Results for 'Gabriela Dilly'

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  1.  23
    (1 other version)A educação patrimonial no contexto regional: reflexões sobre o patrimônio na perspectiva contempor'nea.Daniel Luciano Gevehr & Gabriela Dilly - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (2):10.
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  2. Plato's Cosmology and its Ethical Dimensions.Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Although a great deal has been written on Plato's ethics, his cosmology has not received so much attention in recent times and its importance for his ethical thought has remained underexplored. By offering accounts of Timaeus, Philebus, Politicus and Laws X, the book reveals a strongly symbiotic relation between the cosmic and human sphere. It is argued that in his late period Plato presents a picture of an organic universe, endowed with structure and intrinsic value, which both urges our respect (...)
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  3. Akrasia in the Republic: Does Plato Change his Mind?Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2001 - In David Sedley (ed.), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume Xx Summer 2001. Clarendon Press. pp. 107-148.
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    Design Bioethics: A Theoretical Framework and Argument for Innovation in Bioethics Research.Gabriela Pavarini, Robyn McMillan, Abigail Robinson & Ilina Singh - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (6):37-50.
    Empirical research in bioethics has developed rapidly over the past decade, but has largely eschewed the use of technology-driven methodologies. We propose “design bioethics” as an area of conjoined theoretical and methodological innovation in the field, working across bioethics, health sciences and human-centred technological design. We demonstrate the potential of digital tools, particularly purpose-built digital games, to align with theoretical frameworks in bioethics for empirical research, integrating context, narrative and embodiment in moral decision-making. Purpose-built digital tools can engender situated engagement (...)
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    Destruktive Organisatoren desZweiten Internationalen Kongresses fürÄsthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft,Paris 1937.Heinrich Dilly - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 61 (2):113-133.
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    Eficacia espectral: una lectura anti-idealista de la justicia derrideana.Gabriela Balcarce - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 18 (21):29-45.
    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar el vínculo paradójico entre justicia y derecho en la filosofía derrideana. El énfasis de la separación entre justicia y derecho presenta el riesgo de un hiato. La justicia quedaría así confinada a una pura exterioridad, sin contacto con lo jurídico e incurriendo en un idealismo. Intentaremos ofrecer un modo de articulación a través de la figura del espectro.
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  7. Hegel und Schinkel in Welt und Wirkung von Hegels Asthetik.H. Dilly - 1986 - Hegel-Studien 27:103-116.
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    Demarcación contextual, ordenación de materiales y estudio desagregado de la formación de la Teoría Constitucional en la Grecia antigua.Gabriela Noemí Elgul - 2008 - Enfoques 20 (1-2):73-92.
    Este trabajo examina los orígenes de la teoría constitucional en el pensamiento griego antiguo. Como no todo los registros encuadran en esa escueta agenda, el trabajo reformula la cuestión considerando en primer lugar el rol de los precedentes históricos y la variedad de posiciones que cabe desagreg..
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  9. Trabajar y habitar: dos variables espaciales del control postindustrial.Gabriela Rodríguez Fernández - 2008 - Aposta 38:5.
    This essay is a reflection on the transformations in our way of life the city in the last century, some changes in the transition from an industrial society to a society telematics have altered our ways of living and working, and being. The urban spaces are being built at present following a different logic from that which prevailed in the past. This produces new ways to control and segregation, leads to difficulties in the composition of one's own identity and intolerance;, (...)
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  10. Commentary : (em)powering narratives of technology.Gabriela Soto Laveaga - 2022 - In Jenny Bangham, Xan Chacko & Judith Kaplan (eds.), Invisible Labour in Modern Science. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Evaluación de los aprendizajes de contenidos clínicos dentro de la formación en psicología.Gabriela Prieto Loureiro - 2019 - Voces de la Educación 4 (7):30-43.
    The article presents the aspects related to the learning of the psychological clinic and its evaluation. Authors who, based on different theoretical foundations, agree that the learning of the clinic does not obey teaching and evaluation strategies similar to those applied for other theoretical contents are presented in the text.
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    De-cadencias y traspiés. Estrategias intertexuales en la Antigüedad Tardía.Gabriela Andrea Marrón - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (1):161-181.
    El propósito de este ensayo es señalar, revisar y comentar algunas estrategias intertextuales presentes en los artefactos poéticos de la Antigüedad Tardía. Específicamente, examinaremos dos pasajes de los poemas de Draconcio, donde la relación de copresencia entre los textos está ligada a ciertas anomalías en la cadencia métrica de los versos. Intentaremos probar cómo, a veces, la relegatio de variantes textuales al aparato crítico ha impedido percibir procedimientos poéticos fónica y semánticamente relevantes.
