Results for 'Gabi Löschper'

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  1.  40
    Interpersonal Deviance and Abusive Supervision: The Mediating Role of Supervisor Negative Emotions and the Moderating Role of Subordinate Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Gabi Eissa, Scott W. Lester & Ritu Gupta - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):577-594.
    We build on the emerging research that shows aversive subordinate workplace behaviors are likely related to abusive supervision in the workplace. Specifically, we develop and test a moderated-mediation model outlining the process of abusive supervision based on the stressor-emotion model of counterproductive work behavior. We argue that subordinate interpersonal deviance prompts supervisor negative emotions, which then leads supervisors to engage in abusive supervision. We also argue that subordinate organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is likely to play a crucial role in predicting (...)
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    A Moral Disengagement Investigation of How and When Supervisor Psychological Entitlement Instigates Abusive Supervision.Gabi Eissa & Scott W. Lester - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):675-694.
    Building on the emerging research on antecedents of abusive supervision, the current research offers an empirical investigation concerning how and when supervisor psychological entitlement instigates abusive supervision in the workplace. Specifically, drawing on social cognitive theory, we develop and test a moderated-mediation model delineating the process that prompts psychologically entitled supervisors to become abusive towards subordinates. We argue that supervisor psychological entitlement facilitates supervisor moral disengagement, which subsequently incites supervisory abusive behaviors. We also argue that supervisor moral identity and core (...)
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    Increasing Engagement in Regulatory Science: Reflections from the Field of Risk Assessment.Gaby-Fleur Böl & Leonie Dendler - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (4):719-754.
    While the demands for greater engagement in science in general and regulatory science in particular have been steadily increasing, we still face limited understanding of the empirical resonance of these demands. Against this context, this paper presents findings from a recent study of a potential participatory opening of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, a prominent regulatory scientific organization in the field of risk governance. Drawing upon quantitative surveys of the public and selected professional experts as well as in-depth (...)
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    Patient autonomy in home care: Nurses’ relational practices of responsibility.Gaby Jacobs - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1638-1653.
    Background: Over the last decade, new healthcare policies are transforming healthcare practices towards independent living and self-care of older people and people with a chronic disease or disability within the community. For professional caregivers in home care, such as nurses, this requires a shift from a caring attitude towards the promotion of patient autonomy. Aim: To explore how nurses in home care deal with the transformation towards fostering patient autonomy and self-care. Research design and context: A case study was conducted (...)
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    Commodifying Indigeneity? Settler Colonialism and Racial Capitalism in Fair Trade Farming in Palestine.Gabi Kirk - 2023 - Historical Materialism 31 (2):236-268.
    The recent proliferation of settler colonial and Indigenous studies of Palestine have addressed the historical and present-day enclosure of Palestinian land, yet the question of ‘indigeneity’ is underexamined in this literature. Claims to indigeneity in Palestine straddle varied definitions: a racial category; as constructed through the colonial encounter or preceding colonialism; and as a local relation or an international juridico-political category. Using discourse analysis and ethnography of a specific Palestinian sustainable agriculture initiative, I show how for Palestinians, claiming indigeneity brings (...)
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    Describing cutting and breaking events in Kuuk Thaayorre.Alice Gaby - 2007 - Cognitive Linguistics 18 (2).
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    Ḳolnoʻa optsyonali: filosofyah meha-seraṭim.Gabi Barzel - 2012 - Ramat-Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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    Reciprocal-marked and marked reciprocal events in Kuuk Thaayorre.Alice Gaby - 2011 - In Nicholas Evans (ed.), Reciprocals and Semantic Typology. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 98--251.
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    Confrontations politiques et allégeances confessionnelles : le cas du Liban.Gaby Hsab - 2008 - Hermes 51:119.
    L'histoire moderne du Liban illustre merveilleusement bien le lien étroit entre les conflits externes qui le guettent et les dissensions internes qui le fragilisent sur fond d'allégeances confessionnelles et sectaires. Pourtant, ces facteurs de vulnérabilité sont aussi les agents de survie de ce pays, car associés au destin même de ce minuscule État. Lieu de rencontre de minorités persécutées ailleurs, il se dresse en antithèse par rapport aux pays qui l'entourent. Par ce fait même, il devient l'édifice même d'une diversité (...)
