Results for 'Federica Montseny'

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  1.  1
    Federica Montseny en Francia: la nueva comunidad humana y el exilio como utopía.Pedro García-Guirao - 2008 - Espinosa. Revista de Filosofía (8):163-179.
    "Nadie puede calibrar lo que fueron los sufrimientos, los problemas y la dimensión del drama humano vivido sobre todo por las gentes humildes en aquellos trágicos días". Con estas dolorosas palabras expresaba Federica Montseny, militante anarquista de la CNT y de la FAI y Ministra de Sanidad del Gobierno de la República Española (1936-1937), la inconmensurabilidad de la tragedia que supuso el triunfo de las tropas franquistas en 1939. Ella, mujer fuerte, luchadora y valiente -no hay que olvidar (...)
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  2. Re-visitando a Federica Montseny. Una lectura de La Victoria y sus lecturas.Ana Lozano de la Pola - 2006 - Arbor 182 (719):399-405.
    Este artículo pretende hacer una lectura atenta de La Victoria, novela de Federica Montseny publicada en 1925, con dos objetivos: en primer lugar, deshacer los clichés que suelen tratar la obra de esta autora como representante de la eterna “paradoja ético-estética” que suponen sus “folletines revolucionarios” y, en segundo, señalar la capacidad que tiene el estudio de este tipo de obras para dinamizar la categoría de “literatura de mujeres” con el fin de evitar su estancamiento en el ámbito (...)
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    «The Ground Rots Equally Everywhere»: Federica Montseny and those who Returned to Die in the Francoist Spain.Pedro García-Guirao - 2013 - In Sharif Gemie & Scott Soo, Coming Home? Vol. 1: Conflict and Return Migration in the Aftermath of Europe’s. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 70-88.
    On 6 January 1963, the same day as Spanish children were excitedly waking up to discover their presents from the Three Wise Men, the well. known Spanish anarchist and former Minister of Health, Federica Montseny, published an emotionally charged and nostalgic article in the Spanish anarchist exilic periodical L'Espoir. In the article, entitled "The New Year", Montseny reflected a similar sense of expectation as she asked rhetorically for something she had been expecting for twenty-four years: "What is (...)
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    Pobres pero honradas: Lujuria burguesa y honorabilidad proletaria en las novelas breves de Federica Montseny.Pedro García-Guirao - 2012 - International Journal of Iberian Studies 23 (3):155 - 177.
    Hacia 1922 la líder anarquista Federica Montseny comenóz a publicar novelas breves románticas en varios periódicos anarquistas. Fueron casi cincuenta escritos en los que dejó plasmada la misión social de todo escritor anarquista: diagnosticar los males de la sociedad, denunciar dicha realidad que no suele ser muy justa para la clase trabajadora y, por último, promover soluciones a largo plazo mediante una pedagogía social o una especie de propedéutica capaz de enseñar a la clase proletaria cōmo defenderse física (...)
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    Montseny Mañé, Federica.Pedro García-Guirao - 2020 - In Marta Nogueroles Jové & Juana Sánchez-Gey, Diccionario de pensadoras españolas de los siglos XIX y XX. Madrid, España: Editorial Sindéresis. pp. 313-322.
    Federica Montseny Mañé (1905-1994) fue una anarquista española nacida en Madrid en el seno de una reputada familia de librepensadores. Dirigente de la FAI (Federación Anarquista Ibérica) y de la CNT (Confederación Nacional del Trabajo), fue la primera mujer en encabezar un ministerio en Europa, concretamente el de Sanidad y Asistencia Social (1936-1937). Después de la Guerra Civil se exilió a Francia hasta su muerte. Su ideario se encuentra plasmado en más de 600 artículos, en una infinidad de (...)
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    Dos intelectuales anarquistas frente al problema de la mujer: Federica Montseny y Lucía Sánchez Saornil.Mary Nash - 1975 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 44:71.
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    Individuo e società nell'anarchismo spagnolo. Il pensiero di Federica Montseny.Claudio Venza - 2016 - Società Degli Individui 54:20-32.
