Results for 'Gaetana Cantone'

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  1.  47
    Exploring the Link Between Human Rights, the Capability Approach and Corporate Responsibility.César González-Cantón, Sonia Boulos & Pablo Sánchez-Garrido - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):865-879.
    The capability approach is gaining momentum as a theory of corporate responsibility and business ethics at a time when the UN Guiding Principles have become a most important framework. A novel approach is now emerging that seeks to understand and specify human rights obligations of businesses within the framework provided by the capability approach. This article partially examines the triad corporate responsibility–human rights–capability approach by exploring the relationship between human rights and capabilities. Thus, it offers conceptual and practical implications for (...)
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    A Sound Proposition that may not be Enough.César González-Cantón - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (4):563-570.
    In this book, the author proposes an understanding of corporate responsibility that can be captured in the answer to the following question: What are the implications for companies, as main drivers of economic activity (Part III), of the idea that the purpose of the economy is to create wealth (Part I) within the normative-ethical framework of human rights (Part II)? Enderle crafts a solid, well-thought and comprehensive account of corporate responsibility as a means to create wealth, understood in an expansive (...)
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    La realtà virtuale come spazio di un’ekphrasis digitale.Damiano Cantone - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 28.
    The essay aims to examine the concept of digital ekphrasis in virtual reality environments. The emergence of immersive narrative worlds, both in videogames and artistic expression, requires a reflection on the relationships between traditional narrative forms (literature and painting, as well as photography and cinema) and the possibilities that technological development brings to the evolution of artistic and expressive languages. Starting from the analysis of Alejandro González Iñárritu’s virtual reality installation "Carne y Arena", the essay questions the continuity/discontinuity relationship with (...)
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    On the Purpose of Purposiveness.Thomas J. Cantone - 2023 - Idealistic Studies 53 (3):263-278.
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    Effects of Temporary Numerical Imbalances on Collective Exploratory Behavior of Young and Professional Football Players.Albert Canton, Carlota Torrents, Angel Ric, Bruno Gonçalves, Jaime Sampaio & Robert Hristovski - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    La coscienza e la legge.Raffaele Cantone - 2019 - Bari: GLF editori Laterza. Edited by Vincenzo Paglia & Emanuele Coen.
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  7. Un Nuovo volto di Dio?: il processo al teismo nella teologia contemporanea.Carlo Cantone (ed.) - 1976 - Roma: LAS.
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    Age, Height, and Sex on Motor Evoked Potentials: Translational Data From a Large Italian Cohort in a Clinical Environment.Mariagiovanna Cantone, Giuseppe Lanza, Luisa Vinciguerra, Valentina Puglisi, Riccardo Ricceri, Francesco Fisicaro, Carla Vagli, Rita Bella, Raffaele Ferri, Giovanni Pennisi, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro & Manuela Pennisi - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:459274.
    Introduction: Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) to transcranial magnetic stimulation are known to be susceptible to several sources of variability. However, conflicting evidences on individual characteristics in relatively small sample sizes have been reported. We investigated the effect of age, height, and sex on MEPs of the motor cortex and spinal roots in a large cohort. Methods: A total of 587 subjects clinically and neuroradiologically intact were included. MEPs were recorded during mild tonic contraction through a circular coil applied over the (...)
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    The Simulated Body: A Preliminary Investigation into the Relationship Between Neuroscientific Studies, Phenomenology and Virtual Reality.Damiano Cantone - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (4):1011-1020.
    The author of this paper discusses the theme of the "simulated body", that is the sense of "being there” in a body that is not one's own, or that does not exist in the way one perceives it. He addresses this issue by comparing Immersive Virtual Reality technology, the phenomenological approach, and Gerald Edelman's theory of Neural Darwinism. Virtual Reality has been used to throw light on some phenomena that cannot be studied experimentally in real life, and the results of (...)
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    A decision procedure for monotone functions over bounded and complete lattices.Domenico Cantone & Calogero G. Zarba - 2006 - In Harrie de Swart, Ewa Orlowska, Gunther Smith & Marc Roubens (eds.), Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II: International Workshops of COST Action 274, TARSKI, 2002-2005, Selected Revised Papers. Springer. pp. 318--333.
  11.  9
    Blumenberg "versus" Heidegger: la metaforología como destino del análisis existencial.César G. Cantón - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (3):725-746.