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  10.  29
    The Phantasm of the German Migrant Or The Invention of Brazil.Gabi Kathöfer - 2008 - Flusser Studies 7 (1):1-14.
    This paper undertakes a fresh appraisal of German emigration to Brazil as an important but mainly overlooked component of nineteenth-century German identity construction and nationalism. It analyzes Brazil as a controversial political space of national imagination, colonial fantasy, and intercultural translation and evaluates the German emigrant community in Brazil as an invention that is, until today, a depiction heavily loaded with ideological and racial bias. Drawing on Flusser’s thoughts on “Heimat” and migration, this article outlines an intercultural and interdisciplinary approach (...)
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  11. The parliament of women and the restoration crisis.Gaby Mahlberg - 2019 - In Cesare Cuttica & Markku Peltonen (eds.), Democracy and anti-democracy in early modern England, 1603-1689. Boston: Brill.
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  12. Izobraževanje starejših odraslih s podeželja na ljudskih univerzah v jugovzhodni Sloveniji.Gabi Ogulin Počrvina - 2012 - Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies 63 (5).
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    Associative memory advantage in grapheme-color synesthetes compared to older, but not young adults.Gaby Pfeifer, Nicolas Rothen, Jamie Ward, Dennis Chan & Natasha Sigala - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    My Africa Reads.Olatoun Gabi-Williams - 2020 - Logos 31 (2):7-18.
    ‘My Africa Reads’ is a memoir that looks back at my reading history. The ‘Preamble’ identifies authors who influenced my worldview during my secondary and tertiary education in the UK and who remained my companions during the first decade of my return to Nigeria. From this immersion in Eurocentric literature, the memoir progresses to my encounter with postcolonial African literature in the collective setting of the Africa Book Group, which I joined in 2002 and led from 2014 to 2018. The (...)
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    The Thaayorre lexicon of putting and taking.Alice Gaby - 2012 - In Anetta Kopecka & Bhuvana Narasimhan (eds.), Events of Putting and Taking: A Crosslinguistic Perspective. John Benjamins. pp. 100--233.
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    The development of moral sensitivity of nursing students: A scoping review.Ankana Spekkink & Gaby Jacobs - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (5):791-808.
    Moral sensitivity is known to be the starting point for moral competence and even is a core concept in the curricula for bachelor’s-level nursing students in the Netherlands. While the development of moral sensitivity in nursing is commonly agreed to be important, there is no clear understanding of how to develop moral sensitivity through nursing education and what components of nursing education contribute to moral sensitivity. Studies on educational interventions could build knowledge about what works in developing moral sensitivity and (...)
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  17.  14
    Using Protocol Analysis in Television News Research: Proposal and First Tests.Gabi Schaap - 2001 - Communications 26 (4):443-464.
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  18.  22
    The ABC of algorithmic aversion: not agent, but benefits and control determine the acceptance of automated decision-making.Gabi Schaap, Tibor Bosse & Paul Hendriks Vettehen - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    While algorithmic decision-making (ADM) is projected to increase exponentially in the coming decades, the academic debate on whether people are ready to accept, trust, and use ADM as opposed to human decision-making is ongoing. The current research aims at reconciling conflicting findings on ‘algorithmic aversion’ in the literature. It does so by investigating algorithmic aversion while controlling for two important characteristics that are often associated with ADM: increased benefits (monetary and accuracy) and decreased user control. Across three high-powered (Ntotal = (...)
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  19.  45
    Ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy with older adults: A grounded theory analysis.Shai Lederman & Gaby Shefler - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (2):101-114.
    This study explores how therapists deal with ethical dilemmas in psychotherapy with older adults. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 therapists and analyzed using grounded theory methodology. Findings clustered around three themes: (i) respecting autonomy when interacting with family of vulnerable and dependent older patients; (ii) prioritizing respecting autonomy in risk situations and in suspected financial abuse without impaired judgment; and (iii) prioritizing protecting the patient in risk situations of patients with dementia and of suspected physical abuse or neglect. These (...)
