Results for 'Frank Cox'

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  1. Approach to Aesthetics: Collected Papers on Philosophical Aesthetics.Frank Sibley, John Benson, Betty Redfern, Jeremy Roxbee Cox, Emily Brady & Jerrold Levinson - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (207):237-246.
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    Knowledge and Information in Global Competition: A New Framework for Classifying and Evaluating Manipulative Communication Techniques.Eldar Sultanow, Sean Cox, Sebastian Homann, Philipp Koch & Olliver Franke - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 72:27-44.
    Source: Author: Eldar Sultanow, Sean Cox, Sebastian Homann, Philipp Koch, Olliver Franke Mass media initiated exhibitions of information and knowledge streams account for a significant factor of opinion-forming in modern digitalized nations and thus influence their country's political development. Within the framework of a globalized environment, this information has the ability to shape worldwide opinion and international policy decisions across geographical boundaries. Similarly, however, information and knowledge that does not flow freely has an impact on the behind the scenes decisions (...)
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    Substance and content in music today.Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Frank Cox, Wolfram Schurig & Wieland Hoban (eds.) - 2014 - Hofheim: Wolke.
    Content and substance (Gehalt) in music is the difficult theme of this volume. The central questions are: in what manner is music more than immanence, structure and autonomous meaning, and to what degree do "extramusical" ideas and conceptions shape the work so that more appears to be in it than music alone. This theme is above all relevant for contemporary music of the 21st century, as ever more composers are interested both in cultural discourse and in a content-orientation for their (...)
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    Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, with Guy Granger and contributions by Justine Bayley, Elisabeth Crowfoot, Bernard Denston et al., The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Worthy Park, Kingsworthy, near Winchester, Hampshire. Drawings by Marion Cox, Elizabeth Fry-Stone, and Chris Unwin. Photographs by Sonia Chadwick Hawkes and English Heritage. (Oxford University School of Archaeology, Monograph 59.) Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology, 2003. Pp. xii, 222; many black-and-white figures, 10 black-and-white plates, and tables. $40. [REVIEW]Frank Siegmund - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):198-199.
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    Unnatural Wonders: Essays from the Gap Between Art and Life.Arthur Coleman Danto - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Arthur C. Danto's essays not only critique bodies of work but reflect upon art's conceptual evolution as well, drawing for the reader a kind of "philosophical map" indicating how art and the criteria for judging it has changed over the twentieth century. In _Unnatural Wonders_ the renowned critic finds himself at a point when contemporary art has become wholly pluralistic, even chaotic-with one medium as good as another-and when the moment for the "next thing" has already passed. So the theorist (...)
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    The finite model property in tense logic.Frank Wolter - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (3):757-774.
    Tense logics in the bimodal propositional language are investigated with respect to the Finite Model Property. In order to prove positive results techniques from investigations of modal logics above K4 are extended to tense logic. General negative results show the limits of the transfer.
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    Superintuitionistic companions of classical modal logics.Frank Wolter - 1997 - Studia Logica 58 (2):229-259.
    This paper investigates partitions of lattices of modal logics based on superintuitionistic logics which are defined by forming, for each superintuitionistic logic L and classical modal logic , the set L[] of L-companions of . Here L[] consists of those modal logics whose non-modal fragments coincide with L and which axiomatize if the law of excluded middle p V p is added. Questions addressed are, for instance, whether there exist logics with the disjunction property in L[], whether L[] contains a (...)
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  8. How Autonomous Are Collective Agents? Corporate Rights and Normative Individualism.Frank Hindriks - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S9):1565-1585.
    Corporate responsibility requires a conception of collective agency on which collective agents are able to form moral judgments and act on them. In spite of claims to the contrary, existing accounts of collective agency fall short of this kind of corporate autonomy, as they fail to explain how collective agents might be responsive to moral reasons. I discuss how a recently proposed conception of shared valuing can be used for developing a solution to this problem. Although the resulting conception of (...)
