Results for 'Felix Dodds'

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  1.  8
    Into the twenty-first century: an agenda for political re-alignment.Felix Dodds (ed.) - 1988 - Basingstoke, Hants, UK: Green Print.
    A passionate indictment of the major political parties in Britain today for their failure to face the biggest issues on the British political agenda. -/- These are issues of survival / not just of ourselves or our families, not just of the immediate environment or of our own country, but of the world itself. Politicians of every tradition have let us down, They offer the superficial appeal of a temporary prosperity. They make no promise for the future. -/- This book (...)
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    Gotthard Gühther, Idee und Grundriss einer nicht–Aristoteliscnen Logik, and Belträge zur Grundlegung einer operationsfähigen Dialektik, 3 volumes. Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag, 1976–1980. [REVIEW]Tony Dodd & Michael Rosen - 1983 - Hegel Bulletin 4 (1):39-42.
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  3. (1 other version)The Greeks and the Irrational.E. R. Dodds - 1951 - Philosophy 28 (105):176-177.
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    Plotinus. By the Very Rev W. R. Inge C.V.O., F.B.A., (London: Humphrey Milford. 1929. Pp. 27. Price 1s. 6d.).E. R. Dodds - 1929 - Philosophy 4 (15):406.
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  5. What We Together Can (Be Required to) Do.Felix Pinkert - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):187-202.
    In moral and political philosophy, collective obligations are promising “gap-stoppers” when we find that we need to assert some obligation, but can not plausibly ascribe this obligation to individual agents. Most notably, Bill Wringe and Jesse Tomalty discuss whether the obligations that correspond to socio-economic human rights are held by states or even by humankind at large. The present paper aims to provide a missing piece for these discussions, namely an account of the conditions under which obligations can apply to (...)
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    The Idea of Progress in Classical Antiquity.E. R. Dodds & Ludwig Edelstein - 1968 - Journal of the History of Ideas 29 (3):453.
  7. What If I Cannot Make a Difference (and Know It).Felix Pinkert - 2015 - Ethics 125 (4):971-998.
    When several agents together produce suboptimal outcomes, yet no individual could have made a difference for the better, Act Consequentialism counterintuitively judges that all involved agents act rightly. I address this problem by supplementing Act Consequentialism with a requirement of modal robustness: Agents not only ought to produce best consequences in the actual world, but they also ought to be such that they would act optimally in certain counterfactual scenarios. I interpret this Modally Robust Act Consequentialism as Act Consequentialism plus (...)
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    An Inquiry Into the Metaphysical Causes of Death in Esan Culture.Felix Ayemere Airoboman - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (2):241-258.
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  9. On The Necessity of a Pluralist Theory of Reparations for Historical Injustice.Felix Lambrecht - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 1 (1):1-21.
    Philosophers have offered many arguments to explain why historical injustices require reparations. This paper raises an unnoticed challenge for almost all of them. Most theories of reparations attempt to meet two intuitions: (1) Reparations are owed for a past wrong and (2) the content of reparations must reflect the historical injustice. I argue that necessarily no monistic theory can meet both intuitions. I do this by showing that any theory that can meet intuition (1) necessarily cannot also meet intuition (2). (...)
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    Pluralism, Structural Injustice, and Reparations for Historical Injustice: A Reply to Daniel Butt.Felix Lambrecht - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (2):269-275.
    This paper discusses the pluralist theory of reparations for historical injustice offered by Daniel Butt (Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24(5):1161–75, 2021). Butt attempts to vindicate purely past-regarding corrective duties in response to Alasia Nuti’s historical-structural model of reparations. I agree with Butt that reparative justice requires both past-regarding and future-looking structural duties. And I agree with him that Nuti’s model leaves out purely past-regarding duties. I argue, however, that Butt does not offer a genuinely pluralist account. I present minimal (...)
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  11. Temptation and the Will.John Bigelow, Susan M. Dodds & Robert Pargetter - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1):39-49.
    The authors argue, against Frank Jackson, that weakness (and strength) of will involves higher-order mental states. The authors hold that this is compatible with a decision-theoretic belief-desire psychology of human action.
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    Notes on the Oresteia.E. R. Dodds - 1953 - Classical Quarterly 3 (1-2):11-.
    This line has been thought corrupt by most editors, though there is no agreement on the remedy. The Herald is plainly asking why the people at home are despondent: picks up the Chorus's phrase . But as Wilamowitz says, ‘ de populo aut senatu Argivorum accipi non potest’: it can only mean the army at Troy, as in lines 538 and 545. The usual inference is that arparw is corrupt.
