Results for 'Francoise Perus'

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    Françoise Dastur by Herself.Francoise Dastur, Res Publica & Penelope Deutscher - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):174-177.
    Françoise Dastur describes her efforts to practice history of philosophy in a non-historical fashion. She discusses her concept of the historical, and argues that the only true way to be of one's time is to be against one's time.
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    Altered Inheritance: Crispr and the Ethics of Human Genome Editing.Françoise Baylis - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    With the advent of CRISPR gene-editing technology, designer babies have become a reality. Françoise Baylis insists that scientists alone cannot decide the terms of this new era in human evolution. Members of the public, with diverse interests and perspectives, must have a role in determining our future as a species.
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  3. Françoise Dastur by Herself.Françoise Dastur & Res Publica - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):174-177.
    Françoise Dastur describes her efforts to practice history of philosophy in a non-historical fashion. She discusses her concept of the historical, and argues that the only true way to be of one's time is to be against one's time.
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  4. A relational account of public health ethics.Françoise Baylis, Nuala P. Kenny & Susan Sherwin - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (3):196-209.
    oise Baylis, 1234 Le Marchant Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3P7. Tel.: (902)-494–2873; Fax: (902)-494-2924; Email: francoise.baylis{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> . Abstract Recently, there has been a growing interest in public health and public health ethics. Much of this interest has been tied to efforts to draw up national and international plans to deal with a global pandemic. It is common for these plans to state the importance of drawing upon a (...)
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  5. Rencontre avec Françoise Dastur autour de" La phénoménologie en questions".Françoise Dastur, Arnaud Dewalque, Florence Caeymaex, Grégory Cormann, Sébastien Laoureux, Bruno Leclercq, Julien Pieron & Denis Seron - 2006 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 14.
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  6. How biological, cultural, and intended functions combine.Françoise Longy - 2009 - In Ulrich Krohs & Peter Kroes (eds.), Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds: Comparative Philosophical Perspectives. MIT Press.
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    Husserl et la neutralité de l'art.Françoise Dastur - 1881 - la Part de l'Oeil 7:19-29.
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  8. Quelle autorité pour les parents aujourd'hui?Françoise Hurstel - 2001 - Comprendre 2:207-222.
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  9. Nida, Eugene Albert (b. 1914).Françoise Kerleroux - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
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    The Tree in Photographs.Françoise Reynaud - 2010 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    This surprising selection of photographs by Ansel Adams, Eugène Atget, Alfred Stieglitz, Carleton Watkins, and others, focuses on the tree as subject matter.
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  11. Le miracle signe du surnaturel.Françoise Taymans - 1955 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 77:225-245.
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  12. Limba de lemn, trad. de Mona Antohi, ed. a II-a, București: Ed.Françoise Thom - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  13. Biće — bit — bitak — bivstvovanje. Prilog raspravi o problemu sadržaja i primjene temeljnih pojmova.Luka Perušić - 2022 - In Goran Sunajko, Hrvoje Jurić & Marija Selak (eds.), Praktička ontologija. Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo. pp. 149-194.
    Rad se sastoji od dva dijela. U prvom dijelu, tragom prethodnih istraživanja, prvenstveno Petrovićevih i Marottijevih, ispitujem sadržaj i primjenu temeljnog filozofijskog pojmovlja zasnovanoga na riječi i pojmu biti, pri čemu je glavna primijenjena strategija filozofijsko tumačenje mišljenja tvorenog putem mehanizama hrvatskoga jezika. U drugom dijelu, tragom Veljakovih istraživanja o metafizičkim utvarama, ispitujem opasnosti usvajanja moguće nepotpuno razumljenog pojmovlja pomoću kojega oblikujemo predodžbe o (društvenoj) zbilji i po njoj djelujemo. Sidrište je razmatranja problem hipostaze jednoga, a u dijalogu s Veljakovim (...)
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  14. Negative Impact of Political Exceptionalism on National Trust as Evidenced by the COVID-19 Crisis.Luka Perušić - 2023 - Ethical Studies 8 (1):70-85.
