Results for 'Federico Federico Penelas'

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  1.  36
    Recepciones pragmatistas de Martin Heidegger.Federico Federico Penelas - 2011 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 23 (1):109-124.
    “Pragmatist Receptions of Martin Heidegger”. This paper studies theAmerican Pragmatist reception of Heidegger’s thought. The article briely presentsBrandom’s and Okrent’s readings of Heidegger, paying attention afterwards toRorty’s articulation of the Heideggerian legacy with the work of Wittgensteinand classical Pragmatists, especially Dewey. Rorty’s appropriation of Heideggerassumes a philosophical and metaphilosophical anti-essentialist commitment.This commitment requires some reading operations in relation to the lastHeidegger, who cannot be easily assimilated by the Pragmatist tradition. Thetension between irony and nostalgia will be crucial for Rorty’s appropriation (...)
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    El conversacionalismo y la verdad como norma de la aserción. El debate Rorty/Engel.Federico Penelas - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 34 (1):27-50.
    In this work I will analyze the debate between Pascal Engel and Richard Rorty about the relevance of the notion of truth to the characterization of assertion. I will point out the theoretic advantages of Rortian conversationalism’s refuse of the idea of truth as a norm of assertion. For that, first of all, I will make an analysis of Rortian deflationism. Then, I will make an reconstruction of Engel’s defense of the normativity of truth. Finally, I will establish that that (...)
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    ¿Es la verdad una meta epistémica? Una aproximación conversacionalista.Federico Penelas - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (144):83-97.
    Una consecuencia de la crítica formulada por Richard Rorty a la epistemología tradicional es el rechazo al veroteleologismo, esto es, a la tesis según la cual la verdad es el fin o la meta de la investigación. A partir del enfrentamiento con una serie de críticas provenientes tanto desde perspectiva..
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    Una defensa del conversacionalismo epistémico.Federico Penelas - 2005 - Análisis Filosófico 25 (1):5-20.
    En el presente trabajo defiendo la concepción conversacionalista de la justificación epistémica en la caracterización que de la misma ha hecho y sigue haciendo Richard Rorty. Me detengo en un grupo de objeciones provenientes del campo pragmatista. Vertebro la exposición a partir de la crítica a Rorty sostenida por Susan Haack, incorporando luego las observaciones que Hilary Putnam y Jiirgen Habermas le han presentado al proyecto rortyano. La critica de dichas objeciones conduce a la asunción de una caracterización contextualista y (...)
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    Introduction to International Symposium on Richard Rorty.Federico Penelas & Christopher J. Voparil - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (1):1-4.
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    Rorty on Hermeneutical Injustice, Liberal Redescription and Utopian Imagination.Federico Penelas - 2019 - Endoxa 43:313.
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    Contributions and Limits of Rortian Pragmatism for Political Agonism.Federico Penelas - 2014 - Contemporary Pragmatism 11 (1):103-113.
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    Diana Pérez y Diego Lawler (eds.), La segunda persona y las emociones, Buenos Aires, SADAF, 2018, pp. 297.Federico Penelas - 2019 - Análisis Filosófico 39 (1):101-105.
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    El Coloquio por los 50 años de SADAF.Federico Penelas - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):9-12.
    La celebración del quincuagésimo aniversario de la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico se dio en el marco, como es usual en estos casos especiales, de la realización de una edición extraordinaria del tradicional Coloquio Anual de la institución. Para tales fines, la Comisión Directiva conformó un Comité Organizador, del cual tuve el honor de formar parte junto con Leandro Giri, Nicolás Lo Guercio, Andrea Melamed, Danila Suárez Tomé, Damián Szmuc y Paula Teijeiro. Desde el inicio pensamos que el coloquio debía (...)
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    Soneto acróstico al Maestro.Federico Penelas - 2021 - Análisis Filosófico 40 (Especial):11.
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    Sobre algunas ventajas en la práctica del pluralismo agonista: Comentario a “Democracia: ¿razones o pasiones?”.Federico Penelas - 2013 - Tópicos 25 (25):00-00.
    El comentario se concentra en la práctica del voto como mecanismo de decisión y en las estrategias de disolución de las fuerzas antidemocráticas. El que las prácticas efectivas en ambos casos no difieran parece redundar en un déficit para el deliberacionismo, el cual, a diferencia del agonismo, no puede justificar claramente dichas prácticas. A su vez, se detiene en las diferencias epistemológicas que ambas posiciones presentan. The discussion concentrates on two aspects: the practice of voting as a decision mechanism and (...)
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    Thomas M. Simpson, Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad de Buenos Aires: Bitácora institucional de un acto de justicia.Federico Penelas - 2023 - Análisis Filosófico 43 (2):365-366.
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    Testimony and Non-Evidential Reasons for Belief (A Non-Purist Place for Interpersonalism).Florencia Rimoldi & Federico Penelas - forthcoming - Episteme:1-21.
