Results for 'Francesco Lorenzini'

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  1. Der Prophet, der Häretiker, der Post-Pop-Philosoph und die ausgebliebene Apokalypse, oder, Hegel, Belting und Danto über die Kunst und ihr Los.Francesco Iannelli - 2015 - In Klaus Vieweg, Francesca Iannelli & Federico Vercellone, Das Ende der Kunst als Anfang freier Kunst. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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  2. Agostino Cera, Io con Tu. Karl Löwith e la possibilità di una Mitanthropologie.Francesco Ferrari - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (2):381.
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  3. A genius for legislation Bentham's 'art and science' of legislation and modern legisprudence.Francesco Ferraro - 2022 - In Philip Schofield & Xiaobo Zhai, Bentham on democracy, courts, and codification. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  4. Vom politischen und bürgerlichen Leben "Ricordi.".Francesco Guicciardini - 1942 - Berlin,: H. Küpper. Edited by Ernesto Grassi & Karl Josef Partsch.
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  5. (1 other version)Storia e storiografia nell'età del Romanticismo.Francesco Brancato - 1970 - Palermo,: CELUP.
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  6. The Intangible Individuality of Human Beings. The Originality of Edith Stein’s Perspective.Francesco Alfieri - 2015 - In The Presence of Duns Scotus in the Thought of Edith Stein: The question of individuality. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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    La scuola dei politici: politica e scienza della politica in Platone e nell'antica Accademia.Francesco Ingravalle - 2020 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice. Edited by Guido Gandolfi.
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  8. Spengler, Oswald hyper-rationalism and Neurath, Otto interpretation of the'tramonto delloccidente'.Francesco Ingravalle - 1994 - Filosofia 45 (2):163-176.
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    Il Dio vivente: libertà, male, Trinità in Schelling e Pareyson.Francesco Tomatis - 2022 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Nietzsche e la provocazione del superuomo: per un'etica della misura.Francesco Totaro (ed.) - 2004 - Roma: Carocci.
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  11. Passione, riconoscimento, diritto nel Discorso sull’origine della disuguaglianza di J.-J. Rousseau.Francesco Toto - 2017 - Post-Filosofie 4:129--157.
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    Freud e la filosofia.Francesco Saverio Trincia - 2010 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    L'Epicuro di Kant.Francesco Verde - 2010 - Philosophical Readings 2 (1):179-208.
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    Alert! Ideological Interfaces, TikTok, and the Meme Teleology.Francesco Striano - 2023 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (2):183-200.
    The way we human beings approach the world has always been mediated. To be precise, it is mediated by interfaces. The starting point of this paper, therefore, will be to define, in the most general way possible, the interface. I will then focus mostly on the analysis of contemporary digital visual interfaces, and on how they changed the human way of perceiving. In the light of this analysis, I will highlight the “ideology” that spoils current interface design and allows contemporary (...)
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    L'individualità dei corpi. Percorsi nell'Etica di Spinoza.Francesco Toto - 2014 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis.
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  16. Experiencing Space by Walking.Francesco Caeri - 2002 - Topos 41:18-25.
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  17. La facoltà teologica dell'ordine al seraphicum (1905-2005): Struttura E attività, dirigenti, professori E alunni.Francesco Costa - 2006 - Miscellanea Francescana 106 (3-4):529-557.
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    La destra degli dei: Alain de Benoist e la cultura della Nouvelle droite.Francesco Germinario - 2002 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Tradizione mito storia: la cultura politica della destra radicale e i suoi teorici.Francesco Germinario - 2014 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Rosmini e l'economia.Francesco Ghia & Paolo Marangon (eds.) - 2015 - Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia.
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    Il lungo addio della filosofia politica contemporanea: processi storici e questioni epistemologiche.Francesco Giacomantonio - 2018 - Firenze: goWare.
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    Il bambino di Platone: psicologia e filosofia a confronto sull'origine e lo sviluppo della cognizione morale.Francesco Margoni (ed.) - 2018 - [Bologna]: Le due torri.
  23. Storia della filosofia italiana.Francesco E. Marcianò - 1959 - Roma,: Edizioni cremonese.
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    The Anatomy of Primary Substance in Aristotle's Categories.Francesco Ademollo - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 60:145-202.
    This paper investigates two related aspects of Aristotle’s conception of primary substances in the Categories. In Section 1 I distinguish different interpretations of the relation between a primary substance and its accidental attributes: one (A) according to which a primary substance encompasses all of its attributes, including the accidental ones; another (B) according to which a primary substance encompasses only its essential attributes, whereas the accidental attributes are extrinsic to the substance, though related to it; and a third, intermediate one (...)
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  25. A really fuzzy approach to the sorites paradox.Francesco Paoli - 2003 - Synthese 134 (3):363 - 387.
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    An Updated Evolutionary Research Programme for the Evolution of Language.Francesco Suman - 2018 - Topoi 37 (2):255-263.
    Language evolution, intended as an open problem in the evolutionary research programme, will be here analyzed from the theoretical perspective advanced by the supporters of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Four factors and two associated concepts will be matched with a selection of critical examples concerning genus Homo evolution, relevant for the evolution of language, such as the evolution of hominin life-history traits, the enlargement of the social group, increased cooperation among individuals, behavioral change and innovations, heterochronic modifications leading to increased (...)