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  13. Pragmatic Neuroethics: Lived Experiences as a Source of Moral Knowledge.Gabriela Pavarini & Ilina Singh - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (4):578-589.
    Abstract:In this article, we present a pragmatic approach to neuroethics, referring back to John Dewey and his articulation of the “common good” and its discovery through systematic methods. Pragmatic neuroethics bridges philosophy and social sciences and, at a very basic level, considers that ethics is not dissociable from lived experiences and everyday moral choices. We reflect on the integration between empirical methods and normative questions, using as our platform recent bioethical and neuropsychological research into moral cognition, action, and experience. Finally, (...)
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  14. Going through aporiai.Gabriela Rossi - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 52:209-256.
    This paper challenges a widespread reading of Aristotle’s use of dialectic in the treatment of aporiai. According to this reading, the search for a resolution of an aporia is supposed to proceed by arguing against conflicting theses to refute one of them. I argue that this reading is not satisfactory and propose an alternative, based on an often overlooked distinction between two dialectical procedures, the refutation (elenchos) of a thesis and the resolution (lysis) of an argument. These two terms are (...)
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  15. Mind and Body in Late Plato.Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2005 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87 (3):227-269.
    In this paper I re-examine the status of the mind-body relation in several of Plato’s late dialogues. A range of views has been attributed to Plato here. For example, it has been thought that Plato is a substance dualist, for whom the mind can exist independently of the body; or an attribute dualist, who has left behind the strong dualistic commitments of the Phaedo by allowing that the mind may be the subject of spatial movements. But even in cases where (...)
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  16. Apoyo social y síntomas psicofisiológicos en estudiantes de segundo semestre de la licenciatura en psicología de la UVM campus Tlalpan.Gabriela Estrada González & Raúl Alcazar Olán - 2005 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 2 (6).
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  17. Paradoks plotynizmu albo życzenie żeby filozof uprawiał też muzykę.Gabriela Kurylewicz - 1994 - Principia.
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    El papel de los elementos agonísticos en la dialéctica de Aristóteles.Gabriela Rossi - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 34:265-273.
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    Nature and the Best Life: Exploring the Natural Bases of Practical Normativity in Ancient Philosophy.Gabriela Rossi (ed.) - 2013 - Hildesheim - Zurich - New York: G. Olms.
    The papers included in this book explore various aspects of the relation between nature and practical normativity in Antiquity, from the Presocratic period to Neoplatonism. Leaving aside the question how much of contemporary naturalism is present in Ancient Philosophy, and whether that much is sufficient for finding traces of it in ancient naturalism, one may still ask the historical question of whether or not this is a feature that all ancient ethics share. To this effect, the following pages offer a (...)
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    Dying for the Faith, Killing for the Faith: Old-Testament Faith-Warriors (1 and 2 Maccabees) in Historical Perspective.Gabriela Signori (ed.) - 2012 - Brill.
    The history of influence of the old testamentary Maccabees is the focus of the essays collected in this book, which extend thematically and chronologically from the cult of martyrs in late antiquity to the time of the modern wars of liberation.
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  21. Fortuna y Providencia en la filosofía de Nicolás Maquiavelo y Giambattista Vico.Gabriela Mendoza Vigueras - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):155-161.
    Fortuna y Providencia son las fuerzas dinámicas para crear el cambio social. Estas fuerzas constituyen el leit motiv del quehacer humano, y una pretensión pedagógica de educar al hombre para alcanzar la felicidad.Fortune and Providence are the dynamic forces of social change. Those forces constitute humans chore leit motiv, and a pedagogical intention of educating the man, in order to attain happiness.
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    El azar segun Aristoteles: estructuras de la causalidad accidental en los procesos naturales y en la accion.Gabriela Rossi - 2011 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    This work is the first monograph devoted to the interpretation of Aristotle’s theory of chance in Physics II 4-6 and its implications and projections in other treatises, including an original and comprehensive account of the Aristotelian conception of chance, of accidental causality in the realm of nature, and of accidental causality in the realm of human action. One of the main interpretative issues around Aristotle’s discussion of chance is its relation to the four causes and to teleology. In this sense, (...)
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    Bebês, Materialidade e Objetos Técnicos Na Primeira Inf'ncia No Brasil e Na França.Gabriela Guarnieri de Campos Tebet, Sabrina de Oliveira Caetano, Lidiane Cristina Loiola Souza, Maria Antonieta Impedovo & Julia Costa - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-33.