    Interpersonalist theories of testimony have the theoretical virtue of giving room to the characteristic interpersonal features of testimonial exchange among persons. Nonetheless, it has been argued that they are at a serious disadvantage when it comes to accounting for the way in which testimonial beliefs may be epistemically justified. In this paper, we defend the epistemological credentials of interpersonalism, emphasizing that it is inseparable from the acceptance of non-evidential epistemic reasons to believe, which demands proper conceptual elaborations on the notions (...)
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    Prefacio.Eduardo Barrio, Sandra Lazzer, Eleonora Orlando & Federico Penelas - 2021 - Análisis Filosófico 40 (Especial):5-9.
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    Federico Penelas, Wittgenstein, Buenos Aires, Galerna, colección La revuelta filosófica, 2020, 336 pp. [REVIEW]Bruno Muntaabski - 2020 - Análisis Filosófico 40 (2):307-310.
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    Penelas, Federico. Wittgenstein. Estudio preliminar y selección de textos.Andrés Crelier - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (178):206-215.
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  17. Sobre el etnocentrismo y la paradoja de la convicción.Claudio Cormick - 2019 - Factótum. Revista de Filosofía 20 (21):1-12.
    G. A. Cohen (2000) provided us with a challenging “paradox of conviction” by means of pointing out the fact that, even when we realize that we hold certain beliefs (for example, political or religious ones) only because we have been raised to have them, this discovery does not modify what we believe. This seems to be irrational, but acknowledging that fact would entail that irrationality is much more widespread than we are, in principle, willing to accept. In this article we (...)
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    Anti-exceptionalism, truth and the BA-plan.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Joaquín Toranzo Calderón - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12561-12586.
    Anti-exceptionalism about logic states that logical theories have no special epistemological status. Such theories are continuous with scientific theories. Contemporary anti-exceptionalists include the semantic paradoxes as a part of the elements to accept a logical theory. Exploring the Buenos Aires Plan, the recent development of the metainferential hierarchy of ST\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbf {ST}}$$\end{document}-logics shows that there are multiple options to deal with such paradoxes. There is a whole ST\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} (...)
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    Italy in a Time of Emergency and Scarce Resources: The Need for Embedding Ethical Reflection in Social and Clinical Settings.Alessandra Gasparetto & Federico Nicoli - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (1):92-94.
    The COVID-19 virus is severely testing the Italian healthcare system, as the requests for intensive treatment are greater than the real capacity of the system to receive patients. Given this emergency situation, it follows that citizens are limited in their freedom of movement in order to limit infection, and that in hospitals a significant number of critical situations must be faced. This brief contribution aims to offer a reflection on the public and clinical role of the bioethicist: a figure able (...)
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    Cyclists and autonomous vehicles at odds.Alexander Gaio & Federico Cugurullo - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1223-1237.
    Consequential historical decisions that shaped transportation systems and their influence on society have many valuable lessons. The decisions we learn from and choose to make going forward will play a key role in shaping the mobility landscape of the future. This is especially pertinent as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prevalent in the form of autonomous vehicles (AVs). Throughout urban history, there have been cyclical transport oppressions of previous-generation transportation methods to make way for novel transport methods. These cyclical oppressions (...)
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    The Impact of Bilingualism on Executive Functions in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review Based on the PRISMA Method.Jasmine Giovannoli, Diana Martella, Francesca Federico, Sabine Pirchio & Maria Casagrande - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A functional perspective on argumentation schemes.Katie Atkinson, Federico Cerutti, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons & Iyad Rahwan - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (2-3):113-133.
    In multi-agent systems (MAS), abstract argumentation and argumentation schemes are increasingly important. To be useful for MAS, argumentation schemes require a computational approach so that agent...
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    Absence of modulatory action on haptic height perception with musical pitch.Michele Geronazzo, Federico Avanzini & Massimo Grassi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139245.
    Although acoustic frequency is not a spatial property of physical objects, in common language, pitch, i.e., the psychological correlated of frequency, is often labeled spatially (i.e., “high in pitch” or “low in pitch”). Pitch-height is known to modulate (and interact with) the response of participants when they are asked to judge spatial properties of non-auditory stimuli (e.g., visual) in a variety of behavioral tasks. In the current study we investigated whether the modulatory action of pitch-height extended to the haptic estimation (...)
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  24. McDowell and Hegel: An Introduction.André Abath & Federico Sanguinetti - 2018 - In André J. Abath & Federico Sanguinetti (eds.), Mcdowell and Hegel: Perceptual Experience, Thought and Action. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Hacia una nueva economía del agua: cuestiones fundamentales.Federico Aguilera Klink - 2006 - Polis 14.
    Necesitamos una nueva economía del agua que se atreva a ver y a abordar las cuestiones que son relevantes en el contexto actual con los conceptos que sean adecuados para ese contexto. Ya no estamos en España en una economía agraria expansionista que necesita más embalses y trasvases para satisfacer las “necesidades” de los pobres agricultores. Al contrario, necesitamos gestionar el agua. La razón es que la escasez ya no tiene sólo un origen estrictamente físico (llueve poco) sino que es, (...)