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    Les marxistes dans la théorie des conflits internationaux.Josepha Laroche - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage est consacré aux principaux théoriciens marxistes. II montre comment ces penseurs ont rendu compte des conflits internationaux. Le paradigme marxiste se présente tout à la fois comme un cadre d'analyse, mais aussi une praxis. C'est pourquoi il a fait l'objet de tant de controverses théoriques et de luttes politiques. Cependant, il ne s'agit pas de se situer ici sur ce plan. Cette étude s'attache plutôt à montrer dans une première partie comment les pères fondateurs et les premiers théoriciens (...)
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  10. Folkscience: coarse interpretations of a complex reality.Frank C. Keil - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (8):368-373.
    The rise of appeals to intuitive theories in many areas of cognitive science must cope with a powerful fact. People understand the workings of the world around them in far less detail than they think. This illusion of knowledge depth has been uncovered in a series of recent studies and is caused by several distinctive properties of explanatory understanding not found in other forms of knowledge. Other experimental work has shown that people do have skeletal frameworks of expectations that constrain (...)
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  11. Indeterminism and the direction of time.Frank Arntzenius - 1995 - Topoi 14 (1):67-81.
    Many phenomena in the world display a striking time-asymmetry: the forwards transition frequencies are approximately invariant while the backwards ones are not. I argue in this paper that theories of such phenomena will entail that time has a direction, and that quantum mechanics in particular entails that the future is objectively different from the past.
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    Deduction, Induction, Conduction. An Attempt at Unifying Natural Language Argument Structures.Frank Zenker - unknown
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    Physics and common causes.Frank Arntzenius - 1990 - Synthese 82 (1):77 - 96.
    The common cause principle states that common causes produce correlations amongst their effects, but that common effects do not produce correlations amongst their causes. I claim that this principle, as explicated in terms of probabilistic relations, is false in classical statistical mechanics. Indeterminism in the form of stationary Markov processes rather than quantum mechanics is found to be a possible saviour of the principle. In addition I argue that if causation is to be explicated in terms of probabilities, then it (...)
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    Channels of Desire: Mass Images and the Shaping of American Consciousness.Frank Cioffi, Stuart Ewen & Elizabeth Ewen - 1983 - Substance 11 (4):217.
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    Tense Logic Without Tense Operators.Frank Wolter - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):145-171.
    We shall describe the set of strongly meet irreducible logics in the lattice ϵLin.t of normal tense logics of weak orderings. Based on this description it is shown that all logics in ϵLin.t are independently axiomatizable. Then the description is used in order to investigate tense logics with respect to decidability, finite axiomatizability, axiomatization problems and completeness with respect to Kripke semantics. The main tool for the investigation is a translation of bimodal formulas into a language talking about partitions of (...)
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    Durkheim and development theory.Frank W. Young - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (1):73-82.
    The task of transforming Durkheim's sociological perspective into an explanation of poverty in rural areas carries a triple handicap: Durkheim was not concerned with material well-being, he did not conceptualize structures of inequality, and his explanation of the division of labor was flawed. His late book on religion, however, contains an explanation of institutional innovation which offers a new starting point for understanding formal dimensions such as differentiation and pluralism, and these in turn as they are related to poverty. When (...)
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    Participatory Analysis, Democracy, and Technological Decision Making.Frank N. Laird - 1993 - Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (3):341-361.
    Scientific and technological policy issues are not and should not be exempt from the norms of democratic governance. This article examines two major theories of democracy, analyzes their commonalities and differences, and derives criteria for evaluating various forms of public participation in policymaking. The author argues for a new category of participation, participatory analysis, that includes forms of participation that satisfy democratic criteria and emphasizes the importance of learning among participants. Different types of participatory analysis may be best suited to (...)
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  18. Time travel: Double your fun.Frank Arntzenius - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (6):599–616.
