Results for 'Fanny Gribenski'

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  1.  17
    Tuning the world: the rise of 440 Hertz in music, science, & politics, 1859-1955.Fanny Gribenski - 2023 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Now commonly accepted as the point of reference for musicians in the Western world, A 440 hertz only became the standard pitch during an international conference held in 1939. The adoption of this norm was the result of decades of negotiations between countries involving performers, composers, diplomats, physicists, and sound engineers. Although musicians and musicologists are aware of the variability of musical pitches over time, as attested by the use of lower frequencies to perform early music repertoires, no study has (...)
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    Fanny Gribenski, Tuning the World: The Rise of 440 Hertz in Music, Science, and Politics, 1859–1955 Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023. Pp. 280. ISBN 978-0-226-82326-3. $55.00 (cloth). [REVIEW]Joeri Bruyninckx - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (1):127-129.
  3.  82
    Natality or Birth? Arendt and Cavarero on the Human Condition of Being Born.Fanny Söderbäck - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (2):273-288.
    This essay offers a critical analysis of Hannah Arendt's notion of natality through the lens of Adriana Cavarero's feminist philosophy of birth. First, I argue that the strength of Arendtian natality is its rootedness in an ontology of uniqueness, and a commitment to human plurality and relationality. Next, I trace with Cavarero three critical concerns regarding Arendtian natality, namely that it is curiously abstract; problematically disembodied and sexually neutral; and dependent on a model of vulnerability that assumes equality rather than (...)
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    Biomedicine, Public Health, and Citizenship in the Advent of Antiretrovirals in Botswana.Fanny Chabrol - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 14 (2):75-82.
    Often celebrated as a model of development in Africa, Botswana nonetheless endured a severe HIV epidemic. This article describes the singularity of the Botswana experience in facing AIDS and creating the widest possible access to antiretroviral medications for its citizens. Through exploration of different sets of actors and the construction of their ethics of treatment, it is possible to examine how free and universal access was created within the national antiretroviral program. This article underscores the importance of the site and (...)
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    L’intérêt de l’utilisation du support dramatique : un outil pour entendre et écouter, percevoir et comprendre, parler et s’exprimer en langues étrangères.Fanny Auzéau - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    The importance of the Bologna and Imola fragments for the reconstruction of the ‘Post-Vulgate Roman du Graal’.Fanni Bogdanow - 1998 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 80 (1):33-64.
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    Sex Discrimination in Education: Interaction of Ethical and Contextual Challenges in Implementing Equal Opportunities in Hong Kong.Fanny M. Cheung - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (3-4):277-287.
    Ethical decisions are contextualized in the dialectic of a multidimensional system, including situation, setting, culture, and generation. There may be further gaps between the ethical considerations of professionals and folk values. The experience of promoting equal opportunities in Hong Kong illustrates some of these challenges. Whereas the rule of law under a Western legal system advocates human rights, the traditional emphasis on harmony and preference for balancing in conflict resolution underlie the gaps in the interpretation of these ideals. The case (...)
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    Représenter une reine de France. Marie de Médicis et le cycle de Rubens au palais du Luxembourg.Fanny Cosandey - 2004 - Clio 19.
    En commandant à Rubens un cycle exclusivement consacré à sa gloire, Marie de Médicis entend affirmer à toute l’Europe son retour au pouvoir. Au-delà du récit biographique, l’œuvre picturale délivre un message politique fort qui justifie, et légitime, la reine mère dans le gouvernement. Pour parvenir à ses fins, et donner d’elle-même l’image d’une souveraine toute puissante sans transgresser ouvertement les principes monarchiques, Marie de Médicis joue de toutes ses qualités, de femme, de reine, de mère, dans un cycle complexe (...)
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  9.  14
    Beyond Determinism and Irrationalism.Fanny Epstein - 1967 - Philosophy Today 11 (1):38.
  10.  8
    La berlue onfrayenne: réfutation de l'athédonisme.Fanny Lestrange - 2007 - Angers: Seringa.