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    Living Anarchism: José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement by Chris Ealham, and: Goals and Means: Anarchism, Syndicalism, and Internationalism in the Origins of the Federacion Anarquista Iberica by Jason Garne. [REVIEW]Pedro García-Guirao - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Radicalism 12 (2):188-192.
    Chris Ealham's book reveals a fascinating dialogue between a prominent individual figure (José Peirats, 1908–1989) and the anonymous masses in the history of Spanish anarcho-syndicalism, and vice versa. Peirats would hardly be known without Spanish anarcho-syndicalism, while Spanish anarcho-syndicalism would have been less relevant if José Peirats had not been included in its ranks. -/- What is remarkable is that, despite Ealham's honest confession of his sympathy for some of the working-class movements in general and for anarcho-syndicalism in particular (3), (...)
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  9. Juan López Sánchez en Francia: La correspondencia de un ministro anarquista.Pedro García-Guirao - 2017 - Cahiers de Civilisation Espagnole Contemporaine 19:1-39.
    This work explores the scantly studied Spanish anarchist exile that followed the Spanish Civil War and lasted until Francisco Franco’s death and, arguably, beyond. The article is built around the controversial case of Juan López Sánchez (1900-1972) –one of the four anarchists that became ministers during the Second Spanish Republic. In what follows, the work traces the panoramic historical, geographical and ideological journey of Juan López Sánchez mainly through his correspondence, with particular attention to his brief French exile. -/- Este (...)
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  10. Anarchia come responsabilità, Federica Montevecchi intervista Maurizio Maggiani.Federica Montevecchi & Maurizio Maggiani - 2000 - la Società Degli Individui 8.
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  11. Interpreting causality in the health sciences.Federica Russo & Jon Williamson - 2007 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 21 (2):157 – 170.
    We argue that the health sciences make causal claims on the basis of evidence both of physical mechanisms, and of probabilistic dependencies. Consequently, an analysis of causality solely in terms of physical mechanisms or solely in terms of probabilistic relationships, does not do justice to the causal claims of these sciences. Yet there seems to be a single relation of cause in these sciences - pluralism about causality will not do either. Instead, we maintain, the health sciences require a theory (...)
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  12. Variational Causal Claims in Epidemiology.Federica Russo - 2009 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 52 (4):540-554.
    The paper examines definitions of ‘cause’ in the epidemiological literature. Those definitions all describe causes as factors that make a difference to the distribution of disease or to individual health status. In the philosophical jargon, causes in epidemiology are difference-makers. Two claims are defended. First, it is argued that those definitions underpin an epistemology and a methodology that hinge upon the notion of variation, contra the dominant Humean paradigm according to which we infer causality from regularity. Second, despite the fact (...)
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  13. Causality and causal modelling in the social sciences.Federica Russo - 2009 - Springer, Dordrecht.
    The anti-causal prophecies of last century have been disproved. Causality is neither a ‘relic of a bygone’ nor ‘another fetish of modern science’; it still occupies a large part of the current debate in philosophy and the sciences. This investigation into causal modelling presents the rationale of causality, i.e. the notion that guides causal reasoning in causal modelling. It is argued that causal models are regimented by a rationale of variation, nor of regularity neither invariance, thus breaking down the dominant (...)
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    Critical data studies: An introduction.Federica Russo & Andrew Iliadis - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Critical Data Studies explore the unique cultural, ethical, and critical challenges posed by Big Data. Rather than treat Big Data as only scientifically empirical and therefore largely neutral phenomena, CDS advocates the view that Big Data should be seen as always-already constituted within wider data assemblages. Assemblages is a concept that helps capture the multitude of ways that already-composed data structures inflect and interact with society, its organization and functioning, and the resulting impact on individuals’ daily lives. CDS questions the (...)
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  15. C’è Un Futuro Per Il Socialismo? Rino Genovese E Federica Montevecchi Intervistano Vittorio Foa.Rino Genovese & Federica Montevecchi - 1998 - la Società Degli Individui 3.