    The main objective of this work is to discuss the materiality of relationships and experiences of infants in early childhood education, based on a dialogue with the Brazilian curriculum guidelines for Early Childhood Education in 3 municipalities in the state of São Paulo, and with the concepts of technical objects and individuation developed by Simondon. This is a qualitative research that uses bibliographic and documentary research as a methodology and the production of cartographies of scenes in which relationships between babies (...)
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  24. Recepción y desarrollo del argumento de contigüidad ontológica en el "Comentario a las Sentencias" de Tomás de Aquino.Gabriela de los Angeles Caram - 2013 - Estudios Filosóficos 62 (181):519-536.
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  25. El ethos de las decisiones penales: verdad real y consenso.Gabriela Rodríguez Fernández - 2005 - Aposta 22:2.
    El presente artículo es una reflexión profunda sobre los principales fundamentos del Derecho penal. En concreto, se ocupa de esclarecer los criterios de verdad sobre los que se apoyan las decisiones de los jueces. Ello supone cuestionar las bases filosóficas y científicas más rígidas del mundo jurídico, que postulan su carácter objetivo, y exponerlas a la crítica sociológica y política.The present article is a deep reflection on the principal foundations of the Criminal law. Specially, it is busy with clarifying the (...)
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    La Teoría Criminalística en la Individualización de la Pena.Gabriela González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2007 - Cinta de Moebio 29:167-178.
    The article briefly approaches some questions on the main penal theories that they turn around the determination of the penalty in the sentenced ones of codified legal systems, being jurisdictional processes, among them, the theory of the danger of Cesar Lombroso. The tendency of these criminal po..
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    La Teoría de los Sentimientos de Agnes Heller en la Función de los Jueces.Gabriela Beatriz González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 26.
    El texto aquí desarrollado aborda los principios más generales del realismo sociológico escandinavo, en particular de la teoría de la función jurisdiccional y del interés de Alf Ross, que sostiene a la objetividad y subjetividad como parte integrante de la actividad del juzgador, contrastán..
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  28. How to teach political sciences better?Gabriela Gregušová - 2005 - In André-Paul Frognier & Irina Kolotouchkina (eds.), EpsNet Kiosk Plus.
  29. Estructuras de argumentos.Gabriela Guevara - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 239--242.
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  30. The piano as an instrument for instrumental music education.Gabriela Munteanu - 2009 - Analysis and Metaphysics 8:115-119.
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    La communication dans les espaces multiculturels.Gabriela Vasilescu - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:215-222.
    L’évolution du processus de communication met en attention un concept qui permet une analyse plurivalente sur les espaces multiculturels – la culture communicationnelle. Ce concept rend possible le déchiffrage des relations entre ethos, logos et pathos, contient l’échange d’information obtenue par un message dans un contexte qui libère le processus communicationnel des barrières nationales. La culture communicationnelle est une résultante du processus de globalisation, entraînant les acteurs sociaux vers de nouvelles coordonnées axiologique par l’internationalisation des économies et des cultures. Au (...)
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    Construção e aplicação de matrizes bibliométrica e epistemológica para análise do referencial freireano no Ensino de Ciências.Gabriela Zauith & Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini Hayashi - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (2):113-145.
    O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que investigou a apropriação do referencial teórico de Paulo Freire em teses e dissertações nas áreas de Ensino de Ciências e Educação CTS. Através de uma análise bibliométrica e epistemológica de quatro matrizes que agregam os niveis epistemológico, ontológico e gnosiológico foi identificada a presença do referencial teórico de Paulo Freire nesses trabalhos.
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  33. ¿Retórica O Verdad? La “tercera Vía” De Platón.Gabriela Rossi - 2003 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 29 (2):285-316.
    This paper deals with Plato’s theoretical views on rhetoric, its value, its conditions, and its genuine ethical-political function. My goal is to show that, even from the theoretical and/or metarhetorical point of view (Gorgias and Phaedrus), Plato would admit the practice of arguing from probabilities (eikós) and opinions, and would accept as a legitimate part of rhetoric –in order to persuade the mob– devices such as appeals to emotion. As it is well known, concrete uses of these devices can be (...)
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    Starting with Practical Reason in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics VI 1: About the Object of the Calculative Part of the Soul.Gabriela Rossi - 2025 - Classical Philology 120 (1):1-20.
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    Neurobehavioral Interpersonal Synchrony in Early Development: The Role of Interactional Rhythms.Gabriela Markova, Trinh Nguyen & Stefanie Hoehl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    From the natural man to the political machine: sovereignty and power in the works of Thomas Hobbes.Gabriela Ratulea - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book analyses the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes in connection with the tradition of natural law and modern liberal thought. It emphasizes Hobbes's peculiar contribution to modern individualism. The main concepts of his philosophy such as natural condition of mankind, social contract, sovereignty and political obligation are analyzed.
