Results for 'G. Medico'

946 found
  1.  14
    Medico-legal blood group determination: theory, technique and practice.H. G. Hill - 1943 - The Eugenics Review 35 (1):18.
  2. Verdad y atención al enfermo terminal.Luís G. Soto & Carlos Sánchez Fernández de la Vega - 2013 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 38 (1):139-158.
    The aim of this text is to examine the issue of truth telling in doctor-patient relationships, namely in the case of terminal patients. We analyze the problems and attitudes regarding truth telling that there are present when patients suffer from mortal diseases. We conclude that it is very important to keep a fluent and truthful communication in the doctor-patient relationship. We also examine and stress the role that general practitioners can play in the care of terminal patients at their home (...)
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    ¿Por qué la medicina le interesa al escepticismo? Una propuesta.Alejandro G. Miroli - 2013 - Tópicos 26:00-00.
    Este trabajo estudia la relación entre escepticismo pirrónico y medicina en el escenario contemporáneo a partir de una caracterización del escepticismo contemporáneo y de las escuelas médicas del presente. Para ello se propone (i) que hay un tipo de saber que corresponde a la noción de una experiencia purificada por la epokhé y es el conocimiento narrativo, (ii) que la Medicina Basada en Narraciones (MBN) es la escuela médica que se pueda vincular con el proyecto neopirrónico y (iii) que MBN (...)
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    The Renaissance of Shamanic Dance in Indian Populations of North America.Wolfgang G. Jilek - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (158):87-100.
    Consecutive waves of paleolithic migrants crossing the Bering land bridge from Siberia to North America between 80,000 and 7,000 b.c. brought with them the shamanic way of harnessing supernatural powers. This way prevailed until the White intrusion 400 years ago, into the living space of the aboriginal peoples of North America. Wherever European political, religious, and economic dominance was established, shamanic institutions became the focus of negative attention. The shamanic practitioner was variously depicted by governmental and ecclesiastic authorities as a (...)
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  5. Should assisted dying be legalised?Thomas D. G. Frost, Devan Sinha & Barnabas J. Gilbert - 2014 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 9:3.
    When an individual facing intractable pain is given an estimate of a few months to live, does hastening death become a viable and legitimate alternative for willing patients? Has the time come for physicians to do away with the traditional notion of healthcare as maintaining or improving physical and mental health, and instead accept their own limitations by facilitating death when requested? The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge held the 2013 Varsity Medical Debate on the motion “This House Would Legalise (...)
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  6. Why Haitian Refugee Patients Need Trauma-Informed Care.Woodger G. Faugas - 2022 - Synapse 66 (8).
    Owing to its grappling with a motley of intricate socioeconomic, as well as medico-legal, crises, Haiti has found itself bereft of some of its people, many of whom have had to leave the Caribbean country in search of improved lives elsewhere. Receiving some of the Haitian refugees fleeing abject poverty, unemployment, and other harms and barriers has been the United States, one of Haiti's northern neighbors and a country that has played an outcome-determinative, if not outsized, role in steering (...)
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  7.  19
    The epistemology of patient safety research.W. B. Runciman, G. Ross Baker, P. Michel, I. L. Jauregui, R. J. Lilford, A. Andermann, R. Flin & W. B. Weeks - 2008 - International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 6 (4).
    Patient safety has only recently been subjected to wide-spread systematic study. Healthcare differs from other high risk industries in being more diverse and multi-contextual, and less certain and regulated. Also many patient safety problems are low-frequency events associated with many, varied contributing factors. The subject of this paper is the epistemology of patient safety (the science of the method of finding out about patient safety). Patient safety research is considered here on the background of a risk management framework which requires (...)
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  8. Critical notice of 'Trucos del oficio de investigador' edited by Daniel Guinea-Martin. [REVIEW]María G. Navarro - 2013 - Intersticios. Revista Sociológica de Pensamiento Crítico 7 (1):401-404.