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  20.  46
    Historical and Political Contexts of The Isle of Pines.Gaby Mahlberg - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (1):111 - 129.
  21.  20
    Machiavelli, Neville and the seventeenth-century English Republican attack on priestcraft.Gaby Mahlberg - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):79-99.
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    Reading and translating Algernon Sidney’s Discourses in early modern Germany.Gaby Mahlberg - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):713-730.
    The manuscript of Algernon Sidney’s Discourses Concerning Government was used in evidence against him in the 1683 treason trial which cost the republican his life. The work’s attack on absolute monarchy and its justification of rebellion against tyrannical rulers were considered so inflammatory that it could not be published with impunity in England until after the Glorious Revolution and the lapse of the Licensing Act. It was eventually prepared for the press in 1698 by the Commonwealthman John Toland in collaboration (...)
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    The Critical Reception of The Isle of Pines.Gaby Mahlberg - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (1):133 - 142.
  24.  53
    The Publishing History of The Isle of Pines.Gaby Mahlberg - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (1):93 - 98.
  25.  22
    The Republican Discourse on Religious Liberty during the Exclusion Crisis.Gaby Mahlberg - 2012 - History of European Ideas 38 (3):352-369.
    Summary Much recent historiography assumes that republican calls for religious liberty in seventeenth-century England were limited to Protestant dissenters. Nevertheless there is evidence that some radical voices during the Civil War and Interregnum period were willing to extend this toleration even to ?false religions?, including Catholicism, provided their members promised loyalty and allegiance to the government. Using the case study of the republican Henry Neville, this article will argue that toleration for Catholics was still an option during the Exclusion Crisis (...)
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  26.  13
    The semantics of reciprocal constructions across languages.Asifa Majid, Nicholas Evans, Alice Gaby & Stephen C. Levinson - 2011 - In Nicholas Evans (ed.), Reciprocals and Semantic Typology. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 29.
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    Reciprocal constructions in Mah Meri.Evans Nicholas & Gaby Alice - 2011 - In Nicholas Evans (ed.), Reciprocals and Semantic Typology. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 149--162.
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  28. Artificial Life and Bioinformatics-Incorporating Knowledge of Secondary Structures in a L-System-Based Encoding for Protein Folding.Gabriela Ochoa, Gabi Escuela & Natalio Krasnogor - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3871--247.
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    Loved and feared in fortress Europe: Framing the European refugee crisis.Maureen Rovers, Gabi Schaap & Serena Daalmans - 2020 - Communications 45 (2):252-263.
    The European refugee crisis is an important topic on media, political, and public agendas. Due to its scope and impact, its continuing prevalence on the media-agenda and the divisiveness of public debate, new research is needed to understand the media’s framing of the issue. This study inductively analyzes framing of the refugee crisis of 2015–2016 by two Dutch newspapers. Portrayal of the refugee crisis consists of ten different frames and counter frames. The frames are communicated on the level of the (...)
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  30.  23
    Nietzsche's New Seas: Explorations in Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics (review). [REVIEW]Gaby Divay - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 13:224-225.
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    Molecular Codes Through Complex Formation in a Model of the Human Inner Kinetochore.Dennis Görlich, Gabi Escuela, Gerd Gruenert, Peter Dittrich & Bashar Ibrahim - 2014 - Biosemiotics 7 (2):223-247.
    We apply molecular code theory to a rule-based model of the human inner kinetochore and study how complex formation in general can give rise to molecular codes. We analyze 105 reaction networks generated from the rule-based inner kinetochore model in two variants: with and without dissociation of complexes. Interestingly, we found codes only when some but not all complexes are allowed to dissociate. We show that this is due to the fact that in the kinetochore model proteins can only bind (...)
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  32. Education of Older Adults in Rural Areas at Adult Education Centers in Southeastern Slovenia.Gabi Ogulin Po?rvina - 2012 - Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies 63 (5).
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    Impaired Encoding: Calculating, Ordering, and the “Disability Percentages” Classification System.Gaby Admon-Rick - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (1):105-129.
