adams & Aizawa, 2008), our discussion of group cognition is tied to particular cognitive capacities. We review recent studies of group problem-solving and group (...)
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    When Is CEO Activism Conducive to the Democratic Process?Georg Wernicke & Aurélien Feix - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):755-774.
    Activism undertaken by CEOs has been on the rise in recent years. Research on this practice has been primarily concerned with determining the conditions under which a CEO’s public statements on sociopolitical issues are beneficial or detrimental to her firm’s business performance. We complement this instrumental perspective on CEO activism with an ethical investigation of the implications of CEO activism for the democratic process. Drawing on political philosophy, we show that the answer to the question of whether CEO activism is (...)
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    (4 other versions)Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1821 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. Edited by Klaus Grotsch.
    Gemessen an Bedeutung, Rang und Wirkung steht die Rechtsphilosophie Hegels heute neben den Politiken von Platon und Aristoteles, dem Leviathan von Hobbes und dem Contrat social von Rousseau.Hegels "Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts" zählen zu den bedeutendsten Werken der neuzeitlichen Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie. In ihnen entwirft er teils unter Rückgriff auf das frühere ›Naturrecht‹, teils im Blick auf die politische und rechtliche Lage nach der Französischen Revolution und zu Beginn der Restaurationsepoche eine Philosophie des objektiven Geistes. Seit ihrer Erstveröffentlichung im (...)
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    (1 other version)Phänomenologie des Geistes.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1841 - Frankfurt (am Main): Grin Verlag. Edited by György Lukács.
    Das Wissen, welches zuerst oder unmittelbar unser Gegenstand ist, kann kein anderes sein als dasjenige, welches selbst unmittelbares Wissen, Wissen des Unmittelbaren oder Seienden ist. Wir haben uns ebenso unmittelbar oder aufnehmend zu verhalten, also nichts an ihm, wie es sich darbietet, zu verändern, und von dem Auffassen das Begreifen abzuhalten.Der konkrete Inhalt der sinnlichen Gewißheit läßt sie unmittelbar als die reichste Erkenntnis, ja als eine Erkenntnis von unendlichem Reichtum erscheinen, für welchen ebensowohl wenn wir im Raume und in der (...)
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  13. Philosophy of the Brain: The Brain Problem.Georg Northoff (ed.) - 2004 - John Benjamins.
  14. Reflective Equilibrium Without Intuitions?Georg Brun - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (2):237-252.
    In moral epistemology, the method of reflective equilibrium is often characterized in terms of intuitions or understood as a method for justifying intuitions. An analysis of reflective equilibrium and current theories of moral intuitions reveals that this picture is problematic. Reflective equilibrium cannot be adequately characterized in terms of intuitions. Although the method presupposes that we have initially credible commitments, it does not presuppose that they are intuitions. Nonetheless, intuitions can enter the process of developing a reflective equilibrium and, if (...)
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    Unlocking the Brain: Volume 1: Coding.Georg Northoff (ed.) - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    What makes our brain a brain? This is the central question posited in Unlocking the Brain. By providing a fascinating venture into different territories of neuroscience, psychiatry, and philosophy, the author takes a novel exploration of the brain's resting state in the context of the neural code, and its ability to yield consciousness.
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    Spatiotemporal neuroscience – what is it and why we need it.Georg Northoff, Soren Wainio-Theberge & Kathinka Evers - 2020 - Physics of Life Reviews 33:78-87.
    The excellent commentaries to our target paper hint upon three main issues, spatiotemporal neuroscience; neuro-mental relationship; and mind, brain, and world relationship. We therefore discuss briefly the history of Spatiotemporal Neuroscience. Distinguishing it from Cognitive Neuroscience and related branches, Spatiotemporal Neuroscience can be characterized by focus on brain activity, spatiotemporal relationship, and structure. Taken in this sense, Spatiotemporal Neuro-science allows one to conceive the neuro-mental relationship in dynamic spatiotemporal terms that complement and extend their cognitive characterization. Finally, more philosophical issues (...)
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    Early theological writings.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1948 - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    The best of Hegel's early writings, with an introduction on Hegel's philosophical development.
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    The Rights of Strangers: Theories of International Hospitality, the Global Community, and Political Justice Since Vitoria.Georg Cavallar - 2002 - Routledge.
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    Epistemology and Emotions.Georg Brun, Ulvi Doğuoğlu & Dominique Kuenzle (eds.) - 2008 - Ashgate Publishing Company.
    This volume is the first collection focusing on the claim that we cannot but account for emotions if we are to understand the processes and evaluations related to empirical knowledge.
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  20. Die richtige Formel: Philosophische Probleme der logischen Formalisierung.Georg Brun - 2003 - Frankfurt a.M.: De Gruyter.
