Results for 'Florian Bolenz'

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  1. Developmental Changes in Learning: Computational Mechanisms and Social Influences.Florian Bolenz, Andrea M. F. Reiter & Ben Eppinger - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Seizing the opportunity: Lifespan differences in the effects of the opportunity cost of time on cognitive control.Sean Devine, Cassandra Neumann, A. Ross Otto, Florian Bolenz, Andrea Reiter & Ben Eppinger - 2021 - Cognition 216 (C):104863.
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    Revolution denken: Heidegger und das Politische 1919 bis 1969.Florian Grosser - 2011 - München: Verlag C.H. Beck.
    Martin Heidegger gilt als einer der bedeutendsten und zugleich umstrittensten Philosophen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Werk und Person üben bis heute diesseits und jenseits philosophischer Diskussionen eine erhebliche Faszination aus. Dies liegt nicht allein an der außergewöhnlichen Originalität seines Denkens und der Kraft seiner Sprache, sondern auch an seinen schwerwiegenden politischen Verstrickungen im Zusammenhang mit der Machtergreifung Hitlers. Florian Grosser zeichnet die wesentlichen Stationen und Entwicklungslinien von Heideggers verschlungenem Denkweg aus einem halben Jahrhundert nach. Dabei arbeitet er die spezifische Gefährlichkeit (...)
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  4. Logical Pluralism and Logical Normativity.Florian Steinberger - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    This paper explores an apparent tension between two widely held views about logic: that logic is normative and that there are multiple equally legitimate logics. The tension is this. If logic is normative, it tells us something about how we ought to reason. If, as the pluralist would have it, there are several correct logics, those logics make incompatible recommendations as to how we ought to reason. But then which of these logics should we look to for normative guidance? I (...)
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  5. Why Conclusions Should Remain Single.Florian Steinberger - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (3):333-355.
    This paper argues that logical inferentialists should reject multiple-conclusion logics. Logical inferentialism is the position that the meanings of the logical constants are determined by the rules of inference they obey. As such, logical inferentialism requires a proof-theoretic framework within which to operate. However, in order to fulfil its semantic duties, a deductive system has to be suitably connected to our inferential practices. I argue that, contrary to an established tradition, multiple-conclusion systems are ill-suited for this purpose because they fail (...)
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    Sens commun et objectivisme moral : Objectivisme "global" ou objectivisme "local" ? Une introduction par l'exemple à la philosophie expérimentale.Florian Cova & Jérôme Ravat - 2008 - Klesis 9:180-202.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons de montrer expérimentalement que le "sens commun" n'est en matière moral ni complètement objectiviste ni complètement relativiste, mais qu'un même individu peut être tantôt objectiviste tantôt relativiste. De même, nous montrons que les jugements de goût portant sur le prédicat "dégoûtant" ne sont pas toujours relativiste mais peuvent varier selon le contexte entre objectivisme et relativisme.
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  7. Computer Simulations, Machine Learning and the Laplacean Demon: Opacity in the Case of High Energy Physics.Florian J. Boge & Paul Grünke - forthcoming - In Andreas Kaminski, Michael Resch & Petra Gehring (eds.), The Science and Art of Simulation II.
    In this paper, we pursue three general aims: (I) We will define a notion of fundamental opacity and ask whether it can be found in High Energy Physics (HEP), given the involvement of machine learning (ML) and computer simulations (CS) therein. (II) We identify two kinds of non-fundamental, contingent opacity associated with CS and ML in HEP respectively, and ask whether, and if so how, they may be overcome. (III) We address the question of whether any kind of opacity, contingent (...)
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    On Probabilities in the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Florian Boge - 2016 - KUPS - Kölner UniversitätsPublikationsServer.
    Quantum Mechanics notoriously faces a measurement problem, the problem that the unitary time evolution, encoded in its dynamical equations, together with the kinematical structure of the theory generally implies the non-existence of definite measurement outcomes. There have been multiple suggestions to solve this problem, among them the so called many worlds interpretation that originated with the work of Hugh Everett III. According to it, the quantum state and time evolution fully and accurately describe nature as it is, implying that under (...)
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    Semi-Fundamental Moral Disagreement and Non-Morally Fundamental Moral Disagreement.Florian Cova - 2009 - Praxis 2 (2).
    In this paper, I question the dichotomy between fundamental moral disagreements, arising from divergences on moral principles, and superficial moral disagreements, that are expected to disappear under ideal epistemic circumstances. I claim that there are many other possibilities for moral disagreements, including moral disagreements that do not arise from different moral principles but would not disappear under ideal epistemic conditions. I describe two major kinds of such disagreements: semi-fundamental disagreements, which are made possible by the fact that the same moral (...)