    Work injury compensation and pensions are often determined according to medical disability rating scales attributing a percentage to each impaired body part or function. Incorporated into central medical–administrative networks of committees and examinations, these produce disability as a calculable space. This article examines the specific case of the Israeli National Insurance regulations regarding work injuries of 1956 and analyzes the shifted order they set. Looking at this system in the specific historical context of transition from the British Mandate workmen’s compensation (...)
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    What men and women think while watching the news: An exploration.Solange Schlösser, Gabi Schaap & Paul G. Hendriks Vettehen - 2004 - Communications 29 (2):235-251.
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    Political Biblicism and the Coming of Civil War. [REVIEW]Gaby Mahlberg - 2012 - History of European Ideas 38 (2):307-311.
  36.  10
    School Effectiveness for Whom?: Challenges to the School Effectiveness and School Improvement Movements.Roger Slee, Sally Tomlinson & Gaby Weiner (eds.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    School effectiveness research together with what is now described as the 'school improvement movement' has captured both the Conservative and New Labour imaginations as a basis for educational planning and policy making in the UK. Internationally school effectiveness enjoys and expanding and enthusiastic audience. This book provides a critique of this research genre, particularly in the light of the recent calls for teaching to go 'back to the basics'. The editors argue that this school effectiveness research is simplistic in its (...)
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  37.  21
    A Critical Review of Theories Underlying Relationship Marketing in the Context of Explaining Consumer Relationships.Kristof De Wulf & Gaby Odekerken-Schroder - 2001 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 31 (1):73-101.
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    Genetically Engineered Foods and Moral Absolutism: A Representative Study from Germany.Johanna Jauernig, Matthias Uhl & Gabi Waldhof - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (5):1-17.
    There is an ongoing debate about genetic engineering (GE) in food production. Supporters argue that it makes crops more resilient to stresses, such as drought or pests, and should be considered by researchers as a technology to address issues of global food security, whereas opponents put forward that GE crops serve only the economic interests of transnational agrifood-firms and have not yet delivered on their promises to address food shortage and nutrient supply. To address discourse failure regarding the GE debate, (...)
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  39. The influence of seller relationship orientation and buyer relationship proneness on trust, commitment, and behavioral loyalty in a consumer environment.Kristof De Wulf & Gaby Odekerken-Schröder - 2000 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 31:1.
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    Lean on Me: A Scoping Review of the Essence of Workplace Support Among Child Welfare Workers.Oyeniyi Samuel Olaniyan, Hilde Hetland, Sigurd William Hystad, Anette Christine Iversen & Gaby Ortiz-Barreda - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Two-sided science: Communicating scientific uncertainty increases trust in scientists and donation intention by decreasing attribution of communicator bias.Jonathan Van’T. Riet, Gabi Schaap & Mickey J. Steijaert - 2021 - Communications 46 (2):297-316.
    Previous research has shown that uncertainty communication by scientists (i. e., expressing reservations towards their own research) increases the public’s trust in their work. The reasons for this have not been elucidated, however. In the present study, we provide a theoretical explanation for this phenomenon. Specifically, we expected that attributed communicator bias would mediate the effect of uncertainty communication on trust. Results from a mixed-design experiment (N = 88), using modified science news articles, revealed support for this hypothesis. Positive effects (...)
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    Docente Universitario Peruano y la Virtualidad En la Emergencia Sanitaria.Ivonne Yanete Vargas-Salazar, Madalyne Motta-Flores & Gaby Rosario Cortez-Cortez de Uceda - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-19.
    Durante la crisis sanitaria mundial, gobiernos dictan medidas de emergencia; universidades peruanas interrumpieron la labor académica e inician enseñanza remota. Se analizan los cambios en el proceso de enseñanza no presencial y la adaptación de docentes a la enseñanza virtual. Es una investigación mixta, realizando regresiones y caracterizando cada componente. Se identifican brechas de conectividad, conocimiento en herramientas digitales, enfoque pedagógico y, tecnológico; que afectan eficiencia y productividad docente del proceso de enseñanza no presencial. La comunidad universitaria requiere desarrollar y (...)
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  43.  10
    Respect Coaches – Gelingende Kooperation von Schule und außerschulischer Bildung zur Stärkung der Demokratiebildung.Adrian de Souza Martins & Gabi Elverich - 2019 - Polis 23 (2):14-17.