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  13.  27
    High altitude, enhancement, and the ‘spirit of sport’.Emma C. Gordon & Connie Dodds - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):63-82.
    The World Anti-Doping Code (2021) includes a substance on the prohibited list if it meets at least two of the following: (1) it has the potential to enhance or enhances sport performance; (2) it represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete; (3) it violates the spirit of sport. This paper uses a case study to illustrate points of tension between this code and enhancements that are appropriate to ban; we argue that there are banned drugs (e.g., acetazolamide (...)
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  14.  12
    Procreative Prerogatives and Climate Change.Felix Pinkert & Martin Sticker - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    One of the most provocative claims in current climate ethics is that we ought to have fewer children, because procreation brings new people into existence and thereby causes large amounts of additional greenhouse gas emissions. The public debate about procreation and climate change is frequently framed in terms of the question of whether people may still have any children at all. Yet in the academic debate it is a common position that, despite the large carbon impact of procreation, it is (...)
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  15. Towards a theory of Reparative Multiculturalism.Felix Lambrecht - 2023 - Ethnicities 23 (4):562–582.
    Contemporary liberal states must provide an answer to the “question of cultural diversity”, requiring a principled way to determine which minority cultural practices a state must accommodate and support. (Liberal egalitarian) multiculturalism answers this question neatly by creating a dichotomy between national minorities and ethnic minorities (the national/ethnic “dichotomy”). Where national minorities are entitled to extensive and far-reaching cultural rights, ethnic minorities are entitled to significantly fewer cultural rights and accommodations. This dichotomy is enacted through a distributive logic that allocates (...)
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  16.  5
    Big Picture Bioethics: Developing Democratic Policy in Contested Domains.Susan Dodds & Rachel A. Ankeny (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book addresses the problem of how to make democratically-legitimate public policy on issues of contentious bioethical debate. It focuses on ethical contests about research and their legitimate resolution, while addressing questions of political legitimacy. How should states make public policy on issues where there is ethical disagreement, not only about appropriate outcomes, but even what values are at stake? What constitutes justified, democratic policy in such conflicted domains? Case studies from Canada and Australia demonstrate that two countries sharing historical (...)
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  17.  23
    Plato, Gorgias.Edwin L. Minar & E. R. Dodds - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (1):110.
  18. Inconsistent belief aggregation in diverse and polarised groups.Felix Kopecky & Gregor Betz - 2025 - Philosophy of Science 92 (1):40-58.
    How do opinion diversity and belief polarisation affect epistemic group decision-making, particularly if decisions must be made without delay and on the basis of permissive evidence? In an agent-based model, we track the consistency of group opinions aggregated through sentence-wise majority voting. Simulations on the model reveal that high opinion diversity, but not polarisation, incurs a significant inconsistency risk. These results indicate that epistemic group decisions based on permissive evidence can be particularly difficult for diverse groups. The results also improve (...)
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    Euripides the Irrationalist.E. R. Dodds - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (03):97-104.
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  20.  20
    Individualidad y conciencia en Plotino.María Jesús Hermoso Félix - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 63 (63):303-332.
    The notion of “individuality” in Plotinus is one of the most discussed. Throughout the Enneads, the problem of the individual subject arises from the complexity in understanding the relation between man and soul. To the intelligible man, also known as the inner or first man, a second man is added, so that “we have come to be the pair of them” 14.28-30). This question has been extensively addressed from different angles that lead either to a purely structuralist solution, or to (...)
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  21.  35
    Citizens’ Liability for Remedying Individual-Scale State Wrongdoing, Actions Ultra Vires, and Deep State Secrets.Felix Pinkert - 2024 - Analysis 84 (1):132-145.
    States act wrongly. Sometimes, they are held responsible, or take responsibility of their own accord, to remediate their wrongdoing: they cease to act wron.
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    Theorie der Nachhaltigkeit: rechtliche, ethische und politische Zugänge am Beispiel von Klimawandel, Ressourcenknappheit und Welthandel.Felix Ekardt - 2011 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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  23.  13
    Divine Action and Emergence: An Alternative to Panentheism by Mariusz Tabaczek.Michael J. Dodds - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (3):603-605.
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    Dextrae iubae.Inga C. Dodds - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (01):24-.
