Results for 'Francesca Rivetti-Barbo'

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  1.  32
    A philosophical remark on Gödel's unprovability of consistency proof.Francesca Rivetti Barbò - 1968 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 9 (1):67-74.
  2.  13
    Liberté et vérité.Francesca Rivetti Barbò - 2000 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 48 (2):135-150.
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  3. Dubbi, discorsi, verità: lineamenti di filosofia della conoscenza.Francesca Rivetti Barbò - 1985 - Milano: Jaca Book.
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    L'antinomia del mentitore: da Peirce a Tarski: studi, testi, bibliografia.Francesca Rivetti Barbò - 1986 - Milano: Jaca Book.
  5. Semantica bidimensionale: fondazione filosofica, con un progetto di teoria del significato.Francesca Rivetti Barbò - 1974 - Roma: ELIA.
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  6. Il teorema e il corollario di Gödel.Francesca Rivetti Barbò - 1964 - Milano,: Società editrice Vita e pensiero.
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  7.  72
    Evandro Agazzi. La logica simbolica. Editrice La Scuola, Brescia 1964, 396 pp. [REVIEW]Francesca Rivetti-Barbo - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):327-328.
  8.  46
    Egidi Rosaria. Ontologia e conoscenza matematica. Un saggio su Gottlob Frege. Publicazioni dell'Istituto di Filosofia dell'Università di Roma, no. X. G. C. Sansoni Editore, Florence 1963, 274 pp. [REVIEW]Francesca Rivetti Barbò - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):446-447.
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  9. L'antinomia del mintitore nel pensiero contemporaneo da Pierce a Tarski: studi, testi, bibliografia.Rivetti Barbò & Francesca[From Old Catalog] - 1961 - Milano,: Società editrice "Vita e pensiero".
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    Francesca Rivetti Barbò. L'antinomia del mentitore nel pensiero contemporaneo, da Peirce a Tarski. Studi - testi - bibliografia. Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, serie terza, scienze filosofiche, 5. Vita e Pensiero, Milano1961, XLIII + 744 pp. - Charles Sanders Peirce. Ristampa di un brano da 283, con versione italiana a fronte. Ivi, pp. 334–339. - Charles Sanders Peirce. Ristampa di un breve commento da Collected papers 2.352, con versione italiana a fronte. Ivi, pp. 338, 339. - Charles Sanders Peirce. Ristampa di un brano di The regenerated logic , con versione italiana a fronte. Ivi, pp. 338–341. - Charles Sanders Peirce. Insolubilia. Ristampa di 2813, con versione italiana a fronte. Ivi, pp. 340–343. - Ernst Schröder. Ristampa di un brano di 4210, con versione italiana a fronte. Ivi, pp. 342–345. - Bertrand Russell. Les paradoxes de la logique. Ristampa di brani di 11114, con versione italiana a fronte. Ivi, pp. 346–353. - Bertrand Russell. Mathematical logi. [REVIEW]Amedeo G. Conte - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (2):283-284.
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  11.  34
    Francesca Rivetti Barbò. Il “senso e significato” di Frege: Ricerca teoretica sul senso è designato delle espressioni, e sui valori di verità. Studi di filosofia e di storia della filosofia in onore di Francesco Olgiati, Società Editrice Vita e Pensiero, Milan1962, pp. 420–483. [REVIEW]Ignacio Angelelli - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):106-107.
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    Barbò Francesca Rivetti. La struttura logica della prima via per provare l'esistenza di Dio: Applicazioni di logica simbolica e nessi di contenuti. Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica, vol. 52 nos. 2–3 , pp. 241–320. [REVIEW]Ivo Thomas - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (4):348-349.
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    Alfred Tarski. Il concetto di verità nei linguaggi formalizzati. A cura di Francesca Rivetti Barbò. Vita e Pensiero, Milano1963, pp. VIII, 391–677, 1*-43. [REVIEW]Amedeo G. Conte - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (2):284.
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  14. L'Assoluto è amore vivente in Discussioni per il progresso della filosofia cristiana.F. Rivetti Barbo - 1988 - Aquinas 31 (1):137-150.
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    Über Gödel's Beweis der Unentscheidbarkeit: eine philosophische Bemerkung.Francesca Barbò - 1976 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 7 (2):362-366.