  44.  24
    A critical review of theories underlying relationship marketing in the context of explaining consumer relationships.Kristof De Wulf & Gaby Odekerken-Schröder - 2001 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 31 (1):73–101.
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    Measuring the complexity of viewers’ television news interpretation: Differentation.Fred Wester, Karsten Renckstorf, Ruben Konig & Gabi Schaap - 2005 - Communications 30 (4):459-475.
    If television news viewers are conceived as active audience members, their interpretations should be a crucial factor in the study of the ‘effects’ of television news. Here, viewers’ interpretations are understood as subjective constructions of a news item. In a previous contribution, we argued that interpretations can vary both within and between viewers in regard to the level of complexity. Complexity is the degree to which interpretations are a) differentiated, and b) integrated. In this contribution, we will operationalize the concept (...)
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  46.  20
    Ethical and coordinative challenges in setting up a national cohort study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany.J. Janne Vehreschild, Martin Witzenrath, Christof Winter, Heike Valentin, Christoph Stellbrink, Melanie Stecher, Margarete Scherer, Siegbert Rieg, Jens-Peter Reese, Christina Pley, Matthias Nauck, Maximilian Muenchhoff, Lazar Mitrov, Roberto Lorbeer, Dagmar Krefting, Thomas Illig, Kirsten Haas, Ramsia Geisler, Sarah Berger, Gabi Anton, Lisa Pilgram, Bettina Lorenz-Depiereux, Monika Kraus, Katharina Appel, Sina M. Hopff & Katharina Tilch - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-16.
    With the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), global researchers were confronted with major challenges. The German National Pandemic Cohort Network (NAPKON) was launched in fall 2020 to effectively leverage resources and bundle research activities in the fight against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. We analyzed the setup phase of NAPKON as an example for multicenter studies in Germany, highlighting challenges and optimization potential in connecting 59 university and nonuniversity study sites. We examined the ethics application (...)
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    Conceptualizing television news interpretation by its viewers: The concept of interpretive complexity.Fred Wester, Karsten Renckstorf & Gabi Schaap - 2005 - Communications 30 (3):269-291.
    In recent years many scholars seem to agree that viewers’ interpretations play a prominent role in the influence of television news. However, a clear concept of ‘interpretation’ is still missing. This article proposes to conceptualize interpretation as the ‘representation’ of a news item as constructed and reported by a news viewer. More specifically, we look at this representation in terms of its complexity. Two aspects are important: first, the fundamental elements viewers use in their interpretation, and second, how the viewer (...)
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    Measuring the complexity of viewers' television news interpretation: Integration.Fred Wester, Karsten Renckstorf, Ruben Konig & Gabi Schaap - 2008 - Communications 33 (2):211-232.
    Although interpretation is often considered a vital factor in the effects of news, its conceptualization and operationalization have been problematic. In this study, interpretation is defined in terms of the structural attribute of complexity. In a previous contribution, one aspect of interpretive complexity, differentiation, was operationalized and measured to test the usefulness of the concept in news research. This follow-up study introduces a method for measuring and analyzing a second aspect of interpretive complexity: Integration. Whereas differentiation represents the broadness of (...)
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  49.  22
    Gaby Weber, Die Todesbilder im Bischöflichen Schloss in Chur. Basel: Schwabe, 2020. Pp. 398; color plates and black-and-white figures. 58 CHF. ISBN: 978-3-7965-4166-7. [REVIEW]Sophie Oosterwijk - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):580-581.
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    Disability Life Writing and the Problem of Dependency in The Autobiography of Gaby Brimmer.Rachel Adams - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (1):39-50.
    Independence was a core value of the movement for disability rights. People with disabilities did not have to be dependent, advocates claimed; they were robbed of autonomy by poverty, social prejudice, and architectural barriers. Recently, critics have noted that the emphasis on independence equates personhood with autonomy, reason, and self-awareness, thereby excluding those who are incapable of self-determination. The stigma of dependency is communicated to caregivers whose work is devalued and undercompensated. These values are echoed in the life writing of (...)
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