Results for 'Federico Pastore'

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  1. La conoscenza come azione: saggi su Lukács.Federico Pastore - 1980 - Milano: Marzorati.
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    Saggio di teoria dell'ideologia.Federico Pastore - 1994 - Bologna: Pàtron.
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    Vita activa y lex naturae en Cromacio de Aquilea: el caso del Sermo III.Federico Conti - 2021 - Patristica Et Medievalia 42 (2).
    Los _Sermones _de Cromacio de Aquilea nos ofrecen evidencia directa de su experiencia episcopal y literaria, que se divide entre la exégesis más destacada y el objetivo pastoral. La simplicidad estructural y lingüística, y la referencia a algunos autores contemporáneos, características de la tercera de estas composiciones homiléticas, nos ofrecen la oportunidad para analizar los propósitos más íntimos y prácticos de este texto. De hecho, la estrecha relación con su audiencia y el intento de guiarla por el justo camino cristiano (...)
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    Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Edited by Luigi Pastore.
    Chapter 1 First Person Access to Mental States. Mind Science and Subjective Qualities -/- Abstract. The philosophy of mind as we know it today starts with Ryle. What defines and at the same time differentiates it from the previous tradition of study on mind is the persuasion that any rigorous approach to mental phenomena must conform to the criteria of scientificity applied by the natural sciences, i.e. its investigations and results must be intersubjectively and publicly controllable. In Ryle’s view, philosophy (...)
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    Parents' Stress and Children's Psychological Problems in Families Facing the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy.Maria Spinelli, Francesca Lionetti, Massimiliano Pastore & Mirco Fasolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  6. First Person Access to Mental States.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - In Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio, Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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    Measuring Distribution Similarities Between Samples: A Distribution-Free Overlapping Index.Massimiliano Pastore & Antonio Calcagnì - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Working Memory Training for Healthy Older Adults: The Role of Individual Characteristics in Explaining Short- and Long-Term Gains.Erika Borella, Elena Carbone, Massimiliano Pastore, Rossana De Beni & Barbara Carretti - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  9.  21
    A Cognitive-Emotional Model to Explain Message Framing Effects: Reducing Meat Consumption.Valentina Carfora, Massimiliano Pastore & Patrizia Catellani - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We tested the plausibility of a cognitive-emotional model to understand the effects of messages framed in terms of gain, non-loss, non-gain, and loss, and related to the health consequences of red/processed meat consumption. A total of 544 Italian participants reported their attitude toward reduced red/processed meat consumption and intention to eat red/processed meat. One week later, participants were randomly assigned to four different message conditions: gain messages focused on the positive health outcomes associated with low meat consumption; non-loss messages focused (...)
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    Ignorance, misconceptions and critical thinking.Sara Dellantonio & Luigi Pastore - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7473-7501.
    In this paper we investigate ignorance in relation to our capacity to justify our beliefs. To achieve this aim we specifically address scientific misconceptions, i.e. beliefs that are considered to be false in light of accepted scientific knowledge. The hypothesis we put forward is that misconceptions are not isolated false beliefs, but rather form part of a system of inferences—an explanation—which does not match current scientific theory. We further argue that, because misconceptions are embedded in a system, they cannot be (...)
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  11. Mente e Natura.Sara Dellantonio, Valerio Meattini, Luigi Pastore & Manfred Stöcker - 2006 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 24 (2):5-15.
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  12. How Can You Be Sure? Epistemic Feelings as a Monitoring System for Cognitive Contents.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2019 - In Matthieu Fontaine, Cristina Barés-Gómez, Francisco Salguero-Lamillar, Lorenzo Magnani & Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández, Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Inferential Models for Logic, Language, Cognition and Computation. Springer Verlag.
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    Problematización de la agenda de “inclusión educativa” en la Argentina.Pablo German Pastore - 2024 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 9 (1):1-18.