    Trucos del oficio de investigador es un libro coordinado por Daniel Guinea-Martin, y en el que colaboran doce investigadores. ¿Se pueden encontrar respuestas regladas sobre el oficio y la tarea de investigar? Todos nosotros sabemos —tal vez con hartazgo—, que es un debate permanente cuestionar si la virtud se puede enseñar. Recordamos por ejemplo que Sócrates repetía obsesivamente esta pregunta a cualquier ciudadano ateniense. ¿Qué es la virtud? ¿En qué se cifra la virtud del médico? ¿Cuál es la virtud del (...)
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    Sophocles' Medical Vocabulary (G.) Ceschi Il vocabolario medico di Sofocle. Analisi dei contatti con il Corpus Hippocraticum nel lessico anatomo-fisiologico, patologico e terapeutico. (Memorie 131.) Pp. x + 352. Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2009. Paper. ISBN: 978-88-95996-14-1. [REVIEW]Felix Budelmann - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):384-385.
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    The physician philistion - (g.) squillace filistione di locri. Un medico Del IV secolo A. C. tra grecia, magna grecia E sicilia. (Spudasmata 170.) Pp. 266, maps. Hildesheim: Georg olms, 2017. Paper, €48. Isbn: 978-3-487-15579-1. [REVIEW]Filippo Forcignanò - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (2):491-494.
  11. Genetic privacy: a challenge to medico-legal norms: G Laurie. Cambridge University Press, 2002, 50.00 (hbk), pp 335. ISBN 0521660270. [REVIEW]D. Dickenson - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (6):373-374.
    Review of Graeme Laurie, Genetic Privacy.
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  12.  55
    G.W. Leibniz, Obiezioni contro la Teoria medica di Georg Ernst Stahl. Sui concetti di anima, vita, organismo.Antonio Nunziante - 2011 - Quodlibet.
    Le Obiezioni contro la Teoria medica di G.E. Stahl, tradotte per la prima volta in italiano, rappresentano un documento di particolare interesse storico-filosofico. Da una parte Georg Ernst Stahl (1659-1734), medico, chimico, fisico, sostenitore di una fisiologia corporea a impronta “vitalista” e dall’altra Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716), genio universale della matematica e della filosofia dell’età barocca. Il fulcro della polemica riguarda la possibilità di capire se e in che misura l’organizzazione meccanica di un corpo organico sia di per se (...)
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  13.  64
    Concepções de profissionais de saúde sobre humanização no contexto hospitalar: reflexões a partir da Psicologia Analítica.Kátia Ovídia José de Souza & Renata Fabiana Pegoraro - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 29:73-87.
    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo discutir, com fundamentação teórica na Psicologia Analítica de C. G. Jung, as concepções de médicos e psicólogos sobre o processo saúde-doença e a formação do profissional para atuar em contexto hospitalar. A partir de uma pesquisa em campo qualitativa-descritiva, est..
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  14.  31
    Humanist, Civic Education and Attitude in Gilberto Monteiro.Margarida Barahona Simões - 2008 - Cultura:57-76.
    Gilberto Monteiro foi médico municipal da freguesia de Carnaxide de 1921 a 1961, Chefe dos Serviços Clínicos da extinta fábrica dos Fermentos Holandeses (F.P.F.H.), sediada na Cruz Quebrada, de 1934 a 1962 e, durante a II Guerrra Mundial, exerceu no Hospital Militar de Belém, na qualidade de tenente médico miliciano. Amante do desporto e desportista, G. Monteiro foi um dos fundadores do Sport Algés e Dafundo (SAD), instituição onde, enquanto membro da sua primeira Comissão Cultural, criou a Biblioteca, organizou conferências, (...)
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  15.  37
    (1 other version)“Science and proven experience” : How should the epistemology of medicine inform the regulation of healthcare?Annika Wallin, Lena Wahlberg, Johannes Persson & Barry Dewitt - forthcoming - Health Policy.
    The Swedish medico-legal concept of “science and proven experience” is both legally important and ambiguous. The conceptual uncertainty associated with it can hamper effective assessment of medical evidence in legal proceedings and encourage medical professionals to distrust legal regulation. We examine normative criteria a functioning medico-legal notion should presumably meet, e.g. clarity, acceptability and consistency with existing laws. We also survey healthcare professionals to see how they understand science and proven experience and thus determine the extent to which (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Free will.G. E. Moore - 1912 - In Ethics. New York [etc.]: Oxford University Press.
