Results for 'GeStell'

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  1.  17
    Beyond Discrete Choices – Investigating the Effectiveness of a Proximity Nudge With Multiple Alternative Options.Laurens C. van Gestel, Marieke A. Adriaanse & Denise T. D. de Ridder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Onafhankelijkheid en onpartijdigheid in de rechtswetenschap.Rob van Gestel - 2022 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 51 (2):126-143.
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  3. Ranking, peer review, bibiometrics and alternative ways to improve the quality of doctrinal legal scholarship.Rob van Gestel - 2017 - In Rob van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz & Edward L. Rubin, Rethinking legal scholarship: a transatlantic dialogue. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Rethinking legal scholarship: a transatlantic dialogue.Rob van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz & Edward L. Rubin (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Although American scholars sometimes consider European legal scholarship as old-fashioned and inward-looking and Europeans often perceive American legal scholarship as amateur social science, both traditions share a joint challenge. If legal scholarship becomes too much separated from practice, legal scholars will ultimately make themselves superfluous. If legal scholars, on the other hand, cannot explain to other disciplines what is academic about their research, which methodologies are typical, and what separates proper research from mediocre or poor research, they will probably end (...)
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    Da Gestell à ecologia profunda: resson'ncias do pensamento de Martin Heidegger no cenário ecofilosófico contempor'neo.Gilvanio Moreira - 2024 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 29 (1):31-46.
    O artigo discute o impacto do pensamento tardio de Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) nas linhas gerais do pensamento ecológico atual, o qual, em tese, aproximar-se-ia da crítica do autor alemão ao fenômeno da Gestell. De fato, embora em alguns aspectos se aproxime e em outros se distancie do projeto original de Heidegger, essa discussão ressoa em alguns autores contemporâneos, como Michel Maffesoli e Félix Guattari. Nesse sentido, o trabalho visa demonstrar até onde a crítica de Heidegger ao fenômeno da (...) repercute nessa esfera de atuação da Ecosofia, que, em termos gerais, busca resgatar uma relação pluridimensional (estética-política-social-ambiental) entre o ser humano e a eco (oikos) natural. (shrink)
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  6. Queering Gestell: Thinking Outside Butler's Frames and Inside Belu's Reproductive Enframing.Jill Drouillard - 2022 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 36 (2):194-205.
    ABSTRACT This article takes Judith Butler’s epistemological problem of “framing” alongside Dana S. Belu’s notion of “reproductive enframing” to analyze whose bodies lie outside the borders of who is considered the appropriate reproductive citizen. Are all bodies subject to reproductive enframing under a totalizing technological ideology that Martin Heidegger refers to as Gestell? Or, does Belu’s notion of “partial enframing” allow a space to queer, or upset, our current understanding of such ideology? By queering the way that we currently (...)
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  7.  12
    Du Gestell au dispositif: comment la technicisation encadre notre existence.Valentina Tirloni (ed.) - 2010 - Cortil-Wodon: E.M.E..
    Les débats sur la technique voient s'affronter souvent des positions tranchées entre technophiles et technophobes. On avancerait sans doute en déplaçant la question de la valeur et des dangers des artefacts techniques vers une réflexion philosophique plus profonde sur la technicisation de la vie et du monde, qui mérite généalogie et archéologie. Cet ouvrage, qui réunit plusieurs philosophes réputés de la question, veut à cet égard convoquer au débat les pensées de Martin Heidegger et de Michel Foucault qui ont permis (...)
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    Heidegger, Gestell and rehabilitation of the biomedical model.Donald S. Borrett - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):497-500.
  9.  6
    Das Gestell.Norbert Bolz - 2012 - München: Wilhelm Fink.
  10.  33
    The Gestell from Hell: Philosophy Sets Up ‘America’.Avital Ronell - 2021 - Oxford Literary Review 43 (1):107-130.
    ‘America’, bloated with philosophical significance, serves as a meeting grounds for Heidegger and Derrida, flagging theoretical standoffs, identity crashes, a Nietzscean tipoff, and unstoppable poe...
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  11. El “hombre - en - el - mundo” Y lo gestell heideggeriano en las redes de las nuevas tecnologías.Andrea Cortés - 2007 - Escritos 15 (34):97-111.
