Results for 'Gail Savage'

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  1.  25
    "... Equality from the Masculine Point of View...": the 2nd Earl Russell and Divorce Law Reform in England.Gail Savage - 1996 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 16 (1).
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    A Paradigm of Investigator Duty to Multiple Stakeholder Participants.Megan Clarke Roberts, Kriste Kuczynski, Gail E. Henderson & Kimberly Foss - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8):58-60.
    In this target article by Morain and Largent (2023), the authors focus on an investigator’s duty to patient-subjects specifically regarding incidental or collateral findings within the context of e...
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  3. In Savage-Rumbaugh, fields, and Spiricu (vol 19, pg 541, 2005).S. Savage-Rumbaugh, W. M. Fields & T. Spircu - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (1):191-191.
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  4. Interview with Professor Gail Weiss.Gail Weiss, Luna Dolezal & Sheena Hyland - 2008 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):3-8.
    An interview with Gail Weiss concerning her interests and influences, especially the body and embodiment.
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  5. (1 other version)The Foundations of Statistics.Leonard J. Savage - 1954 - Synthese 11 (1):86-89.
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    Ethics and Collateral Findings in Pragmatic Clinical Trials.Stephanie R. Morain, Kevin Weinfurt, Juli Bollinger, Gail Geller, Debra J. H. Mathews & Jeremy Sugarman - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (1):6-18.
    Pragmatic clinical trials offer important benefits, such as generating evidence that is suited to inform real-world health care decisions and increasing research efficiency. However, PCTs also present ethical challenges. One such challenge involves the management of information that emerges in a PCT that is unrelated to the primary research question, yet may have implications for the individual patients, clinicians, or health care systems from whom or within which research data were collected. We term these findings as?pragmatic clinical trial collateral findings,? (...)
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    Public expectations for return of results from large-cohort genetic research.Juli Murphy, Joan Scott, David Kaufman, Gail Geller, Lisa LeRoy & Kathy Hudson - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):36 – 43.
    The National Institutes of Health and other federal health agencies are considering establishing a national biobank to study the roles of genes and environment in human health. A preliminary public engagement study was conducted to assess public attitudes and concerns about the proposed biobank, including the expectations for return of individual research results. A total of 141 adults of different ages, incomes, genders, ethnicities, and races participated in 16 focus groups in six locations across the country. Focus group participants voiced (...)
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  8. The Possibility of Inquiry: Meno’s Paradox from Socrates to Sextus.Gail Fine - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Meno's Paradox from Socrates to Sextus Gail Fine. sense that they consider the issues it raises; and they argue, against its conclusion, that inquiry is possible. Like Plato and Aristotle, they also explain what makes inquiry possible; and they do ...
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    Aristotle: Selections.Gail Fine - 1955 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Selections seeks to provide an accurate and readable translation that will allow the reader to follow Aristotle's use of crucial technical terms and to grasp the details of his argument. Unlike anthologies that combine translations by many hands, this volume includes a fully integrated set of translations by a two-person team. The glossary--the most detailed in any edition--explains Aristotle's vocabulary and indicates the correspondences between Greek and English words. Brief notes supply alternative translations and elucidate difficult passages.
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  10. Impact of social stigma on the process of obtaining informed consent for genetic research on podoconiosis: a qualitative study.Fasil Tekola, Susan Bull, Bobbie Farsides, Melanie J. Newport, Adebowale Adeyemo, Charles N. Rotimi & Gail Davey - 2009 - BMC Medical Ethics 10 (1):13-.
    BackgroundThe consent process for a genetic study is challenging when the research is conducted in a group stigmatized because of beliefs that the disease is familial. Podoconiosis, also known as 'mossy foot', is an example of such a disease. It is a condition resulting in swelling of the lower legs among people exposed to red clay soil. It is a very stigmatizing problem in endemic areas of Ethiopia because of the widely held opinion that the disease runs in families and (...)
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    The foundations of statistics.Leonard J. Savage - 1972 - Wiley.
    Classic analysis of the subject and the development of personal probability; one of the greatest controversies in modern statistcal thought. New preface and new footnotes to 1954 edition, with a supplementary 180-item annotated bibliography by author. Calculus, probability, statistics, and Boolean algebra are recommended.
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  12.  29
    Dysphoria and memory for emotional material: A diffusion-model analysis.Corey White, Roger Ratcliff, Michael Vasey & Gail McKoon - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (1):181-205.