    Logik ist nach dem traditionellen Verständnis eine ars iudicandi, eine Kunst, die Gültigkeit von Schlüssen zu prüfen. Da mit die normalen Mittel der modernen Logik zu diesem Zweck eingesetzt werden können, müssen erst Formeln an die Stelle von Sätzen treten: umgangssprachliche Schlüsse müssen adäquat formalisiert werden. Die richtige Formel entwickelt ein theoretisches Konzept des Formalisierens und praktisch anwendbare Adäquatheitskriterien für Formalisierungen. Dabei werden zentrale Fragen der Philosophie der Logik unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Zusammenspiels von Umgangssprache und Formalismus untersucht. Die ausführliche (...)
  21. Textanalyse in den Wissenschaften. Inhalte und Argumente analysieren und verstehen.Georg Brun & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn - 2017 - Zürich: vdf.
    Das Buch vermittelt methodische Grundlagen für die Arbeit mit Texten in den Wissenschaften, besonders die Fähigkeit, Inhalt und Argumentation komplexer Texte zu erfassen, wiederzugeben und zu beurteilen. Die Einführung entspricht den fachlichen Standards der Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, ist fachübergreifend konzipiert und setzt kein spezifisches Wissen voraus. Der Band richtet sich an Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen sowie an Personen, die sich mit dem Wissen anderer Fachrichtungen auseinandersetzen oder im Dialog mit der Öffentlichkeit stehen. Mit Fallbeispielen aus verschiedenen Wissensbereichen und kommentierten Literaturhinweisen.
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    Ökonomisierung im Gesundheitswesen als organisationsethische Herausforderung.Georg Marckmann - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):189-201.
    Der finanzielle Druck auf die Krankenhäuser in Deutschland führt zu einer Ökonomisierung medizinischer Entscheidungen, die die Qualität der Patientenversorgung beeinträchtigt und das Gesundheitspersonal erheblich belastet. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, welche Möglichkeiten ein organisationsethischer Ansatz bietet, den Herausforderungen durch die Ökonomisierung zu begegnen. Ausgewählte empirische Befunde sollen zunächst verdeutlichen, welche Auswirkungen die Ökonomisierung auf die Patientenversorgung und das Personal in den Krankenhäusern hat. Zudem liefern sie erste Hinweise auf mögliche Handlungsspielräume für die Krankenhäuser. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Ökonomisierung einen organisationsethischen (...)
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    Lectures on the philosophy of world history: introduction, reason in history.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1975 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An English translation of Hegel's introduction to his lectures on the philosophy of history, based directly on the standard German edition by Johannes Hoffmeister, first published in 1955. The previous English translation, by J. Sibree, first appeared in 1857 and was based on the defective German edition of Karl Hegel, to which Hoffmeister's edition added a large amount of new material previously unknown to English readers, derived from earlier editors. In the introduction to his lectures, Hegel lays down the principles (...)
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    Die Realisierung des Begriffs: Eine Untersuchung Zu Hegels Schlusslehre.Georg Sans - 2004 - De Gruyter.
    Die vorliegende Studie interpretiert Hegels Schlußlehre aus ihrem historischen und systematischen Zusammenhang. Der Beitrag der Schlußlehre besteht in dem Nachweis, daß die gängigen Theorien von der Natur des Begriffs - verstanden als ein Merkmal oder eine Klasse von Gegenständen - die Funktion des mittleren Terms nicht zu erklären vermögen. Mit der Schlußlehre verfolgt Hegel keine formallogische Zielsetzung, sondern bewegt sich ganz im Rahmen seiner spekulativen Metaphysik.
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    Hegel's Philosophy of mind: being part three of the 'Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences' (1830).Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1971 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    Hegel is an immensely important yet difficult philosopher. His Philosophy of Mind is one of the main pillars of his thought. Michael Inwood, highly respected for his previous work on Hegel, presents this central work to the modern reader in an accurate new translation supported by a philosophically sophisticated editorial introduction and elucidating scholarly commentary.
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  26. Thought experiments in ethics.Georg Brun - 2017 - In Michael T. Stuart, Yiftach Fehige & James Robert Brown, The Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments. London: Routledge. pp. 195–210.
    This chapter suggests a scheme of reconstruction, which explains how scenarios, questions and arguments figure in thought experiments. It then develops a typology of ethical thought experiments according to their function, which can be epistemic, illustrative, rhetorical, heuristic or theory-internal. Epistemic functions of supporting or refuting ethical claims rely on metaethical assumptions, for example, an epistemological background of reflective equilibrium. In this context, thought experiments may involve intuitive as well as explicitly argued judgements; they can be used to generate moral (...)