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    Thinking Together Time Capsule.Federica Menin, Katrina Bruch & Valentina Desideri - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Girls Laughters Solar Eclipse Output Solar Eclipse The programmatic ontology of our contemporary technical-information age is marked by a complicity with algorithmic architectures : new models of information processing evolving with the entropically-hiden complexities and open-ended contingencies of material evolution. Algorithms are abstractly-coordinated entities of “soft thought” sui generis. In fusing generative concreteness with abstract modelling – i. e. matter with information – - Galerie sonore – Nouvel article.
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  17. Considerazioni sull'Argutezza: il capitolo III del Cannocchiale aristotelico di Emanuele Tesauro.Federica Santini - 2001 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 22:69-88.
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    Der Verstand als Anfang der Vernunft.Federica Pitillo - 2016 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2016 (1).
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    Filosofia di Proust: saggi sulla scrittura e la morte.Federica Sossi - 1988 - Milano: Unicopli.
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    A política como realização do projeto da razão prática.Federica Trentani - 2014 - Studia Kantiana 16:91-104.
    Este artigo concerne três questões: a concepção kantiana da política, a sua relação com a doutrina do direito e o papel da Urteilskraft na esfera da política. No § 1 sublinha-se que a perspectiva kantiana é caracterizada por uma flexibilidade contextual que permite de realizar o modelo normativo da Rechtslehre em diversas circunstâncias culturais: à política diz respeito, de fato, o como ‘traduzir’ as prescrições do direito em princípios contextuais que se adaptem corretamente a uma determinada comunidade humana. No § (...)
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  21. Are causal analysis and system analysis compatible approaches?Federica Russo - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (1):67 – 90.
    In social science, one objection to causal analysis is that the assumption of the closure of the system makes the analysis too narrow in scope, that is, it considers only 'closed' and 'hermetic' systems thus neglecting many other external influences. On the contrary, system analysis deals with complex structures where every element is interrelated with everything else in the system. The question arises as to whether the two approaches can be compatible and whether causal analysis can be integrated into the (...)
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    Traumatic Events, Personality and Psychopathology in Takotsubo Syndrome: A Systematic Review.Federica Galli, Francesca Bursi & Stefano Carugo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Objective. Tako-Tsubo syndrome (TTS) is historically related to the occurrence of psychological (emotional) factors (“broken heart” syndrome). Our aim was conducting a systematic review analyzing the role of psychological factors in TTS. Methods: All studies on TTS and psychological factors from 1991 to April 2019 were scrutinized according to the Cochrane Collaboration and the PRISMA statement. Selected studies were additionally evaluated for the Risk of Bias according to the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Results. Fifteen case-control studies (Mayo Clinic criteria) were finally (...)
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  23. Connecting ethics and epistemology of AI.Federica Russo, Eric Schliesser & Jean Wagemans - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-19.
    The need for fair and just AI is often related to the possibility of understanding AI itself, in other words, of turning an opaque box into a glass box, as inspectable as possible. Transparency and explainability, however, pertain to the technical domain and to philosophy of science, thus leaving the ethics and epistemology of AI largely disconnected. To remedy this, we propose an integrated approach premised on the idea that a glass-box epistemology should explicitly consider how to incorporate values and (...)
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  24. Correlational Data, Causal Hypotheses, and Validity.Federica Russo - 2011 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (1):85 - 107.
    A shared problem across the sciences is to make sense of correlational data coming from observations and/or from experiments. Arguably, this means establishing when correlations are causal and when they are not. This is an old problem in philosophy. This paper, narrowing down the scope to quantitative causal analysis in social science, reformulates the problem in terms of the validity of statistical models. Two strategies to make sense of correlational data are presented: first, a 'structural strategy', the goal of which (...)
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  25. EnviroGenomarkers: The Interplay Between Mechanisms and Difference Making in Establishing Causal Claims.Federica Russo & Jon Williamson - 2012 - Medicine Studies 3 (4):249-262.
    According to Russo and Williamson (Int Stud Philos Sci 21(2):157–170, 2007, Hist Philos Life Sci 33:389–396, 2011a, Philos Sci 1(1):47–69, 2011b ), in order to establish a causal claim of the form, ‘_C_ is a cause of _E_’, one typically needs evidence that there is an underlying mechanism between _C_ and _E_ as well as evidence that _C_ makes a difference to _E_. This thesis has been used to argue that hierarchies of evidence, as championed by evidence-based movements, tend to (...)