  17.  41
    Human reproduction: Dominion and limits.Richard A. McCormick - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):387-392.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Reproduction: Dominion and LimitsRichard A. McCormick S.J. (bio)The general struggle throughout Christian history has been to seek the proper balance between dominion and limits, intervention and nonintervention, givenness, and creativity. This struggle has worked itself out in six areas that touch human life. In this essay, I will revisit the Catholic tradition’s treatment of these in terms of dominion and limits to see whether we can discern developmental (...)
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  18.  71
    Philosophy of Mind.G. Hegel, W. Wallace, A. Miller & Michael J. Inwood - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):770-770.
  19.  46
    Radical behaviorism and theoretical entities.G. E. Zuriff - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):572.
  20. Os filósofos Pré-socráticos.G. S. Kirk & J. E. Raven - 1980 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 36 (1):117-119.
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  21. Entropy.G. J. Whitrow - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan.
  22.  30
    Method in the Physical Sciences.G. Schlesinger - 1963 - New York: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1963. Can one discern certain regularities in the manoeuvrings and techniques employed by scientists and can these be formulated into the methodological principles of science? What is the origin and basis of such principles? Are they imposed by objective realities, do they derive from conceptual necessities or are they rooted in our own deep seated predilections? This volume investigates these questions and sheds light on the growth mechanism of the evolving structure of science itself.
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  23. Plato on the Undepictable.G. E. L. Owen - 1973 - Phronesis 18:349.
  24.  21
    Secrets and laws: collected essays in law, lives, and literature.Melanie Williams - 2005 - Portland, Or.: [distributed by] International Specialized Book Services.
    This book demonstrates that law can be newly interrogated when examined through the lens of literature. Like its forerunner, Empty Justice, the book creates simple pathways which energise and illustrate the links between legal theory and legal science and doctrine, through the wider visions of history, literature and culture. This broadening approach is integral to understanding law in the context of wider debates and media in the community. The book provides a collection of essays, with additional commentary which reflects upon (...)
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  25.  37
    Zur rekonstruktion des Bohrschen forschungsprogramms I.G. Zoubek & B. Lauth - 1992 - Erkenntnis 37 (2):223 - 247.
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  26. Wissenschaft der Logik. Zweiter Band : Die subjektive Logik.G. Hegel, F. Hogemann & W. Jaeschke - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 45 (1):134-135.
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  27.  15
    O pensamento jurídico entre Europa e América: estudos em homenagem ao Professor Mario G. Losano.Mario G. Losano & Fredys Orlando Sorto (eds.) - 2018 - Porto Alegre: Sergio Antonio Fabris Editor.
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  28.  25
    The Body, Experience, and the History of Dream-Science in Artemidorus’ Oneirocritica.Calloway B. Scott - 2023 - Apeiron 56 (1):131-161.
    The five books of Artemidorus of Ephesus’ Oneirocritica (c. second century CE) constitute the largest collection of divinatory dream-interpretations to survive from Graeco-Roman antiquity. This article examines Artemidorus’ contribution to longstanding medico-philosophical debates over the ontological and epistemic character of such dreams. As with wider Mediterranean traditions concerning premonitory dreams, Greeks and Romans popularly understood them as phenomena with origins exterior to the dreamer (e.g. a visitation of a god). Presocratic and Hippocratic thinkers, however, initiated an effort to bring (...)
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  29.  44
    Is It Possible to Follow One's Conscience?G. F. Schueler - 2007 - American Philosophical Quarterly 44 (1):51 - 60.
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  30. Understanding dementia: a hermeneutic perspective.G. A. M. Widdershoven & I. Widdershoven-Heerding - 2003 - In Bill Fulford, Katherine Morris, John Z. Sadler & Giovanni Stanghellini, Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Role of Communication in Ethnic–Political Conflicts.G. Zendelovski - 2017 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 70:305-322.
