Results for 'Felix Ball'

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  1.  46
    The role of multisensory interplay in enabling temporal expectations.Felix Ball, Lara E. Michels, Carsten Thiele & Toemme Noesselt - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):130-146.
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    War and Border Crossings: Ethics When Cultures Clash.Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Terence Ball, Linell Cady, Shaun Casey, Martin Cook, David Cortright, Richard Dagger, Amitai Etzoni, Félix Gutiérrez, Mitchell R. Haney, George Lucas, Oscar J. Martinez, Joan McGregor, Christopher McLeod, Jeffrie Murphy, Brian Orend, Darren Ranco, Roberto Suro, Rebecca Tsosie & Angela Wilson (eds.) - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    War and Border Crossings brings together renowned scholars to address some of the most pressing problems in public policy, international affairs, and the intercultural issues of our day. Contributors from widely varying disciplines discuss cross-cultural ethical issues and international topics ranging from American international policy and the invasion and occupation of Iraq to domestic topics such as immigration, the war on drugs, cross-cultural bioethics and ethical issues involving American Indian tribes. The culture clashes discussed in these essays raise serious questions (...)
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    Losing steam after Marx and Freud: On entropy as the horizon of the community to come.Karyn Ball - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (3):55-78.
    This essay undertakes a critique of recent trends in affect theory from the standpoint of the “human motor”: a trope that presupposes a thermodynamic psychophysiology distended between energy conservation and entropy. In the course of reanimating thermodynamic motifs in Marx's labor power metabolics and Freud's trauma energetics, the essay broaches entropics as a poetics of depletion that offsets affect theories promoting open-system metaphors. Open-system affect theory sometimes amalgamates emancipatory post-humanist gestures inherited from Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari with neuroscientific terms. (...)
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  4. The Contributions of the Bodily Senses to Body Representations in the Brain.Douglas C. Wadle - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-32.
    Felix reaches up to catch a high line drive to left field and fires the ball off to Benji at home plate, who then tags the runner trying to score. For Felix to catch the ball and transfer it from his glove to his throwing hand, he needs to have a sense of where his hands are relative to one another and the rest of his body. This sort of information is subconsciously tracked in the body (...)
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  5. What We Together Can (Be Required to) Do.Felix Pinkert - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):187-202.
    In moral and political philosophy, collective obligations are promising “gap-stoppers” when we find that we need to assert some obligation, but can not plausibly ascribe this obligation to individual agents. Most notably, Bill Wringe and Jesse Tomalty discuss whether the obligations that correspond to socio-economic human rights are held by states or even by humankind at large. The present paper aims to provide a missing piece for these discussions, namely an account of the conditions under which obligations can apply to (...)
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  6. What If I Cannot Make a Difference (and Know It).Felix Pinkert - 2015 - Ethics 125 (4):971-998.
    When several agents together produce suboptimal outcomes, yet no individual could have made a difference for the better, Act Consequentialism counterintuitively judges that all involved agents act rightly. I address this problem by supplementing Act Consequentialism with a requirement of modal robustness: Agents not only ought to produce best consequences in the actual world, but they also ought to be such that they would act optimally in certain counterfactual scenarios. I interpret this Modally Robust Act Consequentialism as Act Consequentialism plus (...)
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  7.  18
    Procreative Prerogatives and Climate Change.Felix Pinkert & Martin Sticker - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):44-66.
    One of the most provocative claims in current climate ethics is that we ought to have fewer children, because procreation brings new people into existence and thereby causes large amounts of additional greenhouse gas emissions. The public debate about procreation and climate change is frequently framed in terms of the question of whether people may still have any children at all. Yet in the academic debate it is a common position that, despite the large carbon impact of procreation, it is (...)
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  8. Procreation, Footprint and Responsibility for Climate Change.Felix Pinkert & Martin Sticker - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (3):293-321.
