Results for 'Gaya Gamhewage'

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  1.  17
    Insights on Public Health Professionals Non-technical Skills in an Emergency Response (Multi-Team System) Environment.Andrew Black, Olivia Brown, Heini Utunen, Gaya Gamhewage & Julie Gore - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper provides practitioner and academic insights into the importance of examining non-technical skills in a multiteam system emergency response. The case of public health professionals is highlighted, illustrated with unique qualitative field data which focused upon the use of non-technical skills at a meso level of analysis. Results reflected the importance of context upon the multiteam system and highlighted seven non-technical skills used by public health professionals to support an effective response. Recommendations for future research and implications for practice (...)
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  2. Concepto de «ars», y su uso, en Juan Escoto Eriúgena.J. Gaya - 1991 - Studia Lulliana 31 (84):19-39.
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  3. Freedom for dialogue.Jordi Gayà - 2018 - In Armador Vega & Peter Weibel, Dia-logos: Ramon Llull's method of thought and artistic practice. Minneapolis, MN: University Of Minnesota Press.
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  4. Ramon Llull en oriente (1301-1302): Circunstancias de un viaje.Jordi Gayà - 1997 - Studia Lulliana 37 (93):25-78.
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  5. Śaṅkara's interpretation of the Upaniṣads.Gaya Ram Pandey - 1988 - Delhi, India: S.N. Publications.
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  6. Studies in Umāsvāti and his Tattvārthasūtra: papers presented at an International Seminar organized by the B.L. Institute of Indology.Gaya Charan Tripathi & Aśoka Kumāra Siṃha (eds.) - 2016 - Delhi: Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology.
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    The Influence of some Philosophical Systems on the Mode of Worship of Krsna-Jagannatha.Gaya Charan - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (1-4):206-221.
  8. Informe Olivi sobre una teoría acerca de las razones reales esenciales.Jordi Gayà - 1999 - Studia Lulliana 39 (95):3-23.
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    The Influence of some Philosophical Systems on the Mode of Worship of Krsna-Jagannātha.Gaya Charan Tripathi - 1975 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 27 (3):206-221.
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  10. La teologia sacramentària de Ramon Llull (I) La definició de sagrament.Jordi Gaya Estelrich - 2009 - Studia Lulliana 49 (104):51-69.
  11.  21
    La purificación del deseo en el Purgatorio dantesco.Patricia Messa Gaya - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (305):1571-1590.
    ¿Está suficientemente presente el deseo en la Divina Comedia para tomarlo en consideración? ¿Es realmente la purificación del deseo el núcleo del Purgatorio dantesco? Con estas dos preguntas queremos iluminar el tema del deseo en el poema dantesco. La disertación se enmarcará en el sentido de desiderium aportado por santo Tomás en su Tratado de las pasiones (S. Th., I-II, q.22-48) y en las cuestiones relativas a las potencias del alma (S. Th., I, q.78-80). Con el marco tomista como referencia, (...)
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    The philosophical basis of Llull’s proof of the Trinity.Jordi Gayà Estelrich - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (1):121-137.
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    Der Upsprung und die Entwicklung der Vāmana-Legende in der indischen LiteratureDer Upsprung und die Entwicklung der Vamana-Legende in der indischen Literature.Ludo Rocher & Gaya Charan Tripathi - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):546.
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  14. El arte en su intimidad: una estetica de urgencia.Gaya Nuño & Juan Antonio - 1957 - Madrid,: Aguilar.
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    Institutional Interest in Corporate Responsibility: Portfolio Evidence and Ethical Explanation. [REVIEW]Paul Cox & Patricia Gaya Wicks - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (1):143-165.
    This study examines the extent to which corporate responsibility influences the demand for shares by institutions. The study follows Bushee (Account Rev 73(3):305–333, 1998 ) in categorising institutions as dedicated or transient. The demand for shares is organised according to three factors: a long-term factor, corporate responsibility; a short-term factor, market liquidity; and a time-independent factor, portfolio theory. The rank and importance of the factors for the different types of institutional investor are analysed. For one of two types of dedicated (...)