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    Four Notes on the Choephori.E. R. Dodds - 1938 - Classical Quarterly 32 (1):1-4.
    The attempts of Verrall and Tucker to discover, without resorting to emendation, a construction for the participles in v. 285 have convinced only their authors. All other recent scholars either postulate a lacuna before this line or transpose it to follow v. 288, if they do not delete it altogether. All alike assume that both participles describe the behaviour of the victim of the underworld powers.
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    Marcus Antoninus VI. 13.E. R. Dodds - 1945 - The Classical Review 59 (02):53-.
  27.  22
    Midwife for Souls: Spiritual Care for the Dying, by Kathy Kalina.Monica Dodds & Bill Dodds - 2007 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 7 (3):630-632.
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    Making power visible: Codifications, infrastructures, and representations of energy.Felix Frey & Jonas Schädler - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (4):621-630.
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    The name of the devil is suboptimization.György Jaros & Martine M. E. Dodds - 1995 - World Futures 44 (1):33-70.
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    Wittgenstein and the regular heptagon.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 62 (1):215-247.
    The later Wittgenstein holds that the sole function of mathematical propositions is to determine the concepts they invoke. In the paper this view is discussed by means of a single example: Wittgenstein's investigation of the concept of a regular heptagon as used in Euclidean geometry (i.e., the Euclidean constructiongame with rulerand compass) andinCartesian analytic geometry. Going on from some well-known passages in Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, and completing these passages, it is shown that Wittgenstein'sview makes perfectly good (...)
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  31. Argumentation-induced rational issue polarisation.Felix Kopecky - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (1):83-107.
    Computational models have shown how polarisation can rise among deliberating agents as they approximate epistemic rationality. This paper provides further support for the thesis that polarisation can rise under condition of epistemic rationality, but it does not depend on limitations that extant models rely on, such as memory restrictions or biased evaluation of other agents’ testimony. Instead, deliberation is modelled through agents’ purposeful introduction of arguments and their rational reactions to introductions of others. This process induces polarisation dynamics on its (...)
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    Soft Subversions: Texts and Interviews 1977--1985.Félix Guattari & Charles J. Stivale - 2009 - Semiotext(E).
    A new, expanded, and reorganized edition of a collection of texts that present a fuller scope to Guattari's thinking from 1977 to 1985. This new edition of Soft Subversions expands, reorganizes, and develops the original 1996 publication, offering a carefully organized arrangement of essays, interviews, and short texts that present a fuller scope to Guattari's thinking from 1977 to 1985. This period encompasses what Guattari himself called the “Winter Years” of the early 1980s—the ascent of the Right, the spread of (...)
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    The Origins of European Thought about the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time, and Fate. New Interpretations of Greek, Roman and kindred evidence, also of some basic Jewish and Christian beliefs. By R. B. Onians. (C.U.P. 1951. Pp. xvii + 547. 45s.). [REVIEW]E. R. Dodds - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (104):86-.
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  34. The Holmes-Cohen Correspondence, Edited with Foreword.Felix S. Cohen - 1948 - Journal of the History of Ideas 9 (1):3.
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  35. La filosofía y su historia.Félix García Moriyón - 1997 - Diálogo Filosófico 37:4-32.
    La historia de la filosofía ha experimentado grandes cambios a lo largo de los últimos decenios. Algunos de ellos afectan a la forma de entender la propia historia, es decir, la filosofía de la historia, estando sometidos a revisión conceptos fundamentales como los de progreso, sujeto de la historia, posibilidad de un conocimiento objetivo de los hechos históricos y el sentido mismo de la historia. Por otra parte, se han enriquecido considerablemente los estudios históricos y han ido apareciendo nuevas temáticas (...)
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  36. La Virgen del Socorro en Baleares: Iconografía e historia.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2003 - Ciudad de Dios 216 (1):5-37.
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    What is AI Ethics?Felix Lambrecht & Marina Moreno - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):387-401.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is booming, and AI ethics is booming with it. Yet there is surprisingly little attention paid to what the discipline of AI ethics is and what it ought to be. This paper offers an ameliorative definition of AI ethics to fill this gap. We introduce and defend an original distinction between novel and applied research questions. A research question should count as AI ethics if and only if (i) it is novel or (ii) it is applied and (...)
