Results for 'Fraisse Paul'

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  1.  14
    La perception de la durée comme organisation du successif – 1952.Paul Fraisse - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a paru pour le première fois dans L'année psychologique, vol. 52, n° 1, 1952, p. 39-46. La nature de la perception de la durée est un des problèmes sur lequel les psychologues et les philosophes ont multiplié les interprétations. S'il ne nous est donné, comme le pensaient les premiers psychologues allemands du XIXe siècle, que des sensations successives, le problème de la perception de la durée d'un intervalle vide de sensations extéroceptives ne pouvait se résoudre qu'en essayant de (...)
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  2. Traité de psychologie expérimentale: IX. Psychologie sociale.Paul Fraisse, Jean Piaget, Germaine de Montmollin, Roger Lambert, Robert Pagès & Claude Flament - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (4):534-535.
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  3. Traité de psychologie expérimentale. I: Histoire et méthode; II: Sensation et motricité; VI: La perception.Paul Fraisse & Jean Piaget - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (4):457-458.
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    Response latency and the content of immediate memory.Paul Fraisse & Serge Smirnov - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (5):345-348.
  5. Traité de psychologie expérimentale: IV. Apprentissage et mémoire; V. Motivation, émotion et personnalité; VII. L'intelligence. [REVIEW]Paul Fraisse & Jean Piaget - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):450-451.
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    Les aptitudes rythmiques – 1968.Hiriartborde Edmond & Fraisse Paul - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Edmond Hiriartborde & Paul Fraisse, « Les Aptitudes rythmiques », Monographie française de psychologie, n° 14, 1968. - Psychologie.
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    Latencies and interstimulus intervals in a sequence of motor responses.Paul Fraisse - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (1):47-50.
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    L'expérience dans les sciences humaines.Paul Fraisse - 1963 - Revue de Synthèse 84 (29-31):207-278.
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    Response latency in immediate memory: Free number of responses vs. fixed number of responses.Paul Fraisse - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (3):127-129.
  10.  16
    Images in memory for concrete and abstract sentences.Ralph Y. Sasson & Paul Fraisse - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (2):149.
  11.  19
    Halmos Paul R.. Algebraic logic, I. Monadic Boolean algebras. Compositio mathematica, vol. 12 , p. 217–249.Roland Fraïssé - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):219-222.
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    Halmos Paul R.. The basic concepts of algebraic logic. The American mathematical monthly, vol. 63 , pp. 363–387.Roland Fraïssé - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):223-223.
  13.  34
    Halmos Paul R.. Algebraic logic, III. Predicates, terms, and operations in polyadic algebras. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, t. 83 , pp. 430–470. [REVIEW]Roland Fraïssé - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (4):448-449.
  14.  28
    Halmos Paul R.. Algebraic logic IV. Equality in polyadic algebras. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 86 , pp. 1–27. [REVIEW]Roland Fraïssé - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):252-252.
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    Halmos Paul R.. Predicates, terms, operations, and equality in polyadic Boolean algebras. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, t. 42 , p. 130–136. [REVIEW]Roland Fraïssé - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (2):168-168.
  16.  29
    Review: Paul R. Halmos, Algebraic Logic II. Homogeneous Locally Finite Polyadic Boolean Algebras of Infinite Degree. [REVIEW]Roland Fraïssé - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):222-223.
  17.  51
    Fraïssé Roland. Sur quelques classifications des systèmes de relations. French with English Summary. Publications scientifiques de l'Université d'Alger, Série A, Sciences mathématiques, vol. 1 no. 1 , pp. 35–182.Fraïssé Roland. Sur quelques classifications des systèmes de relations. Thèses présentées à la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Paris. Imprimerie Durand, Chartres 1955, 154 pp. [REVIEW]Paul Dedecker - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):371-372.
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  18. Para uma Historia da Psicologia.Paul Mengal & Marcio Miotto - Tradutor - jul-dez 2016 - Ideação 34:355-374.
    A história da psicologia, tal como aparece em algumas obras (E.G. Boring 1950; M. Reuchlin 1957; P. Fraisse e J. Piaget 1963) ou em capítulos introdutórios de alguns manuais (M. Reuchlin 1977), reflete uma adesão — raramente discutida — a uma concepção internalista. Segundo essa concepção, a psicologia seria animada por uma dinâmica própria, um processo evolutivo totalmente endógeno, e seria independente de fatores externos tais como os domínios religiosos, sociopolíticos e econômicos. Além do mais, os partidários dessa história (...)