    Este artículo busca realizar una contribución específica a la agenda global de “inclusión educativa” a partir de la recuperación y discusión de distintas problematizaciones realizadas en la academia argentina en diálogo con aportes de la filosofía (política), la historiografía y la sociología de la educación. Luego de repasar algunas definiciones postuladas en el discurso académico y político global y de esbozar algunas coordenadas contextuales que sitúan las problematizaciones argentinas proponemos centrar la discusión en torno a tres ejes: 1) la crítica (...)
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    El desafío de la efectividad.Baldasare Pastore - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:85-93.
    Este artículo aborda la cuestión relativa a la crisis de la efectividad de los derechos humanos y fundamentales. Se trata de un desafío que requiere compromiso, vigilancia, responsabilidad compartida. Los derechos son una herramienta indispensable para expresar el valor de la dignidad que está ligada a la vulnerabilidad como condición humana común. Los derechos son un tipo de práctica social encaminada a su implementación y concreción. Está formada por principios, reglas, instituciones, procedimientos, actitudes, actos de interpretación. Esta práctica juega un (...)
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    Shores of Enlightenment: George Berkeley and the Moral Geography of Hybrid Nature.Christopher L. Pastore - 2017 - Environment, Space, Place 9 (2):1-26.
    Abstract:This paper examines the American sojourn of the Enlightenment philosopher and theologian George Berkeley. While living in coastal Rhode Island between 1729 and 1731, Berkeley penned his longest philosophical tract, Alciphron: Or, the Minute Philosopher (1732), which criticized “freethinking,” mechanical conceptions of nature in favor of those that emphasized God's providence. To illustrate these two ways of knowing nature, Berkeley, a careful prose stylist, evoked nearby coastal landscapes for contrast. Accordingly, his work broke down dichotomies between ideas and matter and, (...)
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    Measuring inconsistencies can lead you forward: Imageability and the x-ception theory.Sara Dellantonio, Claudio Mulatti, Luigi Pastore & Remo Job - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Side Effects or Symptoms? The Feeling of Self-Estrangement in DBS Patients.Luigi Pastore, Giuseppe Saracino, Marco Innamorati & Sara Dellantonio - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):58-60.
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  18. Critica dell'irrazionalismo del Meyerson.Annibale Pastore - 1926 - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (3):207.
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  19. Diritti e paradigma utilitarista: rileggendo J. Bentham e JS Mill.B. Pastore - 1988 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 65 (1):74-107.
  20. Filosofismo e filosofia.Annibale Pastore - 1923 - Rivista di Filosofia 14 (1):40.
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  21. Integrità, tradizione, interpretazione.B. Pastore - 1993 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 70 (1):43-78.
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    Problems in modeling intensity discrimination for audition.Richard E. Pastore - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):307-308.
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    From doubt to unbelief: forms of scepticism in the Iberian world.Mercedes García-Arenal & Stefania Pastore (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association.
    This volume delves into the question of how, in an Iberian world apparently far removed from the battlegrounds of modernity and secularisation, doubt and unbelief found fertile soil, stimulated by social and religious developments. Adopting a multidisciplinary perspective, the contributors show how the crisis of identity produced by forced mass conversion touched off inner crises about the nature of Truth. By tracing the path from medieval Spain to the Spanish Inquisition, and from the great literary and artistic works of the (...)
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    Agindo Por Desejo Ou Por Dever? A Moral Kantiana e a Ética da Psicanálise.Guilherme Santos Guterres & Isadora Baldi da Silva Pastore - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):268-282.
    Este artigo propõe uma reflexão crítica sobre a relação entre a noção de dever em Kant e a concepção de desejo na ética psicanalítica freudo-lacaniana. Kant fundamenta o dever moral na ideia de boa vontade, e na universalização da razão. Em contraste, na psicanálise freudolacaniana o senso de dever é moldado pela interação complexa entre desejos inconscientes, socialização e a busca pelo equilíbrio entre pulsões individuais e normas sociais. Concluímos que esta tensão intrínseca ao ser humano destaca a necessidade de (...)