    The correct identification of the abuse of political power during the COVID-19 crisis remains a challenge because officially declaring the pandemic allowed political representatives to exercise additional power disguisable as the maintenance of functioning social order under the principle of preserving humankind. One way to observe the abuse of power in its excess is the degree of compliance exhibited by the people who laid juridical restrictions for the purpose of combating COVID-19. The behaviour of political representatives was evidence of political (...)
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    Agon-kompleks.Luka Perušić - 2015 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 35 (3):415-433.
    S obzirom na tri poretka u sklopu kozmičke cjeline, integrativnom analizom kozmoloških spoznaja metafizičara i prirodoznanstvenika raznorodnih orijentacija najprije dolazim do konkluzije o spregnutosti dvaju izvedenih kozmičkih načela koja određuju sveukupni totalitet odnosa stvari i smisla. Prvo načelo nazivam sabiruće-jedno-sve, koje opisujem arhe-kompleksom. Drugo nazivam sebi-usuprot-težeće, koje opisujem eris-kompleksom. Na temelju pomaka iz zatvorenog sustava u otvoreni sustav, obrazlažem da arhe- i eris-kompleks stvaraju logos-kompleks i agon-kompleks te na koji se način novo spregnuće u tjelesnosti oblikuje u društvo, u najširem (...)
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    Monsieur Descartes, ou, La fable de la raison.Françoise Hildesheimer - 2010 - Paris: Flammarion.
    Il pense, donc il est : sérieux, solitaire, méditatif et de noir vêtu, Descartes est depuis des siècles l'incarnation de la raison triomphante et du génie français. Tant de limpidité et d'éclat a éclipsé l'homme même, qui demeure très méconnu : fils d'un temps d'incertitude? père de la philosophie moderne? Qui était vraiment René Descartes et qu'en reste-t-il aujourd'hui, au-delà des idées reçues et de la référence obligée? Mettant en lumière les contradictions du philosophe, Françoise Hildesheimer brosse le portrait d'un (...)
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  17. Euthanasia in Video Games – Exemplifying the Importance of Moral Experience in Digital Gameworlds.Luka Perušić - 2022 - Pannoniana 6 (1):53-98.
    The paper classifies euthanasia and discusses its typological presence in storytelling video games. It aims to illustrate the importance of experiencing simulated moral challenges in the context of gameworlds as a significantly influential, exponentially growing form of interactive media. In contrast to older works of art and media, such as film and literature, the difference should be emphasized in light of the player’s ability to make choices in video games. Although the influence of gameworld content depends on the player, the (...)
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  18. Etično načelo saturiranosti u organizaciji rada. Oprimjereno razmatranjem znanstvene djelatnosti u vrijeme COVID–19 pandemije.Luka Perušić - 2023 - In Ivan Koprek (ed.), Pandemija, ekonomija i poslovna etika. Fakultet filozofije i religijskih znanosti. pp. 163-184.
    Rad pripremno ocrtava etično načelo saturiranosti u svrhe boljeg razumijevanja zdravog radnog okruženja. Načelo se oprimjeruje razmatranjem zajedničke biti ljudskih problema vezanih za uzrok, razvoj, učinke i posljedice COVID–19 virusne pandemije koja je potvrdila dugo znane, sustavne probleme opterećenja u ljudskom društvu, naročito u području poslovanja. Posebno treba istaknuti područje kadrovski i financijski potkapacitiranih nacionalnih sustava, poput znanstvenog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj, u kojem vlada i problem višestrukog radnog identiteta. Izabrana optika motrenja služi približavanju moralne i organizacijske važnosti i korisnosti (...)
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  19. Chimera Research and Stem Cell Therapies for Human Neurodegenerative Disorders.Françoise Baylis & Andrew Fenton - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (2):195-208.
    This work was supported, in part, by a Stem Cell Network grant to Françoise Baylis and Jason Scott Robert and a CIHR grant to Françoise Baylis. We sincerely thank Alan Fine, Rich Campbell, Cynthia Cohen, and Tim Krahn for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Thanks are also owed to Tim Krahn for his research assistance. An earlier version of this paper was presented to the Department of Bioethics and the Novel Tech Ethics research team. We thank (...)