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    Fraïssé limits for relational metric structures.David Bryant, André Nies & Paul Tupper - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):913-934.
    The general theory developed by Ben Yaacov for metric structures provides Fraïssé limits which are approximately ultrahomogeneous. We show here that this result can be strengthened in the case of relational metric structures. We give an extra condition that guarantees exact ultrahomogenous limits. The condition is quite general. We apply it to stochastic processes, the class of diversities, and its subclass of $L_1$ diversities.
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  20.  15
    Paul FRAISSE, Les structures rythmiques.Gérard Montpellier - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    G. Montpellier, compte rendu de P. Fraisse, Les structures rythmiques, Paris-Bruxelles, Éd. Érasme, 1956, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 1958, vol. 56, n° 50, p. 332-333. - Recensions.
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  21. Paul Fraisse: Psychologie du temps. [REVIEW]D. Christoff - 1961 - Studia Philosophica 21:286.
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  22.  23
    Experimental Psychology: Its Scope and Method. Volume I: History and MethodJean Piaget Paul Fraisse Maurice Reuchlin Judith Chambers.Josef Brožek - 1970 - Isis 61 (3):402-404.
  23. „About God “.Paul Ziff - 1961 - In Sidney Hook (ed.), Religious experience and truth. [New York]: New York University Press.
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  24. Facts versus fears.Paul Slovic, B. Fischoff & Sarah Lichtenstein - 1982 - In Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic & Amos Tversky (eds.), Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge University Press. pp. 463--489.
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  25. Gehört das Ich zur Natur? Geistige und organische Natur in Schellings Naturphilosophie.Paul Ziche - 2001 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 108 (1):41-57.
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  26.  13
    EΣTI TOY MEΣOY H ZHTHΣΙΣ: Der Begriff der» Mitte «in Aristoteles' Wissenschaftskonzeption.Paul Ziche - 2005 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 47:9-24.
    The notion of a μέσον, formally defined as the «middle term« in a syllogism, plays a pivotal role in Aristotle's theory of scientific demonstrations in his Analytica Posteriora. It is via the μέσον that the distinctive traits of a demonstration – the employment of causal notions and of statements concerning the essence of things – enter into demonstrative syllogisms. This, however, raises problems with respect to the provability of statements concerning the essence of things that Aristotle seems to accept in (...)
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    Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Modelle in der Philosophie Schellings und Hegels.Paul Ziche - 1996 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Schelling und Hegel benutzen in ihren philosophischen Texten mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Modelle wie Unendlichkeit oder Gleichgewicht. Die Strukturen dieser Begriffe liefern einen Massstab fur den Vergleich der Positionen Schellings und Hegels, der fur Schellings Identitatsphilosophie und Hegels erste Jenaer Schriften durchgefuhrt wird. Als wichtigstes Resultat kann eine grundlegende Differenz zwischen beiden Positionen bereits um 1801 nachgewiesen und gezeigt werden, dass diese auf einer unterschiedlichen Auffassung der Rolle des Absoluten beruht.
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  28. Clarity First: Re-envisioning Descartes's Epistemology.Elliot Samuel Paul - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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  29. La mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli.Paul Ricoeur - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):197-198.
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  30. Mahāyāna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations.Paul Williams - 1990 - Religious Studies 26 (3):429-431.
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  31. Counterfactual theories.Laurie Ann Paul - 2009 - In Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock & Peter Menzies (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Causation. Oxford University Press UK.
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    On the Interpretation of Scientific Theories.Paul K. Feyerabend - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 5:151-159.
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  33. The compleat autocerebroscopist: A thought-experiment on professor Feigl's mind-body identity thesis.Paul E. Meehl - 1966 - In Paul Feyerabend (ed.), Mind, matter, and method. Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 184-248.
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  34. Philosophy of Mathematics.Paul Benacerraf & Hilary Putnam - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (3):488-489.
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  35.  52
    Rational Responses to Risks.Paul Weirich - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A philosophical account of risk, such as this book provides, states what risk is, which attitudes to it are rational, and which acts affecting risks are rational. Attention to the nature of risk reveals two types of risk, first, a chance of a bad event, and, second, an act’s risk in the sense of the volatility of its possible outcomes. The distinction is normatively significant because different general principles of rationality govern attitudes to these two types of risk. Rationality strictly (...)