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  26. The Rationale of Variation in Methodological and Evidential Pluralism.Federica Russo - 2006 - Philosophica 77 (1).
    Causal analysis in the social sciences takes advantage of a variety of methods and of a multi-fold source of information and evidence. This pluralistic methodology and source of information raises the question of whether we should accordingly have a pluralistic metaphysics and epistemology. This paper focuses on epistemology and argues that a pluralistic methodology and evidence don’t entail a pluralistic epistemology. It will be shown that causal models employ a single rationale of testing, based on the notion of variation. Further, (...)
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    Critica del dominio di genere e di classe. Verso una lettura intersezionalista di J. Dewey e J. Addams.Federica Gregoratto - 2019 - Società Degli Individui 63:20-34.
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    Gendered agrobiodiversity management and adaptation to climate change: differentiated strategies in two marginal rural areas of India.Federica Ravera, Victoria Reyes-García, Unai Pascual, Adam G. Drucker, David Tarrasón & Mauricio R. Bellon - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):455-474.
    Social and cultural contexts influence power dynamics and shape gender perceptions, roles, and decisions regarding the management of agrobiodiversity for dealing with and adapting to climate change. Based on a feminist political ecology framework and a mixed method approach, this research performs an empirical analysis of two case studies in the northern of India, one in the Himalayan Mountains and another in the Indian-Gangetic plains. It explores context-specific influence of gender roles and responsibilities on on-farm agrobiodiversity management gendered expertise and (...)
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    Digital Technologies, Ethical Questions, and the Need of an Informational Framework.Federica Russo - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):655-667.
    Technologies have always been bearers of profound changes in science, society, and any other aspect of life. The latest technological revolution—the digital revolution—is no exception in this respect. This paper presents the revolution brought about by digital technologies through the lenses of a specific approach: the philosophy of information. It is argued that the adoption of an informational approach helps avoiding utopian or dystopian approaches to technology, both expressions of technological determinism. Such an approach provides a conceptual framework able to (...)
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  30. Public health policy, evidence, and causation: lessons from the studies on obesity.Federica Russo - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (2):141-151.
    The paper addresses the question of how different types of evidence ought to inform public health policy. By analysing case studies on obesity, the paper draws lessons about the different roles that different types of evidence play in setting up public health policies. More specifically, it is argued that evidence of difference-making supports considerations about ‘what works for whom in what circumstances’, and that evidence of mechanisms provides information about the ‘causal pathways’ to intervene upon.
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    On Empirical Generalisations.Federica Russo - 2012 - In Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Stephan Hartmann, Michael Stöltzner & Marcel Weber, Probabilities, Laws, and Structures. Berlin: Springer. pp. 123-139.
    Manipulationism holds that information about the results of interventions is of utmost importance for scientific practices such as causal assessment or explanation. Specifically, manipulation provides information about the stability, or invariance, of the relationship between X and Y: were we to wiggle the cause X, the effect Y would accordingly wiggle and, additionally, the relation between the two will not be disrupted. This sort of relationship between variables are called 'invariant empirical generalisations'. The paper focuses on questions about causal assessment (...)
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    Libertà e male morale nella "Critica della ragion pratica" di Immanuel Kant.Federica Basaglia - 2009 - Roma: Aracne.
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    19 Generative Lexicon and the SIMPLE Model: Developing Semantic Resources for NLP.Federica Busa, Nicoletta Calzolari & Alessandro Lenci - 2001 - In Pierrette Bouillon & Federica Busa, The language of word meaning. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 333.
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    The effect of linguistic and visual salience in visual world studies.Federica Cavicchio, David Melcher & Massimo Poesio - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  35. America contro Europa: L'antieuropeismo degli americani dalle origini ai nostri giorni.Federica Ceriani - 2002 - Filosofia 53 (3):79-88.