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    Modèles et interprétation.Françoise Armengaud - 1981 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 86 (3):389 - 396.
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    Logic and ontology: Heidegger's "destruction" of logic.Françoise Dastur - 1987 - Research in Phenomenology 17 (1):55-74.
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    Indecidabilite de la theorie Des paires immediates de corps values henseliens.Françoise Delon - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1236-1242.
    The theory of immediate pairs of Henselian valued fields, with a given residual theory (of characteristic zero) and a given theory of valuation group (nonzero), is undecidable and has 2ℵ0 completions.
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  23. Wittgenstein and Lacan: A conversation.Francoise Fonteneau - 2006 - Filozofski Vestnik 27 (2):45-57.
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    Ordre quasicristallin dans Les matrices extracellulaires.Françoise Gaill & Rémy Mosseri - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2-3):261-267.
    In this note we argue that the theoretical approach, developed in the field of quasicrystals, may prove to be useful in a completely different area, namely biology, and more precisely for the transmission electron microscopy observation of biological structures this sections. Whenever the real three-dimensional structure is periodic, a generic cut will produce a quasiperiodic pattern. This is illustrated in a theoretical example inspired by the 3D organization of annelid cuticle. In addition, we discuss recent results on dislocations in quasicrystals, (...)
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    Constitution d'épistémologies évolutionnistes: de Carnap à Popper et de Wittgenstein à Toulmin.Françoise Longy - 1989 - A.N.R.T. Université de Lille Iii.
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    Aldous Huxley: Perenijalna filozofija.Luka Perušić - 2016 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 36 (1):178-183.
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    System‐theoretical background of mystical and meditational experience.Mitja Peruš - 1997 - World Futures 51 (1):95-110.
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    The problem of animal subjectivity and its consequences for the scientific measurement of animal suffering.Françoise Wemelsfelder - 1999 - In Francine L. Dolins (ed.), Attitudes to animals: views in animal welfare. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 37--53.
  29. Filozofijska dimenzija pripovjednog sadržaja videoigara.Luka Perušić - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 27 (1):57-78.
    In the paper, laid out are the categories of the presence of the philosophical dimension of narrative content in video games, to establish a ground for more thorough thinking of practical and historical relation of philosophy and video games. In the introductory, described is the appearance of the philosophical dimension of the narrative content in the fifth generation of video games, and the importance of that happening is highlighted. The central part of the paper describes the categories of the presence, (...)
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    Clinical Research Involving Pregnant Women.Françoise Baylis & Angela Ballantyne (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book discusses 'how' to respectfully and responsibly include pregnant women in clinical research. In sharp contrast, the existing literature predominantly focuses on the reasons 'why' the inclusion of pregnant women in clinical research is necessary - viz., to develop effective treatments for women during pregnancy, to promote fetal safety, to reduce harm to women and fetuses from suboptimal care, and to allow access to the benefits of research participation. This book supports the shift to a new default position, whereby (...)
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    A decolonial feminism.Francoise Verges - 2021 - London: Pluto Press. Edited by Ashley J. Bohrer.
    Verges' manifesto argues that feminists should no longer be accomplices of capitalism, racism, colonialism and imperialism: it is time to fight the system that created the boss, built the prisons and polices women's bodies. The author grapples with the central issues in feminist debates today: from Eurocentrism and whiteness, to power, inclusion and exclusion. Delving into feminist and anti-racist histories, Verges also assesses contemporary activism, movements and struggles, including #MeToo and the Women's Strike. Centering anticolonialism and anti-racism within an intersectional (...)
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  32. Phenomenology of the Event: Waiting and Surprise 1.Françoise Dastur - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):178-189.
    How, asks Françoise Dastur, can philosophy account for the sudden happening and the factuality of the event? Dastur asks how phenomenology, in particular the work of Heidegger, Husserl, and Merleau-Ponty, may be interpreted as offering such an account. She argues that the “paradoxical capacity of expecting surprise is always in question in phenomenology,” and for this reason, she concludes, “We should not oppose phenomenology and the thinking of the event. We should connect them; openness to phenomena must be identified with (...)