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  10. Frege and Carnap on the normativity of logic.Florian Steinberger - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):143-162.
    In this paper I examine the question of logic’s normative status in the light of Carnap’s Principle of Tolerance. I begin by contrasting Carnap’s conception of the normativity of logic with that of his teacher, Frege. I identify two core features of Frege’s position: first, the normative force of the logical laws is grounded in their descriptive adequacy; second, norms implied by logic are constitutive for thinking as such. While Carnap breaks with Frege’s absolutism about logic and hence with the (...)
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    The Propositional Evaluation Paradigm: Indirect Assessment of Personal Beliefs and Attitudes.Florian Müller & Klaus Rothermund - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Identification of propositions as the core of attitudes and beliefs (De Houwer, 2014) has resulted in the development of implicit measures targeting personal evaluations of complex sentences (e.g., the IRAP or the RRT). Whereas their utility is uncontested, these paradigms are subject to limitations inherent in their block based design, such as allowing assessment of only a single belief at a time. We introduce the Propositional Evaluation Paradigm (PEP) for assessment of multiple propositional beliefs within a single experimental block. Two (...)
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  12. Silence as Complicity: Elements of a Corporate Duty to Speak Out Against the Violation of Human Rights.Florian Wettstein - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (1):37-61.
    ABSTRACT:Increasingly, global businesses are confronted with the question of complicity in human rights violations committed by abusive host governments. This contribution specifically looks at silent complicity and the way it challenges conventional interpretations of corporate responsibility. Silent complicity implies that corporations have moral obligations that reach beyond the negative realm of doing no harm. Essentially, it implies that corporations have a moral responsibility to help protect human rights by putting pressure on perpetrating host governments involved in human rights abuses. This (...)
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  13.  21
    Austerity: The Great Failure.Florian Schui - 2014 - Yale University Press.
    _In times of economic crisis austerity becomes a rallying cry, but what does history tell us about its chances for success?_ Austerity is at the center of political debates today. Its defenders praise it as a panacea that will prepare the ground for future growth and stability. Critics insist it will precipitate a vicious cycle of economic decline, possibly leading to political collapse. But the notion that abstinence from consumption brings benefits to states, societies, or individuals is hardly new. This (...)
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    Cultural Reality.Florian Znaniecki - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Human Rights: A Promising Perspective for Business & Society.Florian Wettstein, Harry J. Van Buren & Judith Schrempf-Stirling - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):1282-1321.
    In his invited essay for Business & Society’s 60th anniversary, Archie B. Carroll refers to human rights as “a topic that holds considerable promise for CSR [corporate social responsibility] researchers in the future.” The objective of this article is to unpack this promise. We discuss the momentum of business and human rights in international policy, national regulation, and corporate practice, review how and why BHR scholarship has been thriving, provide a conceptual framework to analyze how BHR and corporate social responsibility (...)
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    ψ-Epistemic Models, Einsteinian Intuitions, and No-Gos. A Critical Study of Recent Developments on the Quantum State.Florian J. Boge - 2016 - PhilSci-Archive.
    Quantum mechanics notoriously faces the measurement problem, the problem that if read thoroughly, it implies the nonexistence of definite outcomes in measurement procedures. A plausible reaction to this and to related problems is to regard a system's quantum state |ψ> merely as an indication of our lack of knowledge about the system, i.e., to interpret it epistemically. However, there are radically different ways to spell out such an epistemic view of the quantum state. We here investigate recent developments in the (...)
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    Cultural Reality.Florian Znanincki - 1920 - Philosophical Review 29 (2):191-195.
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    Accuracy of Outcome Anticipation, But Not Gaze Behavior, Differs Against Left- and Right-Handed Penalties in Team-Handball Goalkeeping.Florian Loffing, Florian Sölter, Norbert Hagemann & Bernd Strauss - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Translations of Imaginary Voyages: Exoticism and Adaptation.Florian Ponty - 2022 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 41:1.
    Cet article étudie la réinterprétation et l’appropriation de l’exotisme dans les traductions-adaptations des voyages imaginaires du xviiie siècle, tout particulièrement celles de Desfontaines (Les Voyages du capitaine Lemuel Gulliver), de Berault-Bercastel (Voyages récréatifs du chevalier de Quevedo) et de Louis de Mailly (Les Trois Princes de Sarendip). Les traducteurs ont comme objectif d’adapter l’oeuvre au « goût de la France » : ils sont aux prises avec un double exotisme, celui décrit dans le voyage et celui intrinsèque à l’oeuvre. Leur (...)