    Se trata de captar la evolución del concepto de hombre y de tecnología desde la perspectiva de Martín Heidegger, desde los parámetros presentados en la pregunta por el ser y la pregunta por la técnica a lo largo de su obra. Se revisan las nuevas concepciones sobre el mundo y se plantea una visión crítica sobre la relación sujetoobjeto; para ello se intenta clarificar los conceptos de Dasein y Gestell, como puntos vitales desde donde se puede emprender dicha indagación. .
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  12.  63
    Das Gestell and L'écriture: The Discourse of Expropriation in Heidegger and Derrida.Bernhard Radloff - 1989 - Heidegger Studies 5:23-46.
  13.  9
    Gelegentlich Subjekt: Gesetz, Gestell, Gerüst.Hans Ebeling - 1983
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  14. Įrankio ir technikos santykio problema Heideggerio technikos filosofijoje.Tadas Čapanauskas - 2019 - Problemos 95:22-32.
    Straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti įrankio (Zeug) ir technikos (Technik) skirtumą M. Heideggerio technikos filosofijoje. Analizuojami skirtumai nurodo pasaulio konstitucijos problematiką. Dasein santykį su įrankiu M. Heideggeris pristatė kaip parankų (Zuhandenheit), o štai santykį su technika įvardijo priešingai. Technika, kylanti iš gamtos mokslų, susaistytų machinacija (Machenschaft), filosofo pristatoma kaip Dasein kūrybines galias nuostatyne (Gestell) slopinanti terpė. Straipsnyje atskleidžiama dvejopa problematika. Pirma, parodomi įrankio ir technikos ontologiniai skirtumai. Antra, atskleidžiamas nuostatyno ontologijos ambivalentiškumas. Nuostatynas M. Heideggeriui nėra tik techniškai orientuoto pasaulio užvaldymo (...)
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    Vladimir Lenin, Jared Diamond and Martin Heidegger: On one aspect of understanding of early modern history.И. Р Соколовский - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):144-158.
    The article discusses in a broader historical context the well-known thesis of V. I. Lenin that capitalism was formed as a result of a change in the behavior of large merchants, who, after the state achieves political unity and forms a unified market, switch from trade to the organization of production. Researchers of the 17th century Siberia do not find historical confirmation of Lenin’s scheme, however, it is quite applicable to other countries of the early modern period and to the (...)
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  16. Heidegger on the Absoluteness of Death.Nate Zuckerman - 2018 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 16.
    If we interpret ‘death’ in Heidegger not, like most readers, as the end of a particular person’s life or culture’s way of life, but more broadly as the absolute end of any capacity for sense-making whatsoever, I argue, we can best account for its role in Being and Time’s ontology of Dasein; find a systematic place for the various, more ‘local’ forms of breakdown that get called ‘death’ on the most prominent readings of the text; and highlight the continuity between (...)
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    On Living with Technology through Renunciation and Releasement.Robert C. Scharff - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):255-260.
    Marc Van den Bosche suggests that Heidegger’s conceptions of Gestell and Gelassenheit, taken together with his analysis of Nietzschean Nihilism, depicts our era in a way that “supplements” Andrew Feenberg and Don Ihde’s work. Weaving these sources together, he sees the possibility of our becoming “technicians” that “live, in a released way, within the groundless.” Here, I raise some questions about whether the author has really fitted all these sources together and argue that his idea of becoming post-modern “technicians” (...)
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    Intelligent Technology and Threats to Human Subjectivity.Александр Васильевич Кравец - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 67 (3):123-141.
    The article examines the impact of contemporary intellectual technologies on human subjectivity through the lens of 20th-century philosophical reflection. It explores the transformation of the relationship between humans and technology in a context where technological systems transcend the traditional understanding of technology as merely an extension of human capabilities. Drawing on the conceptual framework of the philosophy of technology (M. Heidegger, J. Ortega y Gasset, J. Ellul, H. Marcuse), the author identifies three key aspects of this transformation. First, the article (...)
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    La política del acontecimiento. El “nacionalsocialismo privado” de Heidegger como totemismo ontológico.Jaime Llorente - 2013 - Isegoría 49:629-648.