    Several climate ethicists have recently argued that having children is morally equivalent to over-consumption, and contributes greatly to parents’ personal carbon footprints. We show that these claims are mistaken, for two reasons. First, including procreation in parents’ carbon footprints double-counts children’s consumption emissions, once towards their own, and once towards their parents’ footprints. We show that such double-counting defeats the chief purpose of the concept of carbon footprint, namely to measure the sustainability and equitability of one’s activities and choices. Furthermore, (...)
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  9. Care of the older person and the value of human dignity.Félix Pageau, Gaëlle Fiasse, Lennart Nordenfelt & Emilian Mihailov - 2023 - Bioethics 2023 (1):1-8.
    As the world population is rapidly aging, stakeholders must address the care of the elderly with great concern. Also, loss of dignity is often associated with aging due to dementia, mobility problems and diminished functional autonomy. However, dignity is a polysemic term that is deemed useless by some ethicists. To counter this claim, we propose four concepts to define it better and make use accurately of this notion. These are human dignity, dignity of identity, dignities of excellence and attributed dignities. (...)
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    Citizens’ Liability for Remedying Individual-Scale State Wrongdoing, Actions Ultra Vires, and Deep State Secrets.Felix Pinkert - 2024 - Analysis 84 (1):132-145.
    States act wrongly. Sometimes, they are held responsible, or take responsibility of their own accord, to remediate their wrongdoing: they cease to act wron.
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    The Lily of the Valley, or Love as Breathing in the Scent.Chantal Jaquet - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):34-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Lily of the Valley, or Love as Breathing in the ScentChantal Jaquet (bio)The Lily of the Valley, published by Balzac in 1836, can be considered as a standard in olfactory literature since the novel is entirely built on the perception of odors and the central role of breathing in romantic relationships. As the title indicates, it is in the floral and olfactory registers that the essence of love (...)
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    French Theory: How Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, & Co. Transformed the Intellectual Life of the United States.Jeff Fort (ed.) - 2008 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    “A great story, full of twists and turns.... Careers made and ruined, departments torn apart, writing programs turned into sensitivity seminars, political witch hunts, public opprobrium, ignorant media attacks, the whole ball of wax. Read it and laugh or read it and weep. I can hardly wait for the movie.” —Stanley Fish, _Think Again, New York Times_ “In such a difficult genre, full of traps and obstacles, French Theory is a success and a remarkable book in every respect: it (...)
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    Australian Football Skill-Based Assessments: A Proposed Model for Future Research.Nathan Bonney, Jason Berry, Kevin Ball & Paul Larkin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Identifying sporting talent remains a difficult task due to the complex nature of sport. Technical skill assessments are used throughout the talent pathway to monitor athletes in an attempt to more effectively predict future performance. These assessments however, largely focus on the isolated execution of key skills devoid of any game context. When assessments are representative of match-play and applied in a setting where all four components of competition (i.e., technical, tactical, physiological and psychological) are assessed within an integrated approach, (...)
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  14.  22
    When are collective obligations too demanding?Felix Pinkert - 2018 - In Kendy Hess, Violetta Igneski & Tracy Lynn Isaacs, Collectivity: Ontology, Ethics, and Social Justice. Nw York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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    Da historicidade das disposições.Wagner Félix - 2019 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 2 (2):24-40.
    Propomos neste texto examinar o papel das disposições (Stimmungen), e, particularmente, das chamadas “disposições fundamentais” na construção da pergunta heideggeriana pela historicidade da história. Nós partimos da pergunta pela historicidade da história da filosofia para a análise do papel hermenêutico cumprido pela angústia na analítica da cotidianidade em Ser e Tempo, procurando esclarecer a conexão dessa disposição com o conceito de historicidade tal como tratado nessa obra. Em seguida, tratamos da maneira como são pensadas as disposições em Conceitos fundamentais da (...)
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    Rationale and guidelines for empirical adversarial collaboration: A Thinking & Reasoning initiative.Tim Rakow, Valerie Thompson, Linden Ball & Henry Markovits - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (2):167-175.
  17.  12
    Harm, Insignificant Effects, and the Morality of Procreation.Felix Pinkert - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-13.