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  20. Observations, measurements and semantic reference spaces.Florian Probst - 2008 - Applied ontology 3 (1-2):63-89.
    What is needed to enable communication about observation and measurement results in information systems? Information system ontologies make a certain conceptualization explicit and partially accoun...
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  21. How Tolerant Can You Be? Carnap on Rationality.Florian Steinberger - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (3):645-668.
    In this paper I examine a neglected question concerning the centerpiece of Carnap's philosophy: the principle of tolerance. The principle of tolerance states that we are free to devise and adopt any well-defined form of language or linguistic framework we please. A linguistic framework defines framework-internal standards of correct reasoning that guide us in our first-order scientific pursuits. The choice of a linguistic framework, on the other hand, is an ‘external’ question to be settled on pragmatic grounds and so not (...)
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    Ingenieurausbildung im Königreich Württemberg: Vorgeschichte, Einrichtung und Ausbau der Technischen Hochschule Stuttgart und ihrer Ingenieurwissenschaften bis 1900--Eine Verknüpfung von Institutions- und DisziplingeschichteGerhard Zweckbronner.Eckhard Bolenz - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):740-741.
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    L'image: visages et miroirs.Florian Bratu - 2009 - Iași: Casa Editorială Demiurg.
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    Origines et fondations naturelles des normes.Florian Cova - 2012 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 55:19-46.
    L’idée d’une fondation naturelle des normes a rencontré de nombreuses résistances. Néanmoins, de récents développements en sciences cognitives ont tenté de donner un nouveau sens à l’idée d’une fondation naturelle de ces normes. Après avoir présenté un échantillon de ces approches, je conclurai néanmoins que leurs contributions ont en général un apport plutôt sceptique, en permettant de repérer les normes qui ne sont pas fondées plus que celles qui le sont.
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  25. Deus ex machina: eschatologies of automation in seventeenth-century Lullism and present-day post-scarcity utopias.Florian Cramer - 2018 - In Armador Vega & Peter Weibel (eds.), Dia-logos: Ramon Llull's method of thought and artistic practice. Minneapolis, MN: University Of Minnesota Press.
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    Un éveil de la seconde nature? La Deutung de l’histoire chez le jeune Adorno.Florian Nicodème - 2010 - Astérion 7 (7).
    Ce travail opère une relecture de deux textes de jeunesse de Th. W. Adorno dans l’optique d’une réévaluation de leur importance pour son œuvre ultérieure, en particulier pour sa philosophie de l’histoire. Ces deux textes, dans lesquels est défini le concept d’interprétation philosophique de l’histoire, ou Deutung, seront abordés à partir d’une question issue des philosophies de l’histoire classiques du xixe siècle, celle du lien entre cette interprétation philosophique et une expérience commune de l’histoire. Nous montrerons que, loin de pouvoir (...)
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  27. Specificitatea "lecturii" filmului.Florian Potra - 1986 - In Nina Nicolaeva (ed.), Arta modernă și problemele percepției estetice. București: Editura Minerva.
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  28. The Social Role of the Man of Knowledge.Florian Znaniecki - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (64):445-446.
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    An Individual's Rate of Forgetting Is Stable Over Time but Differs Across Materials.Florian Sense, Friederike Behrens, Rob R. Meijer & Hedderik Rijn - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):305-321.
    One of the goals of computerized tutoring systems is to optimize the learning of facts. Over a hundred years of declarative memory research have identified two robust effects that can improve such systems: the spacing and the testing effect. By making optimal use of both and adjusting the system to the individual learner using cognitive models based on declarative memory theories, such systems consistently outperform traditional methods. This adjustment process is driven by a continuously updated estimate of the rate of (...)
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  30. Not so stable.Florian Steinberger - 2009 - Analysis 69 (4):655-661.
    According to Michael Dummett, we may think of the meaning of an expression as given by the principles governing the use we make of it. The principles regulating our linguistic practices can then be grouped into two broad categories (Dummett 1973: 396, 1991: 211). We might state them as follows: I-principles: state the circumstances under which an assertion of a sentence containing the expression in question is warranted. E-principles: state the consequences of asserting a sentence containing the expression. In the (...)
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    Uncertainty and Expectation in Sentence Processing: Evidence From Subcategorization Distributions.Tal Linzen & T. Florian Jaeger - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1382-1411.