    I start off by relating the standard philosophical account of what time travel is to models of time travel that have recently been discussed by physicists. I then discuss some puzzles associated with time travel. I conclude that philosophers’ arguments against time travel are relevant when assessing the likelihood of the occurrence time travel in our world, and are relevant to the assessment whether time travel is physically possible.
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    Re-Figuring Hayden White.Frank Ankersmit, Ewa Domanska & Hans Kellner (eds.) - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    Produced in honor of White's eightieth birthday, _Re-Figuring Hayden White_ testifies to the lasting importance of White's innovative work, which firmly reintegrates historical studies with literature and the humanities. The book is a major reconsideration of the historian's contributions and influence by an international group of leading scholars from a variety of disciplines. Individual essays address the key concepts of White's intellectual career, including tropes, narrative, figuralism, and the historical sublime while exploring the place of White's work in the philosophy (...)
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  20. Integrity and the Fragile Self.Damian Cox, Marguerite La Caze & Michael P. Levine - 2003 - Ashgate.
    This book examines the centrality of integrity in relation to a variety of philosophical and psychological concerns that impinge upon the ethical life.
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    The priority of liberty : Rawls and "tiers of scrutiny".Frank I. Michelman - 2015 - In Thom Brooks & Martha Craven Nussbaum (eds.), Rawls's Political Liberalism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 175-202.
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    The Strange Case of the Stand-Up Special.Frank Boardman - 2018 - Israeli Journal for Humor Research.
    Stand-up specials seem to resemble news reporting and documentary film in that they appear prima facie to be mere documentation of an event designed to give viewers the sense of what happened at a place at a time. Closer examination, however, throws doubt upon this transparency claim and it is argued that filmic realism is not the proper lens through which to understand stand-up specials, that they represent a more artistic medium in which the director of the special needs to (...)
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    Editors’ Introduction: Conceptual Spaces at Work.Frank Zenker & Peter Gärdenfors - 2015 - In Peter Gärdenfors & Frank Zenker (eds.), Applications of Conceptual Spaces : the Case for Geometric Knowledge Representation. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This introductory chapter provides a non-technical presentation of conceptual spaces as a representational framework for modeling different kinds of similarity relations in various cognitive domains. Moreover, we briefly summarize each chapter in this volume.
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    The Home Literacy Environment as a Mediator Between Parental Attitudes Toward Shared Reading and Children’s Linguistic Competencies.Frank Niklas, Astrid Wirth, Sabrina Guffler, Nadja Drescher & Simone C. Ehmig - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Semantics without Truth in Later Mohist Philosophy of Language.Frank Saunders - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (2):215-229.
    In this paper, I examine the concept of truth in classical Chinese philosophy, beginning with a critical examination of Chad Hansen’s claim that it has no such concept. By using certain passages that emphasize analogous concepts in the philosophy of language of the Later Mohist Canons, I argue that while there is no word in classical Chinese that functions as truth generally does in Western philosophy for grammatical reasons, the Later Mohists were certainly working with a notion of semantic adequacy (...)
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    Global Corruption: Applying Experience and Research to Meet a Mounting Crisis.Frank Vogl - 2007 - Business and Society Review 112 (2):171-190.
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  27. Climate Change is a Bioethics Problem.Cheryl Cox Macpherson - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (6):305-308.
    Climate change harms health and damages and diminishes environmental resources. Gradually it will cause health systems to reduce services, standards of care, and opportunities to express patient autonomy. Prominent public health organizations are responding with preparedness, mitigation, and educational programs. The design and effectiveness of these programs, and of similar programs in other sectors, would be enhanced by greater understanding of the values and tradeoffs associated with activities and public policies that drive climate change. Bioethics could generate such understanding by (...)