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  36. Pensieri sul «Mondo».Federica Ceriani - 2002 - Filosofia 53 (1-2):101-112.
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  37. Ein Gedicht von einem Ufer and andre ziehen zu können: Ingeborg Bachmann traduce Giuseppe Ungaretti.Federica Franceschini - 2010 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 31:87-110.
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    Failure of the Anticoagulant Therapy and Psychological Distress: Still Far From a Bridge.Federica Galli, Lidia Borghi, Elena Faioni, Marco Cavicchioli, Jessica Ferrari Losi & Elena Vegni - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Simone de Beauvoir, Luce Irigaray. Una rilettura.Federica Giardini - 2016 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 28 (54).
    While Beauvoir admitted that feminists refused to be women-alibi as she had been, Irigaray recognized that she was one of the many who had read The Second sex being reanimated by it. Nevertheless the two authors have been considered the reference of two opposite feminist theoretical and political paradigms, again and again – emancipation vs liberation, constructivism vs essentialism, materialism vs symbolical. Through the rereading of their main issues, a new feminist paradigm can be developed for the contemporary challenges.
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    Commentary: Musicians' Online Performance during Auditory and Visual Statistical Learning Tasks.Menchinelli Federica, M. J. Pollux Petra & J. Durrant Simon - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    L'arte dell'ascolto: Sarah Kofman e la filosofia.Federica Negri - 2018 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Editorial: Assessing the Therapeutic Uses and Effectiveness of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Video Games for Emotion Regulation and Stress Management.Federica Pallavicini & Stéphane Bouchard - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Le arti e l'esperienza estetica: suoni, immagini e parole per Maria Barbara Ponti.Federica Pau, Luca Vargiu & Maria Barbara Ponti (eds.) - 2022 - Ancona: Affinità elettive.
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    Ripensare il terzo a partire da Levinas: trascendenza e reciprocità.Federica Porcheddu - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
  45.  50
    Causal Arrows in econometric Models.Federica Russo - 2009 - Humana Mente 3 (10).
    Econometrics applies statistical methods to study economic phenomena. Roughly, by means of equations, econometricians typically account for the response variable in terms of a number of explanatory variables. The question arises under what conditions econometric models can be given a causal interpretation. By drawing the distinction between associational models and causal models, the paper argues that a proper use of background knowledge, three distinct types of assumptions (statistical, extra-statistical, and causal), and the hypothetico-deductive methodology provide sufficient conditions for a causal (...)
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  46. Neuroeconomics: Hype or Hope: Rotterdam, 20‐22 November, 2008.Federica Russo - 2009 - Humana Mente 3 (10).
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    Deglutiendo centros Y periferias: La alternativa antropofágica.Federica Scherbosky - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:321-331.
    Resumen: El presente trabajo intenta analizar los elementos críticos a la base de aquella suerte de prescripción que Edward Said formulara a los intelectuales bajo la célebre consigna de “decir las verdades al poder”, esto es, de interpelar públicamente al poder -político, económico, religioso, militar- frente a toda evidencia de injusticia, inconsistencia o turbia manipulación en su operar. En tanto tal, y a partir de nuestra lectura de Said, delimitamos cinco dilemas que el intelectual ha de resolver, en tanto requisitos (...)
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    La interculturalidad, la ruptura, la conciencia de mundo y lo abismal. Aportes para una Epistemología Antropofágica desde el sur.Federica Scherbosky - 2017 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 9:25-48.
    This work develops different contributions that challenge the epistemological classic notions to dividing fields of knowing in those who are susceptible of being studied and learnt and those who are not, beyond the knowledge considered as such by the Academy or by certain hegemony of knowledge. We propose some perspectives that question this dichotomy and the notion of totality as its basis, as for example, intercultural philosophy, from Raúl Fornet-Betancourt; the rupture like a function of the concept itself, analyzed by (...)
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    Marisa Muñoz y Aldana Contardi (editoras), La filosofía argentina de mediados del siglo XX. Figuras, temas y perspectivas.Federica Scherbosky - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0039.
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    Pensare altrimenti: Lévinas e l'umano.Federica Stizza - 2012 - Macerata: EUM.
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