    Blumenberg´s “metaphorology” is offered as a hermeneutical alternative to the Heideggerian existential hermeneutic. This implies that philosophical anthropology —as we find it in Gehlen, Plessner and others— achieves onthological standing, and is developed as a history of great metaphors, which supports the history of ideas.
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  12. Censure, dialogue and reconciliation.Rob Canton - 2019 - In Antje du Bois-Pedain & Anthony E. Bottoms (eds.), Penal censure: engagements within and beyond desert theory. New York: Hart Publishing.
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    Globalisation, Technology and Reason.César González Cantón - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 22:51-59.
    This paper intends to explore an aspect of Blumenberg’s metaphorology as memory of mankind and the ethical commitment derived from it. It is seen as the culmination of the fight that the human being maintains against the senselessness of reality. It manifests itself and it is perceived by a human being as theimmensurability of world time and life time (i.e. that the human being is born and dies), that impedes the human being from having all of the world i.e. the (...)
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  14. Introduzione al problema di Dio.Carlo Cantone - 1973 - Brescia,: La scuola.
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  15. Il concetto filosofico di diritto in Giambattista Vico.Carlo Cantone - 1952 - Mazara,: Società editrice siciliana.
  16. Kristi Sweet, Kant on Freedom, Nature, and Judgment: The Territory of the Third Critique (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).Thomas Cantone - 2024 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 45 (2):382-385.
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  17.  26
    Punishment.Robert Canton - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the concept of punishment: its meaning and significance, not least to those subject to it; its social, political and emotional contexts; its role in the criminal justice system; and the difficulties of bringing punishment to an end. It explores how levels of criminal punishment could and should be reduced, without compromising moral standards, public safety or the rights of victims of crime. Core contents include: Why punishment matters, the salience of emotions in its various discourses and the (...)
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  18. on Hans Blumenberg's Beschreibung des Menschen.César González Cantón & Stéphane Dirschauer - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (2):545-556.
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    Lying to patients with dementia: Attitudes versus behaviours in nurses.Daniela Cantone, Francesco Attena, Sabrina Cerrone, Antonio Fabozzi, Riccardo Rossiello, Laura Spagnoli & Concetta Paola Pelullo - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):984-992.
    Background: Using lies, in dementia care, reveals a common practice far beyond the diagnosis and prognosis, extending to the entire care process. Objectives: In this article, we report results about the attitude and the behaviour of nurses towards the use of lies to patients with dementia. Research design: An epidemiological cross-sectional study was conducted between September 2016 and February 2017 in 12 elderly residential facilities and in the geriatric, psychiatric and neurological wards of six specialised hospitals of Italy’s Campania Region. (...)
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  20. Blumenberg "versus" Heidegger: la metaforología como destino del análisis existencial.César González-Cantón - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (83):725-746.
    ENGLISH Blumenbergs Metaphorology is offered as an hermeneutical alternative to heideggerian existential hermeneutic. It implies that philosophical anthropology –as we find her in Gehlen, Plessner and others– achieves onthological standing, and it’s developed as a history of great metaphers, that seems to support the history of ideas.
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    The Separation Thesis Weighs Heavily on Integrative Social Contracts Theory: A Comprehensive Critique.César González-Cantón - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (3):391-411.
    For more than three decades, Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT) has been lauded as a business ethics theory particularly well suited to the international arena, especially because of its alleged ability to reconcile respect for cultural idiosyncrasies and normative teeth. However, this theory has also faced various objections, many of which its authors have responded to with varying degrees of satisfaction. As a contribution to this debate, this article provides a unifying rationale for many of those objections by exploring their (...)
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  22.  6
    Dall'ideologia All 'Utopia la Teologia Occidentale Dopo la "Morte di Dio"'.Carlo Cantone - 1989 - Roma: Dehoniane.
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    Enrique Anrubia, La herida y la súplica. Una filosofía del consuelo.César González Cantón - 2015 - Endoxa 35:305.
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    Dual tableau-based decision procedures for relational logics with restricted composition operator.Domenico Cantone, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo & Ewa Orlowska - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (2):177-200.
    We consider fragments of the relational logic RL(1) obtained by posing various constraints on the relational terms involving the operator of composition of relations. These fragments allow to express several non classical logics including modal and description logics. We show how relational dual tableaux can be employed to provide decision procedures for each of them.
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    Lorsque Muḥammad orne les autels.Réjane Gay-Canton - 2010 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 94 (2):201-248.