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  32.  20
    Representation and Processing of Domain Knowledge for Simulation-Based Training in Complex Dynamic Systems.G. T. Georgiev & I. I. Zheliazkova - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (3):255-278.
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  33. Il soggetto e l'ermeneutica del possibile in Ernst Bloch.G. Zingari - 1986 - Aquinas 29 (3):549-555.
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  34. S. PETROSINO, Capovolgimenti. La casa non è una tana, l'economia non è il business.G. Zingari - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (1):464.
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    Zur rekonstruktion des Bohrschen forschungsprogramms II.G. Zoubek & B. Lauth - 1992 - Erkenntnis 37 (2):249 - 273.
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    The distorted image of the copts.Alastair Hamilton - 2000 - Heythrop Journal 41 (3):327–332.
    Books reviewed:Victor H. Matthews, Bernard M. Levinson and Tikva Frymer‐Kensky, Gender and Law in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near EastNeil Asher Silberman and David B. Small, The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the PresentErich S. Gruen, Heritage and Hellenism: The Reinvention of Jewish TraditionBrenda Deen Schildgen, Power and Prejudice: The Reception of the Gospel of MarkDavid C. Sim, The Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism: The History and Social Setting of the Matthean CommunityAllan D. Fitzgerald, Augustine (...)
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  37. The Ethical Movement in Great Britain: A Documentary History.G. Spiller - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (36):502-503.
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  38. Notes on Ryle's Plato.G. E. L. Owen - 1999 - In Gail Fine, Plato, Volume 1: Metaphysics and Epistemology. Oxford University Press.
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  39. Spinoza.G. H. R. Parkinson - 1993 - In George Henry Radcliffe Parkinson, The Renaissance and seventeenth-century rationalism. New York: Routledge.
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    Social Causes And Epistemic (in)Justice in Medical Machine Learning-Mediated Medical Practices.G. Pozzi & Juan M. Durán - 2024 - In Federica Russo & Phyllis Illari, The Routledge handbook of causality and causal methods. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 178-189.
    The social aspects of causality in medicine and healthcare have been emphasized in recent debates in the philosophy of science as crucial factors that need to be considered to enable, among others, appropriate interventions in public health. Therefore, it seems central to recognize the bearing of social causes (broadly understood, e.g., social inequalities and socio-economic status) in bringing about certain concrete pathologies. Being aware of the relevance of social causes in medicine and healthcare is particularly important in the face of (...)
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  41. (3 other versions)Berkeley.G. J. Warnock - 1955 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (20):350-351.
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  42. Results the Test of Right and Wrong.G. E. Moore - 1997 - In Thomas L. Carson & Paul K. Moser, Morality and the good life. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  43. Les transformations du droit, étude sociologique.G. Tarde - 1893 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 36:535-542.
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  44.  12
    Epistemología, educación e infancia: la resistencia silenciosa de Víctor de Aveyron.Rafael Maximiliano Calderón - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (2):1-19.
    Nuestro propósito en este artículo es analizar desde un punto de vista epistemológico el debate científico sobre el niño “salvaje” de Aveyron que se inicia en la Ilustración tardía, en el ámbito del método y prácticas médico-pedagógicas, y que se extiende a mediados del siglo XX en el campo de las ciencias sociales. Consideramos que la metodología de investigación científica y los tratamientos aplicados para educar y transformar al niño “salvaje”, a través del disciplinamiento de sus sentidos, la enseñanza del (...)
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  45.  33
    Conceptual reconstruction: A reconstruction.G. E. Zuriff - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):716-723.
  46. Brains and Reasoning.G. D. Wassermann - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (2):180-182.
  47. Negazione della teologia, teologia negativa.G. Salmeri - 2004 - Humanitas 59 (3):570-576.
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  48. Conoscenza e memoria nella filosofia di S. Agostino.G. Santi - 1987 - Aquinas 30 (3):401-439.
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  49. Dos españoles se traducen mutuamente.G. Santayana & J. Guillén - 2002 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):197.
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  50. Abba, Vater! Stand der Frage.G. Schelbert - 1993 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 40 (3):259-281.
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