    El propósito del presente estudio es analizar las implicaciones políticas derivadas del concepto heideggeriano de Ereignis (“acontecimiento” o “evento apropiador”). Se trataría, tomando como hilo conductor el sentido de la expresión “nacionalsocialismo privado”, de mostrar el modo en el que Heidegger despliega (fundamentalmente en sus cursos y tratados inéditos de los años treinta) un larvado proyecto político derivado de sus tesis ontológicas. Un proyecto tendente a la disolución del sujeto como protagonista del devenir histórico, así como a su sustitución por (...)
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  20. A field guide to Heidegger: Understanding 'the question concerning technology'.David I. Waddington - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (4):567–583.
    This essay serves as a guide for scholars, especially those in education, who want to gain a better understanding of Heidegger's essay, ‘The Question Concerning Technology’. The paper has three sections: an interpretive summary, a critical commentary, and some remarks on Heidegger scholarship in education. Since Heidegger's writing style is rather opaque, the interpretive summary serves as a map with which to navigate the essay. The critical commentary offers a careful analysis of some of the central concepts in the essay. (...)
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    Earth and World(s): From Heidegger’s Fourfold to Contemporary Anthropology.Carlos A. Segovia & Sofya Gevorkyan - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):58-82.
    This article aims at contributing to the contemporary reception of Heidegger’s thought in eco-philosophical perspective. Its point of departure is Heidegger’s claim, in his Bremen lectures and The Question Concerning Technology, that today the earth is submitted to permanent requisition and planned ordering, and that, having thus lost sight of its auto-poiesis, we are no longer capable of listening, tuning in, and singing back to what he calls in his course on Heraclitus the “song of the earth.” Accordingly, first we (...)
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  22. Letting things Be for themselves. Gelassenheit as enabling thinking.Tobias Keiling - 2018 - In Aaron James Wendland, Christopher D. Merwin & Christos M. Hadjioannou, Heidegger on Technology. New York: Routledge. pp. 96-114.
    Heidegger’s understanding of technology advances a conceptual critique of what he calls “the enframing” (Gestell), the epistemological and ontological presuppositions underlying technology. Reconstructing the central argument of Country Path Conversation (1945), the chapter focuses the positive contrast to “the enframing” Heidegger finds in the idea of Gelassenheit (“releasement”): releasement defines a form of life marked by an intellectual independence from technology achieved through a specific form of thinking. Drawing from Haugeland, section 1 establishes “enabling” as genuine sense of the (...)
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  23.  22
    Heideggerio nihilizmo įveikos perspektyvos dialoge su Rytų Azijos mąstymo tradicijomis.Tautvydas Vėželis - 2023 - Problemos 104:62-73.
    Straipsnyje analizuojamos nihilizmo įveikos (Verwindung) perspektyvos aptariant Heideggerio santykį su Rytų Azijos mąstymo tradicijomis (pirmiausia čan / zen ir daoizmu). Filosofo apibrėžtos moderniosios technikos esmės po-statos (Gestell, arba Ge-stell) įsivyravimą galime laikyti ir nihilizmo išsipildymo bei Vakarų mąstymo tradicijos pabaigos diagnoze. Atskleidžiant Vakarų metafizinės tradicijos pabaigos ir jos įveikos problematiką siekiama suprasti kitokio mąstymo atsiradimo galimybes žvelgiant į pometafizinio mąstymo horizontą. Heideggerio dialogas su Rytų mąstymo šaltiniais yra nihilizmo įveikos (Verwindung) perspektyvų ieškojimas, kas yra neatsiejama nuo savęs, kito ir (...)
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    Neuropsychoanalysis and Neuroaesthetics: Between the Approximation of Knowledge and the Critique of Biological Reason.Oliveira De Gr - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (2):1-5.
    Movements, in the last fifty years, have been bringing knowledge closer to the new knowledge coming from the neurosciences. In this brief essay, we intend to analyze neuropsychoanalysis and neuroaesthetics, as promising areas in these terms. Such an analysis will be based on critical theory, conceptualized mainly by Adorno and Horkheimer, especially considering that “On the path to modern science, men renounced meaning and replaced the concept with the formula, the cause with the rule and probability”. Therefore, in relation to (...)
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  25.  24
    Entre naturaleza y técnica: una cuestión de tacto.Velentina Bulo - 2012 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 68:55-64.