    Several authors have argued that we ought to have fewer children in order to reduce our contribution to climate change. Proponents of this view generally hold a moderate version of the view, according to which it is still permissible to have one or two children per couple. One recent exception is Chad Vance’s paper “Procreation is Immoral on Environmental Grounds” in this journal, in which he argues that procreation is always, or almost always, morally impermissible. I argue, first, that Vance (...)
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  18. Living alone under lockdown.Felix Pinkert - 2021 - In Fay Niker & Aveek Bhattacharya, Political Philosophy in a Pandemic: Routes to a More Just Future. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 123-135.
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    Part 1 – unravelling primary health care conceptual predicaments through the lenses of complexity and political economy: a position paper for progressive transformation.Margot Félix-Bortolotti - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (5):861-867.
  20. Inferências e subdeterminações na filosofia da ciência.Félix Flores Pinheiro & Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo - 2022 - Princípios 29 (60):339-357.
    Este artigo discute a relação entre a questão das inferências nos contextos de justificação em ciência, nomeadamente o que ficou conhecido por “problema da indução” após Hume, em vista de esclarecer diferentes versões dos problemas de subdeterminação na filosofia da ciência.
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  21. Algunas falacias profundamente arraigadas.Félix García Moriyón - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 12:353-358.
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  22. A Radical Democratic Critique Of Capitalist Education.Felix Moriyon - 1995 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 16 (1):62-63.
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  23. Algunas reflexiones provocadas por la lectura de la "encíclica Fides et ratio".Félix García Moriyón - 1999 - Diálogo Filosófico 43:89-94.
    En la conmemoración del octavo centenario del fallecimiento de Averroes, el recuerdo de un esfuerzo filosófico por armonizar fe y razón, por presentar la esperanza de la revelación monoteísta, por mantener el talante del pensar crítico aprendido en la tradición griega. Demasiada pretensión, quizá, para una cultura tan desagarrada como la nuestra que no quiere o no puede penetrar en lo mejor del impulso filosófico medieval. Por eso, quizá Averroes va a congresos presididos por altas jerarquías de la sociedad, pero (...)
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  24. Cappelletti, A.J.: La filosofía de Anaxágoras.Félix Moriyón - 1985 - Diálogo Filosófico 3:418-419.
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  25.  44
    Diálogo con Greg Biesta: Filosofía Y educación.Félix García Moriyón - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
    Biesta approaches different important educational topics that deserve some clarification and exploration. To begin with, Biesta emphasizes the preferential position that subjectification should occupy in education, a thesis I agree with. Nevertheless, qualification and socialization are also fundamental domains in education, much more in formal education. The aim of education, therefore, is to achieve an adequate balance between the three domains that makes possible a full educational process. On the other hand, it is valuable proposal to recover the importance of (...)
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  26. El concepto de naturaleza.Félix García Moriyón - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 15:392-407.
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  27. ¿Es necesario fundamentar los derechos humanos?Félix García Moriyón - 2009 - Diálogo Filosófico 73:63-84.
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  28. El trabajo y los trabajadores. ¿Tiene algún futuro el sindicalismo?Félix García Moriyón - 2002 - Diálogo Filosófico 54:477-494.
    Desde comienzos del siglo XIX, los trabajadores buscaron asociarse para defender sus derechos y mejorar sus condiciones de existencia. Buscaban también en algunas ocasiones cambiar radicalmente la sociedad capitalista. Más de un siglo de lucha contribuyó decisivamente a la consolidación del estado del bienestar, con el consiguiente éxito del sindicalismo. Las condiciones de trabajo en las últimas décadas han cambiado significativamente y los sindicatos tradicionales, a pesar del reconocimiento social de que disponen, no han sido capaces de hacer frente a (...)
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  29. Fray Agustín de Coruña, OSA: obispo de Popayán: Su presencia en Quito (1582-1587).Félix Carmona Moreno - 1996 - Ciudad de Dios 209 (1):171-196.
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  30. Fray Gabriel de Saona, artífice de la Provincia agustiniana de Quito.Félix Carmona Moreno - 1998 - Ciudad de Dios 211 (2):509-551.
