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  1.  36
    Extending the Explanatory Scope of Evolutionary Theory: The Origination of Historical Kinds in Biology and Culture.Günter P. Wagner & Gary Tomlinson - 2022 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 14 (1).
    Two welcome extensions of evolutionary thinking have come to prominence over the last thirty years: the so-called ’extended evolutionary synthesis’ (EES) and debate about biological kinds and individuals. These two agendas have, however, remained orthogonal to one another. The EES has mostly restricted itself to widening the explanations of adaptation offered by the preceding ’modern evolutionary synthesis’ by including additional mechanisms of inheritance and variation; while discussion of biological kinds has turned toward philosophical questions of essential vs. contingent properties of (...)
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    Metaphysical Song: An Essay on Opera.Gary Tomlinson - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    "--Lydia Goehr, Columbia University "This extraordinary book offers us an 'alternative story' of the history of opera. . . . [It] will have an important . . . effect on the way we think about opera."--Roger Parker, Oxford University.
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  3. Totalization, Temporalization, and History: Marx and Sartre.George S. Tomlinson - 2014 - In Lisa Jeschke and Adrian May (ed.), Matters of Time: Material Temporalities in Twentieth-Century French Culture. pp. 87-102.
    This chapter picks up on what Heidegger in his 1949 ‘Letter on ‘Humanism’’ calls ‘the historical in being’, that dimension of being within which, for Heidegger, a ‘productive dialogue’ between phenomenology and existentialism, on the one hand, and Marxism, on the other, ‘first becomes possible.’ It introduces the possibility of this dialogue through a particular, and particularly revealing, problem with The German Ideology: namely, Marx and Engels offer no analysis of the relationship between time, temporality and their materialist concept of (...)
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    Marx, Time, History.George S. Tomlinson - 2019 - Historical Materialism.
    Three recently published books, by Stavros Tombazos, Jonathan Martineau, and Harry Harootunian, join a now established body of literature that highlights the temporal aspects of Marx’s work. Their differences notwithstanding, these books are united by the conviction that, at its core, capitalism is an immense and complex organisation of time, and thus that the importance of Marx’s work is realised by its singular contribution to our understanding of this. Each book is centrally concerned with the historically specific character of capital’s (...)
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    Evolutionary Studies in the Humanities: The Case of Music.Gary Tomlinson - 2013 - Critical Inquiry 39 (4):647-675.
  6.  66
    Gender bias in cardiovascular advertisements.Sofia B. Ahmed, Sherry L. Grace, Henry Thomas Stelfox, George Tomlinson & Angela M. Cheung - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (4):531-538.
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    (1 other version)Modern European Philosophy.Lucie Mercier & George Tomlinson - 2018 - The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory 26 (1):346-367.
    This chapter reviews three of the most consequential works in modern European philosophy published in 2017: Étienne Balibar’s Citizen Subject, Nick Nesbitt’s edited volume The Concept in Crisis, and William Clare Roberts’s Marx’s Inferno. These works reflect the fact that 2017 witnessed an upsurge of philosophical publications on Marx and Marxism. On one level, this is because 2017 was simultaneously the 150-year anniversary of the publication of the first volume of Marx’s Capital and the 100-year anniversary of the Russian Revolution. (...)
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    A witness to freedom of conscience.George A. Tomlinson - 1977 - Moreana 14 (2):57-60.
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  9. Beneath difference : or, humanistic evolutionism.Gary Tomlinson - 2015 - In Olivia Ashley Bloechl, Melanie Diane Lowe & Jeffrey Kallberg (eds.), Rethinking difference in music scholarship. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  10. Clamor Vincit Omnia : the decline of love and the emergence of music.Gary Tomlinson - 2000 - In Sigrit Fleiss & Ina Gayed (eds.), Amor vincit omnia: Karajan, Monteverdi und die Entwicklung der Neuen Medien : Symposium 1999. Wien: Zsolnay.
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  11. Musicology, anthropology, history.G. Tomlinson - 2003 - In Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert & Richard Middleton (eds.), The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction. Routledge.
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  12.  36
    Music and the Claims of Text: Monteverdi, Rinuccini, and Marino.Gary Tomlinson - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (3):565-589.
    The composer of vocal music writes as poet and scholiast. His message is autonomous but not wholly his own. He sets to work with a preexistent artwork before him—a poem or passage of prose, often written without thought of musical setting—and fashions his song under its constraints. He welcomes to his work a second, distinct language, one which corresponds to his own at most only partially in syntax and significance.The composer's unique act of accommodation, structuring his setting after certain requisites (...)
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    Marx and the Concept of Historical Time.George Tomlinson - 2015 - Dissertation, Kingston University
    The guiding premise of this thesis is that the concept of historical time constitutes a distinct philosophical problem for Karl Marx’s work. Marx does not examine the relationship between time and history in his work, rendering the historicist framework of linear, progressive time the overriding framework through which he understands this relationship. However, the larger problem is that, despite this lack, the philosophical originality and critical function of Marx’s work is in no small measure defined by the contribution it makes (...)
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    The Field is Won The Life and Death of St Thomas More.G. A. Tomlinson - 1969 - Moreana 6 (1):105-106.
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    The machines of evolution and the scope of meaning.Gary Tomlinson - 2023 - New York: Zone Books.
    Merging recent evolutionary thought, theories of information and signs, and new findings in animal studies, Gary Tomlinson's The Machines of Evolution and the Scope of Meaning offers a groundbreaking account of meaning in our world.
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  16. Review of G. A. Cohen, Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence (1978, 2000). [REVIEW]George S. Tomlinson - forthcoming - Saudi Journal of Philosophical Studies.
    Review Essay of G. A. Cohen, Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence (1978, 2000).
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  17. Kostas Axelos, 'Introduction to a Future Way of Thought: On Marx and Heidegger'. [REVIEW]George S. Tomlinson - 2016 - Marx and Philosophy Review of Books.
    Review of Kostas Axelos, 'Introduction to a Future Way of Thought: On Marx and Heidegger' Translated by Kenneth Mills, Edited and Introduced by Stuart Elden Meson Press, Luneburg, 2015. 180 pp., £10.60 / $16.70 pb. 9783957960054.
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  18. History without history. [REVIEW]George S. Tomlinson - 2016 - Radical Philosophy 199:52-55.
    Review of Frank Ruda, 'For Badiou: Idealism without Idealism', Northwestern University Press, Evanston IL, 2015. xxiv + 200pp., £32.50 pb., 9780810130975.
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  19. All trousers, no shirt. [REVIEW]George S. Tomlinson - 2015 - Radical Philosophy 190:55-57.
    Review of Fred Moseley and Tony Smith, eds, Marx’s Capital and Hegel’s Logic: A Reexamination, Brill, Leiden and Boston MA, 2014. vii + 336 pp., £98.00 hb., 9789004209527.
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