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  28. The ITALK Project: A Developmental Robotics Approach to the Study of Individual, Social, and Linguistic Learning.Frank Broz, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Tony Belpaeme, Ambra Bisio, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Luciano Fadiga, Tomassino Ferrauto, Kerstin Fischer, Frank Förster, Onofrio Gigliotta, Sascha Griffiths, Hagen Lehmann, Katrin S. Lohan, Caroline Lyon, Davide Marocco, Gianluca Massera, Giorgio Metta, Vishwanathan Mohan, Anthony Morse, Stefano Nolfi, Francesco Nori, Martin Peniak, Karola Pitsch, Katharina J. Rohlfing, Gerhard Sagerer, Yo Sato, Joe Saunders, Lars Schillingmann, Alessandra Sciutti, Vadim Tikhanoff, Britta Wrede, Arne Zeschel & Angelo Cangelosi - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (3):534-544.
    This article presents results from a multidisciplinary research project on the integration and transfer of language knowledge into robots as an empirical paradigm for the study of language development in both humans and humanoid robots. Within the framework of human linguistic and cognitive development, we focus on how three central types of learning interact and co-develop: individual learning about one's own embodiment and the environment, social learning (learning from others), and learning of linguistic capability. Our primary concern is how these (...)
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    Properties of Tense Logics.Frank Wolter - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):481-500.
    Based on the results of [11] this paper delivers uniform algorithms for deciding whether a finitely axiomatizable tense logic has the finite model property, is complete with respect to Kripke semantics, is strongly complete with respect to Kripke semantics, is d-persistent, is r-persistent.It is also proved that a tense logic is strongly complete iff the corresponding variety of bimodal algebras is complex, and that a tense logic is d-persistent iff it is complete and its Kripke frames form a first order (...)
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    Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism.Frank J. Hoffman - 1987, 1992, 2002 - Motilal Banarsidass.
    Chapter 4 MIND AND REBIRTH I The argument of the first three chapters is essentially that the study of early Buddhism is neither methodologically, logically, nor emotively flawed. These chapters argue for the rationality of.
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    The Origin of Being-historical Motifs in Contributions to Philosophy.Frank Schalow - 2022 - Heidegger Studies 38 (1):121-138.
    This essay examines how being-historical thinking is enacted through specific motifs, which prompts an Auseinandersetzung with the modem age of machination. The earth is one such motif that arises in Contributions to Philosophy, calling for a nuanced language to enact being-historical thinking, on the one hand, and, on the other, marking a sharp divergence from the objectifying discourse of modern science and technicity. It is shown that Heidegger’s appeal to the earth not only yields a deeper meaning of what it (...)
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    Politics of fear.Frank Furedi - 2006 - New York: Continuum.
    Frank Furedi argues that the traditional terms "left" and "right" as applied to politics, have been both distorted and proved inadequate by a number of ...
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    Resistant Hinduism: Sanskrit Sources on Anti-Christian Apologetics in Early Nineteenth-Century India.Frank R. Podgorski - 1983 - Philosophy East and West 33 (4):417-418.
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    (1 other version)Kochen's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Frank Arntzenius - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:241 - 249.
    Kochen has suggested an interpretation of quantum mechanics in which he denies that wavepackets ever collapse, while affirming that measurements have definite results. In this paper I attempt to show that his interpretation is untenable. I then suggest ways in which to construct similar, but more satisfactory, hidden variable interpretations.
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  35. A world apart: How concepts of the constructed world are different in representation and in development.Frank C. Keil, Marissa L. Greif & Rebekkah S. Kerner - 2007 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence (eds.), Creations of the Mind: Theories of Artifacts and Their Representaion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 231--248.
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    What Do Normative Approaches to Argumentation Stand to Gain from Rhetorical Insights?Frank Zenker - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (4):415-436.
    Rhetorical analyses typically characterize structural, topical, and stylistic features of written or spoken argumentative text, and may also consider the context of interaction as well as the epistemic and social standing of participants as these relate to the goals of gaining, sustaining, and strengthening an audience’s adherence to a thesis or a course of action. Such considerations, broadly conceived, are taken to constitute rhetorical insights, insofar as they bear on effecting audience persuasion or, for that matter, fail to do so. (...)