    There is now considerable evidence that human sentence processing is expectation based: As people read a sentence, they use their statistical experience with their language to generate predictions about upcoming syntactic structure. This study examines how sentence processing is affected by readers' uncertainty about those expectations. In a self-paced reading study, we use lexical subcategorization distributions to factorially manipulate both the strength of expectations and the uncertainty about them. We compare two types of uncertainty: uncertainty about the verb's complement, reflecting (...)
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    Zitierweise.Florian Marwede - 2018 - In Das Höchste Gut in Kants Deontologischer Ethik. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 233-234.
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    Microdecisions and autonomy in self-driving cars: virtual probabilities.Florian Sprenger - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):619-634.
    To operate in an unpredictable environment, a vehicle with advanced driving assistance systems, such as a robot or a drone, not only needs to register its surroundings but also to combine data from different sensors into a world model, for which it employs filter algorithms. Such world models, as this article argues with reference to the SLAM problem in robotics, consist of nothing other than probabilities about states and events arising in the environment. The model, thus, contains a virtuality of (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy.Florian Cova, Brent Strickland, Angela Abatista, Aurélien Allard, James Andow, Mario Attie, James Beebe, Renatas Berniūnas, Jordane Boudesseul, Matteo Colombo, Fiery Cushman, Rodrigo Diaz, Noah N’Djaye Nikolai van Dongen, Vilius Dranseika, Brian D. Earp, Antonio Gaitán Torres, Ivar Hannikainen, José V. Hernández-Conde, Wenjia Hu, François Jaquet, Kareem Khalifa, Hanna Kim, Markus Kneer, Joshua Knobe, Miklos Kurthy, Anthony Lantian, Shen-yi Liao, Edouard Machery, Tania Moerenhout, Christian Mott, Mark Phelan, Jonathan Phillips, Navin Rambharose, Kevin Reuter, Felipe Romero, Paulo Sousa, Jan Sprenger, Emile Thalabard, Kevin Tobia, Hugo Viciana, Daniel Wilkenfeld & Xiang Zhou - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology (1):1-36.
    Responding to recent concerns about the reliability of the published literature in psychology and other disciplines, we formed the X-Phi Replicability Project to estimate the reproducibility of experimental philosophy. Drawing on a representative sample of 40 x-phi studies published between 2003 and 2015, we enlisted 20 research teams across 8 countries to conduct a high-quality replication of each study in order to compare the results to the original published findings. We found that x-phi studies – as represented in our sample (...)
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    Team Sports Off the Field: Competing Excludes Cooperating for Individual but Not for Team Athletes.Florian Landkammer, Kevin Winter, Ansgar Thiel & Kai Sassenberg - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  36. The Pessimistic Meta-induction: Obsolete Through Scientific Progress?Florian Müller - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (4):393-412.
    Recently, Fahrbach and Park have argued that the pessimistic meta-induction about scientific theories is unsound. They claim that this very argument does not properly take into account scientific progress, particularly during the twentieth century. They also propose amended arguments in favour of scientific realism, which are supposed to properly reflect the history of science. I try to show that what I call the argument from scientific progress cannot explain satisfactorily why the current theories should have reached a degree of success (...)
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    Kant on Happiness and the Duty to Promote the Highest Good.Florian Marwede - 2016 - In Thomas Höwing (ed.), The Highest Good in Kant’s Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 51-70.
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    Das Höchste Gut in Kants Deontologischer Ethik.Florian Marwede - 2018 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die vorliegende Studie erforscht den Zusammenhang zwischen den Konzepten des höchsten Gutes und des kategorischen Imperativs in Kants praktischer Philosophie. Nach einer originiellen Lesart des Autors gebietet der kategorische Imperativ, das eigene Glück stets nur als Bestandteil allgemeinen Glücks zu verfolgen. Das höchste Gut ist nun derjenige Zustand der Welt, der erreicht würde, wenn alle Menschen diesem Prinzip gemäß handeln würden und ihrem gemeinsamen Streben nach allgemeiner Glückseligkeit auch Erfolg beschieden wäre. Dieser Zustand ist ein notwendiges Ziel vernünftigen Handelns, das (...)
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  39. Judgments about moral responsibility and determinism in patients with behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia: Still compatibilists.Florian Cova, Maxime Bertoux, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde & Bruno Dubois - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):851-864.
    Do laypeople think that moral responsibility is compatible with determinism? Recently, philosophers and psychologists trying to answer this question have found contradictory results: while some experiments reveal people to have compatibilist intuitions, others suggest that people could in fact be incompatibilist. To account for this contradictory answers, Nichols and Knobe (2007) have advanced a ‘performance error model’ according to which people are genuine incompatibilist that are sometimes biased to give compatibilist answers by emotional reactions. To test for this hypothesis, we (...)