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  27. A new role for emotions in epistemology.Georg Brun & Dominique Kuenzle - 2008 - In Georg Brun, Ulvi Doğuoğlu & Dominique Kuenzle, Epistemology and Emotions. Ashgate Publishing Company. pp. 1--31.
    This chapter provides an overview of the issues involved in recent debates about the epistemological relevance of emotions. We first survey some key issues in epistemology and the theory of emotions that inform various assessments of emotions’ potential significance in epistemology. We then distinguish five epistemic functions that have been claimed for emotions: motivational force, salience and relevance, access to facts and beliefs, non-propositional contributions to knowledge and understanding, and epistemic efficiency. We identify two core issues in the discussions about (...)
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    Unlocking the Brain: Volume 2: Consciousness.Georg Northoff - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    What makes our brain a brain? This is the central question posited in Unlocking the Brain. By providing a fascinating venture into different territories of neuroscience, psychiatry, and philosophy, the author takes a novel exploration of the brain's resting state in the context of the neural code, and its ability to yield consciousness.
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    The Structuralist Thesis Reconsidered.Georg Schiemer & John Wigglesworth - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (4):1201-1226.
    Øystein Linnebo and Richard Pettigrew have recently developed a version of non-eliminative mathematical structuralism based on Fregean abstraction principles. They argue that their theory of abstract structures proves a consistent version of the structuralist thesis that positions in abstract structures only have structural properties. They do this by defining a subset of the properties of positions in structures, so-called fundamental properties, and argue that all fundamental properties of positions are structural. In this article, we argue that the structuralist thesis, even (...)
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    How to Link Brain and Experience? Spatiotemporal Psychopathology of the Lived Body.Georg Northoff & Giovanni Stanghellini - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  31.  1
    Neuro-philosophy and the healthy mind: learning from the unwell brain.Georg Northoff - 2016 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
    Loss of consciousness -- Consciousness -- Self -- Depression and the mind-brain problem -- Feeling the world -- World-brain disruption in schizophrenia -- Identity and time.
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  32. The difference between Fichte's and Schelling's system of philosophy.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1977 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Introduction to the Difference Essay. FICHTE, SCHELLING, AND HEGEL The essay on the Difference between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy was ...
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    Pinning of vortices in superconducting NbTa alloys due to normal conducting precipitates.Georg Antesberger & Hans Ullmaier - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (5):1101-1124.
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  34. Towards a Conflict Theory of Recognition: On the Constitution of Relations of Recognition in Conflict.Georg W. Bertram & Robin Celikates - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):838-861.
    In this paper, we develop an understanding of recognition in terms of individuals’ capacity for conflict. Our goal is to overcome various shortcomings that can be found in both the positive and negative conceptions of recognition. We start by analyzing paradigmatic instances of such conceptions—namely, those put forward by Axel Honneth and Judith Butler. We do so in order to show how both positions are inadequate in their elaborations of recognition in an analogous way: Both fail to make intelligible the (...)
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  35. Reflective equilibrium: conception, formalization, application—introduction to the topical collection.Georg Brun, Gregor Betz & Claus Beisbart - 2025 - Synthese 205 (2):1-9.
    Reflective equilibrium ("RE", for short) is a method of justification which works roughly as follows: We start with our pre-theoretical judgements (about, e.g. moral issues) and try to explain them by a systematic theory. This leads to a process in which judgements and principles are mutually adjusted to each other until a state of equilibrium is reached. For more than half a century, RE has been very popular, as well as controversial, among philosophers of many persuasions. Given how frequently the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Philosophy of History.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1899 - New York: Dover Publications. Edited by J. Sibree.
    Hegel wrote this classic as an introduction to a series of lectures on the "philosophy of history"--a novel concept in the early 19th century. With this work, he created the history of philosophy as a scientific study. He reveals philosophical theory as neither an accident nor an artificial construct, but as an exemplar of its age, fashioned by its antecedents and contemporary circumstances, and serving as a model for the future. The author himself appears to have regarded this book a (...)
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    First-Person Neuroscience: A new methodological approach for linking mental and neuronal states.Georg Northoff & Alexander Heinzel - 2006 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 1:3.
    Though the brain and its neuronal states have been investigated extensively, the neural correlates of mental states remain to be determined. Since mental states are experienced in first-person perspective and neuronal states are observed in third-person perspective, a special method must be developed for linking both states and their respective perspectives. We suggest that such method is provided by First-Person Neuroscience. What is First-Person Neuroscience? We define First-Person Neuroscience as investigation of neuronal states under guidance of and on orientation to (...)
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  38. Brain imaging of the self–Conceptual, anatomical and methodological issues.Georg Northoff, Pengmin Qin & Todd E. Feinberg - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (1):52–63.