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  16. Biodata Penulis.Sinar Hidayah, Kembara Hidup, Tips Belajar, Tips Perniagaan, Ibu Bapa, Gaya Hidup, Puisi Kreatif, Timeline Cover & Lensa Hati - unknown - Dilema 15:13.
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  17. Studies in Haribhadrasuri: papers presented at a seminar in the B.L. Institute of Indology, Delhi.Nārāyaṇa M. Kaṃsārā & Gaya Charan Tripathi (eds.) - 2014 - Delhi: Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology.
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    Case Studies in Bioethics: An IUD and the Question of Safety.Margaret O'Brien Steinfels, Gaya Aranoff & Victor W. Sidel - 1974 - Hastings Center Report 4 (6):10.
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    The gaya scienza and the aesthetic ethos: Marcuse's appropriation of Nietzsche in An Essay on Liberation.Sid Simpson - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):356-371.
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    Gayā and Buddha-GayāGaya and Buddha-Gaya.A. K. Coomaraswamy & Benimadhab Barua - 1937 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 57 (2):191.
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    Ramón Gaya y la definición del arte.Rafael García Alonso - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    Gaya Scienza: Nietzsehe as a Friend.Niels Helsloot - 2003 - New Nietzsche Studies 5 (3/4/1/2):89-104.
  23.  35
    Die gaya scienza der „guten Europäer“. Einige Anmerkungen zum Aphorismus 377 des V. Buchs der Fröhlichen Wissenschaft.Aldo Venturelli - 2010 - Nietzsche Studien 39 (1):180-200.
    Der Beitrag analysiert den Aphorismus 377 des 5. Buch der Fröblichen Wissenschaft, die eine ausführliche Charakterisierung der Idee eines gutes Europäers enthält. Durch die Betrachtung der komplexen Entstehung des Aphorismus werden die vielschichtigen Bedeutungen dieser Auffassung beleuchtet. Die Evokationskraft, die den gesamten Aphorismus prägt, wird als Symptom eines offenen Systems unde einer dynamischen Ganzheit, in denen die Auffassung des guten Europäers ihre Konturen annimmt, besonders betont. Innerhalb dieser Offenheit stellt sich der gute Europäers ihre Kunturen annimmt, besonders betont. Innerhalb dieser (...)
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  24. Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kepengikutan Yang efektif (studi pada karyawan perusahaan X). Juliana & Yohanes Budiarto - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 8 (1).
    Specifically, the aim of this study is to see the role and correlation between transformational and transactional leadership with effective followership. Using multiple regression, research found that transformational leadership had positive and significant correlation with effective followership but transactional leadership didn’t have significant effect. Regression model proves that transformational and transactional can be used to predict effective followership.  .
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  25. Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kepuasan kerja (studi pada perawat di rumah sakit X di jakarta).Friska Stefanie - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 6 (12).
    Nurses’ job satisfaction is the most important thing in health care business science the attitudes and the behaviors of the nurses could affects the health care services quality. The objectives of this study is to find out whether there are direct or indirect effects from the perception of transactional leadership, perception of transformational leadership, perception of distributive justice, perception of procedural justice, to job satisfaction. The samples of this study consist of 132 nurses from X hospital. The measurement instruments which (...)
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  26.  9
    Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (Großdruck): La gaya scienza.Friedrich Nietzsche - 2019 - W. Goldmann.
    Friedrich Nietzsche: Die fröhliche Wissenschaft. La gaya scienza Lesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-Schrift Großformat, 210 x 297 mm Berliner Ausgabe, 2019 Durchgesehener Neusatz mit einer Biographie des Autors bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Theodor Borken Erstdruck: Chemnitz (E. Schmeitzner) 1882. Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Friedrich Nietzsche: Werke in drei Bänden. Herausgegeben von Karl Schlechta. München: Hanser, 1954. Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Friedrich Nietzsche, Fotografie von F. Hartmann, um 1875. Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 16 pt. Henricus Edition (...)