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    Die kleine Welt: Hermann Lotzes Mikrokosmos: die Anfänge der Philosophie des Geistes im Kontext des Materialismusstreits.Florian Baab - 2018 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Der dreibändige Mikrokosmos, 1856-1864 mit dem Untertitel Versuch einer Anthropologie erstmal erschienen, gehörte in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts zu den meistgelesenen philosophischen Werken. Sein Verfasser, der Mediziner und Philosoph Rudolph Hermann Lotze (1817-1881), entwirft darin während der Dekade des Materialismusstreits eine Position, die einerseits den Erkenntnissen der Naturwissenschaft oberste Priorität einräumt, andererseits aber aufzeigt, dass die Konstanten der althergebrachten Metaphysik - die Seele, Gott, ein höherer Sinn- und Zweckzusammenhang - durch sie nicht hinfällig werden. Lotzes Bestreben nach grundlegender (...)
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    Was ist Humanismus?: Geschichte des Begriffes, Gegenkonzepte, säkulare Humanismen heute.Florian Baab - 2013 - Regensburg: Pustet.
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    Ethikberatung und Ethikkomitees in Deutschland.Florian Bruns - 2012 - In Andreas Frewer, Florian Bruns & Arnd T. May (eds.), Ethikberatung in der Medizin. Berlin: Springer. pp. 19--31.
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    Limit Deciding Dispositions. A Metaphysical Symmetry-Breaker for the Limit Decision Problem.Florian Fischer - unknown
    There are basically four options to which state the limiting instant in a change from one state to its opposite belongs – only the first, only the second, both or none. This situation is usually referred to as the limit decision problem since all of these options seem troublesome: The first two alleged solutions are asymmetric and thus need something to ground this asymmetry in ; while the last two options leave the realm of classical logic. I argue that including (...)
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    Des valeurs dans l’air du temps.Florian Olivier - 2018 - Philosophique 21.
    À propos de : Nathalie Heinich, Des valeurs. Une approche sociologique, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Bibliothèque des Sciences humaines », 2017, 416 p. Si jusqu’à présent les articles publiés par Nathalie Heinich sur la question des valeurs restaient modestes dans leurs ambitions et à ce titre inconsistants dans leurs propositions, Des valeurs. Une approche sociologique constitue à l’inverse une somme soigneusement élaborée. Et au-delà des polémiques extra-scientifiques suscitées par l’obtention...
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    A flexible type system for the small Veblen ordinal.Florian Ranzi & Thomas Strahm - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (5-6):711-751.
    We introduce and analyze two theories for typed inductive definitions and establish their proof-theoretic ordinal to be the small Veblen ordinal \. We investigate on the one hand the applicative theory \ of functions, inductive definitions, and types. It includes a simple type structure and is a natural generalization of S. Feferman’s system \\). On the other hand, we investigate the arithmetical theory \ of typed inductive definitions, a natural subsystem of \, and carry out a wellordering proof within \ (...)
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  46. Bourdieus Adaption von Erwin Panofskys kunsttheoretischem Entwurf epochaler "Mental Habits".Florian Schumacher - 2013 - In Alexander Lenger, Christian Schneickert & Florian Schumacher (eds.), Pierre Bourdieus Konzeption des Habitus: Grundlagen, Zugänge, Forschungsperspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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  47. Parsing: overview.Florian Wolf & Edward Gibson - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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  48. What Harmony Could and Could Not Be.Florian Steinberger - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (4):617 - 639.
    The notion of harmony has played a pivotal role in a number of debates in the philosophy of logic. Yet there is little agreement as to how the requirement of harmony should be spelled out in detail or even what purpose it is to serve. Most, if not all, conceptions of harmony can already be found in Michael Dummett's seminal discussion of the matter in The Logical Basis of Metaphysics. Hence, if we wish to gain a better understanding of the (...)
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    The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits... Reprinted from the American Mathematical Monthly, Etc.Florian Cajori & Zeno - 1915
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    On the Equivalence Conjecture for Proof-Theoretic Harmony.Florian Steinberger - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (1):79-86.
    The requirement of proof-theoretic harmony has played a pivotal role in a number of debates in the philosophy of logic. Different authors have attempted to precisify the notion in different ways. Among these, three proposals have been prominent in the literature: harmony–as–conservative extension, harmony–as–leveling procedure, and Tennant’s harmony–as–deductive equilibrium. In this paper I propose to clarify the logical relationships between these accounts. In particular, I demonstrate that what I call the equivalence conjecture —that these three notions essentially come to the (...)
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