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    Phaetons ‚Himmelfahrt‘: Heidnische Kosmologie und christliche Exegese im französischen ‚Ovide Moralisé‘.Fanny Maillet & Richard Trachsler - 2019 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 53 (1):287-302.
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    El acceso del hombre a la realidad según Xavier Zubiri.Fannie A. Simonpietri Monefeldt - 1989 - Anuario Filosófico 22 (2):113-132.
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    History of science and instructional design: The case of electromagnetism.Fanny Seroglou, Panagiotis Koumaras & Vassilis Tselfes - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (3):261-280.
  14.  7
    Las filósofas tienen la palabra.Fanny del Río (ed.) - 2020 - México: Siglo XXI Editores.
  15.  35
    Feminist Readings of Antigone.Fanny Söderbäck (ed.) - 2010 - State University of New York Press.
    New and classic essays on Antigone and feminist philosophy.
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    (1 other version)Bertrand Russell Speaks to Chicagoans: a 1929 Interview.Fanny Butcher - 1994 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 14 (14).
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  17.  12
    Reducing Regulatory Burdens on Research with Human Subjects: A Case Study of the Transition to the Final Common Rule at Boston Medical Center and Boston University Medical Campus.Fanny K. Ennever - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (1):164-179.
    Boston Medical Center/Boston University Medical Campus recently reduced certain requirements for human subjects research where this could be done without adversely affecting the rights and welfare of participants, in anticipation of changes in the Final Common Rule. Modifications affected exempt and expedited categories, approval periods, ceding review, Quality Improvement/Quality Assessment activities, and some requirements for pregnant women, prisoners, and children. This case study may assist other institutions in responding to the Final Common Rule.
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    Xavier Vigna, Histoire des ouvriers en France au xxe siècle.Fanny Gallot - 2013 - Clio 38:312-314.
    Pour Xavier Vigna, faire l’Histoire des ouvriers en France au xxe siècle, ce n’est « plus suivre les organisations de la classe, mais les hommes et les femmes dans leur quotidien, au travail et à leur domicile, dans leurs mobilisations comme dans leurs loisirs » (p. 10). Il nous propose alors une « histoire des expériences ouvrières dans le siècle » (p. 10). S’il ne choisit pas d’écrire cette histoire au prisme du genre, l’auteur sensible à la « multiplicité des (...)
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    Digital Eternities.Fanny Georges, Virginie Julliard & Gill Gladstone - 2018 - In Alberto Romele & Enrico Terrone, Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 143-163.
    In this chapter, the authors wish to study the transformation of online profiles created during a user’s lifetime into the profile of a deceased person. To this end, they first focus on the possibilities available to the bereaved to maintain the deceased’s profile and how they manage this. When these perpetuated profiles are taken in hand, they undergo changes. This phenomenon of transformation is what the authors have termed “profilopraxy,” whereby the deceased’s profile is changed so that it complies with (...)
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    L'immersion fictionnelle dans le jeu vidéo.Fanny Georges - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 11 (1):51.
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  21.  36
    Control of retinal growth and axon divergence at the chiasm: lessons from Xenopus.Fanny Mann & Christine E. Holt - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (4):319-326.
    Metamorphosis in frogs is a critical developmental process through which a tadpole changes into an adult froglet. Metamorphic changes include external morphological transformations as well as important changes in the wiring of sensory organs and central nervous system. This review aims to provide an overview on the events that occur in the visual system of metamorphosing amphibians and to discuss recent studies that provide new insight into the molecular mechanisms that control changes in the retinal growth pattern as well as (...)
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  22.  51
    Religious concepts in the Japanese folk tale.Fanny Hagin Mayer - 1974 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1 (1):73-101.
  23. Love in time: an ethical inquiry.Fannie Bialek - 2025 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Love cannot be everlasting, much as we might desire it to be so. So, what is love in a life that begins and ends? How does it feel to love as a finite being, imperfectly as we may? In Western philosophy and religious thought, love has often been characterized as a source of constancy and commitment. Love in Time reveals the opposite to be true. From the ways our beloveds (and their qualities that endear them to us) change over time, (...)