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    Alexithymia and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Complex Relationship.Jessie Poquérusse, Luigi Pastore, Sara Dellantonio & Gianluca Esposito - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    "Libertà" senza significato. Concetti astratti, cognizione e determinismo linguistico.Sara Dellantonio & Luigi Pastore - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 2 (2):164-186.
    Il concetto di "libertà" descrive uno dei valori fondamentali della società occidentale contemporanea. Tuttavia, sebbene tutti concordino circa la necessità di difendere la libertà, persone che incarnano convinzioni politiche, morali e sociali diverse interpretano la libertà in maniere differenti, se non perfino contrapposte. Nonostante queste evidenti divergenze, è opinione diffusa che questo concetto si caratterizzi alla sua base per una sorta di denominatore comune, a proposito del quale sussiste un’unanimità pervasiva e che delinea l’orizzonte di una comune battaglia. Questo studio (...)
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    What future for cognitive science(s)?Sara Dellantonio & Luigi Pastore - 2023 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 14:1-10.
    _Abstract_: In this introduction to the thematic issue on _the future of the cognitive science(s)_, we examine how challenges and uncertainties surrounding the past and present of this discipline make it difficult to chart its future. We focus on two main questions. The first is whether cognitive science is a single unified field or inherently pluralistic. This question can be asked at various levels: First, with respect to the disciplines that should be included in the cognitive hexagon and their reciprocal (...)
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    Decision modelling: An objective approach to moral reasoning.Susanna Cahn & Joseph M. Pastore Jr - 2003 - Teaching Business Ethics 7 (4):329-340.
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    Dissipated energy and entropy production for an unconventional heat engine: the stepwise ‘circular cycle’.Francesco di Liberto, Raffaele Pastore & Fulvio Peruggi - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):1864-1876.
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    Shaped by Stories: The Ethical Power of Narratives.Marshall W. Gregory - 2009 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    In his latest book, Marshall Gregory begins with the premise that our lives are saturated with stories, ranging from magazines, books, films, television, and blogs to the words spoken by politicians, pastors, and teachers. He then explores the ethical implication of this nearly universal human obsession with narratives. Through careful readings of Katherine Anne Porter's "The Grave," Thurber's "The Catbird Seat," as well as _David Copperfield_ and _Wuthering Heights_, Gregory asks the question: How do the stories we absorb in our (...)
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    1625, fire and ink: the battle of Salvador in accounts of the war.Carlos Ziller Camenietzki & Gianriccardo Grassia Pastore - 2006 - Topoi: Revista de História 2 (SE):0-0.
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    Above and below the surface: Genetic and cultural factors in the development of values.Sara Dellantonio, Luigi Pastore & Gianluca Esposito - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Modelling Scientific Un/certainty. Why Argumentation Strategies Trump Linguistic Markers Use.Sara Dellantonio & Luigi Pastore - 2006 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Claudia Casadio, Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in investigating science communication. Some studies that address this issue attempt to develop a model to determine the level of confidence that an author or a scientific community has at a given time towards a theory or a group of theories. A well-established approach suggests that, in order to determine the level of certainty authors have with regard to the statements they make, one can identify specific lexical and morphosyntactical markers which indicate (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Introduction : Carl Schmitt's prison writings.Andreas Kalyvas & Federico Finchelstein - 2017 - In Carl Schmitt, Ex captivitate salus: experiences, 1945-47. Malden, MA, USA: Polity Press.
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    La inmadurez psicológica y el consentimiento matrimonial en la jurisprudencia rotal.Federico R. Aznar Gil - 2009 - Salmanticensis 56 (3):517-560.
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  36. Marmor on the Arbitrariness of Constitutive Conventions.Federico José Arena, Dale Smith, Hanoch Sheinman & Andrei Marmor - 2011 - Jurisprudence 2 (2):441-506.