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    Abhiharma vibhāgaya.Nivandama Śrī Dharmakīrti - 2000 - Dehivala: Baudha Saṃskr̥tika Madhyasthānaya.
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    Le Gai savoir: La gaya scienza.Friedrich Nietzsche - 1987 - Union Génerale D'Editions.
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    The joyous science: 'la gaya scienza'.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 2018 - [London] UK: Penguin Books. Edited by R. Kevin Hill.
    Friedrich Nietzsche described The gay science as a book of 'exuberance, restlessness, contrariety and April showers'. A deeply personal and affirmative work, it straddleshis middle and late periods and contains some of the most important ideas he would ever express in writing. Moving from a critique of conventional morality, the arts and modernity to an exhilarating doctrine of self-emancipation, this playful combination of aphorisms, poetry and prose is a treasure trove of philosophical insights, brought to new life in R. Kevin (...)
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    La creencia nietzscheana: perspectivismo contra fanatismo desde el libro V de La gaya ciencia.Mariano Rodríguez González - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (78):147-170.
    Resumen: A partir del último libro de La gaya ciencia en este trabajo procedo, en primer lugar, a fijar los rasgos del nuevo entendimiento nietzscheano de la creencia en cuanto un determinar activo contrapuesto a la pretensión de verdad entendida como corrección o ajuste de la representación, es decir, en cuanto contracreencia. En segundo lugar, caracterizo a grandes rasgos lo que hay que considerar como creencia específicamente nietzscheana, constitutiva del sentido nuclear de su producción filosófica. Debemos denominar "fe dionisíaca" (...)
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  31. Ham se ʻahd liyā gayā =.ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ibn Aḥmad Shaʻrānī - 2002 - Karācī: Milne ke pate, Idāratulmaʻārif. Edited by Ẓafar Aḥmad ʻUs̲mānī & Shafīʻullāh.
    On examplary life in sufism according to the teachings of Islam.
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  32. Perbedaan persepsi terhadap gaya kepemimpinan atasan berdasarkan komitmen pada organisasi.Laksmi Winawahyu - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 9 (2).
    This research aim to know difference to percePT. ion to leadership style of superior pursuant of organizational commitment. Leadership style represent a corps of characteristic by a leader used to influence activity a group to reach specific. Organizational commitment is member to its organization which reflect how big identify member organization and how big desire to remain to in organization. Characteristic purpose for the subject of this research is employees of PT. X which have employees status remain to. To collect (...)
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  33. Nietzsche, Heidegger y la gaya ciencia.Santiago Lario Ladrón - 2005 - A Parte Rei 38:5.
  34. Musik und wort in der antiken tragödie und la gaya scienza: Nietzsches fröhliche wissenschaft.Babette E. Babich - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36:230-257.
    Nietzsche's discovery of the "breath" or spirit of music in the words of Greek tragedy was his testament to oral culture in antiquity and it is significant that his theoretical account of the prosody of ancient Greek endures to this day. Drawing little emaphatic resonance from his readers , Nietzsche reprised yet another tradition of poetic song composition, namely the art of the troubadours in order to rearticulate his argument in The Gay Science. I here explore the passion of the (...)
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    Nietzschego radosna wiedza (rec. F. Nietzsche, \"Radosna wiedza \"La gaya scienza\"\").Andrzej Kucner - 2009 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 15:319-325.
  36. Redescribing Mandalas: A Test Case in Bodh Gaya, India.James B. Apple - 2008 - In Jonathan Z. Smith, Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon, Introducing religion: essays in honor of Jonathan Z. Smith. Oakville: Equinox. pp. 40.
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    Tirasara saṃvardhanayaṭa Bodu vidu susaṃyōgaya.Ē. Bī Kotalāvala - 2002 - Koḷaṃba: Ăs. Goḍagē saha Sahōdarayō.