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  36. Towards a 'Machiavellian' theory of emotional appraisal.Paul E. Griffiths - 2004 - In Dylan Evans & Pierre Cruse (eds.), Emotion, Evolution, and Rationality. Oxford University Press.
    The aim of appraisal theory in the psychology of emotion is to identify the features of the emotion-eliciting situation that lead to the production of one emotion rather than another2. A model of emotional appraisal takes the form of a set of dimensions against which potentially emotion-eliciting situations are assessed. The dimensions of the emotion hyperspace might include, for example, whether the eliciting situation fulfills or frustrates the subject’s goals or whether an actor in the eliciting situation has violated a (...)
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  37.  40
    New Genetics, New Indentities.Paul Atkinson - 2006 - Routledge. Edited by Peter E. Glasner & Helen Greenslade.
    New genetic technologies and their applications in biomedicine have important implications for social identities in contemporary societies. In medicine, new genetics is increasingly important for the identification of health and disease, the imputation of personal and familial risk, and the moral status of those identified as having genetic susceptibility for inherited conditions. There are also consequent transformations in national and ethnic collective identity, and the body and its investigation is potentially transformed by the possibilities of genetic investigations and modifications (including (...)
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  38. Albert Einstein; Philosopher, Scientist.Paul Arthur Schilpp - 1951 - Philosophy 26 (99):363-365.
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  39.  46
    How brains make mental models.Paul Thagard - 2010 - In W. Carnielli L. Magnani (ed.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. pp. 447--461.
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  40. Greater Khorasan: History, Geography, Archaeology and Material Culture.Paul Wordsworth - 2015 - De Gruyter.
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    Emotional Gestalts: Appraisal, Change, and the Dynamics of Affect.Paul Thagard - unknown
    This article interprets emotional change as a transition in a complex dynamical sys- tem. We argue that the appropriate kind of dynamical system is one that extends recent work on how neural networks can perform parallel constraint satisfaction. Parallel processes that integrate both cognitive and affective constraints can give rise to states that we call emotional gestalts, and transitions can be understood as emotional ges- talt shifts. We describe computational models that simulate such phenomena in ways that show how dynamical (...)
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  42. New developments in phenomenology in France: The phenomenology of language.Paul Ricoeur - 1967 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 34 (1):1-30.
  43. (1 other version)Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness.Paul Guyer - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (204):386-393.
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    Decision Space: Multidimensional Utility Analysis.Paul Weirich - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Decision Space: Multidimensional Utility Analysis, first published in 2001, Paul Weirich increases the power and versatility of utility analysis and in the process advances decision theory. Combining traditional and novel methods of option evaluation into one systematic method of analysis, multidimensional utility analysis is a valuable tool. It provides formulations of important decision principles, such as the principle to maximize expected utility; enriches decision theory in solving recalcitrant decision problems; and provides in particular for the cases in which (...)
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  45. (1 other version)The Patient as Person.Paul Ramsey & Catherine Lyons - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (2):187-188.
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  46. Is blindsight like normal, near-threshold vision?Paul Azzopardi & Alan Cowey - 1997 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 94 (25):14190-14194.
  47. (1 other version)Continuity and Change in the Development of Russell's Philosophy.Paul J. Hager - 1996 - Science and Society 60 (2):235-238.
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  48. Evaluative Perception as Response Dependent Representation.Paul Noordhof - 2018 - In Anna Bergqvist & Robert Cowan (eds.), Evaluative Perception. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 80-108.
    One dimension of the controversy over whether evaluative properties are presented in perceptual content has general roots in the debate over whether perceptual content, in general, is rich or austere. I argue that we need to recognise a level of rich non-sensory perceptual content, drawing on experiences of chicken sexing and speech perception, to capture what our experience is like and our epistemic entitlements. In both cases (and many others), we are not conscious of the precise perceptual cues that are (...)
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  49.  16
    Nonsingular black holes as dark matter.Paul C. W. Davies, Damien A. Easson & Phillip B. Levin - manuscript
    It is commonly assumed that low-mass primordial black holes cannot constitute a significant fraction of the dark matter in our universe due to their predicted short lifetimes from the conventional Hawking radiation and evaporation process. Assuming physical black holes are nonsingular--likely due to quantum gravity or other high-energy physics--we demonstrate that a large class of nonsingular black holes have finite evaporation temperatures. This can lead to slowly evaporating low-mass black holes or to remnant mass states that circumvent traditional evaporation constraints. (...)
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  50. Ecthesis.Paul Thom - 1976 - Logique Et Analyse 74 (76):299-310.
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