    Hay dos frases que quisiera comentar aquí: “No hay naturaleza”, de Jean-Luc Nancy, y “el ser es el Capital”, de Frédéric Neyrat. La intersección de ellas pasa por Heidegger y su idea de Gestell. No es objetivo de este texto hablar “sobre la naturaleza”, como lo hicieron los primeros griegos, ni hacer una historia del concepto; más bien intentaremos realizar un trazo entre naturaleza y técnica utilizando los conceptos de Gestell, Ecotecnia y consumación, de Heidegger, Nancy y Neyrat, (...)
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  26.  20
    Technique et violence.Frank Burbage - 2007 - Cahiers Philosophiques 111 (3):44-65.
    Il est judicieux de faire appel au concept heideggérien de Gestell – « dispositif », « arraisonnement » – pour observer et interpréter les figures contemporaines de la violence : celle qui est faite non seulement aux hommes, mais plus généralement à la Terre tout entière, aux natures comme aux cultures qui se voient détruites ou empêchées de se déployer librement. Mais il y a à distinguer entre deux questions : celle de l’exacerbation de la violence – qui advient (...)
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  27.  17
    A dominação tecnológica E a Serena resistência em Heidegger.José Roberto Carvalhoda Silva - 2018 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 9 (17):90-99.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apontar a metafísica da época das imagens de mundo em Heidegger, sua consumação no mundo tecnológico e sua possível superação através da experiência do pensamento afinado na serenidade enquanto relação do homem com a Região do ser. Observar-se que a época das imagens de mundo se fundamenta na noção de sujeito, que é a ascensão moderna do homem ao posto de subjectum da realidade. Enquanto subjectum, o homem representa o mundo como objeto passível de (...)
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  28.  14
    Heidegger und die Utopie der Polis.Francesco Fistetti - 2002 - Wien: Lang.
    Dieses Buch rekonstruiert, ausgehend von der Rektoratsrede von 1933, in systematischer Lektüre die Dimension des Politischen im Denkweg Martin Heideggers. Zumindest bis zur Katastrophe Deutschlands strebt Heidegger eine Art Utopie der Polis an: Er hegt die Hoffnung, der Nationalsozialismus könne den großen Anfang der abendländischen politischen Geschichte erneuern, d.h. eine Idee des Politischen, die, von der 'Last' der Geschichte der Metaphysik befreit, ihren Höhepunkt im 'Willen zur Macht' erreicht. Nach der Niederlage Hitler-Deutschlands führt die Reflexion über das 'Wesen' der Technik (...)
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    Ingenieursethiek.Herman Lodewyckx - 2017 - Ethische Perspectieven 27 (2):150-168.
    De sjoemelsoftware in auto’s bracht de vraag naar de rol van ingenieurs bij het ontwikkelen van auto’s die aan toenemende milieueisen voldoen plots veel dichterbij de consument. Maar elke techniek en technologie kan vragen oproepen omdat telkens de vraag gestel kan worden: is het goed? Is het beter? Maar het antwoord blijkt meestal veel complexer te zijn wanneer men ingaat op het waardenkader dat deze technische/technologische ontwikkelingen mee bepalen. In dit artikel proberen we wat achtergrond te bieden die kan helpen (...)
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    Female Mountain, Masculine Mining: an Interpretation of Entbergen.Ave Mets - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 29:119-149.
    ABSTRACT Unverborgenheit is truth in Heidegger's Greek-inspired view that happens in Entbergen, or bringing forth. Technology is a way of bringing forth and the truths brought forth in ancient and contemporary science-based technologies are essentially different, the latter being destined by enframing or Gestell that is the essence of contemporary science and technology. Here I give an etymological-ecological-feminist interpretation to the essences of ancient and contemporary technologies as ontogeneses and their unconcealments. A turning point is also identified, on the (...)
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    Autochthony and Rootlessness: towards a Hegelian reappropriation of Heidegger's philosophy.Felipe Daniel Montero - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (2).
    In this paper I offer a critical reading of some aspects of Heidegger’s late philosophy and evaluate how these relate to his nationalist claim that we need to stay rooted in the soil of our homeland. In response to this claim, Žižek suggests thet being-rootless is the primordial state of being-human and that what we represent as our roots are secondary attempts to obfuscate this dimension. First, I will present Heidegger’s philosophy of technology to elucidate his thesis that the essence (...)