    Es wird gezeigt, daß in der Skizze zum Beweis des 2. Satzes von Gödel dieser eine stillschweigende Voraussetzung macht, die im Widerspruch zu den üblichen Forderungen nach Eindeutigkeit der benutzten Terme steht: Eine und dieselbe Gödelzahl g repräsentiert nämlich einmal den Ausdruck g1: "ein im System k unentscheidbarer Satz" und das andere Mal den Ausdruck g2: "g1 ist in k nicht beweisbar". Beachtet man aber diesen Unterschied, so ist der Widerspruch nicht herleitbar, auf dem der Gödelsche Beweis basiert.
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  16. Rivetti barbó F., "l'antinomia Del mentitore Nel pensiero contemporaneo da Peirce a Tarski". [REVIEW]J. M. Bochenski - 1964 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 56:536.
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    The Unprovability of Consistency. [REVIEW]M. M. R. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (3):592-592.
    This book, the author tells us, is "about some of the ways in which the techniques of modal logic may be used to study concepts of proof theory first studied in Gödel's famous paper on the incompleteness of arithmetic." Those who, with Quine and others, think that modal logic was conceived in sin, may well doubt that its techniques will throw anything but more Dunkel on proof theory. The author attempts to show otherwise and construes "☐A", where " ☐" is (...)
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  18. Per una preistoria degli atti sociali: gli atti di significare di Edmund Husserl.Francesca de Vecchi - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (3):365-396.
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    Ermeneutica e sistema: Dilthey lettore dell'etica di Schleiermacher.Francesca D'Alberto - 2011 - Padova: CLEUP.
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  20.  26
    Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Sense of Coherence.Daniela Barni, Francesca Danioni, Elena Canzi, Laura Ferrari, Sonia Ranieri, Margherita Lanz, Raffaella Iafrate, Camillo Regalia & Rosa Rosnati - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21.  21
    (1 other version)Risk and Catastrophe. The Failure of Science and Institutions: Finding Precarious Solutions in a Precarious life.Angelo Abignente & Francesca Scamardella - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The aim of this article is to investigate around the life in the contemporary society, characterized by risks and catastrophes. What does mean to live fearing that in any moment a catastrophe could happen (a tsunami, an earthquake, a nuclear explosion)? Despite of the failure of science and public institutions in the prevention of the catastrophes, the question is the following: Can we use the catastrophe as a paradigm of the contemporary uncertain life, trying to mean it as a theme (...)
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    Introduction: Reassessing Developmental Systems Theory.Anouk Barberousse, Francesca Merlin & Thomas Pradeu - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (3):199-201.
    The Developmental Systems Theory (DST) presented by its proponents as a challenging approach in biology is aimed at transforming the workings of the life sciences from both a theoretical and experimental point of view (see, in particular, Oyama [1985] 2000; Oyama et al. 2001). Even though some may have the impression that the enthusiasm surrounding DST has faded in very recent years, some of the key concepts, ideas, and visions of DST have in fact pervaded biology and philosophy of biology. (...)
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  23.  24
    Ontologia sociale qualitativa dei soggetti collettivi. Varietà di vincoli, valori e forme di unità sociale.Francesca De Vecchi - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 69:61-76.
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    Attachment Styles and Communication of Displeasing Truths.Isora Sessa, Francesca D’Errico, Isabella Poggi & Giovanna Leone - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  25.  13
    Constraint relaxation may be perfect.Ugo Montanari & Francesca Rossi - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 48 (2):143-170.
  26.  11
    Il diritto alla filosofia: quale filosofia per il terzo millennio?Laura Candiotto & Francesca Gambetti (eds.) - 2016 - Bologna: Diogene multimedia.
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  27.  32
    Compliance with justice: shared values and modus vivendi.Francesca De Vecchi & Roberta Sala - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (1):56-70.
    In this paper we investigate ways to comply with justice in a liberal democracy. In order to do that, we sketch Rawls’s account of moral-consensus stability and discuss the alternative idea of stability reached through a modus vivendi. We defend modus vivendi as a way to achieve stability backed by a variety of reasons and even by ‘non-reasons’. By ‘non-reasons’ we mean alternative sources of motivation for compliance as a precondition of a stable coexistence. We focus on such sources, which (...)
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  28.  13
    The Effect of Local Religiosity on Financing Cross-Regional Entrepreneurial Projects Via Crowdfunding.Francesca Di Pietro & Francesca Masciarelli - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (2):429-443.