  13.  22
    Science, Culture, and Care in Laboratory Animal Research: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the History and Future of the 3Rs.Robert G. W. Kirk, Pru Hobson-West, Beth Greenhough & Gail Davies - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (4):603-621.
    The principles of the 3Rs—replacement, refinement, and reduction—strongly shape discussion of methods for performing more humane animal research and the regulation of this contested area of technoscience. This special issue looks back to the origins of the 3Rs principles through five papers that explore how it is enacted and challenged in practice and that develop critical considerations about its future. Three themes connect the papers in this special issue. These are the multiplicity of roles enacted by those who use and (...)
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  14.  58
    Protolanguage in ontogeny and phylogeny: Combining deixis and representation.Patricia M. Greenfield, Heidi Lyn & E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - 2008 - Interaction Studies 9 (1):34-50.
  15. Cognitive and Computer Systems for Understanding Narrative Text.William J. Rapaport, Erwin M. Segal, Stuart C. Shapiro, David A. Zubin, Gail A. Bruder, Judith Felson Duchan & David M. Mark - manuscript
    This project continues our interdisciplinary research into computational and cognitive aspects of narrative comprehension. Our ultimate goal is the development of a computational theory of how humans understand narrative texts. The theory will be informed by joint research from the viewpoints of linguistics, cognitive psychology, the study of language acquisition, literary theory, geography, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. The linguists, literary theorists, and geographers in our group are developing theories of narrative language and spatial understanding that are being tested by the (...)
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    Personal probabilities of probabilities.Jacob Marschak, Morris H. Degroot, J. Marschak, Karl Borch, Herman Chernoff, Morris De Groot, Robert Dorfman, Ward Edwards, T. S. Ferguson, Koichi Miyasawa, Paul Randolph, Leonard J. Savage, Robert Schlaifer & Robert L. Winkler - 1975 - Theory and Decision 6 (2):121-153.
  17.  40
    Semantic similarity, predictability, and models of sentence processing.Douglas Roland, Hongoak Yun, Jean-Pierre Koenig & Gail Mauner - 2012 - Cognition 122 (3):267-279.
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    Returning incidental findings from genetic research to children: views of parents of children affected by rare diseases.Erika Kleiderman, Bartha Maria Knoppers, Conrad V. Fernandez, Kym M. Boycott, Gail Ouellette, Durhane Wong-Rieger, Shelin Adam, Julie Richer & Denise Avard - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (10):691-696.
  19.  28
    Beyond the Medical Model: Retooling Bioethics for the Work Ahead.Nancy M. P. King, Gail E. Henderson & Larry R. Churchill - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):53-55.
    The three important target articles make a strong case for regarding racism as a public health crisis. Each calls for advocacy by the bi...
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  20. (1 other version)The Oxford Handbook of Plato.Gail Fine (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Plato is the best known, and continues to be the most widely studied, of all the ancient Greek philosophers. The twenty-one commissioned articles in The Oxford Handbook of Plato provide in-depth and up-to-date discussions of a variety of topics and dialogues. The result is a useful state-of-the-art reference to the man many consider the most important philosophical thinker in history.
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  21.  25
    Evaluating the relationships among religion, social virtues, and meaning in life.Neal Krause, Peter C. Hill & Gail Ironson - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (1):53-70.
    There is growing evidence that a sense of meaning in life may emerge, in part, from the social relationships that people maintain. But it is not clear how the relationship between social ties and a sense of meaning might arise. The purpose of this study is to see if meaning in life is associated with three socially focused virtues: compassion, forgiveness of others, and providing social support to others. In the process, an effort is made to see if these social (...)
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    Virtual Learning in a Socially Digitized World.Alexander Laszlo, Regina Rowland, Todd Johnston & Gail Taylor - 2012 - World Futures 68 (8):575-594.
    Contemporary education is awakening from a crisis that has held the development of its potential and its relevance at bay for well over a century. Revolutions in science and spirituality are emerging a new relational intelligence that demands commensurate educational paradigms for its blossoming into daily engagements with life and the world around us. At the same time as people are leading increasingly interconnected lives, aware of and often participating in the narratives of people and ecosystems in other parts of (...)
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  23.  13
    (1 other version)Protolanguage in ontogeny and phylogeny.Patricia M. Greenfield, Heidi Lyn & E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - 2008 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 9 (1):34-50.