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    Biotechnology activism is dead; long live biotechnology activism! The lure and legacy of market-based food movement strategies.Gabriela Pechlaner - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):583-597.
    Scholarly debate over the transformative potential of neoliberal, market-based, food movement strategies historically contrasts those who value their potential to reform the food-system from the inside against those who argue that their use concedes the primacy of the market, creates citizen-consumers, and undermines overall movement goals. While narrow case studies have provided important amendments, the legacy of such strategies requires impacts to be evaluated both contextually and more broadly than the specific activism. This study thus conceptualizes the ‘case’ of U.S. (...)
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    Financial Planning for Retirement: A Psychosocial Perspective.Gabriela Topa, Gregg Lunceford & Richard E. Boyatzis - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A prática da observação sistemática para a formação do(a) psicólogo(a): relato de experiência.Gabriela de Paula Feriani, Camila Vassallo de Melo, Wanderlei Abadio de Oliveira & Letícia Lovato Dellazzana- Zanon - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):157-164.
    Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência de duas alunas matriculadas em uma disciplina de estágio básico com foco no desenvolvimento da observação sistemática. A experiência ocorreu em 2016, no contexto do quinto semestre do curso de Psicologia de uma universidade particular do estado de São Paulo. Os alunos matriculados na disciplina deveriam realizar 4 horas de observação e 2 horas de supervisão acadêmica por semana. Nove observações orientadas foram realizadas, partindo-se da observação aleatória até a realização de uma (...)
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  40. Hedonism and the Pleasureless Life in Plato's Philebus.Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2000 - Phronesis 45 (4):257-283.
    This paper re-evaluates the role that Plato confers to pleasure in the "Philebus." According to leading interpretations, Plato there downplays the role of pleasure, or indeed rejects hedonism altogether. Thus, scholars such as D. Frede have taken the "mixed life" of pleasure and intelligence initially submitted in the "Philebus" to be conceded by Socrates only as a remedial good, second to a life of neutral condition, where one would experience no pleasure and pain. Even more strongly, scholars such as Irwin (...)
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    Strawsonowskie koncepcje analizy filozoficznej.Gabriela Besler - 2005 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 53 (1):27-43.
    In his philosophy P. F. Strawson employs the method of analysis, which he describes as \"[...] resolution of something complex into elements and the exhibition of the ways in which the elements are related in the complex.\" During fifty years of his philosophical activity Strawson has worked out two conceptions of analysis: the analysis of ordinary language and the connective analysis. In general Strawson\'s contribution to philosophy may be viewed as an elaboration of his conception of analysis and its deployment (...)
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  42. Tadeusz Szubka, Filozofia analityczna. Koncepcje, metody, ograniczenia.Gabriela Besler - 2010 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:325-333.
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  43. The virtues of platonic love.Gabriela Roxana Carone - 2006 - In Frisbee Candida Cheyenne Sheffield (ed.), Plato's Symposium: the ethics of desire. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Crisis, renovación partidaria Y transformaciones políticas en el peronismo de córdoba, 1983 - 1987.Gabriela Closa - 2006 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 2.
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    Os conceitos de verdadeiro e falso self e suas implicações na prática clínica.Gabriela Bruno Galván & Maria Lúcia Toledo Moraes - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:50-58.
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    Od mit do ideologija: (zlo)upotreba na diskursite na moḱta i kniževnosta.Gabriela Ivanovska - 2013 - Skopje: Sigmapres.
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    La entrevista como forma de conocimiento y como texto negociado: notas para una pedagogía de la investigación.Gabriela Merlinsky - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 27:27-33.
    The paper concentrates on the teaching of qualitative data collection techniques. The theoretical assumptions upon which the interview strategy is based are analyzed in the first place. For this purpose, “minimum” contents of the body of knowledge formed by phenomenology, symbolic interactionism and..
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  48. Mimar la lengua : reflexiones en torno a una "nueva mimesis" de la escritura crítica.Gabriela Milone - 2014 - In María Gabriela Milone & Silvana Santucci (eds.), Violencia y método: de lecturas y críticas. CABA, Argentina: Letranómada.
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    Reseña de "enéadas. Textos esenciales" de plotino.Gabriela Müller - 2009 - Signos Filosóficos 11 (22):203-207.
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  50. Artificial Life and Bioinformatics-Incorporating Knowledge of Secondary Structures in a L-System-Based Encoding for Protein Folding.Gabriela Ochoa, Gabi Escuela & Natalio Krasnogor - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3871--247.
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