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  24. Toward Emotion Recognition From Physiological Signals in the Wild: Approaching the Methodological Issues in Real-Life Data Collection.Fanny Larradet, Radoslaw Niewiadomski, Giacinto Barresi, Darwin G. Caldwell & Leonardo S. Mattos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Economic Theories of Peace and War.Fanny Coulomb - 2004 - Routledge.
    War often comes down to one thing: money. The role of economics in the study of both peace and war is arguably then the most important single factor when it comes to the study of defence. This excellent new book from Fanny Coulomb will be of interest not only to those involved in the burgeoning field of defence economics - it will also be of vital interest to students and academics from international relations, defence studies, philosophy and political science (...)
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    Care leaders’ moral distress in older adult care: A scoping review.Fanny Ahokas, Marit Silén, Anna T. Höglund & Jessica Hemberg - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Moral distress among nurses is well researched and well documented, but there is limited research on the moral distress experienced by care leaders, who serve as intermediaries between patient care nurses and higher levels of administration. Healthcare professionals experience moral distress daily in the context of older adult care. The aim of this scoping review was to evaluate recent literature on moral distress in older adult care with the goal of revealing how care leaders’ experiences of moral distress in older (...)
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  27. The Identity Approach to the Mind-Body Problem: A Critical Examination.Fanny L. Epstein - 1971 - Dissertation, Boston University Graduate School
  28.  39
    Mindful regulation of positive emotions: a comparison with reappraisal and expressive suppression.Fanny Lalot, Sylvain Delplanque & David Sander - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    It is often acknowledged that mindfulness facilitates emotion regulation on a long-term scale. Only few empirical studies support the hypothesis that even a brief mindfulness induction among subjects without previous experience of meditation allows an effective reduction of both positive and negative emotions. To the best of our knowledge, this hypothesis has never been tested when comparing mindfulness to other regulation strategies known to be effective. The current study investigates the effects of mindfulness, reappraisal and expressive suppression during the regulation (...)
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    Contextualiser pour didactiser : le copier-coller dans le champ des littératies universitaires.Fanny Rinck - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 27 (HS).
    La pratique du copier-coller chez les étudiant.e.s est assimilée à du plagiat et la réponse apportée par l’institution se résume à « surveiller et punir ». Cette pratique mérite cependant d’être interrogée dans le cadre des littératies universitaires par rapport à la nécessaire prise en compte des littératies numériques. Le fait qu’elle soit conçue comme une « méconduite » d’un point de vue déontologique est à comprendre par rapport à un cadre normatif qui en appelle à l’honnêteté académique et institue (...)
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    « Φυσις et φυσις [ne sont] pas la même chose. » Φυσις, physique, métaphysique dans la pensée de Heidegger de part et d’autre du tournant.Fanny Valeyre - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 131 (4):601-621.
    Le sens du nom grec de φύσις, et celui de la physique aristotélicienne, sont au cœur de la compréhension heideggerienne de la métaphysique, qu’il s’agisse, dans les années 1920, de refonder celle-ci en retrouvant ses possibilités initiales, ou, à la fin des années 1930, de l’assumer pour pouvoir la dépasser, puis de la laisser. De part et d’autre du tournant, la φύσις, dans sa surabondance et dans son dépliement, permet en effet de rendre compte de l’émergence de deux domaines, ceux (...)
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    Introduction: Why Birth?Fanny Söderbäck - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Introduction: Why Birth?Fanny SöderbäckWhen asked to put together a special international issue of philoSOPHIA, I was faced with the task of picking a topic that would touch and interest feminist scholars of all continents. Birth—and, by extension, pregnant embodiment, motherhood, reproductive technologies, a woman’s right to choose, and other related topics—stood out to me as an issue that has concerned, and that continues to concern, feminist thinkers from (...)