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  33. Kozmobioetika: uvodna rasprava o bioetičkim aspektima kozmičkog društva.Luka Perušić - 2018 - Obnovljeni Život 73 (3):311-328.
    Heuristička propulzivnost bioetike u posljednjih trideset godina potaknula je na značajno proširenje područnog opsega: na metodološkom planu razvoj je obilježen kretanjem od disciplinarnosti do transdisciplinarnosti, a na problemskom planu od biotehničkih izazova do mišljenja cjeline živog svijeta. Međutim, bioetička ispitivanja još uvijek u obzir ne uzimaju probleme iz humanističke i prirodoznanstvene kozmologije, čak ni u sklopu projekta integrativne bioetike, što je izrazito problematično s obzirom na važnost njihovih jezgri znanja. Razvijanje ljudskog društva prema objedinjavanju s prostorom izvan planeta Zemlje te (...)
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  34. Being Praxis: The Structure of Praxis Philosophy – Outlined by the Refutation of Contemporary Criticism.Luka Perušić - 2018 - In Dominik Novkovic & Alexander Akel (eds.), Karl Marx – Philosophie, Pädagogik, Gesellschaftstheorie und Politik. Kassel: Kassel University Press. pp. 174-196.
    Before it succumbed to political censorship in Croatia in 1974 and afterward, a movement known as praxis philosophy reached its pinnacle as a critical response to the conceptually and socially corrupted dialectical and historical materialism which dominated the former Yugoslavian region. Two of the most prominent philosophers of "praxis movement" – Milan Kangrga and Gajo Petrović – the Praxists – remained to be an inspirational source for junior and senior scholars to date. Recently, a debate was initiated regarding the value (...)
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  35. Am Abgrund des Nichts und des Gotteswesens. Über das Problem einer angemessen fundierten Erklärung der Schöpfung und des Ursprungs des Universums.Luka Perušić - 2020 - In Damir Smiljanić (ed.), Gotteshinterfragungen. Philosophische Beiträge zur Religionskritik. Aschaffenburg: Alibri Verlag. pp. 243-293.
    Die zentralen Fragestellungen bezüglich der wahren Beschaffenheit des Universums betreffen Folgendes: seinen Ursprung, seine Entstehung, die Existenz und Kontingenz seiner Gesetze, seine Intentionalität, Fassbarkeit, Transzendenz und die Anwendung erster Grundsätze, die diesen Phänomenen zugrunde liegen. Häufig sind die entsprechenden Untersuchungen jedoch belastet von (1) einer „semantischen Transmutation“ von Konzepten und Begriffen zwischen und innerhalb von drei allgemeinen Wissensfeldem - dem physikalischen, philosophischen und theologischen - sowie von (2) den Einschränkungen der anfänglichen Leitgedanken des Betrachters, die oft von skeptischen Annahmen geleitet (...)
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  36. The body of speech.Françoise Dastur - 2009 - In Robert Vallier, Wayne Jeffrey Froman & Bernard Flynn (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and the Possibilities of Philosophy: Transforming the Tradition. State University of New York Press.
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    Le philosophe traducteur ou l’art d’user du bien d’autrui avec liberté. Diderot et Robinet.Françoise Badelon - 2013 - Noesis 21:211-228.
    À la fin du xviiie siècle, Diderot et Robinet occupent une place symétrique et inverse dans la République des Lettres : philosophes et traducteurs de Shaftesbury, ils construisent leur œuvre à partir de la position seconde de traducteur. Robinet a la capacité de s’effacer devant l’auteur qu’il traduit mais Diderot « use du bien d’autrui avec une grande liberté », la traduction constituant pour lui une méthode de lecture et une forme de dialogue critique avec lui-même. Tous les deux néanmoins (...)
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  38. Équivocité de l'univocité.Françoise Balibar - 1998 - Philosophia Scientiae 3 (2):155-165.
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  39. A Modest Proposal. A Letter to the Editor.Françoise Baylis - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (6):8-9.