    Comment on Joseph Raz, From Normativity to Responsibility.
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    Introduction: The Anorexia Enigmas.Jennifer Radden, Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (3):663-684.
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    Sobre el neohegelianismo y Weimar: el caso de Julius Binder.Federico Fernández-Crehuet - 2018 - Isegoría 58:239-253.
    In this article I explore some topics of the philosophy of law of Julius Binder. More specifically, I explore the relation and compatibility of his ideas with national-socialism. In the first part of the article I analyze the neo- Kantian approach underlying to his philosophy. Subsequently I analyze his turn towards neo- Hegelianism. In the last sections I address the philosophical concept of nation that this author defended and I search for its links with both national- socialism and Hegelian philosophy. (...)
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  39. Filosofía, ciudadanía e interculturalidad: Los retos de la inclusión social en un mundo globalizado.Walter Federico Gadea - 2009 - Astrolabio 9:60-74.
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  40. Informatica.di Federico Leoni - 2021 - In Massimo Adinolfi, Nova theoretica: manifesto per una nuova filosofia. Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    Los Servicios de Inteligencia ante los retos de la Comunidad Internacional.Federico Torres Muro - 2005 - Arbor 180 (709):207-215.
    El título de mi contribución a este número de la revista Arbor, «Los Servicios de inteligencia ante los retos de la comunidad internacional", posiblemente debería completarse con la frase, para las que aquéllos deben tener respuesta. Me explico. Es obvio que la comunidad internacional tiene que afrontar retos como el hambre, la pobreza, el cambio climático, que no menciono en mi artículo ya que no entran dentro del ámbito de actuación de los servicios de inteligencia, aunque ningún analista cualificado los (...)
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  42. La protección de la vida. Encrucijada entre la medicina y el derecho.Federico Fernández de Buján Fernández - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Alterità e convivenza tra pregiudizio e nuove forme di consapevolezza.Sara Dellantonio, Giuseppe Mininni & Luigi Pastore - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 2 (2):80-83.
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  44. Le tout et ses parties. Langue, système, Structure.Lia Formigari & Albano Leoni Federico - 2015
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  45. Conquista y finalidad del hombre.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1947 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 6 (23):733.
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  46. La filosofia.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1945 - [Milano]: Mondadori.
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    Introduction.Francesco Federico Calemi - 2016 - In Metaphysics and Scientific Realism: Essays in Honour of David Malet Armstrong. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-12.
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    Repensar la experiencia democrática desde Latinoamérica: La concepción de la democracia radical en la obra de Ernesto Laclau.Walter Federico Gadea - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:95-110.
    La propuesta de una democracia radical condice con una concepción en la que el poder aparece como un «lugar vacío». Esto significa, que el lugar de la universalidad, que ocupaba la clase obrera en la teoría de Marx, es sustituido por una práctica articulatoria política, la cual se convierte en la encargada de brindar una unidad momentánea y parcial a los elementos fragmentarios de una estructura social abierta y dislocada (plural).
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    De summa rerum: Monismo Y pluralismo en la Concepción leibniziana Del continuo.Federico Raffo Quintana - 2013 - Endoxa 31.
    En este trabajo consideraremos la relación entre el monismo de la sustancia divina y el pluralismo de las partes del continuo en sus escritos metafísicos de 1675-76. Este es otro punto de vista de la relación general entre monismo-pluralismo considerada por Andreas Blank, aunque compatible con el suyo. Para mostrar esta relación, primero consideraremos el tratamiento acerca de lo máximo en el continuo, distinguiendo dos tipos y mostrando que uno de ellos no fue tratado con anterioridad. Segundo, analizaremos el estatus (...)
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  50. Temas del pensamiento filosófico de Antonio Rosmini.Michael Federico Sciacca - 1957 - Dianoia 3:259-275.
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