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    The Problem of Inclusion: Feminist Critique in Religious Ethics.Fannie Bialek - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (2):213-224.
    Religious ethics was founded on a commitment to inclusion, welcoming projects from and about different religious and philosophical traditions. This paper argues that the increasing welcome of feminist ethics in the JRE also reveals a tension in the field between inclusion and critique: where feminist ethics is included as another tradition of ethical inquiry, its critical claims can be escaped by appeal to difference from the traditions it seeks to engage. The response to feminist critique should not be to applaud (...)
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    Après Hegel ou avant Platon? La question heideggerienne du commencement.Fanny Valeyre - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 139 (4):63-83.
    Dans la mesure où il achève l’histoire de la philosophie, Hegel se voit conférer un rôle tout à fait singulier dans la lecture heideggerienne d’une telle histoire. Penser après Hegel, c’est donc penser la fin de cette histoire, et par conséquent aussi son autre limite, à savoir son commencement. Or, la signification et la portée de celui-ci se voient bouleversés de part et d’autre de ce qu’il est convenu de nommer le tournant ( Kehre ) de la pensée heideggerienne. Dans (...)
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    Career as a Professional Gamer: Gaming Motives as Predictors of Career Plans to Become a Professional Esport Player.Fanni Bányai, Ágnes Zsila, Mark D. Griffiths, Zsolt Demetrovics & Orsolya Király - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Playing with Gender: Girls, Dolls, and Adult Ideals in the Roman World.Fanny Dolansky - 2012 - Classical Antiquity 31 (2):256 - +.
    This study examines the socio-cultural significance of dolls as Roman girls' toys. It focuses on a sample of ivory, bone, and cloth dolls, many of which have ornate hairstyles, molded breasts and, in some cases, delineated genitalia. As the only explicitly gendered toys from the Roman world, these constitute unique bodies of evidence for exploring questions of socialization and identity formation, and assessing ancient ideals. Often treated as relatively straightforward objects that prepared girls for futures as wives and mothers, this (...)
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    Quantum physics: an anthology of current thought.Fannie Huang (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Rosen Pub. Group.
  37. Being in the Present: Derrida and Irigaray on the Metaphysics of Presence.Fanny Söderbäck - 2013 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 27 (3):253-264.
    In his essay "Différance," Derrida suggests that "the privilege granted to the present . . . is the ether of metaphysics."1 And in "Ousia and Grammé," he expresses this same idea, noting that "the entire history of philosophy" has "been authorized by the 'extraordinary right' of the present" and that "from Parmenides to Husserl, the privilege of the present has never been put into question."2 All temporal modes are ultimately thought in the form of presence (ousia): "The past and the (...)
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    Motherhood According to Kristeva: On Time and Matter in Plato and Kristeva.Fanny Söderbäck - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (1):65-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Motherhood According to KristevaOn Time and Matter in Plato and KristevaFanny SöderbäckThe state of the maternal has been disputed among feminists for quite some time. Julia Kristeva, whose work will be my focus of attention here, has been criticized for her emphasis on the maternal, particularly with regards to her alleged equation of maternity with femininity. Critics have suggested that such equation risks reducing woman to the biological function (...)
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    Timely Revolutions: On the Timelessness of the Unconscious.Fanny Söderbäck - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (2):46-55.
    Julia Kristeva’s work on the concept of revolt is marked by a temporal analysis that takes revolt to be a movement of return into the past that makes possible change, rebirth, and an open future. Such temporal revolt is, according to Kristeva, intimate, in that it touches on unconscious psychic structures and operates on the level of thought and creativity. But Kristeva simultaneously inherits Freud’s notion that the unconscious is timeless. How, I ask, can revolt be defined as a temporal (...)
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  40.  10
    Un philosophe cosmopolite du XVIIIe siècle.Fanny Varnum - 1936 - Paris,: Rodstein.
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    Governance of mineral resources: Towards the end of national states’ supremacy?Fanny Verrax - 2014 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):41-51.