    On complimentary aspects of some contemporary scientific theories and Buddhist philosophy.
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  38. Perbedaan tingkat self-efficacy pada manajer berdasarkan gaya manajemen konflik (studi pada manajer di bidang industri jasa pengiriman ekspres).Jennifer Sugiarto & Rostiana D. Nurdjajadi - 2012 - Phronesis (Misc) 11 (1).
    This research was made to see the different level of Self efficacy of managers based on their style of management conflict. Sample (N=90) was taken from non probability sampling technique. Data was collected from questioner of 90 participants and analyzed by using oneway anova from program SPSS12.0. The results shows F (2,237) = p 0,091, p>0, 05, which there is no difference level of self efficacy on the managers based on their style of management conflict.
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    Musik und wort in der antiken tragödie und la gaya scienza: Nietzsches „fröhliche“ wissenschaft.Babette E. Babich - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36 (1):243-270.
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  40. Self efficacy pada tenaga penjualan asuransi ditijau dari gaya kepemimpinan transformasional atasan.Jimmy Ellya Kurniawan - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 10 (1).
    The great numbers of service industrial is moving in insurance field have made insurance salespeople’s job more difficult and full challenge. This condition makes that insurance salespeople ought to have self efficacy. Self efficacy is a confidance about self capability to run his job with success, also to control the conditions around for attaining the success. Self efficacy can be influenced by perception of transformational leadership style from direct superior. The subject of this research is 102 insurance salespeople in a (...)
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  41. La impronta del krausismo en la obra de Ramón Gaya.Miriam Moreno - 2017 - In Ricardo Pinilla, El krausismo y el pensamiento filosófico en la España moderna. Madrid: Ápeiron.
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    Finalidad, vida y caos en Gaya Ciencia §109: observaciones al concepto de necesidad en Nietzsche.Gilbert Caroca Martínez Ignacio Caroca Martínez - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (2).
    This paper inquires the systematical consequences in the Nietzschean critics of the biological determination of life. We proposed an analysis about central topics of this determination: the finalism, the life and chaos. This approach allows us to relieve a systematical conception of what Nietzsche understands by “necessity”. This conception of necessity is not metaphysic in the traditional sense, but implies a subversion of all special metaphysic. Beyond this, it entails a critical to the transcendental and normative version, own of Kantian (...)
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    Magia en al-Andalus: Rasā’il ijwān al-Ṣafā’, Rutbat al-ḥakīm y Gāyat al-ḥakīm.Godefroid De Callataÿ - 2013 - Al-Qantara 34 (2):297-344.
    El artículo analiza la introducción de las Rasā’il ijwān al-Ṣafā’ en al-Andalus y la implicación de esta cuestión en la historia de la ciencia y la filosofía árabes. Más particularmente, se centra en el impacto de la enciclopedia de los Hermanos de la Pureza en dos obras importantes de la literatura de al-Andalus en el campo de las ciencias ocultas: la Rutbat al-ḥakīm y la Gāyat al-ḥakīm. Retoma el tema de la autoría y cronología de estas tres obras, destacando el (...)
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    Kommentar Zu Nietzsches ›Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft‹.Sebastian Kaufmann - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Hiermit liegt der Kommentar zu Nietzsches Werk Die fröhliche Wissenschaft vor, das 1882 in erster und 1887 in stark erweiterter zweiter Auflage mit dem neuen Untertitel la gaya scienza erschienen ist. Die fröhliche Wissenschaft gehört zu Nietzsches bekanntesten Schriften und gilt als besonders "ausgewogenes" Werk.
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  45. El deber de informar: análisis crítico del discurso informativo.P. Sánchez-Bravo Cenjor - 1995 - Diálogo Filosófico 33:353-362.