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  40. Ullmann, Stephen (1914-1976).Françoise Kerleroux - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
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  41. Francis arakal.A. Perusal - 2006 - In A. V. Afonso (ed.), Consciousness, society, and values. Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study. pp. 244.
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    Function and Probability.Francoise Longy - 2006 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 10 (1):66-78.
    The existence of dysfunctions precludes the possibility of identifying the function to do F with the capacity to do F. Nevertheless, we continuously infer capacities from functions. For this and other reasons stated in the first part of this article, I propose a new theory of functions (of the etiological sort), applying to organisms as well as to artefacts, in which to have some determinate probability P to do F (i.e. a probabilistic capacity to do F) is a necessary condition (...)
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  43. Fritz Jahr as Methodological Paradigm in Bioethical Education.Luka Perušić - 2019 - Jahr 10 (2):287-310.
    The paper examines Fritz Jahr as a possible role-model in bioethical education. It consists of two parts. The first part builds upon the acknowledged data and theories about how Fritz Jahr proposed the bioethical imperative and changed his way of thinking. It provides arguments for and against known claims and expands the knowledge background with the focus on reconstructing the thought process and some presumptions that led to the formulation of bioethical imperative. The second part uses these results to infer (...)
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    Benoît GRÉAN & Luisa GARDINI, Sonnets des satiétés.Françoise Favretto - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Chronique/critique de Françoise Favretto parue dans la revue L'intranquille. Revue de littérature, n° 20, St-Quentin-de-Caplong, L'Atelier de l'Agneau, 2021, p. 83. - Recensions.
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    E-Leadership and Teleworking in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond: What We Know and Where Do We Go.Francoise Contreras, Elif Baykal & Ghulam Abid - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Suddenly, COVID-19 has changed the world and the way people work. Companies had to accelerate something they knew was imminent in the future, but not immediate and extremely humongous. This situation poses a huge challenge for companies to survive and thrive in this complex business environment and for employees, who must adapt to this new way of working. An effective e-leadership, which promotes companies’ adaptability, is needed. This study investigates the existing knowledge on teleworking and e-leadership; and analyzes the supposed (...)
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    Relationship to the reform of pre-service teacher training in National Higher Institutes for Teaching and Education: Teacher trainers under tension(s)?.Christine Françoise & Thérèse Perez-Roux - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (3):176-197.
    This article looks at the tensions experienced by teacher trainers in National Higher Institutes for Teaching and Education (Instituts nationaux supérieurs du professorat et de l'éducation ; INSPE), following the implementation of the reform of pre-service teacher training (beginning of the 2021 academic year). Thus, the positioning of competitive examinations at the end of the master's degree has led to the reorganization of training content. A questionnaire survey (n = 725) was conducted in spring 2022. Having defined the place and (...)
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    Do we need two notions of natural kind to account for the history of “jade”?Françoise Longy - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1459-1486.
    We need to distinguish two sorts of natural kinds, scientific and common NKs, because the notion of NK, which has to satisfy demands at three different levels—ontological, semantic and epistemological—, is subject to two incompatible sets of constraints. In order to prove this, I focus on the much-discussed case of jade. In the first part of the paper, I show that the current accounts are unsatisfactory because they are inconsistent. In the process, I explain why LaPorte’s analysis of “jade” as (...)
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    The Health Care Ethics Consultant.Francoise C. Baylis - 1994 - Humana Press.
    The primary objective of The Health Care Ethics Con sultant is to focus attention on an immediate practical problem: the role and responsibilities, the education and training, and the certification and accreditation of health care ethics consultants. The principal questions addressed in this book include: Who should be considered health care ethics consultants? Whom should they advise? What should be their responsi bilities and what kind of training should they have? Should there be some kind of accreditation or certification program (...)
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    Heidegger: la question du logos.Françoise Dastur - 2007 - Vrin.
    L'auteure démontre que Heidegger ne dissout pas l'ontologie dans le logique mais rend philosophique la logique, comme logos à la fois poétique et raison.
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  50. Topoi, Supplément 10.Françoise Briquelschatonnet, Saba Farès, Lion Brigitte & Cécile Michel - 2009 - Topoi: Revista de História 10:3-4.
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