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  32.  37
    Rhythmus. Zum Wesen der Sprache bei Heidegger.Cathrin Nilsen - 2003 - Prolegomena 2 (1):3-17.
    According to Martin Heidegger language is the “house of Being”. It is the language that allows us to be in the world, and at the same time it is the language which throws light upon how we are there. The air of Being is called with the ancient Greek Rhythmos as a first measurement of time, and thus the articulation of our speech points out the articulation of time. With reference to the musicologist Thrasybulos Georgiades the two formations of language (...)
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  33.  33
    (1 other version)Sloterdijk’s anthropotechnics.Andrea Rossi & Patrick Roney - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (1):1-2.
    This essay attempts to interrogate the distinct character of Peter Sloterdijk’s declaration of the absolute imperative that concludes his work, You Must Change Your Life, by contextualizing it within the development of his notion of anthropotechnics. In particular, the essays examine the claim that his is a new and unprecedented form of the absolute imperative that is alone able to address, in an effective way, the contemporary global crises that are confronting us now. The first sections trace out the ways (...)
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    Heidegger's radical critique of technology as an outline of social acts.Wolfgang Schirmacher & Torgeir Fjeld - 2018 - Inscriptions 1 (1).
    The present text shows that the prevailing view of Martin Heidegger's approach to society and technology is not only based on prejudice, but more importantly works to obscure a more relevant perception of reality. Heidegger's “phenomenological hermeneutic” sought to uncover technology's hidden truth, beyond the appearance of technology as framing our existence (Gestell). Even if we acknowledge that technology has now reached a planetary and all-encompassing dissemination – becoming, in effect, the leading figure of our time – we still (...)
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    The Environing Air: A Meditation on Communications Structures in Natural Environments.Judy Spark - 2013 - PhaenEx 8 (1):185-207.
    Any attention paid to the positioning of telecommunications installations in natural landscapes usually relates to the aesthetic impact. However, such paraphernalia, particularly when contrasted with “natural” surroundings, invites us to think beyond the visible. Through Heidegger’s accounts of Zuhandenheit and Vorhandenheit, as well as his later articulations on Nature as it is subjected to the ordering principles of Gestell, this paper aims to highlight the overlaps of the natural and the technological worlds inhabited by communications structures, considering the relationship (...)
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  36. Death and Anti-Death, Volume 4: Twenty Years After De Beauvoir, Thirty Years After Heidegger.Charles Tandy (ed.) - 2006 - Palo Alto: Ria University Press.
    Volume Four, as indicated by the anthology's subtitle, is in honor of Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) and Martin Heidegger (1889-1976). The chapters do not necessarily mention Simone de Beauvoir or Martin Heidegger. The 16 chapters (by professional philosophers and other professional scholars) are directed to issues related to death, life extension, and anti-death. Most of the 400-plus pages consist of scholarship unique to this volume. Includes index. -/- -/- The titles of the 16 chapters are as follows: -/- -/- 1. (...)
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    Technology, Dao-Technē and Home: The Significances and Limits of Heidegger’s Critique of Modern Technology’s Essence.Zhang Xianglong - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):372-392.
    Heidegger maintains that the root of modern technology, like that of all other technologies, lies in technē. However, because the art dimension of technē is suppressed in modern technology, the essence of this technology becomes a Gestell that enforces product-making, and thus drives technology beyond the control of human beings. The more fundamental reason underlying this “frame-becoming” nature is “the mathematical” that emerges in ancient Greece, which, through the Cartesian subject-object dichotomy, turns the world into the images represented by (...)
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    Seinsgeschichte und Technik bei Martin Heidegger: Begriffsklärung und Problematisierung.Stefan Zenklusen - 2002 - Marburg: Tectum Verlag DE.