    This paper aims to develop a better understanding of the influence of the social environment in which entrepreneurs reside on the success of the crowdfunding projects they propose. Specifically, this study investigates on the importance of local religiosity on the propensity to support cross-regional crowdfunding projects. We theoretically discuss and empirically document, using a dataset of 5841 contributions on three Swiss reward-based and donation-based platforms, that local religiosity affects cross-regional resource flows by creating social interactions and enhancing trust. Furthermore, we (...)
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  29.  18
    Esoterismo. Giornata di studi intorno al volume 25 degli Annali della Storia d’Italia Einaudi.Carolina Castellano, Francesca Sofia, Luisa Simonutti, Maria Conforti, Maurizio Cambi, Silvia Caianiello & Gian Mario Cazzaniga - unknown
    [Esotericism. One-day Workshop about the Annale n. 25 of the Storia d'Italia Einaudi]. This section contains the proceedings of the one-day workshop on the book Esoterismo, published as the Annale n. 25 in the collection "History of Italy" by Einaudi. The workshop was organized by ISPF on the October 26, 2011 to promote the discussion on the significance of Western esotericist traditions in Italian history. S. Caianiello’s introduction highlights some major concepts and goals of the recent field of studies about (...)
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  30.  23
    Metacognitive Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Systematic Case Series.Gabriele Caselli, Francesca Martino, Marcantonio M. Spada & Adrian Wells - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La pensée des lieux de Paul Ricœur à l’ épreuve du paysage. Un dialogue possible entre herméneutique, esthétique performative et phénoménologie.Francesca D'Alessandris - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (2):31-43.
    In this article, we argue that Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutics of spaces and the aesthetics vision of the landscape as a performance, based on the contemporary theories of Erika Fischer-Lichte, can integrate each other through the mediation of Mikel Dufrenne’s phenomenology of the a priori. In particular, we will show how the representations and the hermeneutics of a landscape as a peculiar “text” are essentially connected with its the pre-reflective experience, which, being made possible by the activation of precise material – (...)
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  32.  37
    The history of an Italian action research experience.Giulia Mancini & Francesca Sbordone - 2004 - AI and Society 18 (2):175-207.
    The paper describes a highly specific Italian action research experience, connected with the trade unions, going through different phases from the 1970s to the present day. The journey is not only a journey through time but also through different approaches. It ranges from the initial experience focusing on health and safety problems at the workplace involving the workers as co-designers of new working environments to today’s search conference experience. For each phase there is a full description and comment on the (...)
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  33.  19
    Supporting the weight of the elephant in the room: Technical intelligence propped up by social cognition and language.Alex Thornton, Francesca Happé & Christine A. Caldwell - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    We consider the evolutionary plausibility of Osiurak and Reynaud's arguments. We argue that technical reasoning is not quite the magic bullet that O&R assume, and instead propose a co-evolutionary account of the interplay between technical reasoning and social learning, with language emerging as a vital issue neglected in O&R's account.
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  34.  12
    Physical and Psychological Impact of the Phase One Lockdown for COVID-19 on Italians.Marco Tommasi, Francesca Toro, Simone Arnò, Angelo Carrieri, Marco Maria Conte, Marianna Daria Devastato, Laura Picconi, Maria Rita Sergi & Aristide Saggino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:563722.
    The exceptional pandemic due to the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has obliged all Italians to stay at home. In the literature, there are evidences that traumatic global events, such as natural catastrophes and pandemic, have negative effects on the physical and psychological health of the population. We carried out a survey to analyze the physical and psychological conditions of Italians during the pandemic. Due to the severe limitations in moving during the phase one lockdown, the survey was administered by internet. (...)
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  35.  18
    Haunted by Christ: Modern Writers and the Struggle for Faith. By RichardHarries. Pp. xvi, 240. London, SPCK, 2018, £19.99. [REVIEW]Francesca Bugliani Knox - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (3):590-591.
  36.  20
    Poetry and Theology in the Modernist Period. By AnthonyDomestico. Pp. x, 168, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017, $26.57. [REVIEW]Francesca Bugliani Knox - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (3):574-575.
  37.  17
    Santa Francesca Romana e papa Eugenio IV: profezia e potere a Roma al tempo del Concilio di Basilea.Francesca Canepuccia - 2022 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 34 (66):31-44.