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  26. Dio, l'Essere e il Volto in Discussioni per il progresso della filosofia cristiana.Carlo Cantone - 1988 - Aquinas 31 (1):151-170.
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    Dal segno all'immagine: saggio su Gilles Deleuze.Damiano Cantone - 2022 - Milano: Meltemi.
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    Lindiwe Dovey (2009) African Film and Literature: Adapting Violence to the Screen.Helena Cantone - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):137-145.
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    Pecado y existencia. Notas sobre el pensamiento de Escoto Eriúgena.José L. Cantón Alonso - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:159.
    This article propose some ret1ections about the existential significance of the eriugenian concept of original sin. This, together with the divine grace, permits John Scot to understand the historical and worldly configuration of the existence and the possibility of realization in it and from it of the natural human condition of imago Dei.
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  30. Retórica en Blumenberg.César González-Cantón - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
    Análisis de la noción de retórica en Blumenberg.
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    The intelligent atom.Donald H. Canton - 1973 - New York,: Upton-Ellis Books.
  32. Pecado y existencia: Notas sobre el pensamiento de Escoto Eriúgena.José Luis Cantón Alonso - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:159-172.
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    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Posterior Parietal Cortex Modulates Line-Length Estimation but Not Illusory Depth Perception.Adriana Salatino, Gaetana Chillemi, Federica Gontero, Marisa Poncini, Maria Pyasik, Anna Berti & Raffaella Ricci - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Desenvolvimiento de las Ideas Pedagogicas en Panama, 1903-26.A. C. F. Beales & Alfredo Canton - 1956 - British Journal of Educational Studies 5 (1):93.
  35. Banishing Ultrafilters from Our Consciousness.Alberto Policriti, Eugenio Omodeo & Domenico Cantone - 2016 - In Alberto Policriti & Eugenio Omodeo (eds.), Martin Davis on Computability, Computational Logic, and Mathematical Foundations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    ‘Movement as Disclosive of Being’ Merleau-Ponty: From the Psychology of Gestalt to the Analysis of Movement.Luca Taddio & Damiano Cantone - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (2):195-204.
    Summary In this essay we seek to clarify the meaning and theoretical implications of the statement by Merleau-Ponty contained in his 1953 course, Le Monde Sensible et le Monde de l’Expression, according to which movement is ‘revealing of being’. This analysis takes up and comments on chapter 7 of Koffka’s Principles of Gestalt Psychology (dedicated to the issue of movement) and related experiments in particular. We will show that Merleau-Ponty’s idea of ontology of movement emerges from his examination of several (...)
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    Towards a semantic blockchain: A behaviouristic approach to modelling Ethereum.Giampaolo Bella, Domenico Cantone, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo & Daniele Francesco Santamaria - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (2):143-180.
    Decentralised ledgers are gaining momentum following the interest of industries and people in smart contracts. Major attention is paid to blockchain applications intended for trading assets that exploit digital cryptographic certificates called tokens. Particularly relevant tokens are the non-fungible tokens (NFTs), namely, unique and non-replicable tokens used to represent the cryptographic counterpart of assets ranging from pieces of art through to licenses and certifications. A relevant consequence of the hard-coded nature of blockchains is the hardness of probing, in particular when (...)
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    Open Challenges on the Stability of Complex Systems: Insights of Nonlinear Phenomena with or without Delay.Baltazar Aguirre-Hernández, Eric Campos-Cantón, Raúl Villafuerte-Segura, Carlos Vázquez-Aguilera & Carlos-Arturo Loredo-Villalobos - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-2.
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    The ideal Benedictine Monastery: From the Saint Gall map to ontologies.Claudia Cantale, Domenico Cantone, Manuela Lupica Rinato, Marianna Nicolosi-Asmundo, Daniele Francesco Santamaria & Maria Rosaria Stufano Melone - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (2):137-160.
    We present an OWL 2 ontology, called SaintGall, representing the Saint Gall plan, one of the most ancient documents arrived intact to us. The Saint Gall plan describes the ideal model of a Benedictine monastic complex that inspired the design of many European monasteries. The structural, functional, and architectural specification of an ideal Benedectine monastery is modeled by the SaintGall ontology, which allows one to analyse and model the Monastery architectural type. This work started with the purpose of relating Catania’s (...)