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  27. L'idea di Filosofia Scientifica Per Una Storia Dell'epistemologia Scientifica Del '900.Francesco Coniglione - 2002 - C.U.E.C.M.
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    L'uomo e la società: la politica nel pensiero di Antonio Rosmini.Francesco Conigliaro (ed.) - 2009 - Caltanissetta: S. Sciascia.
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    Il rovescio del diritto.Francesco Galgano - 1991 - Milano: Giuffrè.
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  30. Identity across Frames.Francesco Orilia - forthcoming - Topoi.
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    Between abstraction and idealization: Scientific practice and philosophical awareness.Francesco Coniglione - 2004 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 82 (1):59-110.
    The aim of this essay is to emphasize a number of important points that will provide a better understanding of the history of philosophical thought concerning scientific knowledge. The main points made are: (a) that the principal way of viewing abstraction which has dominated the history of thought and epistemology up to the present is influenced by the original Aristotelian position; (b) that with the birth of modern science a new way of conceiving abstraction came into being which is better (...)
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    Rosmini e le due città.Markus Krienke & Samuele Francesco Tadini (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  33. Feuerbach e la dialettica dell'esserre. Con la publicazione di due scritti inediti, 1982, collection « Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di storia della filosofia dell'universita di Milano », n° 27.Francesco Tomasoni - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (4):591-591.
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  34. Per Stirner contro Feuerbach?Francesco Tomasoni - 1984 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 39 (2):293.
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    (1 other version)Transcendance et corps.Francesco Valerio Tommasi - 2018 - Diakrisis 1:97-110.
    An apparently paradoxical tendency in contemporary Philosophy of Religion consists in no longer seeking transcendence starting with invisible and immaterial elements, such as the soul, the spirit, or God known to reason. Instead a bridge between philosophy and theology has been singled out in the body. But how can one reach an idea of transcendence starting from the body? In these short reflections, I will try to show how finitude and immanence are the phenomenological meaning of the body. Consciousness itself (...)
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  36. Generalized differential and integral quadrature : theory and applications.Francesco Tornabene & Rossana Dimitri - 2020 - In Snehashish Chakraverty, Mathematical methods in interdisciplinary sciences. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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    Nietzsche tra eccesso e misura: la volontà di potenza a confronto.Francesco Totaro (ed.) - 2002 - Roma: Carocci.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics, Volume 3: Public Law and Legal Institutions.Francesco Parisi (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics provides a broad overview of numerous current and developing topics in the field of law and economics. With contributions by over one-hundred experts in the field within one work, the volume covers issues ranging from as far as Law and Neuroeconomics to European Union Law and Economics to Feminist Theory and Law and Economics. Its detail and breadth make it an invaluable reference book and contribution to the field.
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  39. The Equals, the Equals Themselves, Equality, and the Equals Itself.Francesco Ademollo - 2007 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 18:1-20.
  40. Principio apocatastasi: la vita restituita come postulato di una filosofia morale.Francesco Ghia - 2023 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  41. Democrazia contemporanea e decostruzionismo.Francesco Giacomantonio - 2009 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 86 (1):145-158.
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    Le cure del mondo: Leibniz e la medicina.Francesco Giampietri - 2014 - Milano: AlboVersorio.
  43. L'agire politico nella società contemporanea: quattro categorie interpretative.Francesco Giacomantonio - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (3):505-519.
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  44. Dialettica come semantica.Francesco Berto - 2003 - Epistemologia 26 (1):5-44.
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    Omaggio a Ludovico Geymonat. Saggi E Testimonianze.Francesco Barone & Ludovico Geymonat (eds.) - 1992 - Padova: Franco Muzzio Editore.
    Il volume comprende i saggi dei seguenti autori: Corrado Mangione, Enrico Bellone, Giulio Giorello, Marco Mondadori, Gabriele Lolli, Silvano Tagliagambe, Francesco Barone, Umberto Bottazzini, Vincenzo Cappelletti, Domenico Costantini, Piero Mangani, Carlos Minguez, Alberto Pasquinelli, Rossano Pancaldi, Mario Servi.
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    L'altro Croce: un dialogo con i suoi interpreti.Francesco Postorino - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The Anxiety of Another City in de Ruggiero's Interpretation of Green.Francesco Postorino - 2021 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 27 (1):35-47.
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  48. Meaning and circular definitions.Francesco Orilia - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (2):155-169.
    Gupta's and Belnap's Revision Theory of Truth defends the legitimacy of circular definitions. Circularity, however, forces us to reconsider our conception of meaning. A readjustment of some standard theses about meaning is here proposed, by relying on a novel version of the sense-reference distinction.
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  49. Dynamic events and presentism.Francesco Orilia - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 160 (3):407-414.
    Dynamic events such as a rolling ball moving from one place to another involve change and time intervals and thus presumably successions of static events occurring one after the other, e.g., the ball’s being at a certain place and then at another place during the interval in question. When dynamic events are experienced they should count as present and thus as existent from a presentist point of view. But this seems to imply the existence of the static events involved in (...)
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  50. Attualità dell'estetica fenomenologica.Francesco Armezzani - 1999 - Studi di Estetica 20:311-319.
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