    A cavallo tra i due concili di Costanza e Basilea, che hanno fortemente influito sul giudizio della Chiesa in relazione alle donne visionarie, si staglia la figura di Francesca Bussa dei Ponziani. Le visioni politiche di Francesca rappresentano un fulgido esempio di come i modelli brigidini e cateriniani siano stati ripresi e rimodellati su un nuovo, mutato contesto storico. La sua consolidata autorità le consentì di ammonire a più riprese papa Eugenio IV riguardo alla sua partecipazione al concilio (...)
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  38.  46
    Corpo e spazio. A partire da Francesca Woodman.Francesca Brencio (ed.) - 2014
  39. Aria, Terra, Acqua, Fuoco I Quattro Elementi E le Loro Metafore / a Cura di Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo Schiera = Luft, Erde, Wasser, Feuer : Die Vier Elemente Und Ihre Metaphern / Hrsg. Von Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo Schiera.Francesca Rigotti & Pierangelo Schiera - 1996
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  40. Francesca Brezzi e Fina Birulés su La sapienza di Diotima.Francesca Brezzi & Fina Birulés - 1998 - la Società Degli Individui 2.
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    Pomen v glasbi in glasba v pomenu.Matjaž Barbo - 2015 - Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.
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  42.  61
    Acquired `theory of mind' impairments following stroke.Francesca Happé, Hiram Brownell & Ellen Winner - 1999 - Cognition 70 (3):211-240.
  43. Quæstiones methaphysicales acutissimæ.Paolo Barbo - 1967 - Frankfurt/M.,: Minerva.
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  44. A purely syntactic and cut-free sequent calculus for the modal logic of provability.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):593-611.
    In this paper we present a sequent calculus for the modal propositional logic GL (the logic of provability) obtained by means of the tree-hypersequent method, a method in which the metalinguistic strength of hypersequents is improved, so that we can simulate trees shapes. We prove that this sequent calculus is sound and complete with respect to the Hilbert-style system GL, that it is contraction free and cut free and that its logical and modal rules are invertible. No explicit semantic element (...)
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  45.  36
    Davidson's Notions of Translation Equivalence.Francesca Ervas - 2008 - Journal of Language and Translation 9 (2):7-29.
    Francesca Ervas 7 Journal of Language & Translation 9-2September 2008, 7-29 Davidson’s Notions of TranslationEquivalence Francesca Ervas Università Roma Tre Abstract The paper analyses the relationship of semantic equivalence as described by Donald Davidson in his theory of meaning, showing its limits above all in respect to language use in the contextual situation.The notion of equivalence used by the “first” Davidson does not successfully explain why some biconditionals are simply true and why others, besides being true, offer the (...)
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  46. ‘Theory of Mind’ and Tracking Speakers’ Intentions.Francesca Happé & Eva Loth - 2002 - Mind and Language 17 (1-2):24-36.
    Typical theory of mind tasks assess children’s ability to attribute a false belief in order to predict or explain an action. According to these standard tasks, young children do not represent the independent (mistaken) beliefs of others until the fourth year—yet long before this, children are able to track speakers’ intentions in order to learn new words. Might communication be a privileged domain for theory of mind? In the present study we explored pre‐schoolers’ ability to track a false belief in (...)
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  47.  30
    The Effects of the Mating Market, Sex, Age, and Income on Sociopolitical Orientation.Francesca R. Luberti, Khandis R. Blake & Robert C. Brooks - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (1):88-111.
    Sociopolitical attitudes are often the root cause of conflicts between individuals, groups, and even nations, but little is known about the origin of individual differences in sociopolitical orientation. We test a combination of economic and evolutionary ideas about the degree to which the mating market, sex, age, and income affect sociopolitical orientation. We collected data online through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk from 1108 US participants who were between 18 and 60, fluent in English, and single. While ostensibly testing a new online (...)
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  48.  33
    Evidence of Factorial Validity of Parental Knowledge, Control and Solicitation, and Adolescent Disclosure Scales: When the Ordered Nature of Likert Scales Matters.Francesca Lionetti, Loes Keijsers, Antonio Dellagiulia & Massimiliano Pastore - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Conscientious Objection, Complicity in Wrongdoing, and a Not-So-Moderate Approach.Francesca Minerva - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (1):109-119.
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  50.  23
    Philo of Alexandria and post-Aristotelian philosophy.Francesca Alesse (ed.) - 2008 - Boston: Brill.
    An inquiry drawing on the presence of Hellenistic philosophy in Philo provides a better knowledge of the diffusion of Hellenistic philosophy since the late ...
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