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    On the filling in of the visual blind spot: Some rules of thumb.Frank H. Durgin - 1995 - Perception 24:827-40.
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    A Case Study in Junk Bioethics Run Amok.Frank A. Chervenak & Laurence B. McCullough - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):59-61.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 12, Page 59-61, December 2011.
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    The distributive justice doctrine of limitarianism.Frank Aragbonfoh Abumere - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):272-282.
    Nearly a decade ago, Ingrid Robeyns formulated a distributive justice doctrine known as economic limitarianism. This article posits that Robeyns’ limitarianism is a politically plausible, practically feasible and morally justifiable doctrine. The doctrine effectively addresses concerns regarding incentives, efficacy and unequal opportunities. The article identifies a problem of scope or extensity, which it refers to as an asymmetric argument. The article proposes that this issue can be resolved by fully extending limitarianism to non-democratic states. This extension is justified by the (...)
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    How philosophers see stars.Frank B. Ebersole - 1965 - Mind 74 (296):509-529.
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    Does Social Cognitive Theory Elucidate Black Executives’ Orientation to Corporate Social Responsibility?Susan Key & Vickie Cox Edmondson - 1999 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 18 (2):35-56.
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  42. Dynamic Description Logics.Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 449-463.
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    A Dialogue with Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen.Frank Ankersmit - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (1):38-58.
    The discussion of Kuukkanen’s bookPostnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography is presented here in the form of a dialogue. The dialogue addresses the following five issues: 1) the kind of claims typically made in- and by the historical text, 2) narrativism and historical representation, 3) representational holism, 4) representationalism and non-representationalism and 5) the role of argument in historical writing. While agreement is within reach for the two participants in the dialogue in case of the two first issues, opinions begin to diverge (...)
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  44. Intuitions, Rationalizations, and Justification: A Defense of Sentimental Rationalism.Frank Hindriks - 2014 - Journal of Value Inquiry 48 (2):195-216.
    People sometimes make moral judgments on the basis of brief emotional episodes. I follow the widely established practice of referring to such affective responses as intuitions (Haidt 2001, 2012; Bedke 2012, Copp 2012). Recently, a number of moral psychologists have argued that moral judgments are never more than emotion- or intuition-based pronouncements on what is right or wrong (Haidt 2001, Nichols 2004, Prinz 2007). A wide variety of empirical findings seem to support this claim. For example, some argue that arbitrary (...)
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    Totality, morality, and social philosophy.Frank I. Michelman - 2023 - Constellations 30 (4):406-409.
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    The problem with the individualist approach to the principle of the immunity of non-combatants.Frank Aragbonfoh Abumere - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):274-284.
    The world is littered with wars in which innocent individual human beings, helpless groups of persons and harmless institutions are casualties because they are directly or indirectly targeted and attacked. The nature or composition of such casualties calls for a revision of, or at least leads one to question, the dominant approach to the principle of non-combatant immunity. In the just war theory, moral and political philosophers mostly approach the theorisation about the principle of the immunity of non-combatants from what (...)
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  47. Immigration, insecurity and the French far right.Frank Adler - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2001 (120):31-48.
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    Daniel N. Warshawsky: Food waste, food insecurity, and the globalization of food banks.Frank Yeboah Adusei - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-2.
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    Petty contra Hobbes: a previously untranslated manuscript.Frank Amati & Tony Aspromourgos - 1985 - Journal of the History of Ideas 46 (1):127.
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    Children and Animals: Exploring the Roots of Kindness and Cruelty.Frank R. Ascione - 2004 - Purdue University Press.
    Animal abuse has been an acknowledged problem for centuries, but only within the past few decades has scientific research provided evidence that the maltreatment of animals often overlaps with violence toward people. The perpetrators of such inhumane trea.
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