    In this paper we consider two major issues: conceptual–experimental approaches to the self, and the neuroanatomical substrate of the self. We distinguish content- and processed-based concepts of the self that entail different experimental strategies, and anatomically, we investigate the concept of midline structures in further detail and present a novel view on the anatomy of an integrated subcortical–cortical midline system. Presenting meta-analytic evidence, we show that the anterior paralimbic, e.g. midline, regions do indeed seem to be specific for self-specific stimuli. (...)
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    Reason in history.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1953 - New York,: Liberal Arts Press.
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    Levels of Time in the Zhuangzi: A Leibnizian Perspective.Georg Northoff & Kai-Yuan Cheng - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (4):1014-1033.
    What is time? Is time real, or a mere illusion? We seem to feel the passage of time in our consciousness but are doomed to encounter great difficulty when trying to get a deeper grip on the nature of time. As Augustine famously remarked, "if no one asks me about what time is, I know what it is, but if I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know". The present essay does not aim so much (...)
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    Lebensanschauung: Vier Metaphysische Kapitel.Georg Simmel - 2016 - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
    Vier Metaphysische Kapitel :1. Die Transzendenz des Lebens2. Die Wendung zur Idee3. Tod und Unsterblichkeit4. Das individuelle Gesetz.
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  42. Reconstructing Arguments: Formalization and Reflective Equilibrium.Georg Brun - 2014 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 17 (1):94-129.
    Traditional logical reconstruction of arguments aims at assessing the validity of ordinary language arguments. It involves several tasks: extracting argumentations from texts, breaking up complex argumentations into individual arguments, framing arguments in standard form, as well as formalizing arguments and showing their validity with the help of a logical formalism. These tasks are guided by a multitude of partly antagonistic goals, they interact in various feedback loops, and they are intertwined with the development of theories of valid inference and adequate (...)
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    (1 other version)Kants Metaphysik der Sitten - ihre Idee und ihr Verhältnis zur Ethik der Wolffschen Schule.Georg Anderson - 1923 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 28:41.
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    “System of Ethical Life” (1802/3) and “First Philosophy of Spirit” (Part III of the System of Speculative Philosophy 1803/04).Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, H. S. Harris & T. M. Knox - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (3):405-406.
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    Kants judgment on Fredericks enlightened absolutism.Georg Cavallar - 1993 - History of Political Thought 14 (1):103-132.
  46.  49
    The philosophy of classical yoga.Georg Feuerstein - 1980 - Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International.
    This is the first comprehensive and systematic analytical study of the major philosophical concepts of classical yoga. The book consists of a series of detailed discussions of the key concepts used by Pata-jali in his Yoga-Sutra to describe and explain the enigma of human existence and to point a way beyond the perpetual motion of the wheel of becoming. Feuerstein's study differs from previous ones in that it seeks to free Pata-jali's aphoristic statements from the accretions of later interpretations; instead, (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Schopenhauer und Nietzsche.Georg Simmel - 1907 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 15 (3):12-13.
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    Does artificial intelligence exhibit basic fundamental subjectivity? A neurophilosophical argument.Georg Northoff & Steven S. Gouveia - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (5):1097-1118.
    Does artificial intelligence (AI) exhibit consciousness or self? While this question is hotly debated, here we take a slightly different stance by focusing on those features that make possible both, namely a basic or fundamental subjectivity. Learning from humans and their brain, we first ask what we mean by subjectivity. Subjectivity is manifest in the perspectiveness and mineness of our experience which, ontologically, can be traced to a point of view. Adopting a non-reductive neurophilosophical strategy, we assume that the point (...)
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  49. Cassirer and the Structural Turn in Modern Geometry.Georg Schiemer - 2018 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (3).
    The paper investigates Ernst Cassirer’s structuralist account of geometrical knowledge developed in his Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff. The aim here is twofold. First, to give a closer study of several developments in projective geometry that form the direct background for Cassirer’s philosophical remarks on geometrical concept formation. Specifically, the paper will survey different attempts to justify the principle of duality in projective geometry as well as Felix Klein’s generalization of the use of geometrical transformations in his Erlangen program. The second aim (...)
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    (1 other version)Hilbert's programme.Georg Kreisel - 1958 - Dialectica 12 (3‐4):346-372.
    Hilbert's plan for understanding the concept of infinity required the elimination of non‐finitist machinery from proofs of finitist assertions. The failure of the original plan leads to a hierarchy of progressively less elementary, but still constructive methods instead of finitist ones . A mathematical proof of this failure requires a definition of « finitist ».—The paper sketches the three principal methods for the syntactic analysis of non‐constructive mathematics, the resulting consistency proofs and constructive interpretations, modelled on Herbrand's theorem, and their (...)
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