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    I confini della musica e della poesia: studio di estetica musicale.August Wilhelm Ambros & Federico Mompellio - 1978 - Cremona: Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi. Edited by Federico Mompellio.
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    Abusos sexuales de menores cometidos por clérigos y religiosos de la Iglesia Católica.Federico Aznar Gil - 2012 - Salmanticensis 59 (3):533-572.
    El autor de este artí-culo, que ya ha publicado con ante-rioridad otros dedicados a la misma temática, expone aquí la legisla-ción general de la Iglesia sobre este delicado y complejo tema, que tanta repercusión ha tenido y está teniendo en la actualidad: describe el cambio de actitud de la Iglesia cató-lica frente a estos comportamientos delictivos de sus clérigos y religiosos, y analiza los cambios operados tanto en la legislación general de la Iglesia como en las disposiciones reciente-mente adoptadas por (...)
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    The Impossible Causality: The No Hidden Variables Theorem of John von Neumann.Roberto Giuntini & Federico Laudisa - 2001 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 8:173-188.
    The debate over the question whether quantum mechanics should be considered as a complete account of microphenomena has a long and deeply involved history, a turning point in which has been certainly the Einstein-Bohr debate, with the ensuing charge of incompleteness raised by the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument. In quantum mechanics, physical systems can be prepared in pure states that nevertheless have in general positive dispersion for most physical quantities; hence in the EPR argument, the attention is focused on the question whether (...)
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    Models of Martin-Löf Type Theory From Algebraic Weak Factorisation Systems.Nicola Gambino & Marco Federico Larrea - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):242-289.
    We introduce type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems and show how they give rise to homotopy-theoretic models of Martin-Löf type theory. This is done by showing that the comprehension category associated with a type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation system satisfies the assumptions necessary to apply a right adjoint method for splitting comprehension categories. We then provide methods for constructing several examples of type-theoretic algebraic weak factorisation systems, encompassing the existing groupoid and cubical sets models, as well as new models based on normal (...)
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    Donde no se hiela el tiempo: escritos sobre música.Federico García Lorca - 2017 - Madrid: Continta me tienes.
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    Commentary: Principles, Approaches and Challenges of Applying Big Data in Safety Psychology Research.Davide Giusino, Federico Fraboni, Marco De Angelis & Luca Pietrantoni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Four ways of (mis-)conceiving embodiment in tool use.François Osiurak & Giovanni Federico - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3853-3879.
    A broader conception of the user’s perceptual, cognitive, and motor capabilities considers tools as body extensions. By identifying specific tool-related motor-grounded mechanisms, the embodied approach assumes that this “extensional phenomenon” takes place not only at a behavioral level but also at a psychological level. At least four ways of conceiving embodiment in tool use have been offered in relation to the concepts of incorporation, perception, knowledge, and observation. Nevertheless, the validity of these conceptions has been rarely, if not never, assessed. (...)
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  33. Berquer, Georges: "traité De Psychologie De La Religion".Michele Federico Sciacca & Staff - 1947 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 6 (23):772.
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  34. Cultura e anticultura.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1969 - Giornale di Metafisica 24:1-39.
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  35. Dal mio carteggio con Armando Carlini.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1960 - Giornale di Metafisica 15 (6):782.
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    Filosofi italiani contemporanei.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1944 - Como,: C. Marzorati.
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  37. García Figar, A.: "curso Superior De Moral Católica".Michele Federico Sciacca & Staff - 1947 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 6 (23):776.
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  38. Il criterio di verità e lo storicismo di Vico.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1953 - Philosophia (Misc.) 18:33.
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  39. II Problema di Dio e della Religionenella Filosofia Attuale.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1948 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 4 (3):318-319.
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  40. "Il problematicismo:" Lettera ad Ugo Spirito.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1949 - Giornale di Metafisica 4 (3):298.
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  41. L'Insegnamento della filosofia: atti del II Convegno di studi, Messina, maggio 1974.Michele Federico Sciacca (ed.) - 1974 - Messina: Editrice peloritana.
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    L’«horizontale» du réel et la «verticale» de la pensée.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 1:110-113.
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  43. L'origine dell'anima secondo Sant'Agostino.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1954 - Giornale di Metafisica 9 (4/5):542.
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  44. La filosofia.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1945 - [Milano]: Mondadori.
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    La filosofia italiana nel secolo XX.Michele Federico Sciacca & Nunzio Incardona - 1998 - L'epos.
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  46. La inteligencia moral y la razón ética.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1958 - Dianoia 4 (4):250.
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  47. L'intériorité objective.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (3):527-528.
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    Le problème de l'origine des idées et l'objectivité de la connaissance selon À. Rosmini.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1955 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 60 (3):299 - 305.
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    Morte e immortalità.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1968 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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  50.  20
    Orienfações da actual Filosofia Italiana.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1947 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 3 (4):378 - 389.
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