    Die Frage nach der Technik ist eine Art der Heideggerschen Frage nach dem Sein, die die Fragen nach dem Menschen in der Moderne und nach der Zivilisation überhaupt impliziert. Im Rahmen der sogenannten "Seinsgeschichte" bildet sie eine Kreuzungsstelle, die von verschiedenen Linien gebildet wird, welche wiederum in ihrer Verschiedenheit zu berücksichtigen sind und nicht einfach textuell hermetisiert werden dürfen. Heidegger besorgt nicht zuletzt mit Hilfe der seinsgeschichtlichen Konstellation des Gestells seine Selbstinterpretation hinsichtlich der Haltung zum Nationalsozialismus. Verweigert wird die falsche (...)
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    The (Techno-)Poetical Rescue.Krzysztof Ziarek - 2021 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 26 (2):243-261.
    This essay examines the notion of “poetical rescue” in Heidegger, which derives from Heidegger’s commentary on Hölderlin’s lines from “Patmos,” “Yet where danger is, grows also that which rescues.” Heidegger’s remarks on the two-faced essence of technology draw on these lines, characterizing the enframing as both the danger and the possibility of saving. The turn from danger to rescue depends on the possibility of a poetic revealing, which has been overshadowed, even disallowed, by the dominant revealing in modernity—namely, das (...). To free the possibility of the poetic revealing and the rescue spreading from it, humans, as Heidegger remarks, need to learn to become mortals. To be mortal means here being “capable of death as death”—that is, becoming attentive to the nothingness pulsing in every moment. The rescue Heidegger explores is thus the freeing of the experience proper to being mortal in the midst of a revealing that orders all that exists into the ready availability of a standing-reserve. (shrink)
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    Liberté et sacrifice: écrits politiques#Btrad. du tchèque et de l'allemand Erika Abrams#Bpostf. Anne-Marie Roviello.Jan Patocka - 1990 - Editions Jérôme Millon.
    Rassemblant douze textes rédigés entre 1934 et 1976, ce recueil remet les Essais hérétiques en perspective en permettant de saisir quelques-unes des principales lignes de force qui font l'unité intime de l'œuvre de Patocka et communiquent à sa pensée la tonalité et la tension éthiques qui lui donnent son éclat particulier à l'intérieur du mouvement phénoménologique. Ligne de force de la liberté en tant qu'expérience fondamentale de l'être historique qu'est l'homme, transcendance qui, dans sa négativité, rejoint le " pas en (...)
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  41. Towards the origin of modern technology: reconfiguring Martin Heidegger’s thinking. [REVIEW]Søren Riis - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (1):103-117.
    Martin Heidegger’s radical critique of technology has fundamentally stigmatized modern technology and paved the way for a comprehensive critique of contemporary Western society. However, the following reassessment of Heidegger’s most elaborate and influential interpretation of technology, The Question Concerning Technology, sheds a very different light on his critique. In fact, Heidegger’s phenomenological line of thinking concerning technology also implies a radical critique of ancient technology and the fundamental being-in-the-world of humans. This revision of Heidegger’s arguments claims that The Question Concerning (...)
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    Heidegger on Technology.Aaron James Wendland, Christopher D. Merwin & Christos M. Hadjioannou (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection offers the first comprehensive and definitive account of Martin Heidegger’s philosophy of technology. It does so through a detailed analysis of canonical texts and recently published primary sources on two crucial concepts in Heidegger’s later thought: _Gelassenheit _and _Gestell_. _Gelassenheit_, translated as ‘releasement’, and _Gestell_, often translated as ‘enframing’ or ‘positionality’, stand as opposing ideas in Heidegger’s work whereby the meditative thinking of _Gelassenheit _counters the dangers of our technological framing of the world in _Gestell_. After opening with (...)
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    Practices of Calculation.Herbert Kalthoff - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (2):69-97.
    As recent studies in economic and financial sociology have underscored, calculation is central to economic practices. While some sociological accounts locate the performance of calculation within individual ability, networks of human agents or their cultural embeddedness, studies operating on the background of the sociology of (scientific) knowledge conceive of calculation as situated in the practice of the participants engaged, the technological tools used and their requirements. The article explores this point further, using a distinction which can be traced back to (...)
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    On the Sources of Critique in Heidegger and Derrida.Matthias Fritsch - 2021 - Puncta. Journal of Critical Phenomenology 4 (2):63-88.