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    Goal Scoring in Soccer: A Polar Coordinate Analysis of Motor Skills Used by Lionel Messi.Marta Castañer, Daniel Barreira, Oleguer Camerino, M. Teresa Anguera, Albert Canton & Raúl Hileno - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Cerebral hemodynamic changes to transcranial Doppler sonography in celiac disease: A pilot study.Francesco Fisicaro, Giuseppe Lanza, Carmela Cinzia D’Agate, Manuela Pennisi, Mariagiovanna Cantone, Giovanni Pennisi, Marios Hadjivassiliou & Rita Bella - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:931727.
    BackgroundSonographic mesenteric pattern in celiac disease (CD) suggests a hyperdynamic circulation. Despite the well-known CD-related neurological involvement, no study has systematically explored the cerebral hemodynamics to transcranial Doppler sonography.Materials and methodsMontreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) were assessed in 15 newly diagnosed subjects with CD and 15 age-, sex-, and education-matched healthy controls. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocities and indices of resistivity (RI) and pulsatility (PI) from the middle cerebral artery (MCA), bilaterally, and the basilar (...)
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    Teaching Business Ethics Through Strategically Integrated Micro-Insertions.Alesia Slocum, Sylvia Rohlfer & Cesar Gonzalez-Canton - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (1):1-14.
    This article identifies an integrated teaching strategy that was originally developed for engineers, the so-called ‘micro-insertion’ approach, as a practical and effective means to teach ethics at business schools. It is argued that instructors can incorporate not only generic or thematic learning objectives for students into this method (i.e., the intended content of what is being taught: in our case, an underlying ethical base for doing business), but also do so via a strategically integrated approach regarding the appropriate mix and (...)
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  43. Herrera-Acosta, J., 19.C. A. Herzog, Cade Jr, A. Caliendo, J. S. Cameron, A. Cantone, G. Capasso, D. Carl, J. A. Castillo-Lugo, R. Cestaro & M. Chelamcharla - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 171.
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    Maria Gaetana Agnesi: Mathematics and the Making of the Catholic Enlightenment.Massimo Mazzotti - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):657-683.
    Maria Gaetana Agnesi is known as the author of a textbook on calculus that appeared in Milan in 1748. For the first time a woman was able to establish herself as a legitimate mathematician and publish her work. This essay reconstructs the religious and scientific culture in which the textbook originated and considers lesser-known aspects of Agnesi's life and thought. It argues that Agnesi was a principal exponent of the "Catholic Enlightenment" in Italy and that her spiritual practice, pious (...)
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  45. Virtual Cantons.Roderick T. Long - 2015 - In Aviezer Tucker & Gian Piero De Bellis (eds.), Panarchy: Political Theories of Non-Territorial States. New York: Routledge. pp. 227-233.
    What would the constitution of a free nation look like? In trying to answer that question we immediately think in terms of a Bill of Rights, restrictions on governmental power, and so forth. And any constitution worth having would certainly include those things. But if a constitution is to be more than a wish list, it must also specify the political structure necessary to ensure that these freedoms are not eroded or ignored. Consider the old Soviet Constitution, which guaranteed all (...)
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  46. Maria Gaetana Agnesi, mathematician of God.Massimo Mazzotti - 2015 - In Snezana Lawrence & Mark McCartney (eds.), Mathematicians and Their Gods: Interactions Between Mathematics and Religious Beliefs. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Canton under Communism.Alan P. L. Liu & Ezra F. Vogel - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):346.
  48.  17
    Evaluation of losses and waste in craft companies that generate added value with cocoa CCN51 (Theobroma cacao L.) of the Ambato-Ecuador canton.Carla Patricia Pazmino - 2022 - Minerva 3 (8):20-31.
    The craft companies that transform cocoa into value-added products in the Ambato-Ecuador canton generate a large number of losses and waste, causing low production performance, which is not solved by the chocolatiers as they don’t have a clear knowledge of the amount exactly what is lost and how it affects in the productive growth. Therefore, it seeks to quantify the losses and waste generated in the transformation of cocoa into semi-finished products. The work was carried out through the information collected (...)
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    Domenico Cantone, Alfredo Ferro, and Eugenio Omodeo. Computable set theory. Volume 1. International series of monographs on computer science, no. 6. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York1989, xii + 347 pp. [REVIEW]Lincoln A. Wallen - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):361-362.
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    La boule de Canton: le roman vrai de l'écologie humaine.Paul G. Dumas - 2007 - Paris: Publibook.
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