    We approach the issue of holophrasis versus compositionality in the emergence of protolanguage by analyzing the earliest combinatorial constructions in child, bonobo, and chimpanzee: messages consisting of one symbol combined with one gesture. Based on evidence from apes learning an interspecies visual communication system and children acquiring a first language, we conclude that the potential to combine two different kinds of semiotic element — deictic and representational — was fundamental to the protolanguage forming the foundation for the earliest human language. (...)
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    Current Socioeconomic Status Correlates With Brain Volumes in Healthy Children and Adolescents but Not in Children With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure.Kaitlyn McLachlan, Dongming Zhou, Graham Little, Carmen Rasmussen, Jacqueline Pei, Gail Andrew, James N. Reynolds & Christian Beaulieu - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Refiguring the Ordinary.Gail Weiss (ed.) - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    If social, political, and material transformation is to have a lasting impact on individuals and society, it must be integrated within ordinary experience. Refiguring the Ordinary examines the ways in which individuals' bodies, habits, environments, and abilities function as horizons that underpin their understandings of the ordinary. These features of experience, according to Gail Weiss, are never neutral, but are always affected by gender, race, social class, ethnicity, nationality, and perceptions of bodily normality. While no two people will experience (...)
  26. The Foundations of Statistics.Leonard Savage - 1954 - Wiley Publications in Statistics.
    Classic analysis of the subject and the development of personal probability; one of the greatest controversies in modern statistcal thought.
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    Childhood and Postcolonization: Power, Education, and Contemporary Practice.Gaile Sloan Cannella & Radhika Viruru - 2004 - Routledge.
    This book opens the door to the effects of intellectual, educational, and economic colonization of young children throughout the world. Using a postcolonial lens on current educational practices, the authors hope to lift those practices out of reproducing traditional power structures and push our thinking beyond the adult/child dichotomy into new possibilities for the lives that are created with children.
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    Global Citizenship Education and Scholars for Syria: A Case Study.Lisa Kretz, Kristen Fowler, Kendra Mehling, Gail Vignola & Jill Griffin - 2020 - Teaching Ethics 20 (1-2):47-63.
    This article gives a broad sense of existing debate about Global Citizenship Education to help situate and contextualize a novel case study. Scholars for Syria originated at a small university in southern Indiana. This grassroots response to the turmoil in Syria bridges the gap between a seemingly distant crisis and a midwestern city in the United States. The unique pedagogical and curricular dimensions of the case study work as a helpful framing device for facilitating exploration of debates about the shape (...)
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    Grudging Trust and the Limits of Trustworthy Biorepository Curation.Karen M. Meagher, Eric T. Juengst & Gail E. Henderson - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):23-25.
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  30. Immanence.Gail Fine - 1986 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 4:71-97.
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    Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol affects consummatory but not appetitive sequence of interspecific aggression in the Mongolian gerbil.Harvey J. Ginsburg, Steve A. Norris & Gail Hudson - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (5):361-363.
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  32. Intertwined Identities: Challenges to Bodily Autonomy.Gail Weiss - 2009 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):22-37.
    Over the last decade, the international media has devoted increasing attention to operations that separate conjoined twins. Despite the fairly low odds that a child or adult will survive the operation with all of their vital organs intact, most people fail to question the urgency of being physically separated from one’s identical twin. The drive to surgically tear asunder that which was originally joined, I suggest, is motivated in part by a refusal to acknowledge intercorporeality as a basic condition of (...)
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  33.  48
    Economists' statement on network neutrality policy.William J. Baumol, Robert E. Litan, Martin E. Cave, Peter Cramton, Robert W. Hahn, Thomas W. Hazlett, Paul L. Joskow, Alfred E. Kahn, John W. Mayo, Patrick A. Messerlin, Bruce M. Owen, Robert S. Pindyck, Vernon L. Smith, Scott Wallsten, Leonard Waverman, Lawrence J. White & Scott Savage - manuscript
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    The Utility of a Brief Web-Based Prevention Intervention as a Universal Approach for Risky Alcohol Use in College Students: Evidence of Moderation by Family History.Zoe E. Neale, Jessica E. Salvatore, Megan E. Cooke, Jeanne E. Savage, Fazil Aliev, Kristen K. Donovan, Linda C. Hancock & Danielle M. Dick - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Effects of Multi-Muscle Electrical Stimulation and Stand Training on Stepping for an Individual With SCI.Kamyar Momeni, Arvind Ramanujam, Manikandan Ravi, Erica Garbarini & Gail F. Forrest - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  36.  61
    Modeling single versus multiple systems in implicit and explicit memory.Jeffrey J. Starns, Roger Ratcliff & Gail McKoon - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (4):195-196.