    This paper addresses the issue of mineral resources’ governance and trading rules. In doing so, it takes a closer look at the 2012 World Trade Organization case pertaining to Chinese exportation quotas of rare earth elements and other minerals. It argues that the current governance system based on national responsibility over resources control and global trading rules is not well adapted to a sustainable and fair management of mineral resources, and concludes by suggesting two paths towards a better governance of (...)
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    Performative Presence: Judith Butler and the Temporal Regimes of Global Assembly.Fanny Söderbäck - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (2):32-49.
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    Enhancing human agency through redress in Artificial Intelligence Systems.Rosanna Fanni, Valerie Eveline Steinkogler, Giulia Zampedri & Jo Pierson - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):537-547.
    Recently, scholars across disciplines raised ethical, legal and social concerns about the notion of human intervention, control, and oversight over Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. This observation becomes particularly important in the age of ubiquitous computing and the increasing adoption of AI in everyday communication infrastructures. We apply Nicholas Garnham's conceptual perspective on mediation to users who are challenged both individually and societally when interacting with AI-enabled systems. One way to increase user agency are mechanisms to contest faulty or flawed AI (...)
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  44.  44
    Helping traumatized people survive: a psychoanalytic intervention in a contaminated site.Fanny Guglielmucci, Isabella G. Franzoi, Chiara P. Barbasio, Francesca V. Borgogno & Antonella Granieri - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Fantastic Antigones : The Tragic Legacy of Trans Grief.Fanny Söderbäck - 2023 - In Synne Myrebøe, Valgerður Pálmadóttir & Johanna Sjöstedt, Feminist Philosophy: Time, History and the Transformation of Thought. Södertörn University. pp. 169-190.
    Fantastic Antigones : The Tragic Legacy of Trans Grief.
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    Singularity in the wake of slavery: Adriana Cavarero's ontology of uniqueness and Alex Haley's Roots.Fanny Söderbäck - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (7):e12685.
    This essay examines Italian philosopher Adriana Cavarero's ontology of uniqueness through a reading of Alex Haley's novel Roots, and the recent television adaptation of that book. If Cavarero has insisted throughout her work that we need to challenge the philosophical privileging of abstract universality and focus instead on the irreducibility of embodied singularity, and if such a move in her work has always relied on a feminist analysis of the role women play in such a drama, I argue that attention (...)
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  47. The metaphysics of mind-body identity theories.Fanny L. Epstein - 1973 - American Philosophical Quarterly 10 (2):111-121.
    The article is an attempt to uncover the metaphysical assumptions implicit in the otherwise highly scientific contemporary identity theories. 1) the identity statement, Being a philosophical interpretation of dualistic psychophysical correspondence, Requires for its support a justificatory ontological or linguistic premise. 2) the conception of the mental as the hidden, Unobservable, Subjective and private is a metaphysical distortion with historical roots in an empiricist and positivist interpretation of the cartesian dichotomy of thinking and extended thing. 3) acceptance of an artificial (...)
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  48. Theorizing the role of the Baxter Paradox in the possible evolution of international biolaw.Simona Fanni - 2020 - In Torres Cazorla & María Isabel, Bioderecho internacional y universalización: el papel de las organizaciones y los tribunales internacionales = International biolaw and universality: the role of international organizations and international courts. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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    The Ottoman Lady: A Social History from 1718 to 1918.Fanny Davis - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (3):605.
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    Revillard Anne. 2019. Handicap et travail. Paris: Les Presses de Sciences Po.Fanny Jaffrès - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-1 (14-1):56-58.
    Dans un format concis et accessible, la sociologue Anne Revillard propose d’initier un public, averti ou non, aux enjeux relatifs à l’emploi des personnes handicapées. En six chapitres, l’ouvrage dresse le constat d’une population en situation de handicap doublement marginalisée et propose une recension critique des dispositifs d’action publique pour l’emploi des personnes handicapées. Le lecteur appréciera la bibliographie fournie de cet ouvrage qui recense aussi bien les travaux français qu...
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