    Un análisis crítico del discurso informativo en los medios de comunicación a nivel internacional, lleva al autor a recurrir a tres pensadores: Aristóteles, Nietzsche y Fichte para, a través de una interpretación de tres grandes obras, promover una fundamentación, marcando unos límites, de las ciencias de la información. La Retórica, la Gaya Ciencia y la Doctrina de la Ciencia, aportan unas nuevas funciones a la técnica de informar, secuestrada globalmente por el poder, en una lucha por el control de (...)
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    Veven Sp. Wardhana, Budaya Massa, Agama, dan Wanita, Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2013, 228 hlm.Yap Fu Lan - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (2):307-309.
    Budaya massa, dalam pengertian sederhana adalah “karya kreatif yang dimassalkan, yang diproduksi secara masif, yang ditunjang teknologi dan industri tinggi [...] termasuk model pakaian, fashion, film, televisi, musik pop, lifestyle atau gaya hidup” (hlm. xiii-xiv). Agama, atau lebih tepatnya “tafsir atas agama, atau tafsir atas ajaran agama” (hlm. xiv) dapat menjadi tema karya kreatif itu. Contohnya, terutama, sinetron-sinetron religi bernuansa Islami yang sekarang ini semakin banyak tampil pada layar televisi, tanpa menunggu bulan istimewa Ramadhan. Selain itu, agama juga dapat (...)
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    Norman Tanner, New Short History of the Catholic Church, London: Burn & Oates 2011, 260 hlm.Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (1):133-135.
    Dengan umur hampir dua ribu tahun Gereja Katolik merupakan lembaga paling tua yang mempertahankan diri melalui sejarah. Bagi Gereja Katolik sejarah itu penuh makna. Karena dalam perjalanannya melalui 20 abad eksisten-sinya Gereja Katolik mendapat bentuk serta pengertian diri yang sekarang. Maka sudah tepatlah kalau Norman Tanner, seorang imam Yesuit dan guru besar sejarah Gereja pada Universitas Gregoriana di Roma, dengan mendasarkan diri pada hasil penelitian sejarah Gereja yang berlimpah dalam 40 tahun terakhir, menulis sebuah “Sejarah Pendek Baru Gereja Katolik.” Hanya (...)
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    Asi habló Zaratustra una subervisión de la temporalidad.Rebeca Maldonado - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 4:135-143.
    "Así­ habló Zaratustra: Una subversión de la temporalidad" En La gaya ciencia, Nietzsche habí­a percibido ya el vací­o sobre el cual se asienta la existencia humana con la muerte de Dios. En Asi habló Zaratustra descubre que el sentido originario de la existencia no es el dolor ni el sufrimiento sino el placer y la risa. Así­, Zaratustra abre el abismo del hombre, su lugar sin Dios, para descubrir en el gozo la posibilidad de sí­ntesis entre la voluntad y (...)
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    What is a Troubadour Joy?Dragan Prole - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (2):369-380.
    In the first part of the paper, the author tackles the question of troubadour subjectivity. The subject of the poem announces the losing of oneself, abandonment of the existing state of affairs and self-surrender, but sees no tragedy in it, for a source of genuine joy. Love deserves sacrifice, it is worthy of all human desire, but it is not a conventional love, neither marital nor family love, rather, it is an ethereal and poetic love for Our Lady. For everything (...)
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    Genealogía del concepto de terapia desde la perspectiva nietzscheana: una mirada a las escuelas helenísticas y su relación con el cristianismo.Amparo Carrillo Sáenz - 2024 - Universitas Philosophica 41 (82):191-227.
    El presente artículo aborda la relación ambivalente de Nietzsche con los filósofos helenísticos, para saber por qué, a pesar de la extraordinaria influencia que estas escuelas ejercieron en su pensamiento, Nietzsche se les opone tan violentamente en su obra más tardía. Verificaremos que las principales críticas de Nietzsche a estas escuelas guardan mucha similitud con las que él dirigirá al cristianismo, y a la propia idea de terapia, como una crítica a la tradicional forma de concebirla, que estas escuelas parecen (...)
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