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    The paradoxical transparency of opaque machine learning.Felix Tun Han Lo - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    This paper examines the paradoxical transparency involved in training machine-learning models. Existing literature typically critiques the opacity of machine-learning models such as neural networks or collaborative filtering, a type of critique that parallels the black-box critique in technology studies. Accordingly, people in power may leverage the models’ opacity to justify a biased result without subjecting the technical operations to public scrutiny, in what Dan McQuillan metaphorically depicts as an “algorithmic state of exception”. This paper attempts to differentiate the black-box abstraction (...)
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    No Escape from Fleck.Felix E. Rietmann - 2018 - Isis 109 (1):91-94.
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    Reparative justice, historical injustice, and the nonidentity problem.Felix Lambrecht - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    There is widespread intuition that historical injustices require reparations. This paper considers one philosophical problem for reparations: the Nonidentity Objection. The Objection states that present agents are not owed reparations for historical injustices because without the historical injustice they would not exist. I show the Objection only challenges the possibility of reparations for historical injustice if we adopt a particular model of reparative justice that takes someone experiencing harms to be a necessary condition for reparative justice. Instead, if we adopt (...)
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    Consuming our way to greater well‐being: Theory and history.David Felix - 1989 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 3 (3-4):589-599.
    Keynes is widely accepted to have proved the existence of a consumption gap as a cause of economic depressions. Such a gap meant that, ironically, depressions could get worse as a result of the greater wealth produced by the modern economy, since, as Keynes argued, the wealthy consumed proportionately less than the lower?income groups. Textual analysis, however, shows that Keynes's arguments amounted to assumptions, not demonstrations. And a survey of the empirical research of the subsequent half?century reveals a lack of (...)
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  42.  15
    Pasiones, amor y compasión en la construcción del sujeto moderno: los predecesores de Descartes, siglos XVI y XVII.Félix González Romero - 2012 - Madrid: ICADE.
    A pesar de la voluntad de ruptura y el deseo por ocultar sus fuentes, Descartes forja su reflexión sobre las pasiones en base al trabajo previo de una serie de pensadores que durante los siglos XVI y XVII fueron los responsables de iniciar ...
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    Mapping the Power of Law Professors: The Role of Scientific and Social Capital.Felix Bühlmann, Pierre Benz, André Mach & Thierry Rossier - 2017 - Minerva 55 (4):509-531.
    As a scientific discipline and profession, law has been for centuries at the heart of social and political power of many Western societies. Professors of law, as influential representatives of the profession, are important powerbrokers between academia, politics and the corporate world. Their influence is based on scientific reputation, institutional mandates inside and outside academia or privileged network connections with people in powerful positions. In this study, based on a full sample of all Swiss law professors in the years 1957, (...)
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  44.  38
    Moving toward gender justice.Anne Donchin, Susan Dodds & Jing-bao Nie - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (9):ii-iii.
  45.  30
    Part 1 – unravelling primary health care conceptual predicaments through the lenses of complexity and political economy: a position paper for progressive transformation.Margot Félix-Bortolotti - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (5):861-867.
  46.  18
    Self-induced Moral Incapacity, Collective Responsibility, and Collective Attributability.Felix Lambrecht - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
    Niels de Haan (2023) defends the possibility of holding collectives morally responsible against a challenge posed by the problem of self-induced moral incapacity. Self-induced moral incapacity seems to introduce a responsibility gap that corporate agents might exploit to avoid responsibility. De Haan argues that the problem does not introduce responsibility gaps because collective moral agents become responsible for actions they committed while they were incapacitated once they reacquire moral capacity. I argue that de Haan’s argument is incomplete. Simply because a (...)
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  47. Réduction diagnostique en psychiatrie : enjeux éthiques et implications pour la clinique.Félix Carrier - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):63-71.
    This article addresses the theme of diagnostic reduction in psychiatry, a process by which necessarily complex and multifactorial situations are reduced to medical conditions. This process presents obvious pitfalls, but also certain functions, in particular that of circumscribing what the psychiatric judgment can legitimately or not focus upon. In parallel, I will discuss the distinctions between narrative and pathological suffering, as well as the moral and medical judgments that may be associated with them. This will lead me to argue in (...)
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    On the nature of inductive inference.Felix Kaufmann - 1945 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (4):602-609.
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  49. Husserl y la ciencia moderna.Félix Schwartzmann - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 6 (2-3):5-30.
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  50. Toynbee, Arnold J.La civilización puesta a prueba. Buenos Aires, 1949. Emecé. 317 pág.Félix Schwartzmann - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 1 (3):369-374.
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