  37.  18
    The "Primal Scene" as a Culture-Specific Phenomenon: A Speculative Rereading of Freudian - or Freud's - Psychology.Gaile Mcgregor - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (1).
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  38. Creating inter-sexuate inter-subjectivity in the classroom? / Luce Irigarays Linguistic Research in Its Latest Iteration.Gail Schwab - 2016 - In Mary C. Rawlinson (ed.), Engaging the World: Thinking after Irigaray. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Perception and its causes. In.Gail Soffer - 1996 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree (eds.), Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer Verlag. pp. 37--56.
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    Memory and encoding in a letter-matching reaction time task.Lawrence S. Meyers, Don Schoenborn & Gail M. Clark - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (1):41-42.
  41. The Wisdom of African Sages.Gail Presbey - 2001 - In Teodros Kiros (ed.), Explorations in African Political Thought: Identity, Community, Ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 7-20.
    The paper explores the role of sage philosophy, founded by Prof. H. Odera Oruka of Kenya, within African philosophy and philosophy in general. The focus on wise sages raises the larger issue of the relationship of wisdom to philosophy. An early literature of wisdom philosophy, dealing with the art of living, has been marginalized by modern philosophy, where concerns for wisdom are peripheral. Kekes and Blanshard argue, however, that the reflectiveness and judgment involved in wisdom are key philosophical virtues and (...)
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    Delivering feedback on learning organization characteristics – using a Learning Practice Inventory.Diane R. Kelly, Murray Lough, Rosemary Rushmer, Joyce E. Wilkinson, Gail Greig & Huw T. O. Davies - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (5):734-740.
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    Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, and the Clinical Implications of Rapid Refeeding.Sarah Kezelman, Ross D. Crosby, Paul Rhodes, Caroline Hunt, Gail Anderson, Simon Clarke & Stephen Touyz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  44. You Never Even Called Me by my Name: A Meta-linguistic Analysis of Comptence with Proper Names.Heidi Savage - manuscript
    I suggest a revised meta-linguistic account that distinguishes between the language used to talk about a particular language -- the meta-language -- from direct speech reports made within a language -- the object language. Making this distinction leads to a kind of meta-linguistic analysis of competence with names that is not simply tautologous, so long as competence with names is not construed as knowing this: 'Tyler' is whatever is called 'Tyler'. Rather, it should be this: the name 'Tyler' is whatever (...)
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    Transforming normative, ableist, and biomedical orientations to living well and quality of life in nursing: Reimagining what a ventilated body can do.Elizabeth J. Straus, Helen Brown, Gail Teachman & Fuchsia Howard - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12554.
    A goal of living as well as possible is central to practice and research with young adults living with home mechanical ventilation (HMV). Significant effort has been put into conceptualizing and measuring the quality of life (QOL) as a proxy for living well. Yet, dominant understandings of QOL have been influenced by normative, ableist, and biomedical discourses about what constitutes a good life that, when applied in practice and systems with those living with HMV, can contribute to exclusion and constrain (...)
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  46.  16
    Sharing time across unshared horizons.Gail Weiss - 2011 - In Christina Schües, Dorothea E. Olkowski & Helen A. Fielding (eds.), Time in Feminist Phenomenology. Indiana University Press. pp. 171.
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    John Dewey's Liberalism: Individual, Community, and Self-Development.Daniel M. Savage - 2001 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    John Dewey's classical pragmatism, Daniel M. Savage asserts, can be used to provide a self-development-based justification of liberal democracy that shows the current debate between liberal individualism and republican communitarianism to ...
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  48. On Ideas: Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms.Gail Fine - 1994 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (3):406-408.
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  49. Varieties of Epistemic Injustice.Gaile Pohlhaus - 2017 - In Ian James Kidd & José Medina (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice. New York: Routledge.
  50. Plato on knowledge and forms: selected essays.Gail Fine - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Plato on Knowledge and Forms brings together a set of connected essays by Gail Fine, in her main area of research since the late 1970s: Plato's metaphysics and epistemology. She discusses central issues in Plato's metaphysics and epistemology, issues concerning the nature and extent of knowledge, and its relation to perception, sensibles, and forms; and issues concerning the nature of forms, such as whether they are universals or particulars, separate or immanent, and whether they are causes. A specially written (...)
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