    Seeking to contribute to the recent emergence of critical phenomenology by clarifying the relation between ontology and ethics, this article offers a new account of the sources of normativity in the context of Heidegger’s critique of technological enframing (Gestell) and Derrida’s political philosophy. I distinguish three levels of normativity in Heidegger and show how moving between the levels permits the critical deployment of the affirmation (Zusage) in response to being’s address. On this view, not only are humans constitutively claimed (...)
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    The Ordeal of Truth: Causes and Quasi-Causes in the Entropocene.Bernard Stiegler - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):271-280.
    This article attempts an organological and pharmacological re-interpretation of the later Heidegger’s understanding of modern technology as a provocative mode of revealing of beings, in particular of its central notions of Gestell [enframing] Gefahr [danger], Kehre [turning] and Ereignis [event]. Although these notions in principle allow us to think what is at stake currently in the Anthropocene as the age of total automation, generalized toxicity of the technical milieu and post-truth calling for a radical bifurcation, they need to be (...)
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  46. Reading elements of the later Heidegger as myth.Dominic Griffiths - 2007 - Phronimon 8 (2):25-34.
    The aim of this paper is to read Martin Heidegger’s later philosophy in terms of the assertion that themes such as the fourfold (das Geviert) and poetic dwelling could be interpreted as mythical elements within his writing. Heidegger’s later thought is often construed as challenging and difficult due to its quasi-mystical nature. However, this paper aims to illustrate that if one approaches his later thought from the perspective of myth, a different dimension of Heidegger’s thinking is revealed which is perhaps (...)
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  47. Dvejopa machinacijos samprata heideggerio technikos filosofijoje.Čapanauskas Tadas - 2017 - Problemos 92:169-179.
    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama dvejopa machinacijos (Machenschaft) samprata Martino Heideg-gerio technikos filosofijoje. Pirmoji susijusi su Vakarų metafizikos destrukcija (Destruktion) ir jos kulmi-nacija reflektuojama moderniosios technikos plotmėje. Pirmiausiai machinaciją Heideggeris pristato kaip pačios Būties atsivėrimo būdą „pirmoje pradžioje“ (ersten Anfang). Machinacija lemia μετά judesio pamatą, nurodantį į nuolatinę transcendencijos aspiraciją bei „techninį“ esinių atvėrimo pobūdį, nors savo „pajėgumų“ prasme machinacija graikų metafizikoje dar glūdi implicitiškai. Eksplicitiškai machi-nacija pasirodo tik moderniojoje technikoje. Kiek kitokią machinacijos sampratą galime aptikti Heideg-gerio „Juoduosiuose sąsiuviniuose“ (Schwarze Hefte), rašytuose 1931–1938 (...)
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  48. Space time event motion (STEM) – A better metaphor and a new concept.Joseph Naimo - 2002 - Consciousness, Literature and the Arts 3 (No 3).
    The content of this paper is primarily the product of an attempt to understand consciousness by working through the Gestell - conventionalised epistemology, at least some of several foundational concepts. This paper indirectly addresses the ancient question: “How is objective reference – or intentionality, possible? How is it possible for one thing to direct its thoughts upon another thing?” As such, I have adopted a holistic methodology; one in which I develop a framework based on a form of process (...)
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    The Three Logics of Modernity and the Double Bind of the Modern Imagination.Agnes Heller - 2005 - Thesis Eleven 81 (1):63-79.
    This article distinguishes between two constituents of modernity which together stand for the essence of modernity. It also distinguishes between three logics or tendencies in modernity. In pursuit of these aims it concentrates on a single issue, arguing that one cannot understand modernity, particularly not its heterogeneous character, from the viewpoint of the technological imagination (the Heideggerian Gestell) alone. The article interprets modernity as a world that draws on two sources of imagination: the technological and the historical. Most of (...)
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    A dominação tecnológica E a Serena resistência em Heidegger.José Roberto Carvalho Da Silva - 2018 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 9 (17):90-99.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apontar a metafísica da época das imagens de mundo em Heidegger, sua consumação no mundo tecnológico e sua possível superação através da experiência do pensamento afinado na serenidade enquanto relação do homem com a Região do ser. Observar-se que a época das imagens de mundo se fundamenta na noção de sujeito, que é a ascensão moderna do homem ao posto de subjectum da realidade. Enquanto subjectum, o homem representa o mundo como objeto passível de (...)
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