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  31. Fray Luis López de Solís, OSA. Actitud indigenista de un obispo evangelizador en América.Félix Carmona Moreno - 1992 - Ciudad de Dios 205 (2):459-584.
  32. IV Congreso de la S.E.P.F.I. La Reforma: un marco para la enseñanza de la Filosofía. Madrid, 25-27 de febrero de 1988.Félix García Moriyón - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 11:223-225.
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  33. Instituto de Filosofía.Félix García Moriyón - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 5:227-228.
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  34. Isabel la Católica y América en el V centenario de su muerte.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (2):379-422.
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  35. La filosofía y su historia.Félix García Moriyón - 1997 - Diálogo Filosófico 37:4-32.
    La historia de la filosofía ha experimentado grandes cambios a lo largo de los últimos decenios. Algunos de ellos afectan a la forma de entender la propia historia, es decir, la filosofía de la historia, estando sometidos a revisión conceptos fundamentales como los de progreso, sujeto de la historia, posibilidad de un conocimiento objetivo de los hechos históricos y el sentido mismo de la historia. Por otra parte, se han enriquecido considerablemente los estudios históricos y han ido apareciendo nuevas temáticas (...)
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  36. Los sentimientos y la vida moral.Félix García Moriyón - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 62:188-222.
    En las corrientes filosóficas continuadoreas de las dos grandes tradiciones filosóficas de la modernidad, empiristas y racionalestas, el papel de los sentimientos en la vida moral ha contado con una atención insuficiente. No obstante, en los últimos decenios han aparecido numerosas aprtaciones sobre este tema. Por un lado están los trabajos que han pretendido clarificar la definición de los sentimientos desde la filosofía y la psicología, haciendo ver la profucnda relación que existe entre la dimensión afectiva y cognitiva de la (...)
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  37. La Virgen del Socorro en Baleares: Iconografía e historia.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2003 - Ciudad de Dios 216 (1):5-37.
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    Opción por la verdad y la justicia: Cartas del Obispo Fray Luis López de Solís al Rey (IV Centenario de su muerte).Félix Carmona Moreno - 2007 - Ciudad de Dios 220 (1):5-41.
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    (Spain) Philosophy for Children and Anarchism.Felix Garcia Moriyon - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber, Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 63.
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  40. Una buena persona.Félix García Moriyón - 2000 - Diálogo Filosófico 47:221-240.
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  41. Un Convento Agustiniano anterior a 1050: Santa Engracia de Carbajales de Alba.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2006 - Ciudad de Dios 219 (3):683-712.
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  42. La condition chrétienne selon les chapitres V et VI de la Lettre à Diognète.Félix Moser - 2012 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 144 (1):29-46.
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    Comentário a “Ciência Precautória: sistematização e proposta de definição da precaução epistêmica”: uma ciência que está ciente de suas responsabilidades.Félix Flores Pinheiro - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400210.
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    Part 2 – primary health care workforce policy intricacies: multidisciplinary team1 case analysis.Margot Félix-Bortolotti - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):400-404.
  45. Real and simulated aging effects on configurational color-vision tests.Rh Pollack, Jp Logan & Lj Ball - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):496-496.
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    A National Analysis of Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professors in the Field of Education.Nicholas Daniel Hartlep, Daisy Ball, Kendra Theodosopoulos, Kevin Wells & Grant B. Morgan - 2016 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 52 (2):119-138.
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    Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger: Thinking freedom and philosophy.Felix Ó Murchadha - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (2):361 – 373.
  48. En memoria de la memoria de Martin Heidegger.Félix Duque Pajuelo - 1996 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 87:438-453.
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  49. «Quaerentes summum Deum»: Búsqueda de Dios y lenguaje de fe en Agustín de Hipona.Félix Alejandro Pastor - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (3):453-491.
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    Islamischer Antirassismus: Zur antirassistischen Unfähigkeit, den Universalismus gegen die Islamisierung zu verteidigen.Felix Perrefort - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 5 (1):38-60.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 1 Seiten: 38-60.
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